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Physiology of the root system is dependent upon oxygen availability and tissue respiration. During hypoxia nutrient and water acquisition may be inhibited, thus affecting the overall biochemical and physiological status of the plant. For the Astroculture (TM) plant growth hardware, the availability of oxygen in the root zone was measured by examining the changes in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity within the root tissue. ADH activity is a sensitive biochemical indicator of hypoxic conditions in plants and was measured in both spaceflight and control roots. In addition to the biochemical enzyme assays, localization of ADH in the root tissue was examined cytochemically. The results of these analyses showed that ADH activity increased significantly as a result of spaceflight exposure. Enzyme activity increased 248% to 304% in dwarf wheat when compared with the ground controls and Brassica showed increases between 334% and 579% when compared with day zero controls. Cytochemical staining revealed no differences in ADH tissue localization in any of the dwarf wheat treatments. These results show the importance of considering root system oxygenation in designing and building nutrient delivery hardware for spaceflight plant cultivation and confirm previous reports of an ADH response associated with spaceflight exposure.  相似文献   

A number of space-based experiments have been conducted to assess the impact of microgravity on plant growth and development. In general, these experiments did not identify any profound impact of microgravity on plant growth and development, though investigations to study seed development have indicated difficulty in plants completing their reproductive cycle. However, it was not clear whether the lack of seed production was due to gravity effects or some other environmental condition prevailing in the unit used for conducting the experiment. The ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit contains a totally enclosed plant chamber in which all the critically important environmental conditions are controlled. Normal wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth and development in the ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit was observed during a ground experiment conducted prior to the space experiment. Subsequent to the ground experiment, the flight unit was transported to MIR by STS-89, as part of the U.S. Shuttle/MIR program, in an attempt to determine if super dwarf wheat plants that were germinated in microgravity would grow normally and produce seeds. The experiment was initiated on-orbit after the flight unit was transferred from the Space Shuttle to MIR. The ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit performed nominally for the first 24 hours after the flight unit was activated, and then the unit stopped functioning abruptly. Since it was not possible to return the unit to nominal operation it was decided to terminate the experiment. On return of the flight unit, it was confirmed that the control computer of the ASTROCULTURE (TM) flight unit sustained a radiation hit that affected the control software embedded in the computer. This experience points out that at high orbital inclinations, such as that of MIR and that projected for the International Space Station, the danger of encountering harmful radiation effects are likely unless the electronic components of the flight hardware are resistant to such impacts.  相似文献   

The multiple scattering of solar radiation in the cometary atmosphere is treated with the method of successive scattering. Referring to in situ measurements of comet Halley about the size and spatial distributions of dust, the optical thickness τ1 of dust has been estimated, i.e. τ1=0.03 at wavelength λ=0.62μm in a quiet time, but τ1=0.3 when the outbursts/jets occur. In the derivation of τ1, optical properties of dust including a mixing ratio of absorbing to silicate grains, are determined based on the polarimetry of P/Halley at λ=0.62μm observed during the phase angles over Nov. 1985 to May 1986 at the Dodaira Station of Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.

It is found that a temporary enhancement of τ1 leads an increase of the upward reflected intensity when the surface albedo A of the nucleus is less than 0.04, but the reverse is true when A>0.04. On the other hand, the intensity of the downward radiation at the surface of the nucleus always decreases as an increase of τ1.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the cultivation area required for the growth of higher plants in space adoption of algae, which have a higher photosynthetic ability, seems very suitable for obtaining oxygen and food as a useful source of high quality protein. The preliminary cultivation experiment for determining optimum cultivation conditions and for obtaining the critical design parameters of the cultivator itself has been conducted. Spirulina was cultivated in the 6-liter medium containing sodium hydrogen carbonate solution and a cultivation temperature controlled using a thermostat. Generated oxygen gas was separated using a polypropyrene porous hollow fiber membrane module. Through this experiment, oxygen gas (at a concentration of more than 46%) at a rate of 100-150 ml per minute could be obtained.  相似文献   

At the Millstone Hill station the Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) and a Digisonde 256 are simultaneously operating. Some characteristic true heights determined by both instruments are compared with each other, possible reasons for observed difference are indicated.  相似文献   

A flight experiment, ASTROCULTURE(TM)-1 (ASC-1), to evaluate the operational characteristics and hardware performance of a porous tube nutrient delivery system (PTNDS) was flown on STS-50 as part of the U.S. Microgravity Laboratory-1 mission, 25 June to 9 July, 1992. This experiment is the first in a series of planned ASTROCULTURE(TM) flights to validate the performance of subsystems required to grow plants in microgravity environments. Results indicated that the PTNDS was capable of supplying water and nutrients to plants in microgravity and that its performance was similar in microgravity to that in 1g on Earth. The data demonstrated that water transfer rates through a rooting matrix are a function of pore size of the tubes, the degree of negative pressure on the 'supply' fluid, and the pressure differential between the 'supply' and 'recovery' fluid loops. A slightly greater transfer rate was seen in microgravity than in 1g, but differences were likely related to the presence of hydrostatic pressure effects at 1g. Thus, this system can be used to support plant growth in microgravity or in partial gravity as on a lunar or Mars base. Additional subsystems to be evaluated in the ASTROCULTURE(TM) flight series of experiments include lighting, humidity control and condensate recovery, temperature control, nutrient composition control, CO2 and O2 control, and gaseous contaminant control.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of a microwave burst at 2 and 6 cm wavelengths were carried out with the Very Large Array (VLA). The 6 cm burst source is located close to a magnetic neutral line, presumably near the top of a flaring loop, while the 2 cm emission originates from the footpoints of the loop. It is concluded that the 6 cm emission is dominated by gyrosynchrotron radiation of the thermal electrons in the bulk heated plasma at a temperature of ~ 4 × 107 K, while the 2 cm emission is due to nonthermal particles released and accelerated during the flare process. From the observed low degree of polarization and the lack of the 2 cm source cospatiality with the 6 cm source a magnetic field of 200–350 G and δ ? 4 are estimated in the flare energy release site. A DC electric field flare model is invoked to explain the long delay between the peaks at the two wavelengths. From the delay, the strength of the electric field is estimated to be 0.2–4 μ statvolt cm?1 in the flaring region.  相似文献   

In this paper, combined bottom- and topside ionospheric N(h)-profiles are presented for the Bulgarian region. The profiles were constructed using ground (ionospheric observatories Sofia and Michurin) and satellite (Interkosmos-19) observations /1/.The observatories make quarter-hourly observations; in order to connect bottom and upper parts of the N(h) profile, we selected satellite orbits passing rather near to the observatory (zenith distance lsss than 100 km). Thus the time difference between ground station and satellite measurement was never more than 7.5 min.  相似文献   

微小推力自动测量系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在重力场中 ,消除电火箭自重及其供电供气系统对微小推力测量影响的方法 ,从而实现电火箭微小推力自动准确的测量。  相似文献   

对纳米级测量系统进行标定是一个难题。结合某一外差干涉测量系统,提出了一个对测量系统的分辨力、输入输出特性进行标定的简单易行的方法。  相似文献   

A theoretical approach to the understanding of the biochemical mechanisms of indirect action of ionizing radiation on SV40 DNA in aqueous solution is presented. The extent of OH attack on the sugar moiety and bases has been calculated. A realistic model for the DNA (in B form) based on available X-ray diffraction data is used and specific reaction sites for the OH radicals are obtained. A Monte Carlo scheme is used to follow the diffusion and reaction of the OH radicals. Effects of track structure have been considered and the single strand break D37 values for 14 MeV electrons (low-LET) and 670 MeV/u and 40 MeV/u neon particles are presented. Calculated results are in agreement with available experimental data. It has been found that regardless of the qualities of radiation, 80% of the OH attack on DNA is on the bases and 20% is on the deoxyribose. From probability considerations only, it appears that the number of double strand breaks varies linearly with dose.  相似文献   

Regenerative life support systems potentially offer a level of self-sufficiency and a decrease in logistics and associated costs in support of space exploration and habitation missions. Current state-of-the-art in plant-based, regenerative life support requires resources in excess of allocation proposed for candidate mission scenarios. Feasibility thresholds have been identified for candidate exploration missions. The goal of this paper is to review recent advances in performance achieved in the CELSS Antarctic Analog Project (CAAP) in light of the likely resource constraints. A prototype CAAP crop production chamber has been constructed and operated at the Ames Research Center. The chamber includes a number of unique hardware and software components focused on attempts to increase production efficiency, increase energy efficiency, and control the flow of energy and mass through the system. Both single crop, batch production and continuous cultivation of mixed crops production studies have been completed. The crop productivity as well as engineering performance of the chamber are described. For each scenario, energy required and partitioned for lighting, cooling, pumping, fans, etc. is quantified. Crop production and the resulting lighting efficiency and energy conversion efficiencies are presented. In the mixed-crop scenario, with 27 different crops under cultivation, 17 m2 of crop area provided a mean of 515 g edible biomass per day (85% of the approximate 620 g required for one person). Enhanced engineering and crop production performance achieved with the CAAP chamber, compared with current state-of-the-art, places plant-based life support systems at the threshold of feasibility.  相似文献   

After inversion, N(h) profiles obtained from ionograms that had been recorded during high solar activity at two mid-latitutde stations have been compared with those derived from IRI90 and DGR ionospheric models. A small data set has been selected such that both geomagnetically quiet and disturbed conditions are represented.  相似文献   

精密离心机半径值动态测试系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
精密离心机半径值动态测试系统采用量块法测量其静态半径值,与动态下利用线位移传感器组件测量其微位移量之和的方法相比较,其工作半径值测量的相对误差达3.3×10 ̄(-6)。对静态半径测量所采用的量块法及动态下采用线位移传感器组件测量补偿量的原理、方法、数据处理及误差分析进行了详细论述。此法可推广应用到其他类似的大量程动态测试系统中。  相似文献   

Lunar heat flow experiment is planned by using two LUNAR-A penetrators which will be deployed on the near-side and far-side of the lunar surface in 2000. Each penetrator has seven absolute and eleven relative temperature sensors. Impact experiments for real-size penetrator models onto a lunar-regolith analogue target confirmed that the sensors and electronics used in the Lunar-A Heat Flow Experiment can survive the shock loading expected during penetration of the penetrator in a lunar regolith. The calibration experiment demonstrates that the temperature sensors have a resolution of 0.01 degrees and that the thermal conductivity device have 10 % accuracy. In order to determine the heat flow value, we need a good thermal model and numerical simulation for the penetrator and the regolith which in turn requires accurate measurements of thermal properties of the penetrator's components. The current numerical models indicate that we will be able to obtain the lunar heat flow values within 20 to 30 percents in precision with this method.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the subpeak electron density profiles, obtained at selected local hours by vertical ionospheric sounding at the ionospheric station at Sofia (42.6°N; 23.3°E) and the IRI profiles for spring, summer, winter and two levels of solar activity (R = 10 and 100). It is demonstrated that the ionospheric profiles above Sofia are in rather good agreement with the values computed with IRI.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated angular velocity measurement and attitude control system of spacecraft using magnetically suspended double-gimbal control moment gyros (MSDGCMGs). The high speed rotor of MSDGCMG is alleviated by a five-degree-of-freedom permanent magnet biased AMB control system. With this special rotor supported manner, the MSDGCMG has the function of attitude rate sensing as well as attitude control. This characteristic provides a new approach to a compact light-weight spacecraft design, which can combine these two functions into a single device. This paper discusses the principles and implementations of AMB-based angular velocity measurement. Spacecraft dynamics with DGMSCMG actuators, including the dynamics of magnetically suspended high-speed rotor, the dynamics of inner gimbal and outer gimbal, as well as the determination method of spacecraft angular velocity are modeled, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed integrated system is also validated numerically and experimentally.  相似文献   

Gene mutations can be induced by radiation as a result of chromosomal translocations. A biophysical model is developed to estimate the frequency of this type of mutation induced by low-LET radiation. Mutations resulting from translocations are assumed to be formed by misrejoining of two DNA double strand breaks (DSB), one within the gene and one on a different chromosome. The chromosome containing the gene is assumed to occupy a spherical territory and does not overlap spatially with other chromosomes. Misrejoining between two DSB can occur only if the two DSB are closer than an interaction distance at the time of their induction. Applying the model to mutations of the hprt gene induced in G0 human lymphocyte cells by low-LET radiation, it is calculated that mutations resulting from translocations account for about 14% of the total mutations. The value of the interaction distance is determined to be 0.6 micrometers by comparing with the observed frequency of translocations in the X-chromosome.  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is currently developing a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) System (TDRSS) Onboard Navigation System (TONS) to provide onboard knowledge of highly accurate navigation products autonomously to users of TDRSS. The TONS I operational system processes Doppler data derived from scheduled forward-link S-band services to provide onboard orbit and frequency determination and time maintenance. TONS I is implemented using a stable onboard frequency reference, a Doppler measurement capability in the user transponder, and onboard navigation/signal acquisition software. The success of the TONS experiment (1992/1993), which was implemented on the Explorer Platform/Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EP/EUVE) spacecraft, demonstrated the flight readiness of TONS I. TONS II-A provides the user with additional Doppler data derived from an S-band beacon signal, available approximately 80 percent of the time. This paper describes the TONS operational capabilities, configurations, and expected performance.  相似文献   

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