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A theoretical model of diffuse multipath reflections from rough surfaces is applied to the prediction of multipath power distribu tions in radar coordinates: elevation angle, time delay, and Dop pler frequency. These distributions are used to predict radar tracking errors in elevation angle, for both monopulse and scan ning antenna systems, and typical results are presented. These show a small increase in tracking error for scanning systems, on radially approaching targets, caused by sensitivity of these trackers to amplitude scintillation of the composite direct-plus multipath signal. Effects of knife-edge diffraction and of vegetation ion are briefly considered.  相似文献   

In the presence of sea-surface multipath monopulse radar signals from a low elevation target have three alternative paths in addition to the direct (radar-to-target) path due to reflections from the sea surface. The specular reflection causes significant signal fading. The diffuse reflection causes an approximately constant bias to the in-phase component of the monopulse ratio, which is the standard extractor of the direction of arrival (DOA) in the monopulse processing. The diffuse reflection also causes higher standard deviation to the in-phase component of the monopulse ratio. We propose a maximum likelihood (ML) angle extraction technique for low elevation targets of known average signal strength having a Rayleigh fluctuation. The results show that this method reduces the error of the estimated angle compared with the conventional monopulse ratio estimator. Subsequently, the ML angle extractor is modified for the unknown average signal strength case. This modified angle extractor has only a small performance degradation compared with the known average signal strength case, but it performs much better than the monopulse ratio based estimator. An algorithm to calculate the accuracy of the estimated angle (or height) is also presented. This angle extractor reduces the root-mean-square error (RMSE) by more than 50% in the signal processing stage when used in a low flying target tracking scenario. The same algorithm can be used to track sea skimmers.  相似文献   

The tracking performance of elevation- scanning and monopulse radars in the presence of multipath propagation are compared. The key difference between these two generic types of radars is the way they respond to moving targets. There are no significant differences between their responses to pure specular multipath, nor to diffuse multipath for targets on radial courses. However, they are found to respond quite differently to the diffuse com ponent for low-altitude crossing targets. For these conditions the tracking errors for elevation-scanning radars may be several times those for monopulse radars.  相似文献   

The off-axis angle indicated by a conventional monopulse radar is only the real part of a "complex indicated angle." The presence of unresolved targets or multipath distorts the real part (causing an erroneous angle indication) and also produces an imaginary part, which can easily be measured by processing the normally unused quadrature-phase component of the difference signal. Under certain conditions the angles, amplitude ratio, and relative phase of two unresolved targets can theoretically be determined by meas urements of the complex indicated angle on two pulses separated by a short interval. In the special case of multipath, known relationships between the unresolved target and image theoretically permit determination of target elevation with a single pulse.  相似文献   

Elevation angle errors due to sea-reflected multipath are evaluated theoretically for a radar operating in an off-boresight monopulse tracking mode. The computer simulation accounts only for specular reflection. Angle estimates at three frequencies are assumed to be available. It is shown that one can improve upon a simple average of the three indicated angles by unequally weighting them according to rank (lowest, middle, or highest). Some sample computations show that there is an optimum difference between the three frequencies.  相似文献   

The usual methods of reducing multipath angle errors in monopulse tracking radar achieve only limited success because they do not attack the root of the problem. A more correct approach is to accept the multipath signal as a second target and utilize a two-target signal processor which angle tracks both wavefronts. The processor will decouple the return signals so that relatively interference-free data on both waves are obtained. In this paper a signal processor for separating signal from (N - 1) multipath components is developed. The processor is then specialized to the case of only one multipath signal and evaluated by a computer simulation. Data show that large improvements are possible as compared to the usual monopulse tracking system. In particular, the usual large bias errors at low elevation angles are eliminated. Tracking precision compares favorably with the theoretically best possible for two-target tracking systems.  相似文献   

Extraction of elevation information with phased array search radar in the presence of specular reflection from sea surface is presented. Specular reflection from sea causes large peak errors in the measurement of low elevation angle. An algorithm based on complex indicated angle is derived to reduce specular reflection component. From the complex indicated angle and the exactly known or approximately known data, the authors can generate a specular reflection error finding function (SREFF). SREFF clearly indicates where the measurements are much affected by the specular reflection in the complex indicated angle data  相似文献   

Radar signal processing is particularly important in tracking closely spaced targets and targets in the presence of sea-surface-induced multipath. Closely spaced targets can produce unresolved measurements when they occupy the same range cell of the radar. These issues are the salient features of the benchmark problem for tracking unresolved targets combined with radar management, for which this paper presents the only complete solution to date. In this paper a modified version of a recently developed maximum likelihood (ML) angle estimator, which can produce two measurements from a single (unresolved) detection, is presented. A modified generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is also described to detect the presence of two unresolved targets. Sea-surface-induced multipath can produce a severe bias in the elevation angle measurement when the conventional monopulse ratio angle extractor method is used. A modified version of a recently developed ML angle extractor, which produces nearly unbiased elevation angle measurements and significantly improves the track accuracy, is presented. Efficient radar resource allocation algorithms for two closely spaced targets and targets flying close to the sea surface are also presented. Finally, the IMMPDAF (interacting multiple model estimator with probabilistic data association filter modules) is used to track these targets. It is found that a two-model IMMPDAF performs better than the three-model version used in the previous benchmark. Also, the IMMPDAF with a coordinated turn model works better than the one using a Wiener process acceleration model. The signal processing and tracking algorithms presented here, operating in a feedback manner, form a comprehensive solution to the most realistic tracking and radar management problem to date.  相似文献   

Beamspace ML bearing estimation incorporating low-angle geometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A problem in low-angle radar tracking, namely, bearing estimation in the presence of a strong specular multipath component that arrives within the beamwidth of the direct path signal, is studied. Three-dimensional beamspace domain maximum likelihood (3D-BDML) is a computationally simple ML bearing estimation algorithm applicable in this scenario which operates in a 3-D beamspace. A variation of 3D-BDML incorporating the multipath geometry as a priori information is presented. In symmetric 3D-BDML the pointing angle of the center beam is equal to the bisector angle between the direct path ray and the image ray, which may be estimated a priori given only the radar height and the target range. The effect of the inclusion of a priori information on the performance of 3D-BDML is analyzed in terms of the dependence on the relative phase difference between the direct and specular path signals, the sensitivity to error in the bisector angle estimate, and the results of operation when no specular multipath component is present in the data. In addition, computationally simple schemes for coherently incorporating multifrequency data into 3D-BDML are investigated  相似文献   

The two-target technique proposed by the author in an earlier paper [1] for reducing radar multipath angle tracking errors has been simulated on a digital computer assuming an actual closed-loop system. When tracking with noise, the technique provides angle error performance which compares quite favorably with the expected performance given in [1] Furthermore, the large bias errors usually encountered in normal monopulse systems at low elevation angles are removed. Results of typical tracks are given, both for the method of [1], and for a modified version of the method which applies primarily to shipboard radar systems. Some results on loss of lock are also presented.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that specular or diffuse jammer multipath can be canceled to a desired level by using an adaptive array that combines bandwidth partitioning with tapped delay lines. Such hybrid systems are studied. In particular, the author studies an ideal two-element array that uses bandwidth partitioning in both the main and auxiliary channels, with an Mth-order adaptive finite impulse response filter in each subband of the auxiliary. The ability of this system to cancel specular moderately diffuse and diffuse multipath is studied. The combinations of bandwidth partitioning and filter order that can achieve a specified jammer cancellation level are discussed  相似文献   

The problem of tracking targets in the presence of reflections from sea or ground is addressed. Both types of reflections (specular and diffuse) are considered. Specular reflection causes large peak errors followed by an approximately constant bias in the monopulse ratio, while diffuse reflection has random variations which on the average generate a bias in the monopulse ratio. Expressions for the average error (bias) in the monopulse ratio due to specular and diffuse reflections and the corresponding variance in the presence of noise in the radar channels are derived. A maximum maneuver-based filter and a multiple model estimator are used for tracking. Simulation results for five scenarios, typical of sea skimmers, with Swerling III fluctuating radar cross sections (RCSs) indicate the significance and efficiency of the technique developed in this paper-a 65% reduction of the rms error in the target height estimate.  相似文献   

雷达威胁环境下的无人机三维航迹规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种雷达威胁环境下应用A*算法进行低空突防三维航迹规划的方法。首先对地形高程数据进行综合平滑处理,建立满足无人机机动性能要求的安全飞行曲面,并结合雷达威胁量化模型,计算出地形遮蔽雷达盲区的范围,最后在满足地形遮蔽雷达盲区的安全飞行曲面上运用A*算法规划出三维飞行航迹。仿真结果显示,该算法能简单、快速地获得三维最优航迹,易于工程实现。  相似文献   

Senrad: an advanced wideband air-surveillance radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The generic characteristics and performance of an experimental long-range air-surveillance radar, known at the Naval Research Laboratory as Senrad, is described. Its distinguishing feature is that it can operate with simultaneous transmissions over a very wide bandwidth-from 850 to 1400 MHz. The technology and type of experimental radar equipment employed are discussed and examples are given of its performance capabilities obtained by means of very wideband operation. The unusually wide bandwidth of this radar allows 1) improved detection and tracking performance because of the absence of the nulls that are common in the antenna elevation radiation-pattern of a single-frequency radar; 2) moving target indication (MTI) without loss of targets due to blind speeds and without the need for multiple PRFs (pulse repetition frequencies); 3) accurate height finding with a fan-beam radar by taking advantage of the multipath time difference as a function of target height; 4) a form of limited target recognition based on high range-resolution; and 5) a reduction of the effectiveness of electronic countermeasures that can seriously degrade more narrowband radars  相似文献   

The mechanism of Faraday rotation as it affects radar and communication propagation has been extensively treated (1, 7). The purpose of this paper is to point out the magnitude of the effect and its possible consequences which have not been appreciated. Contrary to what many believe, the two-way Faraday rotation angle and loss can be large at L-band for ground-based, linearly polarized radar systems observing targets above the ionosphere. Similarly, the one-way Faraday rotation and loss for linearly polarized, ground-to-space pace communication links at comparable frequencies can be large. The magnitude of the rotation loss depends on the location of the radar or communication station in latitude and longitude, the condition of the ionosphere, and the elevation and azimuth angles of the target. For example, based on the total electron content in 1970 (a peak sunspot activity year) at L-band, a two-way Faraday rotation greater than 50°a loss greater than 3.8 dB is calculated to occur at 60° N, 70° W, 75 percent of the time between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. for nine months, and 22 percent of the total time for the entire year, when looking toward the south magnetic pole at low elevation angles. For the same year this rotation and loss at 15°N, 150° is calculated to occur 48 percent of the total time when looking south at low elevation angles.  相似文献   

High range-resolution monopulse (HRRM) tracking radar which maintains wide instantaneous bandwidth through both range and angle error sensing channels provides range, azimuth, elevation, and amplitude for each resolved part of the target. The three-dimensional target detail can be used to improve and extend radar performance in several ways: for improved precision of target location, for target classification and recognition, to counter repeater-type ECM, to improve low-angle multipath tracking, to resolve multiple targets, as a miss-distance measurement capability, and for improved tracking in chaff and clutter. These have been demonstrated qualitatively except for the ECCM to repeater ECM and low-altitude tracking improvement. Initial results from an experimental HRRM radar with 3-ns pulse length show resolution of aircraft into its major parts and precise location of each resolved part accurately in range and angle. Realtime closed-loop tracking is performed on aircraft in flight using high-speed sampled, digitized, and processed HRRM range and angle video data. Clutter rejection capability is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

在单脉冲测角体制下,由于多径回波信号的干扰,极大地降低了雷达低空目标仰俯角跟踪精度,甚至丢失目标。通过对多路径反射环境模型分析,得出了岸、海基单脉冲雷达低空目标跟踪时仰俯角测量误差的产生原因,提出将传统的多目标分辨算法(C2算法)应用于低角多径环境下目标俯仰角的跟踪测量,并在不同多径反射环境下对不同高度、不同飞行速度和飞行方向的目标进行了仿真,得到良好的仿真结果,表明该算法可较大地提高俯仰角跟踪测量精度。通过对仿真结果的分析,验证了该算法在低空目标跟踪中的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

The problem of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) image reconstruction of targets at low elevation angle is considered. In this geometric condition the main causes affecting the reconstructed ISAR image are the multipath effect due to the reflection of the Earth's surface and the angular motions of the target produced by external action like wind, fast maneuvering, and sea waves as in the case of ships. The aim of this work is to analyze the effects that the multipath and the target angular motions jointly produce on the ISAR image. The results show that multipath generates some artifacts in the image whereas the target oscillations undergo a spatial-dependent blurring of the point spread function of the ISAR system. These theoretical results are validated by presenting some numerical examples relevant to aircrafts and ships in rectilinear or circular motion. A wide discussion on possible solutions of this problem is made in the conclusion  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)载波相位时间传递技术是高精度时间传递领域的主要研究方法之一,但目前关于该部分的研究主要集中在中低纬度地区,在高纬度地区并不多见。不同GNSS由于星座设计不同,在高纬度地区结构差异较大,因此需要对不同GNSS在高纬度地区的时间传递性能进行分析。实验结果表明,在高纬度地区时间传递中,Galileo稳定度最高,GPS和BDS次之,GLONASS最差。同时因在高纬度地区卫星的高度角普遍偏低,为合理平衡低高度角时可视卫星多和多路径误差大的矛盾,对不同截止高度角下获取的链路时间传递性能进行了分析。结果表明,在5°截止高度角下,高纬度地区的时间传递链路稳定性最好。  相似文献   

The three subaperture method is a technique for estimating the arrival angles of two targets located in the main beam of a radar. The problem of estimating the arrival angle of a target in the presence of multipath is considered, and it is shown how the accuracy of the three subaperture method can be improved by making use of the information that the amplitude of the direct ray is larger than that of the reflected ray.  相似文献   

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