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In this paper we present an estimation algorithm for tracking the motion of a low-observable target in a gravitational field, for example, an incoming ballistic missile (BM), using angle-only measurements. The measurements, which are obtained from a single stationary sensor, are available only for a short time. Also, the low target detection probability and high false alarm density present a difficult low-observable environment. The algorithm uses the probabilistic data association (PDA) algorithm in conjunction with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation to handle the false alarms and the less-than-unity target detection probability. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) in clutter, which quantifies the best achievable estimator accuracy for this problem in the presence of false alarms and nonunity detection probability, is also presented. The proposed estimator is shown to be efficient, that is, it meets the CRLB, even for low-observable fluctuating targets with 6 dB average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For a BM in free flight with 0.6 single-scan detection probability, one can achieve a track detection probability of 0.99 with a negligible probability of false track acceptance  相似文献   

Sensors like radar or sonar usually produce data on the basis of a single frame of observation: target detections. The detection performance is described by quantities like detection probability Pd and false alarm density f. A different task of detection is formation of tracks of targets unknown in number from data of multiple consecutive frames of observation. This leads to quantities which are of a higher level of abstraction: extracted tracks. This again is a detection process. Under benign conditions (high Pd, low f and well separated targets) conventional methods of track initiation are recommended to solve a simple task. However, under hard conditions the process of track extraction is known to be difficult. We here concentrate on the case of well separated targets and derive an optimal combinatorial method which can be used under hard operating conditions. The method relates to MHT (multiple hypothesis tracking), uses a sequential likelihood ratio test and derives benefit from processing signal strength information. The performance of the track extraction method is described by parameters such as detection probability and false detection rate on track level, while Pd and f are input parameters which relate to the signal-to-noise interference ratio (SNIR), the clutter density, and the threshold set for target detection. In particular the average test lengths are analyzed parametrically as they are relevant for a user to estimate the time delay for track formation under hard conditions  相似文献   

针对云雨杂波和主被动干扰导致多雷达传感器产生虚假目标航迹的问题,利用支持向量机(SVM)算法的自主学习能力,通过构建基于数据驱动的判别模型进行虚假航迹识别。针对航迹起始得到的目标潜在航迹,利用人工智能数据驱动、自学习的特点,设计了SVM算法。通过对已标记真假的目标航迹样本进行离线学习,形成虚假航迹识别的SVM分类器,实现了基于数据驱动的判别模型代替先验知识规则约束的固定模型,并在工程应用中,利用SVM分类器在线识别虚假航迹,完成实时剔除。通过实测雷达数据实验验证,该算法的目标虚假航迹准确率高达95%以上,完全满足实际的工程应用需求。相比基于阈值或规则进行硬性判断的传统虚假航迹识别方法,所提出的算法不仅提高了准确率,还具有较高的实时性,能够适应复杂多变的杂波环境,在实际应用中具有更强的适应性和实用性。因此,提出的基于SVM算法的虚假航迹识别方法对于密集杂波场景下的虚假航迹剔除问题具有显著的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

In conventional passive and active sonar system, target amplitude information (AI) at the output of the signal processor is used only to declare detections and provide measurements. We show that the AI can be used in passive sonar system, with or without frequency measurements, in the estimation process itself to enhance the performance in the presence of clutter where the target-originated measurements cannot be identified with certainty, i.e., for “low observable” or “dim” (low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)) targets. A probabilistic data association (PDA) based maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for target motion analysis (TMA) that uses amplitude information is derived. A track formation algorithm and the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) in the presence of false measurements, which is met by the estimator even under low SNR conditions, are also given. The CRLB is met by the proposed estimator even at 6 dB in a cell (which corresponds to 0 dB for 1 Hz bandwidth in the case of a 0.25 Hz frequency cell) whereas the estimator without AI works only down to 9 dB. Results demonstrate improved accuracy and superior global convergence when compared with the estimator without AI. The same methodology can be used for bistatic radar  相似文献   

EM-ML algorithm for track initialization using possibly noninformative data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initializing and maintaining a track for a low observable (LO) (low SNR, low target detection probability and high false alarm rate) target can be very challenging because of the low information content of measurements. In addition, in some scenarios, target-originated measurements might not be present in many consecutive scans because of mispointing, target maneuvers, or erroneous preprocessing. That is, one might have a set of noninformative scans that could result in poor track initialization and maintenance. In this paper an algorithm based on the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm combined with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is presented for tracking slowly maneuvering targets in heavy clutter and possibly noninformative scans. The adaptive sliding-window EM-ML approach, which operates in batch mode, tries to reject or weight down noninformative scans using the Q-function in the M-step of the EM algorithm. It is shown that target features in the form of, for example, amplitude information (AI), can also be used to improve the estimates. In addition, performance bounds based on the supplemented EM (SEM) technique are also presented. The effectiveness of new algorithm is first demonstrated on a 78-frame long wave infrared (LWIR) data sequence consisting of an Fl Mirage fighter jet in heavy clutter. Previously, this scenario has been used as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of other track initialization algorithms. The new EM-ML estimator confirms the track by frame 20 while the ML-PDA (maximum likelihood estimator combined with probabilistic data association) algorithm, the IMM-MHT (interacting multiple model estimator combined with multiple hypothesis tracking) and the EVIM-PDA estimator previously required 28, 38, and 39 frames, respectively. The benefits of the new algorithm in terms of accuracy, early detection, and computational load are illustrated using simulated scenarios as well.  相似文献   

The performance evaluation of multiple-hypothesis, multitarget tracking algorithm is presented. We are primarily interested in target-detection/track-initiation capabilities as measures of performance. Through Monte Carlo simulations, a multiple-hypothesis tracking algorithm was evaluated in terms of 1) probability of establishing a track from target returns and 2) false track density. A radar was chosen as the sensor, and a general multiple-hypothesis, multitarget tracking algorithm was used in the Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation results predict the probability of establishing a track from returns of a target as well as the false track density per scan volume per unit time. The effects of the target radar cross section and the radar power, measured through the mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were studied, as were the effects of detection threshold and track quality threshold. Computational requirements were also investigated  相似文献   

Directed Subspace Search ML-PDA with Application to Active Sonar Tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The maximum likelihood probabilistic data association (ML-PDA) tracking algorithm is effective in tracking Very Low Observable targets (i.e., very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) targets in a high false alarm environment). However, the computational complexity associated with obtaining the track estimate in many cases has precluded its use in real-time scenarios. Previous ML-PDA implementations used a multi-pass grid (MPG) search to find the track estimate. Two alternate methods for finding the track estimate are presented-a genetic search and a newly developed directed subspace (DSS) search algorithm. Each algorithm is tested using active sonar scenarios in which an autonomous underwater vehicle searches for and tracks a target. Within each scenario, the problem parameters are varied to illustrate the relative performance of each search technique. Both the DSS search and the genetic algorithm are shown to be an order of magnitude more computationally efficient than the MPG search, making possible real-time implementation. In addition, the DSS search is shown to be the most effective technique at tracking a target at the lowest SNR levels-reliable tracking down to 5 dB (postprocessing SNR in a resolution cell) using a 5-frame sliding window is demonstrated, this being 6 dB better than the MPG search.  相似文献   

A logic-based track formation procedure was presented by C.B. Chang et al. (1984). In addition to the conventional gating logic, it utilized the negative log-likelihood function (goodness of fit or sum of residuals) to further reduce the false track acceptance probability. An analytical technique for the evaluation of the effectiveness of this reduction is presented. The exact solution in closed form and a Gaussian approximation are given and compared. It is shown that the goodness of fit provides an additional reduction of the false track acceptance probability by a factor of two to three  相似文献   

In a dense detection environment track-while-scan algorithms will introduce many false tracks when processing is performed on a scan-by-scan basis. The maximum likelihood solution involving all detections on all scans is formulated and evaluated for the initiation problem consisting of false alarms, missed detections, and unresolved detections. A comparison is made between the maximum likelihood solutions including and not including the resolution likelihood and it is shown that the resolution likelihood must be included if the data contain unresolved detections. While the maximum likelihood method (with unresolved detections) does not appear to be implementable in real time without very high speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) technology, it can be used as a standard to which more implementable methods can be compared.  相似文献   

Detection of long-duration narrowband processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detecting long, weak signals that are narrowband but of unknown frequency structure is an important signal processing challenge, with many applications in remote sensing and process monitoring. An ad hoc scheme is developed. Its stages include the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), a multiresolution decomposition in the frequency domain, and a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). The computational load is light, and the performance is remarkably good. This is so not just in the original narrowband situation, but also, due to an inherent adaptivity to the data, in the detection of signals that are relatively broadband in nature. Generalizations are given to constant false alarm rate (CFAR) operation in both prewhitened and unwhitened cases, and to the detection of multiband signals. As regards the last, it is discovered that there is little loss from overestimating the number of bands  相似文献   

清除由测向线交叉产生的虚假目标点是无源交叉定位的关键问题,目前已经有多种解决办法,如最小距离法、最大似然法和频谱相关法,但它们或是有效性低,或是计算量大,或是需要较难获得的先验知识。利用多普勒频移比清除双站测向交叉定位产生的虚假目标是一种新方法,这种方法只利用传感器接收到的目标频率,而无需获得目标的发射频率,也不需其它的先验知识,且计算较为简单。计算机仿真结果表明该方法有效。  相似文献   

IMMPDAF for radar management and tracking benchmark with ECM   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A framework is presented for controlling a phased array radar for tracking highly maneuvering targets in the presence of false alarms (FAs) and electronic countermeasures (ECMs). Algorithms are presented for track formation and maintenance; adaptive selection of target revisit interval, waveform and detection threshold; and neutralizing techniques for ECM, namely, against a standoff jammer (SOJ) and range gate pull off (RGPO). The interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator in combination with the probabilistic data association (PDA) technique is used for tracking. A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) approach is used to adaptively select the detection threshold and radar waveform, countering the effect of jammer-induced false measurements. The revisit interval is selected adaptively, based on the predicted angular innovation standard deviations. This tracker/radar-resource-allocator provides a complete solution to the benchmark problem for target tracking and radar control. Simulation results show an average sampling interval of about 2.5 s while maintaining a track loss less than the maximum allowed 4%  相似文献   

Bayesian tracking of two possibly unresolved maneuvering targets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper studies the problem of maintaining tracks of two targets that may maneuver in and out formation flight, whereas the sensor and measurement extraction chain produces false and possibly unresolved or missing measurements. If the possibility of unresolved measurements is not modelled then it is quite likely that either the two tracks coalesce or that one of the two tracks diverges on false measurements. In literature a robust measurement resolution model has been incorporated within an interacting multiple model/multiple hypothesis tracking (IMM/MHT) track maintenance setting. A straightforward incorporation of the same model within an IMM and probabilistic data association (PDA)-like hypothesis merging approach suffers from track coalescence. In order to improve this situation, the paper develops a track-coalescence avoiding hypotheses merging version for the two target problem considered. Through Monte Carlo simulations, the novel filters are compared with applying hypotheses merging approaches that ignore the possibility of unresolved measurements or track-coalescence.  相似文献   

GLRT subspace detection for range and Doppler distributed targets   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is derived for adaptive detection of range and Doppler-distributed targets. The clutter is modeled as a spherically invariant random process (SIRP) and its texture component is range dependent (heterogeneous clutter). We suppose here that the speckle component covariance matrix is known or estimated thanks to a secondary data set. Thus, unknown parameters to be estimated are local texture values, the complex amplitudes and Doppler frequencies of all scattering centers. To do so, we use superresolution methods. The proposed detector assumes a priori knowledge on the spatial distribution of the target and has the precious property of having a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) with the assumption of a known speckle covariance matrix or by the use of frequency agility.  相似文献   

Interacting multiple model tracking with target amplitude feature   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A recursive tracking algorithm is presented which uses the strength of target returns to improve track formation performance and track maintenance through target maneuvers in a cluttered environment. This technique combines the interacting multiple model (IMM) approach with a generalized probabilistic data association (PDA), which uses the measured return amplitude in conjunction with probabilistic models for the target and clutter returns. Key tracking decisions can be made automatically by assessing the probabilities of target models to provide rapid and accurate decisions for both true track acceptance and false track dismissal in track formation. It also provides the ability to accurately continue tracking through coordinated turn target maneuvers  相似文献   

孙殿星  王国宏  盛丹 《航空学报》2016,37(4):1292-1304
以集中式融合结构雷达网为研究背景,从电子战飞机(ECAV)产生虚假航迹的原理出发,针对真/假航迹空间分布差异,提出了基于均值-方差联合检验的航迹欺骗干扰识别技术。首先分析了真/假航迹的统计特性差异,然后利用多个时刻航迹的坐标差,并通过坐标差的协方差阵对角化和归一化处理来构造检验样本,最后利用似然比统计检验的方法实现了虚假航迹的识别。仿真结果表明该技术能够对航迹欺骗干扰进行有效的识别,在雷达测距精度、测角精度变化的条件下仍能保持较高的识别率。  相似文献   

By exploring the covariance structure information to reduce the uncertainty in adaptive processing, a persymmetric generalized likelihood ratio algorithm (PGLR) is developed together with the closed-form expressions of probabilities of detection and false alarm. This multiband algorithm, which requires less computation, can significantly outperform the corresponding unstructured multiband GLR algorithm, especially in a severely nonstationary and/or nonhomogeneous interference environment. Simulation shows that the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance of the new algorithm is as insensitive as that of the unstructured multiband GLR to the departure of interference distribution from Gaussian  相似文献   

Knowledge-based system for multi-target tracking in a littoral environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses how to efficiently exploit the knowledge-base (KB), e.g. environmental maps and characteristics of the targets, in order to gain improved performance in the tracking of multiple targets via measurements provided by a ship-borne radar operating in a littoral environment. In this scenario, the nonhomogeneity of the surveillance region makes the conventional tracking systems (not using the KB) very sensitive to false alarms and/or missed detections. It is demonstrated that an effective use of the KB can be exploited at various levels of the tracking algorithms so as to significantly reduce the number of false alarms, missed detections, and false tracks and improve true target track life. The KB is exploited at two different levels. First, some key parameters of the tracking system are made dependent upon the track location, e.g., sea, land, coast, meteo zones (i.e., zones affected by meteorological phenomena) etc. Second, modifications are introduced to cope with a priori identified regions nit hi high clutter density (e.g. littoral areas, roads, meteo zones etc.). To evaluate the behavior of the proposed knowledge-based tracking systems, extensive results are presented using both simulated and real radar data  相似文献   

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