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正空间站航天员出舱活动医学保障工作,是载人航天长期飞行医学保障的重点,也是空间站运营和发展的重要保障。本文主要以"国际空间站"俄罗斯舱段为背景,介绍了"国际空间站"航天员舱外活动的概况、舱外活动的工作组织原则与医学保障系统,阐述了舱外活动的减压安全保障措施、舱外活动期间航天员作息制度的特点,最后分析了"国际空间站"航天员舱外活动的主要结果。随着航天员舱外活动个体装备技术的完善及其功能可靠性的提高,舱外工作逐渐由短时行为变为航天员有  相似文献   

俄罗斯/苏联是最早实现舱外活动的国家,在舱外活动方面有大量、丰富的经验,多年来已形成了一套完整的训练体系。俄罗斯航天员舱外活动训练内容主要包括理论训练、单项实践训练、出舱程序训练和出舱任务训练。出舱和舱外活动训练的大型设备主要有中性浮力水槽、失重飞机、舱外活动训练模拟器、气压舱、航天员移动设备动力学制度模拟器、  相似文献   

<正>美国女航天员佩姬·安妮特·惠特森在执行国际空间站第50批长期考察组任务期间,于2017年3月30日和同伴进行了舱外活动,这次历时6小时30分钟的舱外活动完成后,她创造了两项女航天员舱外活动新的世界纪录:舱外活动次数8次,超过了美国女航天员苏尼特·威廉斯保持的7次舱外活动记录;舱外活动累计时间达到53小时22分钟,超过了苏尼特·威廉斯保持的50小时40分钟记录。同时,佩姬·惠特森还创造了57岁年龄最高女航天员太空飞行世界纪录。  相似文献   

为了研究航天员舱外活动时的手套压力和太空低温复合效应对操作力量的影响,选取最大握力和握力疲劳两个指标评价手动作业力量,其中握力疲劳采用做功能力评价.操作力量抓握试验所需的不同温度和压力是通过在低温模拟舱中利用液氮降温以及真空泵抽气实现.结果表明:戴手套对最大握力和握力疲劳的影响都非常显著;与常温常压戴手套相比,压力(29.6 kPa,39.2 kPa)单独作用对最大握力的影响显著,低温单独作用对最大握力的影响并不显著,而二者对握力疲劳的影响都非常显著;在加压和低温复合作用下,最大握力和握力疲劳会进一步受到显著影响.可见手套压力和太空低温复合效应严重降低了航天员手部力量的发挥,航天员舱外作业人-手套系统的研究需考虑复合因素的影响.  相似文献   

王永生  徐宏 《国际太空》2007,(11):24-31
1965年3月18日,苏联航天员列昂诺夫在上升-2载人飞船飞行中完成了人类第1次出舱活动,持续时间为12min.1969年1月16日,苏联航天员第2次走向太空,是2名联盟-5载人飞船的航天员在向联盟-4飞船过渡时完成的,持续时间为37min.此后,随着航天员舱外活动使用的个体装备的技术完善及功能可靠性的提高,舱外工作逐渐由短时行为变为有计划的多时活动.  相似文献   

郭星 《国际太空》2008,(3):12-15
1 美国航天飞机航天员出舱活动程序 1.1 美国航空航天局汇总的经验 □□舱外航天服相当于出舱活动航天员使用的一艘微型飞船,航天员应该像爱护真正的飞船一样爱护它.只有正确地操作和使用,航天服才能很好地"工作",确保出舱活动航天员的安全.  相似文献   

正气闸舱苏联航天员列昂诺夫乘坐上升2号飞船进行世界上第一次舱外活动时,使用了附加的、可伸缩的过渡舱,其出舱活动过程是:展开过渡舱并向内充气;当过渡舱与飞船座舱内气压一致时,开启飞船舱门,航天员进入过渡舱;关闭飞船舱门,释放过渡舱内气体;气体释放完毕,开启过渡舱外舱门,航天员进入太空活动;结束舱外活动后,航天员  相似文献   

1 航天员出舱活动训练简介 1.1 出舱活动训练的内容和方法 □□航天员的出舱活动训练有基础训练和专门训练两种.基础训练是让航天员学会在太空失重环境中如何控制自己的身体和运动,当然也要包括如何穿脱舱外航天服;专门训练是学习如何完成出舱活动任务.  相似文献   

舱外航天手套对手动作业的影响及解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从舱外活动时航天员手的作用具有无比优越性,众多自动装置或机器人无法取代的事实出发,比较详细地论述了舱外航天手套对手动作业影响的主要因素后,提出了寻求解决手套防护要求与保持手部具有基本功能之间矛盾的一些医学工程设想。  相似文献   

机动装置 29.什么是机动装置?航天员太空行走为什么要使用机动装置? 航天员如果想在太空移动身体,不能用脚,只能用手握住一个一个扶手向前移动,或者使用特制的身体移动工具。这种移动工具的正式名称是机动装置。所谓机动装置,其实是推动装置,就是使用喷嘴喷出高压气体,推动航天员的身体朝一定方向移动。为了保证航天员在太空行走中能很好地移动身体,完成各种操作和任务,美国和苏联曾先后研制出多种型号的机动装置。  相似文献   

随着中国神舟飞船系列任务和空间站建设任务的稳步进行,中国航天员将面临频繁的在轨出舱作业任务,航天员出舱活动范围将逐渐增大,作业位置也将频繁变换,传统安全绳已无法满足使用要求。提出了一种基于恒力矩弹簧驱动的航天员出舱可伸缩安全系绳设计方案,并优化设计方法。对可伸缩安全系绳的核心部分——驱动单元进行设计,研制航天员出舱可伸缩安全系绳样机,并完成功能性能、环境适应性和驱动单元寿命试验验证。结果表明:所提方案可顺利完成钢丝绳收放,且实测收绳力、放绳力与理论值基本吻合。方案具有体积小、质量轻、可耐大量级振动和高低温环境等优点,其驱动单元满足10 000次的长寿命使用要求,可用于后续工程产品中。   相似文献   

探讨了用于舱外航天服性能实验的中型空间环境模拟器真空系统的设计和模拟。通过对低温泵的真空度及其抽速与液氦低温板温度的关系进行模拟,验证了真空系统设计的合理性。对中型环境模拟系统预冷采用开放式液氮以简化系统结构;对系统的主要部件液氦低温板和辐射挡板进行了构造分析和热负荷计算;分析了液氦低温板的凝结层对低温泵性能的影响。通过对液氦低温板温度场进行模拟及分析,对液氦低温冷凝面进行了优化设计与性能验证。通过对航天员氧消耗量的分析合理估算了航天员自身代谢产热,据此确定了中型空间环境模拟系统热负荷及液氦供应量。  相似文献   

The radiation environment at the altitude of the International Space Station (ISS) is substantially different than anything typically encountered on Earth in both the character of the radiation field and the significantly higher dose rates. Concerns about the biological effects on humans of this highly complex natural radiation field are increasing due to higher amount of astronauts performing long-duration missions onboard the ISS and especially if looking into planned future manned missions to Mars. In order to begin the process of predicting the dose levels seen by the organs of an astronaut, being the prerequisite for radiation risk calculations, it is necessary to understand the character of the radiation environment both in- and outside of the ISS as well as the relevant contributions from the radiation field to the organ doses.  相似文献   

航天员受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近地空间(LEO)和深空探测中,航天员遭受的辐射风险主要来自于银河宇宙线(GCR)照射.银河宇宙线的辐射剂量是航天员辐射风险评价的基础.国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)于2013年提出了新的航天员空间辐射剂量估算方法,以更准确给出空间重离子辐射的剂量.基于此方法,开发了宇宙线粒子在物质中输运的蒙特卡罗程序,并在程序中实现用中国成年男性人体数字模型来仿真航天员.采用该程序计算了粒子(Z=1~92)各向同性照射航天员时器官的通量-器官剂量转换因数,并估算出航天员在近地轨道空间受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量.  相似文献   

大型空间站航天员出舱条件及相对运动轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用航天器近距离相对运动动力学方程,在计及空间站尺寸的条件下,研究了大型空间站航天员出舱条件及相对运动轨迹。研究表明, 当航天员在空间站的上、下表面或前表面下方、后表面上方时, 如果没有约束, 将发生自由漂移,其相对运动的轨道平面内模态为中心漂移的椭圆; 如果航天员在相应的位置上有动力 (主动) 出舱, 其相对运动的轨道平面内模态可以为直线、定常椭圆和中心漂移的椭圆, 这与把空间站简化为质点时的结果有本质差别, 因此不能再将空间站视为质点。通过改变航天员的离舱点和离舱速度, 可以改变出舱相对运动轨迹,以满足一定的舱外活动要求  相似文献   

载人深空探测任务的空间环境工程关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对载人深空探测过程中将遭受的太阳宇宙射线、银河宇宙射线、微重力、尘与尘暴、深空微生物等环境进行分析。对不同深空环境给航天员带来的威胁进行了探讨。从物理屏蔽防护、辐射风险的监测和预警、辐射防护药物、航天员选拨等角度对采取的措施进行了阐述。从空间辐射对航天员的损伤机理、抗辐射和微重力药物开发、空间辐射屏蔽防护结构与材料、航天服自清洁、抗微生物侵蚀材料的研发等多个角度对需要进一步开展的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

航天员在空间执行任务过程中由于受到空间微重力环境的影响,其运动的协调性以及平衡性均会与地面环境下的表现有所差异.以研究失重环境下航天员运动特点为目标,对航天员姿态调整策略进行动力学分析,并对运动过程人体效能进行评价.具体而言,在无外力/力矩驱动下,人体必须依靠四肢按一定的协调运动策略才能实现对躯干姿态的主动控制.而运动...  相似文献   

In the 21st century, an increasing number of astronauts will visit the International Space Station (ISS) for prolonged times. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provide necessary basic knowledge concerning risks to their health and their ability to work on the station and during extravehicular activities (EVA) in free space. It is the aim of one experiment of the German project TRIPLE-LUX (to be flown on the ISS) to provide an estimation of health risk resulting from exposure of the astronauts to the radiation in space inside the station as well as during extravehicular activities on one hand, and of exposure of astronauts to unavoidable or as yet unknown ISS-environmental genotoxic substances on the other. The project will (i) provide increased knowledge of the biological action of space radiation and enzymatic repair of DNA damage, (ii) uncover cellular mechanisms of synergistic interaction of microgravity and space radiation and (iii) examine the space craft milieu with highly specific biosensors. For these investigations, the bacterial biosensor SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test will be used, combining the SOS-LUX-Test invented at DLR Germany (Patent) with the commercially available LAC-FLUORO-Test. The SOS-LUX-Test comprises genetically modified bacteria transformed with the pBR322-derived plasmid pPLS-1. This plasmid carries the promoterless lux operon of Photobacterium leiognathi as a reporter element under control of the DNA-damage dependent SOS promoter of ColD as sensor element. This system reacts to radiation and other agents that induce DNA damages with a dose dependent measurable emission of bioluminescence of the transformed bacteria. The analogous LAC-FLUORO-Test has been developed for the detection of cellular responses to cytotoxins. It is based on the constitutive expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) mediated by the bacterial protein expression vector pGFPuv (Clontech, Palo Alto, USA). In response to cytotoxic agents, this system reacts with a dose-dependent reduction of GFP-fluorescence. Currently, a fully automated miniaturized hardware system for the bacterial set up, which includes measurements of luminescence and fluorescence or absorption and the image analysis based evaluation is under development. During the first mission of the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-Test on the ISS, a standardized, DNA-damaging radiation source still to be determined will be used as a genotoxic inducer. A panel of recombinant Salmonella typhimurium strains carrying either the SOS-LUX plasmid or the fluorescence-mediating lac-GFPuv plasmid will be used to determine in parallel on one microplate the genotoxic and the cytotoxic action of the applied radiation in combination with microgravity. Either in addition to or in place of the fluorometric measurements of the cytotoxic agents, photometric measurements will simultaneously monitor cell growth, giving additional data on survival of the cells. The obtained data will be available on line during the TRIPLE-LUX mission time. Though it is the main goal during the TRIPLE-LUX mission to measure the radiation effect in microgravity, the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test in principle is also applicable as a biomonitor for the detection and measurement of genotoxic substances in air or in the (recycled) water system on the ISS or on earth in general.  相似文献   

Long-term manned exploratory missions are planned for the future. Exposure to high-energy neutrons, protons and high charge and energy particles during a deep space mission, needs protection against the detrimental effects of space radiation. It has been suggested that exposure to unpredictable extremely large solar particle events would kill the astronauts without massive shielding. To reduce this risk to astronauts and to minimize the need for shielding, astronauts with highest significant adaptive responses should be chosen. It has been demonstrated that some humans living in very high natural radiation areas have acquired high adaptive responses to external radiation. Therefore, we suggest that for a deep space mission the adaptive response of all potential crew members be measured and only those with high adaptive response be chosen. We also proclaim that chronic exposure to elevated levels of radiation can considerably decrease radiation susceptibility and better protect astronauts against the unpredictable exposure to sudden and dramatic increase in flux due to solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

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