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真空污染环境会加剧激光诱导损伤,严重影响激光雷达系统的性能。文章对已有研究进行了分析总结,详细介绍了星载激光雷达系统污染增强损伤效应及防护试验平台的设计、试验方法及结果,归纳提出了星载激光雷达系统污染防护措施,对我国相关研究的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

根据空间在轨抓捕服务的需求,针对PDMS和E30两种硅橡胶材料开展全柔性触手的材料制备和结构成型工艺研究,分析不同工艺参数对材料硬度及力学性能的影响。结果表明,随着固化温度的升高和固化时间的延长,两种材料的杨氏模量均逐步提高;随着固化剂占比的提高,杨氏模量呈先上升后下降的趋势。在此基础上,分别采用半固化和全固化工艺制备E30/PDMS/E30三明治结构的复合材料,结果表明半固化工艺所得样品具有明显的界面过渡层和较高的拉伸强度,其断裂伸长率达460%,性能优势突出。采用分析所得最佳工艺制备的气动柔性触手样品具有较好的运动特性——当气压为58 500 Pa时,触手的平均卷曲角速度为0.4 rad/s,最大达0.8 rad/s。本工艺研究结果为实现轨道目标物体的捕获提供了新的材料制备方法和思路。  相似文献   

A multispectral scanner system for spaceborne remote sensing of land and coastal/ocean features is under development for the German Ministry for Research and Technology. The system is based on the use of multilinear detector arrays for visible and infrared spectral bands.The electronically scanning image system MOMS (Modular Optoelectronical Multispectral Scanner) consists of individual spectral channel modules which can be grouped to dedicated mission tasks. Those dedicated tasks are land surface thematic mapping, sea or vegetation monitoring and in a stereo mode conventional photo interpretation and mapping.The basic performance data would allow up to 10,000 pixels per scan line, corresponding to about 20 m resolution at 200 km swath width out of observation satellite altitudes with narrower spectral bands than used on the current systems. High spectral resolution (up to 20 nm) is feasible at medium spatial resolution (~ 60 m).An experimental airborne scanner has been successfully flown in spring 1978. High-resolution modules development in the visible/NIR is under way and will be flight tested in early 1981.  相似文献   

论述了星载SAR的特点及固有缺陷,从有源和无源两个方面提出了几种不同的星载SAR对抗方法,最后给出了结论。  相似文献   

针对降水测量雷达的定标需求,提出基于四个有源雷达定标器的多站有源定标方法,给出定标器布设方式,并设计有源定标时序。分析定标过程中的误差源及其对定标精度的影响,仿真验证表明,四站有源定标的波束匹配偏差定标精度优于0.01°,系统定标精度优于1dB。方法在满足高精度定标的同时,能够实现在降水观测模式下对雷达性能的评估,降低天地定标试验的复杂度。  相似文献   

小型化星载Ku频段宽带扇形波束圆极化天线   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为适应星载天线小型化、宽带、高性能的发展趋势,提出一种小型化星载Ku频段宽带扇形波束圆极化天线。通过在H面扇形喇叭口处加入曲折线圆极化器实现天线圆极化,将传统平面圆极化器变为半圆柱形,天线的包络尺寸减小近36%。同时,在喇叭口处增加介质透镜,在有限尺寸内将球面波调节为平面波。半圆柱极化器和介质透镜的设计可共同调节入射波束角度,提升天线的宽角波束覆盖性能。利用CST软件建立模型进行仿真,仿真结果表明:天线结构紧凑、波束覆盖范围宽,俯仰面大于11.3dBi的增益覆盖范围达90°。半圆柱极化器的设计为星载天线的小型化、低成本设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   

针对星载SAR的特点,简述了散射波干扰的干扰原理,并针对其工程实现中的几个关键问题进行了分析。最后针对典型星载SAR进行了干扰验证试验,给出了试验结果,证明了该样式的有效性。  相似文献   

The remote sensing of precipitation, especially rain by the spaceborne weather radar is an important subject which has not been realized. The system design and examination of the spaceborne weather radar which is called as the spaceborne microwave rain-scatterometer are performed by considering user's requirements to observe rain, the restrictions derived from the interface with satellite and the state of the art and the possibility of spaceborne microwave technology. Characteristic parameters for spaceborne microwave rain-scatterometer are determined based on the user's requirements for the system. Functions and performances of each subsystem (antenna, transmitters, receivers and data transmission processor) with the detailed block diagram of the total system of spaceborne microwave rain-scatterometer are shown. All of the critical items of hardware in the development of spaceborne microwave rain-scatterometer are also discussed.  相似文献   

提出一种适用于高星载聚束式合成孔径雷达(SAR)的改进Extended Chirp Scaling(ECS)算法。基于斜视距离等效模型,推导出改进的ECS算法,给出改进的方位Scaling因了以及算法的实现步骤。在斜视情况下改进的方法Scaling因子可以减小算法所需要的方位时间展宽,提高方位处理效率。为解决高分辨率星载聚束式SAR脉冲重复频率(PRF)过高等问题,在算法中结合了子孔径处理,并分析了采用子孔径处理的必要性及其实现方法。最后,通过计算机仿真,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Two NASA laser satellite tracking systems on opposite sides of the San Andreas fault will be used in an experiment to measure the gross relative motion of the tectonic plates of North America and the Pacific during the next several years. Initial sites at San Diego on the Pacific Plate and Quincy, California, on the North American Plate, nearly 900 km apart, have already been selected and occupied, and other sites further south are proposed. Each site is occupied for two or three months per year and simultaneous precision laser distance measurements to the Beacon Explorer-C satellite from these sites will be used to determine the relative position of one site with respect to the other. Results of a simulation of this experiment in which a pair of sites are reoccupied annually for about eight years indicate an eventual accuracy of about 0.5 cm/yr in the average plate motion. The results of a preliminary three-month observing period in 1972 indicate a precision of about 15 cm in the chord distance between the San Diego and Quincy sites.  相似文献   

面对商业航天新业态的迅猛发展,围绕高可靠、高效率、高效益的航天发展目标,针对卫星有效载荷的载荷核心——星载信号处理载荷部分,参考美国国家航空航天局的空间无线电通信体制设计思路,以硬件平台化、功能软件化、软件构件化为特征基础,通过对软硬件体系、载荷时频、重构方式、资源共享等多元化的设计,构建了一种灵活、通用、易扩展、需求适应强的全数字化星载信号处理载荷架构。相比于传统星载信号处理载荷,采用该架构设计的星载信号处理载荷可以广泛适应各类星载信号处理的需求,极大地提升有效载荷的信号处理能力及可靠性,降低载荷的研制周期与成本,为未来卫星有效载荷的软件化、网络化、智能化发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

文竹  周荫清  陈杰 《宇航学报》2004,25(5):552-554,565
针对通用微型计算机平台的特点,基于面向对象的设计思想,结合工程化的要求,进行了星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像处理系统的方案设计和软件实现。该系统能够完成针对真实星载SAR数据的辅助数据处理、轨道参数估计、多普勒参数估计、成像处理、成像结果显示以及产品数据打包等一系列任务,实现从星载SAR回波数据到1级产品数据的处理流程。同时,该系统具有功能完整、精度高、有较强通用性、稳定性、易用性的优点。通过实际运行、测试,证明设计合理、性能稳定。  相似文献   

针对星载功率放大器噪声功率比(noise power ratio,NPR)指标缺乏考核方法的问题,根据多载波非线性工作原理,使用基于数字I/Q调制的方法在Matlab里编辑基带波形文件,形成具有陷波的宽带多载波信号,依据频谱仪采样的数字预处理方法校准宽带多载波信号的幅度平坦度,调节矢量信号源I/Q两路的功率偏置进而调整陷波的深度来生成满足条件的宽带多载波激励信号。通过输入放大器该校正后的激励信号、分析被测放大器件输出端频谱陷波内产生的互调失真分量的测试方法,设计了通过矢量信号源和频谱仪进行测试的方案。根据方案所搭建的测试系统,完成了某K频段行波管放大器(主载波频率为19800MHz,带宽为80MHz)的测试验证。研究结果表明,提出的NPR测试方法有效可行,为考核星载微波功率放大器NPR指标提供了具体的测试方法。  相似文献   

星载柔性复合材料壳面可展开天线研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
柔性复合材料壳面可在一定曲率半径范围内弹性弯曲收纳,展开后具有一定的自支撑能力,可为星载可展开天线研制提供新型解决途径.随着高应变薄壁碳纤维复合材料结构的发展,关于柔性壳面可展开天线的应用研究日益增多.综述了几类典型柔性壳面可展开天线反射面实现形式,分析了影响柔性壳面可展开天线发展的关键技术,为该类型天线反射面的研制提...  相似文献   

刘全威  张崎  许振龙 《遥测遥控》2021,42(5):95-101
研究星载信息处理与控制系统利用微系统技术解决空间装备小型化、高可靠、高性能与高效热管理的问题.首先介绍基于新型星载器件的数据处理与控制系统架构,然后通过以晶圆级处理、芯片堆叠、微凸点制备与微组装等为核心的三维微纳集成技术,将系统核心硬件部分缩小为原尺寸的20%,从而大幅减少体积、尺寸和重量.利用高导热封装材料,解决空间...  相似文献   

针对星载时差频差无源定位系统对地海面雷达信号定位工程实现需要考虑的实际问题,对雷达信号时差频差测量关键技术进行研究.首先研究了雷达信号时差频差测量方法,然后研究了双星时差频差模糊条件并提出解模糊方法,最后,研究了长时间积累对到达频差的影响,给出随时间变化频差补偿方法.  相似文献   

Measuring temperatures, mechanical loads and derived quantities precisely and reliably play an important role in spaceflight. With spacecraft becoming increasingly complex, upscaling of present telemetry techniques can become cumbersome. Additionally, there are entirely new sensory requirements, resulting from emerging technologies such as smart structures, active vibration damping and composite material health monitoring. It has been demonstrated in preceding studies that these measurements can be advantageously and efficiently carried out by means of fiber-optic systems. The most prominent fiber-optic strain and temperature sensor is the fiber Bragg grating. Typically, multiple fiber Bragg gratings are used to translate entire temperature and strain fields into an optical wavelength information. For the interrogation of these sensors, a broadband or scanning light source is required. Additional requirements with respect to the light source are high intensity and unpolarized illumination of the gratings. These constraints can be met by a light source that is based on amplified spontaneous emission in a rare-earth-doped fiber. In the presented work, a compact light source, adapted for measurement applications and targeted towards space applications, has been developed. The design of this light source is presented, as well as its implementation. The light source has been designed and tested for selected core aspects of space robustness and the results of these tests are summarized.  相似文献   

基于硅通孔TSV(Through Silicon Vias)的星载微系统,通过硬件框架设计、TSV关键工艺设计、CPS仿真设计、全流程测试及可靠性研究,最终在全国产化高温共烧陶瓷HTCC(High-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics)管壳内集成了抗辐照海量信息处理器、抗辐照大容量存储器、抗辐照微控制器、抗辐照38译码器等器件,形成43 mm×43 mm×5.65 mm的气密性封装星载微系统,具备高可靠、高性能的处理能力以及星上常用的控制和通讯接口,可用于星上载荷信息实时处理及星务平台控制管理,可以有效替代现有的板级产品,实现星载电子系统的小型化、集成化。  相似文献   

滑动聚束模式是合成孔径雷达的一种新兴的工作模式,具有比条带模式的方位向分辨率高、同时又比聚束模式的成像区域大的优点,因此,滑动聚束模式呈现蓬勃发展的趋势。在此基础上,根据侦察的基本原理,展开了对滑动聚束模式合成孔径雷达的侦察研究,建立了侦察模型,并进行了仿真实验。可以看出,对星载滑动聚束模式合成孔径雷达的侦察是完全可行的。  相似文献   

在星载电子设备的结构设计中,一般采取局部加强结构刚度来减小其响应,但对有些结构此方法效果并不理想。为减小某单机中关键部件的加速度响应,通过倍频程准则对结构进行优化设计,通过合理弱化支架刚度来降低核心部件的响应。仿真结果表明在弱化某些结构部件的情况下,使得谐振器的加速度响应降低了29%,效果明显。通过弱化非核心部件来减小核心部件的响应,有别于常规的增加整体结构刚度来减小响应,对后续电子设备的优化设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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