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洪菁菁 《航天员》2008,(5):30-31
张瑶的笑容和刘伯明的极其相似,安静而活泼、踏实又幸福,俨然成了舒服的自处。自得其乐的人说起话来也娓娓道来,慢慢的、淡淡的,不经意间,已然是篇美好的故事:"我们俩是老乡,又是一所中学的,他比我高两届。我母亲当时是中学校长,刘伯明高二时,母亲代过他们班语文课,当时他就给母亲留下了很深的印象。后来考上飞行员也是我母亲送他去的。从那之后的五六年间,他一直和我母亲保持通信,汇报学习和工作,谈人生、谈理想。有一次,我母亲就问他有对象没,想找个什么样的。他说还没有,找个能独立理家的就行。"说到这儿,张瑶的脸上多了一抹灿烂。  相似文献   

产品出了故障就要维修,到了使用寿命不报废就要更新,为此需要设计一个维修更新系统。在产品设计中偶然故障的可靠性预计的基本假设是:产品组成单元故障率之和即产品故障率。本文通过实际数据揭示,硬件故障只是产品故障的一部分。根本的办法是在预计的初步基础上,全面、详细地统计分析现场故障,从产品各方面有针对性地进行改进。因此建立全面的故障更新信息的汇总、分析、改进系统极为重要。维修性的数学模型应从现场数据总结并求数值解。备件的费用取决于备件价格。本文导出了最佳备件数公式,一般用数值法求解。它的最简单情况即古典运筹学中的库存公式。  相似文献   

雪松  李时来 《航天员》2013,(3):22-23
或许因为火星人的传说。或许因为火星极地冰冠的存在。人类对探索火星有着异乎寻常的热情。1948年,随着V-2导弹测试项目接近尾声。航天专家沃纳·冯·布劳恩闲暇时写了一部火星探险的科幻小说。虽然小说文学性缺乏,但作为工程师的冯·布劳恩在手稿附录中列出了全面的工程运算数据和图表。  相似文献   

张京 《航天员》2012,(6):48-49
80年代的世界航天领域—直都由苏联和美国主导。其他国家的航天员也是鲜有耳闻。1991年来自英国的航天员海伦·沙曼(HelenPatriciaSharman)首次访问了太空,这引起了不小的轰动。因为她是继苏联和美国之后第三国走出的第一位进入太空的女航天员。而且她有个特殊的身份一一青年化学家。一时间沙曼聚焦了无数的目光,人们对这位英国的女航天员充满了好奇。  相似文献   

王焰磊 《航天员》2013,(2):14-20
人类凭借智慧和汗水,已经踏足到越来越深远的太空。火星也许很快就会成为人类下一个登陆的目标。但这样庞大的工程,绝非一国之力能够负担得起。多国合作是未来唯一的选择。  相似文献   

艾鱼 《航天员》2013,(2):56-59
风洞源自于英语“Windtunnel”。通过人工控制的气流,模拟测试物体在不同气动环境中的表现。最早的风洞专门用来研究飞机的气动性能。随着航天技术的发展,各种各样的飞行器开始出现。风洞实验室开始服务于航天领域,工程师们利用不同的风洞,测试航天器发射后各阶段的气动性能。  相似文献   

美国空中交通管制系统的管理中心将于2011年搬迁到弗吉尼亚州的沃伦顿。届时,一个新的FAA空中交通管制系统指挥中心将会落成。近日,美国联邦和地方的官员对新的设施进行了开工奠基。位于华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场的现有的指挥中心将在2011年租约到期时被关闭。新的FAA指挥中心建筑面积达到63000平方英尺。该指挥中心将设有联邦航空局波拖马可终端管制单位以及一个服务于华盛顿、  相似文献   

郝宇华 《航天员》2008,(4):72-75
日全食,日月台璧,天地混沌,稍纵即逝,比宝石更稀少,比昙花一现更短暂,比电闪雷鸣更精心动魄。它以罕见、惊人的壮美景象,吸引了无数的学者和天文爱好者。2008年8月1日发生的日全食是本世纪我国境内首次可见到的日全食,引起了国内外天文学家和天文爱好者的共同关注。新疆哈密地区伊吾县苇子峡乡作为本次日食的最佳观测地点,在这一天迎来了成千上万从异国他乡远道而来的观测者。大家在这里一起见证了这一令人叹为观止的天象奇观。  相似文献   

2012,中国龙年。注定是不平凡的一年。 近些年有关2012世界末日的话题在全球炒得沸沸扬扬。如果玛雅预言一开始只让人们感到神秘奇特。那么好莱坞灾难警示大片《2012》则用直接生动、恐怖怖厶的影视效应进一步唤起了.人们对自身命运的强烈关注。尤其越来越频繁、越来越离奇、越来越严重的世界范围的自然灾害——地震、海啸、火山爆发、水涝旱灾……更让人们忧心忡忡甚至感到恐慌。  相似文献   

在整个空管保障体系中。风险最大的是管制部门。这是多年来自发形成的概念,且已成为共识。这犹如民航系统中.风险最大的是飞行一样。空管其它部门,如通信、气象、情报、网络等,虽然有风险,但是这些风险归根结底都是通过管制暴露出去的。过去,我们通常采用对管制员加强在设备故障时的应急演练来适度规避这种风险。但当前流量飞速增长,考虑到设备故障的突发性,这已不是一个能解决所有问题的手段了。  相似文献   

《Cosmic Research》2007,45(4):273-286
The complex of scientific pay load installed onboard the research and educational Universitetskii-Tatyana microsatellite of Moscow State University is described. The complex is designed to study charged particles in the near-earth space and ultraviolet emissions of the atmosphere. Data of the measurements of charged particle fluxes in the microsatellite orbit are presented, spectra are calculated, and the dynamics of penetration boundaries for protons of solar cosmic rays (SCR) during geomagnetic disturbances in 2005 is investigated. Intensities of the ultraviolet emission are measured in the entire range of variation of the atmospheric irradiation, as well as intensities of auroras in the polar regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The experimental data on flashes of ultraviolet radiation (transient light phenomena in the upper atmosphere) are considered, and some examples of oscillograms of their temporal development and their distribution over geographical coordinates are presented. Original Russian Text ? V.A. Sadovnichy, M.I. Panasyuk, S.Yu. Bobrovnikov, N.N. Vedenkin, N.A. Vlasova, G.K. Garipov, O.R. Grigorian, T.A. Ivanova, V.V. Kalegaev, P.A. Klimov, A.S. Kovtyukh, S.A. Krasotkin, N.V. Kuznetsov, S.N. Kuznetsov, E.A. Muravyeva, I.N. Myagkova, N.N. Pavlov, R.A. Nymmik, V.L. Petrov, M.V. Podzolko, V.V. Radchenko, S.Ya. Reisman, I.A. Rubinshtein, M.O. Riazantseva, E.A. Sigaeva, E.N. Sosnovets, L.I. Starostin, A.V. Sukhanov, V.I. Tulupov, B.A. Khrenov, V.M. Shakhparonov, V.N. Sheveleva, A.V. Shirokov, I.V. Yashin, V.V. Markelov, N.N. Ivanov, V.N. Blinov, O.Yu. Sedykh, V.P. Pinigin, A.P. Papkov, E.S. Levin, V.M. Samkov, N.N. Ignatiev, V.S. Yamnikol, 2007, published in Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2007, vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 291–305.  相似文献   

Bluem V  Paris F 《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):287-297
Most concepts for bioregenerative life support systems are based on edible higher land plants which create some problems with growth and seed generation under space conditions. Animal protein production is mostly neglected because of the tremendous waste management problems with tetrapods under reduced weightlessness. Therefore, the "Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System" (C.E.B.A.S.) was developed which represents an artificial aquatic ecosystem containing aquatic organisms which are adapted at all to "near weightlessness conditions" (fishes Xiphophorus helleri, water snails Biomphalaria glabrata, ammonia oxidizing bacteria and the rootless non-gravitropic edible water plant Ceratophyllum demersum). Basically the C.E.B.A.S. consists of 4 subsystems: a ZOOLOGICAL (correction of ZOOLOGICASL) COMPONENT (animal aquarium), a BOTANICAL COMPONENT (aquatic plant bioreactor), a MICROBIAL COMPONENT (bacteria filter) and an ELECTRONICAL COMPONENT (data acquisition and control unit). Superficially, the function principle appears simple: the plants convert light energy into chemical energy via photosynthesis thus producing biomass and oxygen. The animals and microorganisms use the oxygen for respiration and produce the carbon dioxide which is essential for plant photosynthesis. The ammonia ions excreted by the animals are converted by the bacteria to nitrite and then to nitrate ions which serve as a nitrogen source for the plants. Other essential ions derive from biological degradation of animal waste products and dead organic matter. The C.E.B.A.S. exists in 2 basic versions: the original C.E.B.A.S. with a volume of 150 liters and a self-sustaining standing time of more than 13 month and the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE with a volume of about 8.5 liters. In the latter there is no closed food loop by reasons of available space so that animal food has to be provided via an automated feeder. This device was flown already successfully on the STS-89 and STS-90 spaceshuttle missions and the working hypothesis was verified that aquatic organisms are nearly not affected at all by space conditions, i.e. that the plants exhibited biomass production rates identical to the sound controls and that as well the reproductive, and the immune system as the embryonic and ontogenic development of the animals remained undisturbed. Currently the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODLULE is prepared for a third spaceshuttle flight (STS-107) in spring 2001. Based on the results of the space experiments a series of prototypes of aquatic food production modules for the implementation into BLSS were developed. This paper describes the scientific disposition of the STS-107 experiment and of open and closed aquaculture systems based on another aquatic plant species, the Lemnacean Wolffia arrhiza which is cultured as a vegetable in Southeastern Asia. This plant can be grown in suspension culture and several special bioreactors were developed for this purpose. W. arrhiza reproduces mainly vegetatively by buds but also sexually from time to time and is therefore especially suitable for genetic engineering, too. Therefore it was used, in addition, to optimize the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE to allow experiments with a duration of 4 month in the International Space Station the basic principle of which will be explained. In the context of aquaculture systems for BLSS the continuous replacement of removed fish biomass is an essential demand. Although fish reproduction seems not to be affected in the shortterm space experiments with the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE a functional and reliable hatchery for the production of siblings under reduced weightlessness is connected with some serious problems. Therefore an automated "reproduction module" for the herbivorous fish Tilapia rendalli was developed as a laboratory prototype. It is concluded that aquatic modules of different degrees of complexity can optimize the productivity of BLSS based on higher land plants and that they offer an unique opportunity for the production of animal protein in lunar or planetary bases.  相似文献   

Based on the construction principle of the Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) two novel combined animal-plant production systems were developed in laboratory scale the first of which is dedicated to mid-term operation in closed state up to two years. In principle both consist of the "classic" C.E.B.A.S. subcomponents: animal tank (Zoological Component), plant cultivators (Botanical Component), ammonia converting bacteria filter (Microbial Component) and data acquisition/control unit (Electronical Component). The innovative approach in the first system is the utilization of minimally three aquatic plant cultivators for different species. In this one the animal tank has a volume of about 160 liters and is constructed as an "endless-way system" surrounding a central unit containing the heat exchanger and the bacteria filter with volumes of about 1.5 liters each. A suspension plant cultivator (1 liter) for the edible duckweed Wolffia arrhiza is externally connected. The second plant cultivator is a meandric microalgal bioreactor for filamentous green algae. The third plant growth facility is a chamber with about 2.5 liters volume for cultivation of the "traditional" C.E.B.A.S. plant species, the rootless buoyant Ceratophyllum demersum. Both latter units are illuminated with 9 W fluorescent lamps. In the current experiment the animal tank contains the live-bearing teleost fish Xiphophorus helleri and the small pulmonate water snail Biomphalaria glabrata because their physiological adaptation to the closed system conditions is well known from many previous C.E.B.A.S. experiments. The water temperature is maintained at 25 degrees C and the oxygen level is regulated between 4 and 7 mg/l by switching on and off the plant cultivator illuminations according to a suitable pattern thus utilizing solely the oxygen produced by photosynthesis. The animals and the microorganisms of filter and biofilm provide the plants with a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide. Oxygen concentration, pH value, temperature and redox potential are on-line recorded. Ion concentrations and numbers of living germs in the system water are determined twice monthly in the laboratory from samples taken from a special "sample removal module"; the sample volume is automatically replaced from an reservoir container. A rotatory pump produces a water flow of about 38 l/min. For a similar smaller test system with approx. 10 l volume developed from the C.E.B.A.S.-MINI-MODULE a novel indirect solar energy supply is tested which has a buffer capacity to maintain the system for 7 days in darkness under central European climate conditions also in winter. It contains only a single plant cultivator which is operated with Wollfia arrhiza. This lemnacean plant is able to produce large amounts of plant biomass in a short time by vegetative reproduction via daughter fronds. This easy-to-handle apparatus is dedicated to be operative more than 4 month. The experimental animals and microorganisms are the same as in the large system. The paper provides detailed information on the system construction principles and the biological, physical and chemical data of the initial phase of the test runs of both systems with the main focus on the large one.  相似文献   

The Moon is a major target in expanding human activity in Space. President Bush has called for a Space Exploration Initiative. European participation may depend on achieving an affordable programme and identifying distinct elements for non-U.S. participation. Affordability requires that all participants can influence the “cost to user” of Base operations. If lunar activity is to evolve towards resource exploitation, there will need to be a progressive reduction in operating costs. European interest would prefer participation that allowed longer-term independent interests. The paper addresses how non-U.S. agencies could contribute valuable elements to an International Moon Base while meeting three criteria:

• — Keep a core infrastructure under U.S. control.

• — Avoid a total reliance by the partner on U.S. services.

• — Allow the partner to evolve towards an eventual, semi-autonomous or autonomous capability.

The paper illustrates possible implications of meeting these constraints through “mini infrastructures” combining several elements to form a working architecture. It is concluded that any European participation in an International Moon Base Programme should contain both Space transport and surface elements.  相似文献   

Based on the experiences made with the Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) which was primarily deveoloped for long-term and multi-generation experiments with aquatic animals and plants in a space station highly effective fresh water recycling modules were elaborated utilizing a combination of ammonia oxidizing bacteria filters and higher plants. These exhibit a high effectivity to eliminate phosphate and anorganic nitrogen compounds and arc. in addidition. able to contribute to the oxygen supply of the aquatic animals. The C.E.B.A.S. filter system is able to keep a closed artificial aquatic ecosystem containing teleost fishes and water snails biologically stable for several month and to eliminate waste products deriving from degraded dead fishes without a decrease of the oxygen concentration down to less than 3.5 mg/l at 25 °C. More advanced C.E.B.A.S. filter systems, the BIOCURE filters, were also developed for utilization in semiintensive and intensive aquaculture systems for fishes. In fact such combined animal-plant aquaculture systems represent highly effective productions sites for human food if proper plant and fish species are selected The present papers elucidates ways to novel aquaculture systems in which herbivorous fishes are raised by feeding them with plant biomass produced in the BIOCURE filters and presents the scheme of a modification which utilizes a plant species suitable also for human nutrition. Special attention is paid to the benefits of closed aquaculture system modules which may be integrated into bioregenerative life support systems of a higher complexity for, e. g.. lunar or planetary bases including some psychologiccal aspects of the introduction of animal protein production into plant-based life support systems. Moreover, the basic reproductive biological problems of aquatic animal breeding under reduced gravity are explained leading to a disposition of essential research programs in this context.  相似文献   

This paper presents the review of results of the navigating experiments which have been carried out during flight of microgravitational space platform (MSP) Foton-M2 in May–June 2005. The brief characteristic of the created MIRAGE–M equipment consisting from magnitometric system and satellite radionavigation receiver is given. The measurements have allowed to restore unguided MSP movement and to estimate a level of microaccelerations (microgravitations) onboard during flight, and have provided precision time-position binding of the research experiments. The data from the equipments transmitted on the telemetering channel have allowed testing the information technologies of virtual support of experiments in space. Flight testing of the equipment has allowed make a conclusion on usefulness of accommodation onboard the small-sized auxiliary navigating system focused for work with users of research experiments. The experiments on MSP Foton-M2 are the development of experiments with MIRAGE equipment carried out in 1999 during flight time of MSP Foton-12 [N.D. Semkin, V.V. Ivanov, V.I. Abrushkin, V.L. Balakin, I.V. Belokonov, K.E. Voronov, The experiments with magnetic fields formed by technical equipment inside Foton-12 spacecraft: the results of the MIRAGE experiments, in: Proceedings of International Conference “Scientific and Technological Experiments on Russian Foton/Bion Recoverable Satellites: Results, Problems and Outlooks”, 25–30 June 2000, pp. 116–122; V.L. Balakin, I.V. Belokonov, V.V. Ivanov, “Determination of motion of spacecraft Foton-12 as a result of magnetic fields measurement in MIRAGE experiment”, pp. 231–238 (published in the same place)].Paper is executed within the framework of the grant of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches 06-08-00244.  相似文献   

CBERS-1卫星CCD相机热控系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机热控系统的主要任务是在卫星规定的相机环境温度条件下 ,确保相机主体所需求的工作温度和温度梯度。CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机热控设计由被动和主动温控相结合实现 ,采用了多项新技术。作为中国第一台传输型CCD相机 ,从目前CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机在轨运行的遥测数据看 ,相机热控系统到达了设计指标的要求 ,运行良好 ,确保了CCD相机高可靠工作、并获得良好像质。  相似文献   

V.F. Prisniakov  V.P. Platonov   《Acta Astronautica》2007,61(11-12):1093-1106
The history of the life of V.I. Voznyuk is a history of the phenomenon of the Soviet rocket progress when the engineers with experience of launch of military rocket of small radius of action were testing the ballistic missiles. The remarkable and little-known destiny of Voznuk is the history of the Soviet rocket technology experts who had a severe practical schooling of command by the military forces of the first combat missiles “Katucha” during the grim military years (including the grandiose fight in Stalingrad) and then they have continued to launch the ballistic missiles. V.I. Voznyuk worked as the chief of the first Soviet cosmodrome Kapustin Yar for almost 30 years—since the most difficult moment of its organization. He organized a launch of the first Soviet ballistic missiles R-1, R-2, R-5M of S. Korolev. This report is about the outstanding achievement of the organizing ability of V.I. Voznyuk—about the launch of a missile with a nuclear warhead in 1956. V.I. Voznyuk closes a unique chain in the world of outstanding figures of space-rocket technology who were born or lived in Ukraine from designers of missile up to the organizers of its manufacture and now up to the organizers of the tests of rockets—J. Aizenberg, V. Budnik, O. Baclanov, V. Dogujiev, M. Galasj, N. Gerasuta, V. Gluschko, B. Gubanov, A. Gudimenko, I. Ivanov, G. Kesunjko, B. Konoplev, S. Korolev, V. Kovtunenko, V. Kukuschkin, O. Makarov, A. Nedaivoda, M. Reshetniyov, Yu. Semenov, V. Sergeev, Yu. Smetanin, V. Tchelomey, D. Torchiy, V. Utkin and M. Yangel.  相似文献   

Patterns in societal energy use enable forecasts of the times of future events associated with important human exploration and technology programs. Discovered in 1989, the 56 year energy cycle has previously been linked with many technological, economic, and social parameters. A review of the last 200 years reveals that major human explorations (e.g. polar expeditions), macro-engineering projects (e.g. Panama Canal), and large wars (e.g. World War I) cluster together in time near energy cycle peaks approximately every 56 years. The energy cycle and several other indicators suggest that large-scale human operations in space will begin to appear around 2015. They should culminate in a space spectacular near 2025. Another window of opportunity for space exploration will not open until late in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Experiments of prolonged bedrest in antiorthostatic position are conducted in order to simulated cardio-circulatory modifications observed in weightlessness. Until now, no studies of r.C.B.F. have been effected in these conditions. Six young, healthy volunteers (average age 23.8) were placed in strict bedrest and in antiorthostatic position -4 degrees for 7 days. The r.C.B.F. measurements were studied by 133Xe inhalation method using a 32 detectors system. Studies were made first in basal conditions, then between the 6th and 12th hr, and finally between the 72nd and the 78th hr after the beginning of the experiment. Three of the subjects received 0.450 mg of Clonidine daily during the experiment. In the subjects having taken no Clonidine, we observed a constant increase in r.C.B.F. (12, 17 and 16% respectively) in the first 12 hr; at the 72nd hour, all values had returned to basal state. This findings agrees with the well known notion of a rapid correction of hemodynamic disturbances observed in the first days of weightlessness. In the subjects treated with Clonidine, the increase of r.C.B.F. did not occur. Several mechanisms of action are possible; the Clonidine affecting either the heart by inhibiting volemic atrial receptors or the brain by direct vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

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