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轻质碳-酚醛防热材料缺陷类型及影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了一种新型的烧蚀防热材料——纤维增强纳米多孔轻质耐烧蚀材料的缺陷类型及形成机理。通过对材料的成型工艺、力热性能以及微观结构形貌状态的研究,确定了材料成型过程中可能形成的缺陷类型及其对产品力热性能的影响,并给出了材料的检测方法及合格判据。所得结果可为其他大尺寸整体成型的纳米增强防热材料产品提供检测依据。  相似文献   

While the Apex chert is one of the most well-studied Archean deposits on Earth, its formation history is still not fully understood. Here, we present Raman spectroscopic data collected on the carbonaceous material (CM) present within the matrix of the Apex chert. These data, collected within a paragenetic framework, reveal two different phases of CM deposited within separate phases of quartz matrix. These multiple generations of CM illustrate the difficulty of searching for signs of life in these rocks and, by extension, in other Archean sequences.  相似文献   

第24个太阳活动周峰年即将到来。太阳风暴由于其给现代人类社会活动带来的巨大灾难,引起了越来越多的关住。文章首先回顾了太阳风暴及其对人类社会活动的影响,然后对历史上1859年卡林顿事件中太阳风暴和近几十年来著名的太阳风暴的强度进行了比较,最后简要介绍了太阳风暴所涉及的科学和技术问题,并且提出了减轻太阳风暴给社会活动带来灾害的对策。  相似文献   

Head-down tilt models have been used as ground-based simulations of microgravity. Our previous animal research has demonstrated that there are significant changes in fluid distribution within 2 h after placement in a 45 degrees head-down tilt (45HDT) position and these changes in fluid distribution were still present after 14 days of 45HDT. Consequently, we investigated changes in fluid distribution during recovery from 16 days of 45HDT. Changes in radioactive tracer distribution and organ/body weight ratio were examined in rats randomly assigned to a 45HDT or prone control group. The 45HDT rats were suspended for 16 days and then allowed to recover at the prone position 0, 77, 101, or 125 h post-suspension. Animals were injected with technetium-labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetate (99mTcDTPA, MW=492 amu, physical half-life of 6.02 h) and then killed 30 min post-injection. Lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and brain were harvested, weighed, and measured for radioactive counts. Statistical analyses included two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) that compared 45HDT versus controls at the four experimental time points. The organ weight divided by the body weight ratio for the brain, heart, kidneys and liver in the 45HDT rats was significantly different than the control rats, regardless of time (treatment). There was no difference between the different time points (time). The average 99mTcDTPA count divided by the organ weight ratio values for the heart, liver, and spleen were significantly higher in the 45HDT group than the control group. The average counts for the heart and spleen were significantly higher at 77, 101, and 125 h than at time zero. We conclude that the major organs have different recovery patterns after 45HDT for 16 days in the rat.  相似文献   

炭/炭-酚醛双基体烧蚀防热材料研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分别采用PAN基及粘胶丝基炭布作为增强体,进行了一种新型的炭/炭-酚醛双基体烧蚀防热层板材料的探索研究。结果表明,炭/炭-酚醛双基体材料的密度基本与炭/酚醛材料的密度相当;弯曲强度与炭/酚醛材料及C/C材料相当。弯曲模量稍高于炭/酚醛材料而低于C/C材料。其层剪强度低于炭/酚醛材料和C/C材料。降低了30%-40%。炭/炭-酚醛双基体材料保持了炭/酚醛材料低热导率的特点,热膨胀系数低于炭/酚醛材料,但高于C/C材料,其线烧蚀率比炭/酚醛材料降低20%-40%。与PAN基炭布增强材料相比,粘胶丝基炭布表现出层剪强度高、密度低和模量低的优点。但热膨胀系数大和线烧蚀率较大。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition and concentrations of helium are investigated in 9 samples taken from different depths of a soil column delivered by the Luna-24 mission. It is demonstrated that, with allowance made for random errors, the isotopic composition of helium remains invariable. The concentrations of helium are subject to considerable variations, the increases and decreases relative to the average value reaching a factor of 1.5–2. Assuming that the full length of the soil column was formed due to long-term accumulation of lunar clastic rocks (regolith), based on measurements of cosmogenic isotopes, a method of determining the rate of regolith accumulation has been developed, as well as a method of determining the age of the column soil samples. It is found that the rate of regolith accumulation is variable, and it changes over the column length within the limits (0.2–0.8 cm)/106 years. The range of the time for formation of the investigated part of the column is 100–600 million years. The observed decreases of concentration (at 250 and 600 million years) can be associated with both solar and lunar processes. In particular, a possibility of diffusion losses of helium due to the mechanism of jump-like diffusion is discussed, and diffusion parameters are found. A comparison of time periods of the observed variations in the solar wind with paleontological epochs and periods is made.  相似文献   

美俄卫星太空碰撞事件及对航天活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了最近发生的美俄卫星太空碰撞重大事件;深入剖析了导致碰撞的可能原因;详细评述了卫星碰撞事件对空间碎片环境的严重恶化和对人类航天活动的影响;分析了碰撞事件对空间碎片研究带来的新困难和新挑战。文章指出,从航天器安全角度来讲,减缓、控制乃至清除空间碎片是全人类共同的责任和唯一选择。  相似文献   

Viability rates were determined for microbial populations of Escherichia coli and Deinococcus radiodurans under the environmental stresses of low temperature (-35 degrees C), low-pressure conditions (83.3 kPa), and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (37 W/m(2)). During the stress tests the organisms were suspended in saltwater soil and freshwater soil media, at variable burial depths, and in seawater. Microbial populations of both organisms were most susceptible to dehydration stress associated with low-pressure conditions, and to UV irradiation. However, suspension in a liquid water medium and burial at larger depths (5 cm) improved survival rates markedly. Our results indicate that planetary surfaces that possess little to no atmosphere and have low water availability do not constitute a favorable environment for terrestrial microorganisms.  相似文献   

采用原位生成法在C/C复合材料SiC内涂层表面制备了mullite(莫来石)-Si-Al2 O3抗氧化涂层.采用XRD、SEM分析了涂层的物相组成和微观结构,并测试了SiC/mullite-Si-Al2 O3复合涂层的抗氧化性能.结果表明,外涂层主要由mullite、Si和Al2O3三相组成;涂层致密无裂纹;SiC/mullite-Si-Al2 O3复合涂层在1500℃静态空气中等温氧化75 h后,试样失重仅为4.6%,防氧化性能明显优于单一的SiC内涂层.  相似文献   

Hoffman N 《Astrobiology》2002,2(3):313-323
The detection of geologically recent channels and gullies on Mars has been interpreted as evidence for recent water activity on this arid and cold planet. The presence of active water would have considerable implications for the history of Mars and for the potential for an active near-surface biota; however, water is not the only substance that can flow and may actually be one of the least likely candidates when the modern permafrost environment is considered. Here, a key site of recent gully and channel development on Mars is reported at 71 degrees S in Sisyphi Cavi, within the annual zone of polar CO2 ice and snow accumulation. Superposition of channel features over and/or through the defrosting CO2 snowpack shows that the channels are active at the present day and probably have fluid flows every spring during the annual defrosting. In itself, this is a significant observation as active fluid flows of any nature have not yet been proven on Mars. However, the ambient temperature at the time of gully activity appears to require a role for CO2 in the formation of the channels, rather than water. A model is proposed for gas-lubricated flow in the channels based on avalanching of CO2 snowpack and clastic debris. If similar mechanisms are responsible for all the recent gullies on Mars, then perhaps no near-surface astrobiological targets are available.  相似文献   

四唑类盐的制备及其在固体推进剂中的应用初探   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
合成了5-苯基四唑、5-亚甲基二四唑,并通过元素分析及质谱方法对其进行了分析鉴定,制备了其铜、铅、锶盐;对3种金属盐在改性双基推进剂配方中的应用进行了探索性研究。初步研究表明,四唑类的金属盐类可以作为复合改性双基推进剂(CMDB)的含能燃烧催化剂。  相似文献   

采用两步包埋法在C/C复合材料表面制备SiC-MoSi2抗氧化复合涂层,通过恒温氧化实验以及X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察,研究了包埋粉料中硅钼含量对复合涂层微观结构和高温抗氧化性能的影响。结果表明,随着包埋粉料中硅钼比的减小,涂层的厚度和致密性先增加后减小,硅钼质量比为6∶1时所制备的复合涂层具有较大的厚度和较为致密的结构,且MoSi2含量相对较高,体现出优良的抗氧化和抗热震性能,在1 500℃氧化87.3 h和经过9次1 500℃室温急冷急热后,带有该涂层的C/C试样失重仅为3.22%。穿透性裂纹的形成是长时间氧化后涂层失效的主要原因。  相似文献   

针刺炭布/网胎复合织物的组分形态及性能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将T-300炭纤维平纹布和聚丙烯腈(PAN)预氧化纤维网胎预复合,接力层叠、针刺、炭化后制备了炭布/网胎复合织物.在分析复合织物组分形态的基础上,研究了针刺深度和针刺密度对复合织物性能的影响.研究结果表明,随针刺深度增大,复合织物密度增大,X-Y向和Z向拉伸强度均存在极值;随针刺密度增加,复合织物X-Y向拉伸强度下降,而复合织物密度和Z向拉伸强度则存在极值.  相似文献   

NEPE推进剂粘接体系中的组分迁移及影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和等离子发射光谱(ICP),并结合粘接强度的变化,研究了NEPE推进剂粘接体系中组分的迁移及对粘接性能的影响.结果表明,NEPE推进剂中的硝酸酯和稳定剂向HTPB/TDI衬层中的迁移量,随氨基甲酸酯硬段含量的升高而增大;硝酸酯的迁移对衬层的粘接贮存性能无明显不利影响,但显著降低了HTPB/TDI衬层的力学贮存性能;NEPE推进剂中TPB的单向迁移降低了衬层/推进剂界面的粘接性能,稳定剂的单向迁移显著降低了界面的粘接贮存性能.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势的不断加强,航天方面的国际承包项目、国际合作必然会越来越多,提高我国航天国际合作项目的管理水平迫在眉睫。文章整合了国际上常见的一些工程项目管理模式,从融资和建设角度出发,对这些模式的特点、实施方式作出了详细分析,尤其对各种模式在应用中存在的优势及特点以及适用范围进行了研究,对于发展适合中国航天领域的国际合作项目管理模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

先进镁合金材料及其在航空航天领域中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章介绍了上海交通大学轻合金精密成型国家工程研究中心在先进镁合金材料与成型工艺的研究进展,重点介绍了JDM1和JDM2两种镁合金新材料的显微组织与强化机制,详细介绍了涂层转移精密铸造技术、大型铸件低压铸造技术、大型锻件成型技术和表面超声波阳极氧化技术等4种镁合金成型新工艺,最后介绍了JDM1和JDM2合金及成型新工艺在我国航空航天领域中的应用。  相似文献   

Antarctic permafrost soils have not received as much geocryological and biological study as has been devoted to the ice sheet, though the permafrost is more stable and older and inhabited by more microbes. This makes these soils potentially more informative and a more significant microbial repository than ice sheets. Due to the stability of the subsurface physicochemical regime, Antarctic permafrost is not an extreme environment but a balanced natural one. Up to 10(4) viable cells/g, whose age presumably corresponds to the longevity of the permanently frozen state of the sediments, have been isolated from Antarctic permafrost. Along with the microbes, metabolic by-products are preserved. This presumed natural cryopreservation makes it possible to observe what may be the oldest microbial communities on Earth. Here, we describe the Antarctic permafrost habitat and biodiversity and provide a model for martian ecosystems.  相似文献   

冲蚀条件下炭布橡胶绝热层烧蚀实验与计算   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
开展了冲蚀条件下一种炭布橡胶类绝热材料的烧蚀实验,研究了颗粒浓度和冲蚀速度对该绝热层烧蚀的影响规律。实验结果表明,实验条件下冲蚀速度是影响绝热层烧蚀的最主要因素;冲蚀速度较低时,即使颗粒浓度很高,烧蚀率也不是很大。在实验基础上建立了一种基于炭化烧蚀模型的烧蚀计算模型,即首先根据实验数据建立冲蚀状态与炭层厚度之间的关系,然后采用传统的炭化烧蚀模型进行烧蚀计算,计算结果与实验结果在一定程度上较为吻合。  相似文献   

为改善相稳定硝酸铵(PSAN)的吸湿性和表面极性,选择乙二胺、二乙胺和三乙胺,分别代表伯、仲和叔胺化合物,与PSAN颗粒表面反应,制备反应型包覆PSAN。FTIR证实,乙二胺、二乙胺和三乙胺与AN均能发生化学反应。通过吸湿率、接触角测量和推进剂拉伸实验,对包覆效果进行了表征。结果表明,二乙胺反应型包覆的PSAN吸湿性和表面极性改善效果最好,相对湿度为75.3%和92.5%两种环境下,8 h吸湿率分别下降了60.5%和63.6%,表面自由能极性分量下降了约91%,非极性分量增加了约145%;而乙二胺反应型包覆PSAN对BAMO-THF/PSAN推进剂力学性能改善效果最好,乙二胺包覆量为0.2%时,推进剂的最大应力σm取得最大值,σm提高了约46%,最大应力下延伸率εm提高了约83%。  相似文献   

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