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Experimental studies were conducted to obtain single shot measurements of temperature and concentration in a variety of dynamic flames. The structure of a low speed hydrogen-air buoyant flame is investigated to characterize vortex-flame interactions. In this flame, the temperature and the molar fraction of nitric oxide (NO), atomic oxygen (O), atomic hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (OH) have been obtained using a combination of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS), laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM). Good agreement was found between the simulated and the measured data. A monodispersed droplet stream flame was investigated to study the diphasic combustion of ethanol. In this case, the temperature, nitric oxide (NO) and fuel concentration have been measured. Finally, two-dimensional maps of OH and acetone are recorded using planar LIF (PLIF). Application of this technique to a supersonic H2/air flame and to a subsonic ethylene/air reacting jet mainly illustrates the turbulent character of combustion and provides a deeper insight into the chemical mechanisms of these flows. The present paper emphasizes the importance of applying quantitative and instantaneous optical techniques to different combustion and turbulent media.  相似文献   

在2.45 GHz同轴型微波等离子体推力器中加入磁场可以提高推力器的性能。这是由于磁场的存在,在推力器启动阶段会形成电子回旋共振区;稳定工作时,等离子体获得的焦尔热比没有磁场时高,这些都增加了等离子体吸收的微波能量。以氩气为工质,对外加磁场微波等离子推力器进行了实验研究,结果表明,推力器可以达到较高的耦合效率。对等离子体羽流的诊断则表明,外加磁场提高了推力器谐振腔内工质气体的电离度。  相似文献   

The heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) is an important component of the heliospheric medium. It has been the subject of extensive studies for the past thirty five years. There is a very large observational data base, mostly from the vantage point of the ecliptic plane, but now also from the solar polar regions, from the Ulysses mission. This review aims to present its most important large scale characteristics. A key to understand the HMF is to understand the source functions of the solar wind and magnetic fields close to the sun. The development of new modelling techniques for determining the extent and geometry of the open magnetic field regions in the corona, the sources of the solar wind and the HMF has provided a new insight into the variability of the source functions. These are now reasonably well understood for the state of the corona near solar minimum. The HMF at low-to-medium heliolatitudes is dominated, near solar minimum, by the Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) which arise from the interaction of alternating slow and fast solar wind streams, and which, in turn, interact in the outer heliosphere to form the large scale Merged Interaction Regions. The radial component of the HMF is independent of heliolatitude; the average direction is well organised by the Parker geometry, but with wide distributions around the mean, due, at high latitudes, to the presence of large amplitude, Alfvénic fluctuations. The HMF at solar maximum is less well understood, due in part to the complexity of the solar source functions, and partly to the lack of three dimensional observations which Ulysses is planned to remedy at the next solar maximum. It is suggested that the in-ecliptic conditions in the HMF, largely determined by the dynamics of transients (Coronal Mass Ejections) may also be found at high latitudes, due to the wide latitude distribution of the CMEs.  相似文献   

The magnetic field experiment on WIND will provide data for studies of a broad range of scales of structures and fluctuation characteristics of the interplanetary magnetic field throughout the mission, and, where appropriate, relate them to the statics and dynamics of the magnetosphere. The basic instrument of the Magnetic Field Investigation (MFI) is a boom-mounted dual triaxial fluxgate magnetometer and associated electronics. The dual configuration provides redundancy and also permits accurate removal of the dipolar portion of the spacecraft magnetic field. The instrument provides (1) near real-time data at nominally one vector per 92 s as key parameter data for broad dissemination, (2) rapid data at 10.9 vectors s–1 for standard analysis, and (3) occasionally, snapshot (SS) memory data and Fast Fourier Transform data (FFT), both based on 44 vectors s–1. These measurements will be precise (0.025%), accurate, ultra-sensitive (0.008 nT/step quantization), and where the sensor noise level is <0.006 nT r.m.s. for 0–10 Hz. The digital processing unit utilizes a 12-bit microprocessor controlled analogue-to-digital converter. The instrument features a very wide dynamic range of measurement capability, from ±4 nT up to ±65 536 nT per axis in eight discrete ranges. (The upper range permits complete testing in the Earth's field.) In the FTT mode power spectral density elements are transmitted to the ground as fast as once every 23 s (high rate), and 2.7 min of SS memory time series data, triggered automatically by pre-set command, requires typically about 5.1 hours for transmission. Standard data products are expected to be the following vector field averages: 0.0227-s (detail data from SS), 0.092 s (detail in standard mode), 3 s, 1 min, and 1 hour, in both GSE and GSM coordinates, as well as the FFT spectral elements. As has been our team's tradition, high instrument reliability is obtained by the use of fully redundant systems and extremely conservative designs. We plan studies of the solar wind: (1) as a collisionless plasma laboratory, at all time scales, macro, meso and micro, but concentrating on the kinetic scale, the highest time resolution of the instrument (=0.022 s), (2) as a consequence of solar energy and mass output, (3) as an external source of plasma that can couple mass, momentum, and energy to the Earth's magnetosphere, and (4) as it is modified as a consequence of its imbedded field interacting with the moon. Since the GEOTAIL Inboard Magnetometer (GIM), which is similar to the MFI instrument, was developed by members of our team, we provide a brief discussion of GIM related science objectives, along with MFI related science goals.  相似文献   

The Galileo Orbiter carries a complement of fields and particles instruments designed to provide data needed to shed light on the structure and dynamical variations of the Jovian magnetosphere. Many questions remain regarding the temporal and spatial properties of the magnetospheric magnetic field, how the magnetic field maintains corotation of the embedded plasma and the circumstances under which corotation breaks down, the nature of magnetic perturbations that transport plasma across magnetic shells in different parts of the system, and the electromagnetic properties of the Jovian moons and how they interact with the magnetospheric plasma. Critical to answering these closely related questions are measurements of the dc and low-frequency magnetic field. The Galileo Orbiter carries a fluxgate magnetometer designed to provide the sensitive measurements required for this purpose. In this paper, the magnetometer is described. The instrument has two boom-mounted, three-axis sensor assemblies. Flipper mechanisms are included in each sensor assembly for the purpose of offset calibration. The microprocessor controlled data handling system produces calibrated despun data that can be used directly without further processing. A memory system stores data for those periods when the spacecraft telemetry is not active. This memory system can also be used for storing high time-resolution snapshots of data.  相似文献   

As the Ulysses spacecraft approaches its first pass under the south pole of the sun, it is an appropriate time to review our current knowledge and predictions regarding the three dimensional behaviour of the heliospheric magnetic field, in particular at high heliographic latitudes. Optical techniques for measuring the photospheric magnetic field and observations of coronal brightness structures provide indications of the behaviour of the source of the heliospheric field in the corona. As the coronal fields are carried out into the heliosphere by the solar wind, from Parker's model we would expect that the spiral field observed in the equatorial plane should gradually unwind with latitude leading to open, approximately radial, field lines over the polar regions. Predictions of departures from, and models extending this simple picture are discussed. Both the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft have spent brief periods in the regions above the maximum latitude of the heliospheric current sheet-relevant results from these missions are reviewed as well as results from the early stages of the out-of-ecliptic phase of the Ulysses mission. The configuration of the coronal magnetic field exhibits a strong dependence on the phase of the solar activity cycle. While the forthcoming Ulysses polar passes take place near to solar minimum, the different conditions which might be encountered on a second orbit of the sun at solar maximum are described.  相似文献   

The perturbation problem that describes the effect of a weak magnetic field on stellar adiabatic oscillation is considered. This perturbation problem is singular when the magnetic field does not vanish at the stellar surface, and a regular perturbation scheme fails where the magnetic pressure is comparable to the thermodynamic pressure. The application of the Method of Matched Asymptotic Expansion is used to obtain expressions for the eigenfunctions and the eigenfrequencies.  相似文献   

We show that magnetic field annihilation depends strongly on the behaviour of the vorticity and is quite different in 2D and 3D. In 3D the vorticity can be increased locally by the stretching of vortex lines (an effect that is absent in 2D). This leads to the onset ofcellular flow at quite low vorticities and the fragmentation of the simple current sheet.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the interplanetary magnetic field observations acquired in early August 1972 when four solar flares erupted in McMath Plage region 11976. Measurements of the interplanetary field were obtained by Earth satellites, HEOS-2 and Explorer 41, and by Pioneers 9 and 10 which, by good fortune, were radially aligned and only 45° east of the Earth-Sun direction. In response to the four flares, four interplanetary shocks were seen at Earth and at Pioneer 9, which was then at a heliocentric distance of 0.78 AU. However, at Pioneer 10, which was 2.2 AU from the Sun, only two forward shocks and one reverse shock were seen. The available magnetic field data acquired in the vicinity of the shocks are presented. Efforts to identify corresponding shocks at the several locations and to deduce their velocities of propagation between 0.8 and 2.2 AU are reviewed. The early studies were based on average velocities between the Sun and Pioneer 9, the Sun and Earth and the Sun and Pioneer 10. A large deceleration of the shocks between the Sun and 0.8 AU as well as between 0.8 and 2.2 AU was inferred. More recently the local velocities of the shocks at Pioneers 9 and 10 have become available. A comparison of these velocities shows little, if any, deceleration between 0.8 and 2.2 AU and implies that most or all of the deceleration actually occurred nearer the Sun. Evidence is also presented that shows a significant departure of the flare-generated shock fronts from spherical symmetry.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field. Solar origin and terrestrial effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many observations related to the large-scale structure of the interplanetary magnetic field, its solar origin and terrestrial effects are discussed. During the period observed by spacecraft the interplanetary field was dominated by a sector structure corotating with the sun in which the field is predominantly away from the sun (on the average in the Archimedes spiral direction) for several days (as observed near the earth), and then toward the sun for several days, etc. The average sector appears to be a coherent entity with internal structure such that its preceding portion is more active than its following portion. Cosmic rays corotate with the interplanetary field, and there are differential flows associated with the sector pattern. Profound effects on geomagnetic activity and the radiation belts are produced as the sector pattern rotates past the earth. The solar origin of the sector pattern is discussed. The solar source may be associated with the large-scale weak background photospheric fields observed with the solar magnetograph. It is suggested that there may be a rather continual relation between this solar structure and terrestrial responses, of which the recurring M-Region geomagnetic storms are just the most prominent example.  相似文献   

Space Science Reviews - Many theories of the solar flare process invoke storage of energy in the active region magnetic field above the solar photosphere. Observational evidence relating to such...  相似文献   

The nonlinear evolution of a partially open coronal magnetic configuration is considered, assuming that corona responds to photospheric footpoint motions by small-scale reconnection events that produce a relaxed lower-energy state while conserving the global magnetic helicity of the system. The results of numerical calculations for such a relaxed equilibrium show an essential role of the amount of helicity injected to the closed-field region. If photospheric perturbations are incoherent (small-scale shearing with inefficient helicity injection), the relaxed state becomes close to an initial potential field. In this case reconnective relaxation does not result in a substantial global evolution, just providing heating of the corona (Vekstein et al, 1993). On the contrary, sufficient injection of the magnetic helicity can lead to a considerable restructuring of the coronal magnetic configuration, with possible change of its topology (formation of magnetic islands), and even catastrophic loss of equilibrium (Wolfson et al, 1994)  相似文献   

在电磁场中,经常计算圆环、矩形、三角形等规则平面载流线圈特殊点(如中心轴线上)的磁场分布规律,而复杂一些的问题,例如规则平面载流线圈的远点和任意点的磁场分布规律由于数学处理繁杂一般不加以计算.实践中通过对规则平面载流线圈中心轴线上任意一点和与该线圈共面的对称线上的任意一点的磁场分布规律的整理分析,用二者合成的方法,经推广得出一般性规律,可以解决任意形状的平面载流线圈在远点处这一类的磁场计算问题.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a portable battery-operated 3D magnetic microsystem (magnetodosimeter), intended for monitoring worker exposure to magnetic fields, in particular, working environments such as hospitals or physics laboratories. The proposed microsystem is based on a multichip module containing three equal channels for the three components of the magnetic field measurement, a microprocessor and a memory. Each single-chip channel detects the magnetic field, converts it into the digital domain and delivers the result to the microprocessor by means of an on-chip serial interface. The single-chip channel, fabricated in a 0.8 μm CMOS technology, is sensitive to magnetic fields ranging from -200 mT to +200 mT, achieving 12 bits of resolution and 11 bits of linearity  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design of a three-axis magnetic field simulator for space applications. The simulator main goal is to reproduce, in an assigned volume about its geometrical center, a magnetic field vector with assigned uniformity and time behavior. To this end, different geometrical configurations, in terms of coil shape, dimension, number and distance, are analyzed. Results show that an optimum configuration, in terms of test volume dimensions and maximum power consumption, can be found  相似文献   

纳米陶瓷材料的性能、制备及其在军事领域的应用前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了纳米陶瓷的主要制备方法、独特的超塑性、高强度性能,并对其在军事领域的应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The relationships of type Pi (broadband) pulsations to various other substorm-related phenomena are reviewed. Several of the more popular mechanisms for the origin of Pi activity are discussed in the light of the observations. There is only one mechanism in sight that tentatively accounts for observed characteristics of Pi 1–2 activity at auroral oval and polar cap latitudes and that is the three-dimensional current loop mechanism. If two or more mechanisms are involved in the generation of Pi noise, then it is possible that the garden-hose overstability and/or a drift Alfvén wave mechanism operating in the plasma sheet contribute to the observed pulsations.The common feature of all Pi 1–2 events is not the presence of temporal precipitation pulsations but the presence of an E-region, suggesting that enhanced conductivity and E-region currents are required. Pi activity appears to be closely related to unsteady convection in progress. Pi data promise to provide useful information on convection and field-aligned and ionospheric currents.  相似文献   

以放电室阳极振荡电压和放电损耗的最小化为目标,结合正交试验方法,获得了性能提升后可实现长期稳定工作的LIPS-200离子推力器最佳磁路结构与磁场构型。基于此,运用等效磁路方法,采用有限元离散形式,建立了LIPS-200离子推力器放电室磁场模型,研究了特定空间排布下电磁体的永磁体替代方案。利用放电室磁感应强度测试和整机工作性能对比验证了永磁体替代方案的等效性及分析方法的可行性和计算结果的正确性。结果表明:两种磁场状态下的推力器放电室特征位置磁感应强度相对误差低于5%,且推力器工作敏感参数变化情况符合预期,满足磁路等效目标,达到磁路结构再优化,工作性能再提升的整体目标。   相似文献   

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