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自1999年我国第一颗资源卫星成功发射并投入应用运行以来,已经成功发射并运行了3颗资源卫星和2颗环境卫星。负责这些卫星运行管理、数据接收、处理、存档和分发应用的中国资源卫星应用中心(以下简称中心)在不断成长壮大,推动了国产卫星数据的应用向更广泛、深入发展.并承担起了国家陆地观测卫星数据中心和国家高分辨率对地观测系统民用高分卫星数据中心的建设任务。  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星已顺利在轨运行1年多,完成了核心科学目标观测。文章概述了HXMT卫星的观测情况,如顺利完成核心观测源和银道面扫描的观测;重点介绍在银道面扫描、黑洞和中子星双星时变与能谱分析、伽马射线暴探测及引力波电磁对应体研究、脉冲星观测及脉冲星导航试验等方面获得的初步成果。HXMT卫星与国外空间X射线望远镜卫星及国内外地面望远镜开展的联合观测,促进了HXMT卫星的标定工作。HXMT卫星在黑洞与中子星研究、伽马射线暴探测及银河系内新源与暴发源监测方面会发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

<正>联合发射联盟公司的德尔它2-7320-10C型火箭12月14日在范登堡空军基地发射了NASA的"宽视场红外巡天探测器"(WISE)天文观测卫星。卫星将运行在高525公里的太阳同步轨  相似文献   

按照最具权威的世界卫星咨询机构——欧洲咨询公司的分类方法,遥感卫星市场包括民用和商业对地观测卫星.本文将对2012年民用和商业对地观测卫星市场进行慨述和分析. 一、2012全球遥感卫星发射情况 2012年全球共发射了11颗遥感卫星(不包括遥感技术试验和科学研究卫星),其中中国发射了3颗(资源3号、天绘1号02星和环境1C),法国发射了2颗(斯波特6和昴星团1B),印度发射了1颗("雷达成像卫星"1),韩国发射了1颗("韩国多用途星" 3),俄罗斯发射了1颗(老人星V1),白俄罗斯发射了1颗(白俄星),委内瑞拉发射了1颗("委内瑞拉遥感卫星"1),土耳其发射了1颗(突厥2).  相似文献   

正2016年8月10日,高分三号卫星在我国太原卫星发射基地升空入轨,开始执行对地观测任务。至今为止,高分三号卫星已经在轨稳定运行近两年,为国民经济各行业提供了48万余景图像数据,有力支持了我国各项建设工作的顺利开展。高分三号卫星是"国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项"中唯一的民用微波遥感成像卫星,也是我国首颗C频段多极化高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)  相似文献   

中法对地观测技术应用研讨会于1996年12月3~4日在北京长城饭店召开。这次研讨会由中国国家科学技术委员会和法国工业技术经济合作署联合举办。中国科学院遥感卫星地面站和法国驻华大使馆经济商务处协办、中法宇航界和对地观测方面的有关官员和专家共200多人参加了本次研讨会。  相似文献   

<正>碧波万顷的蓝色海洋,留给人类太多的秘密。当今世界,由于人口的激增和无节制的掠夺性开发,资源和能源日益紧张。向海洋进军,已经成为经济发展的重要引擎。在人类开发和利用海洋资源的征程中,海洋卫星扮演着重要的角色,被誉为"数字海洋"的"千里眼"。2014年8月,设计寿命为3年的我国"海洋二号"卫星迎来在轨稳定运行三周年。目前,该卫星仍然在稳定运行。3年多来,该卫星与"海洋一号"卫星相互配合,分别以微波、光学两种观测手段,进行海洋动力环境监测与海洋资源探测,构成了空间立体监测系统,进一步完善了我国海洋立体监测体系,大幅提升了我国对地观测卫星  相似文献   

我国近年来遥感卫星应用迅速发展,特别是随着高分辨率对地观测工程的实施,中国的卫星遥感进入了一个新的发展期。遥感卫星正在由试验性运行向业务化运行发展,卫星遥感应用由行业化应用向大众化应用发展。卫星遥感数据应用需求日益增加,卫星遥感应用产业显示出勃勃生机,并正在成为经济社会发展的战略性新兴产业。特别是高分二号卫星的成功发射,大幅提高了国产遥感卫星数据的分辨率,使中国遥感卫星进入了亚米级高分时代。遥感应用领  相似文献   

云空 《卫星应用》2013,(2):60-63
一、引言自1995年GPS实现全面运行能力以来,卫星导航系统通过提供全球覆盖的定位、导航与授时服务,为人们的生活带来了巨大便利。从飞机的导航与精密进场着陆,到汽车的路线指示,再到各种五花八门的个人定位服务,可以说卫星导航的应用无处不在。同时,卫星导航的应用并未局限在地面和大气层以下,更是不断地向空间扩展。卫星导航接收机由于其成本低、重量轻、低消耗、全天候、高精度、连续观测等优点,被越来越多地安装在卫星上。实际上,早在上世纪80  相似文献   

阳光 《航天》2009,(7):11-11
阿斯特里姆公司已同哈萨克斯坦航天联合股份公司签订了范围广泛的一项合作协议,将为哈方培训100多名工程师,在哈国建设一座联合卫星总装中心,并向哈方出售两颗由其建造的光学对地观测卫星。  相似文献   

The results of numerical modeling of thinning process in the Earth’s magnetotail current sheet are compared with the model of an anisotropic current sheet in collisionless space plasma. Stability of the current sheet during its evolution is investigated. In the evolution one can distinguish three basic stages: 1) transformation of the initial two-dimensional “isotropic” equilibrium that is well described within the MHD-approximation into a relatively thin current structure; 2) further kinetic evolution, as a result of which the virtually one-dimensional, extremely thin current sheet is formed; 3) relaxation of the system into a new equilibrium that can be stable or unstable. A substorm scenario of transformation of the magnetospheric tail and its transition into the unstable state is suggested. The spontaneously appearing tearing disturbance favors a current sheet disruption. It is shown that the estimate of a tearing mode wavelength, obtained from the model, is in accordance with experimental observations during the explosive phase of substorms.  相似文献   

刘哲  邓畅霖  郭薇  胡卫生 《宇航学报》2016,37(7):854-861
为了降低星座通信网建设过程中的端到端延时及星上存储需求,提出了异轨一箭多星(MSMP)方法。在星座通信网每个阶段,该方法把发射的多颗卫星注入到多个相邻轨道平面上合适的相位,使得用户接入卫星的时间窗口分布更加均衡。实验结果表明,MSMP方法在建设过程中的平均端到端延时及存储需求比传统的同轨一箭多星(MSIP)方法分别小70.1%和42.8%。  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation functions are presented for a number of passages when the satellite was in the plasma sheet for a long time. The turbulent diffusion coefficients are calculated. A comparison of the obtained diffusion coefficients with those predicted theoretically in [1] is carried out. It is shown that the results of observations confirm theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

M. Boccanera  D. Lentini   《Acta Astronautica》2004,55(12):965-976
A model for the thermochemical closure in high-speed turbulent flows with nonpremixed reactants is presented, based on relatively lenient assumptions involving, inter alia, equilibrium chemistry, and the ratio ρ/p being pressure-independent. The proposed approach is based on the introduction of a presumed joint pdf of the conserved scalar and an appropriately defined nondimensional enthalpy gap, for which plausible shapes are assumed. The model is applied to a test case concerning a supersonic hydrogen/vitiated air flame for a check of its consistency; results indicate good performance for both the mean and rms of state quantities. The assumption of pressure independence is verified, and an indication of errors involved in overlooking thermochemical closure is also given. An extension to flows involving finite-rate chemistry and differential diffusion is also briefly presented, though requiring a quite extensive flamelet library.  相似文献   

为了提高星座的测试效率、降低测试成本,提出一种适合多星并行测试的应答机设计方法,通过地面测试设备和星上测控应答机复用星上的遥控RS422接口、遥测RS422接口的方式,突破了多星并行测试的瓶颈。新方法已经成功应用于某卫星星座的并行测试,降低了测试成本、提高了测试效率、缩短了星座的测试周期。  相似文献   

Based on Polar satellite data, the authors have studied the auroral disturbances that arose during the passage by the Earth of compressed plasma regions formed in front of high-speed solar wind streams (the CIR region) and in front of magnetic clouds (the Sheath region). The aurorae observed by the Polar satellite possessed basic signatures of a substorm: a localized onset and expansion toward the pole and westward and eastward. However, in these cases they had a very large size in longitude and latitude and occupied a very large area. All disturbances observed by the Polar satellite during the Sheath and CIR regions of the solar wind in December of 1996, in 1997–1998, and in 2000 were analyzed. Eight events during disturbance development in the ionosphere, when the Geotail satellite was located in the plasma sheet of the magnetospheric tail, were selected. It is shown that in all selected cases some typical signatures of substorm development in the magnetospheric tail were observed, namely: (1) fast plasma flows (flow reversal, i.e., from tailwards to Earthwards) and (2) a sharp decrease of the total pressure, which followed an interval of total pressure increase. One can draw the conclusion that in the CIR and Sheath regions with a high solar wind density, substorm disturbances of a specific type are observed, with large latitudinal and longitudinal size (sometimes occupying the entire polar cap).  相似文献   

Dynamics of changes of the electric fields in the daytime and nighttime sectors of the high-latitude ionosphere is studied. The following facts are demonstrated: (a) With the onset of active phases of substorms, a decrease occurs in the value of the electric potential difference in the daytime sector. It is especially abrupt with the onset of the expansion phase, which is related to a decrease and the end of reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. (b) With the onset of active phases of substorms, an increase in the value of the electric potential difference in the nighttime sector occurs. It is sharply intensified with the onset of the expansion phase, this fact being caused by the intensification of the reconnection in the nighttime magnetotail. (c) There exists a relation, close to a functional dependence, between the values of the electric potential differences in the nighttime sector and | AL | index.  相似文献   

Using a single event as an example, we make an analysis of the time development of a substorm and estimate its influence on the motion of the low-latitude boundary of the magnetosphere. To this end, we compare the data on plasma and magnetic field obtained by five spacecraft (WIND, INTERBALL-1, GEOTAIL, GOES-8, and GOES-9) with measurements made by ground-based stations. It is shown that the release of energy of the geomagnetic tail begins from a disruption of the current sheet near the Earth. The high-speed plasma stream that transfers a magnetic flux to the Earth and can have an effect on the magnetic field configuration near the Earth is detected later. Almost simultaneously with a substorm onset a series of magnetopause crossings has been detected by the INTERBALL-1 satellite on the evening side of the low-latitude magnetosphere. In this paper we consider some of possible causes of this motion of the magnetosphere boundary, including variations of parameters of the solar wind, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, and substorm processes. It is shown that fast motions of the magnetopause are detected almost simultaneously with field variations in the near magnetotail of the Earth and geomagnetic pulsations Pi2 on ground-based stations. A sufficiently high degree of correlation (K = 0.67) between the amplitude of Pi2 pulsations and the amplitude of magnetic field variations near the magnetopause is probably indicative of the connection of short-term motions of the magnetosphere boundary with the tail current disruption and the process of formation of a substorm current wedge.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 248–259.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Nikolaeva, Parkhomov, Borodkova, Klimov, Nozdrachev, Romanov, Yermolaev.  相似文献   

Solar Orbiter will enhance our knowledge of the Sun by observations and in situ measurements as close as 0.22 AU from our star. Placed on an orbit with a period two-thirds the one of Venus, Solar Orbiter will use the many encounters with the planet to gradually incline its orbit and gain view on the Sun's poles. The permanent in situ observations will be associated to remote-sensing observations over large parts of the orbits.ESA Science Directorate has awarded in parallel two Solar Orbiter Heat Shield and System Technology contracts to industry. This paper presents the achievements of Thales Alenia Space thanks to one of these two ESA contracts.It shows how the main technical challenge brought by the heat flux of 20 solar constants has been addressed by the system and heat shield design. The design and manufacturing of a breadboard of the heat shield in view of thermal test verification is then reported. The main technological developments and residual risks are assessed, paving the way for the definition phase of the program.  相似文献   

We present the results on variations of ion spectra in the energy range from 1 keV to 3 MeV. The spectra measured onboard the INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite on November 13, 1995, during the satellite's passage from the dipole field lines to the lines stretched into the magnetotail are analyzed. The data of the CORALL, DOK-2, and SKA-2 instruments are used to reconstruct the ion spectra. It is shown that, when the ion spectrum along the satellite trajectory is averaged over 2-min intervals, it is smooth up to geocentric distances of 6R E. With decreasing distances, the form of the particle spectra in the region under consideration remained virtually unchanged (region from L = 11R E down to L= 6R E) and only insignificant variations of the energy of the spectral maxima are observed. Possible reasons for the observed regularities are discussed.  相似文献   

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