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相对于地面垂直发射运载火箭,空射运载火箭具有点火姿态可变的优点,不同的点火姿态对火箭的飞行弹道有显著影响,从而引起运载能力的变化.本文采用一个适用于空中发射的飞行程序角,在不同的点火俯仰角下对空射运载火箭的飞行弹道进行了优化,并对得出的优化结果进行了比较分析.研究结果表明,倾斜点火的方案既能避免大攻角飞行造成的载荷问题,又能提高运载能力.  相似文献   

<正>一国外空射运载火箭项目进展空基发射技术源于美、苏在20世纪70年代争霸背景下提出的反卫导弹、战略导弹空基发射设想,80年代后以相关技术成果为基础,开展了空射运载火箭的研制。1990年4月5日,美国成功发射了"飞马座"小型固体运载火箭,为空射运载火箭技术开辟了新径。近年来,又开展了ALASA、"快速抵达""运载器一号""平流层发射系统"等新型空射运载火箭项目研究。俄罗  相似文献   

我国新一代中型高轨运载火箭发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新一代火箭CZ-5、CZ-6和CZ-7陆续首飞成功,拉开了我国运载火箭更新换代的序幕。新一代中型运载火箭CZ-7于2016年6月和2017年4月圆满完成了两次飞行任务,为中型运载火箭的研制奠定了坚实的基础。在CZ-7火箭基础上,增加CZ-3A氢氧三子级,在海南文昌发射GTO轨道卫星,运载能力不低于7.0t,可快速形成更新换代能力,填补我国GTO轨道该吨位的运载能力的空白。为了进一步提升我国运载火箭的竞争力,对标国际先进水平,针对新一代中型高轨运载火箭开展构型优化研究,以提高火箭性能,降低火箭成本,提升火箭的使用维护性能,满足后续GTO发射任务需求。  相似文献   

<正>运载火箭海上发射是一种新型、高效、灵活、经济的发射模式,可以灵活选择发射点和航落区,满足各种轨道的有效载荷发射需求。国外海射型"天顶"3SL火箭是世界上第一种从海上发射的液体运载火箭,于1999年进行了首次飞行试验。其海上发射方案为通过把整枚火箭装到海上发射平台上,驶往赤道预定海域点位发射,达到显著提高火箭运载能力的目的。"十二五"期间,我国新一代运载火箭陆续取得发射成功,某新型固体运载火箭已连续多次执行发射任务,正式投入各类小卫星的应用发射。该型固体运载火箭继承了我国固体型号和液体火箭的成熟技术,采用模块化、装备化和全域化发射的总体设计思想,综合考虑了陆上、海上的快速发射需求,火箭  相似文献   

<正>9月25日9点41分,我国长征系列运载火箭家族第一型固体运载火箭、我国新一代运载火箭中唯一一型固体火箭——长征十一号固体运载火箭携带浦江一号和另外3颗微小卫星,在酒泉卫星发射中心成功起飞。随着星箭成功分离,长征十一号运载火箭将4颗卫星顺利运送至预定轨道。长征十一号运载火箭实现了我国运载火箭快速发射的小时级跨越,可在24小时内完成发射准备工作。这标志着我国具备了小卫星快速组网能力,对提升我国  相似文献   

陈杰 《中国航天》2007,(5):30-31,36
一、空中发射运载火箭发展概述空中发射运载火箭指利用第一级将携带有效载荷的一次性使用的第二级运输到一定高度释放、第一级安全返回地面的航天运载系统。在这个领域,美国、俄罗斯、欧洲等国很早就进行了有关的概念研究和研制工作,提出了多种方案。最早的“螺旋”空中发射运载火箭方案是由前苏联在1965年提出的。该方案后因成本过高、技术难度过大和研制周期过长而停止。美国的“飞马座”空射火箭是迄今为止唯一实用化的方案,同时美国正在大力开展  相似文献   

正2021年7月9日19时59分,在太原卫星发射中心,"长征"六号运载火箭点火升空,随后将"钟子"卫星星座02组卫星准确送入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。"钟子"卫星星座02组卫星由中国空间技术研究院所属的航天东方红卫星有限公司抓总研制。"长征"六号运载火箭由上海航天技术研究院研制,属于新一代无毒、无污染低温液体快速发射三级火箭,可执行多种轨道发射任务,支持单星发射、多星发射和搭载发射,700km太阳同步轨道运载能力可达1t。  相似文献   

印度“静地卫星运载器”(GSLV)运载火箭2010年12月25日下午4时许在斯里哈里科塔萨迪什.达万航天中心点火升空.执行“静地星”5P卫星发射任务。但火箭起飞后不久即失去控制.偏离飞行路线.后被实施自毁。画面显示.火箭残骸落入发射场附近的孟加拉湾。此次失败是GSLV火箭年内连续第二次发射失败.给了印度航天计划又一次沉重打击。  相似文献   

一、长征系列火箭家族 1970年4月24日,长征一号运载火箭首次飞行,成功地将我国第一颗人造地球卫星东方红一号卫星送入地球轨道.经过40余年的发展,我国航天运载技术已经取得长足进步.目前,我国独立自主地研制了12种不同型号的长征系列运载火箭,适用于发射高、中、低不同轨道的卫星.长征系列运载火箭近地轨道最大运载能力达到9.2吨,地球同步转移轨道最大运载能力达到5.1吨,入轨精度达到国际先进水平,能够承担国内外大、中、小型有效载荷的发射任务,满足不同用户的需求.  相似文献   

以现有空中发射运载火箭"飞马座"(Pegasus)为研究对象,研究了空中发射运载火箭的弹道优化设计方法。在建立的空中发射运载火箭动力学模型的基础上,考虑空中发射火箭独特气动外形,设计发射全过程的飞行控制模型;给出了使用遗传算法(GA)筛选弹道优化问题全局最优初值,并交叉运用起作用集算法(ASM)与内点法对GA算法获得的初值二次寻优,从而获得空中发射火箭弹道的分级优化设计方法,另与"飞马座"空中发射运载火箭的弹道数据对比,验证了该分级优化方法相比传统弹道优化设计方法,适用的目标轨道范围广阔,发射位置灵活,能够更大程度挖掘空中发射运载火箭的运载能力。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a launch vehicle scheme for the new generation of cryogenic and quick-launch launch vehicle(LM-6). The main technical innovations of LM-6 launch vehicle include the capability of twenty satellites launched by one vehicle, high-pressure staged combustion cycle engine and oxygen tank self-pressurization, sandwich bulkhead tank with 200 K temperature difference, and 7-day quick-launch using the "three horizontals" test and launch mode with integral transportation and erection. The future development of the quick-launch launch vehicle is predicted based upon the need for vehicle mission coverage improvement, better response speed, and stronger market competiveness.  相似文献   

The Long March 5(LM-5) launch vehicle is China's new generation heavy-lift rocket with the largest payload capacity,representing the highest standard of China's current launchers.It took 10 years to develop the LM-5 launch vehicle.On November 3,2016,the LM-5 carrier rocket blasted off from the Wenchang satellite launch center on Hainan Island,achieving a successful maiden flight.During the development of the LM-5 rocket,the engineering team accumulated abundant experience on developing heavy-lift cryogenic rockets and established a thorough research and development system for new generation launch vehicles,which significantly raised the ability for launcher RD.  相似文献   

基于火箭基组合循环发动机(RBCC)的结构组成、工作过程和特点,结合某吸气式重复使用天地往返运载器所提出的动力需求,分析了采用RBCC组合循环发动机作为该运载器动力方案的可行性和动力系统指标,设计并计算了RBCC组合循环发动机在各个工作模态下的性能参数.针对相同的运载器使用要求,采用相同的总体和气动力参数,通过飞行弹道仿真,计算和比较了采用RBCC发动机和纯火箭发动机两种动力方案的天地往返运载器方案.研究结果表明,相对于纯火箭动力,采用RBCC动力能明显减小运载器的燃料消耗,并增大其航程.  相似文献   

考虑海上发射环境特殊性,分析了发射船承受的典型海浪以及风环境,针对陆基发射时运载火箭直接坐落在发射台上的裸箭热发射方式,分析了该支撑形式在海上动态环境下的射前稳定性,获得海上裸箭热发射方式的承受晃动极限。为解决陆基热发射支撑方式不满足三级海况发射稳定性的问题,提出运载火箭的框架式扶稳措施,通过框架内的柔性支撑保证运载火箭的射前稳定性。构建由火箭、等效甲板、导向框架、导轨、柔性支撑、发射台等组成的发射系统动力学仿真模型,开展复杂海况条件下的发射动力学分析,获得了框架式热发射方式在典型海况条件下,不同因素对火箭出框过程飞行姿态、安全间隙等影响规律,可为运载火箭框架式热发射的海上动基座发射动力学安全性评估提供技术支撑,并用于框架式热发射方式的海上动基座环境适应性的综合评价。  相似文献   

The Smart Dragon 1(SD-1) launch vehicle is the first commercial rocket developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT), targeting to the international launch market for small satellites. As the smallest launch vehicle in China at present, SD-1 is one of the most efficient solid boost rockets nationwide in terms of launch capacity. Compared with current domestic rockets, it provides remarkable access to space with a faster response, higher orbit-injection accuracy and better payload accommodation at a lower cost. On August 17, 2019, SD-1 completed its maiden flight and delivered three satellites into the desired Sun Synchronous Orbit(SSO) of 550 km accurately. In this article, a technical review of SD-1 is presented detailing the design concept and the use of state of the art technology throughout its development.  相似文献   

基于整体级概念的多级固体运载火箭设计与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多级固体运载火箭小型化需求,采用整体级概念(ISC)进行总体方案改造和优化设计.描述了2种ISC概念的特点,以某三级常规方案固体运载火箭为基准,通过利用级间的剩余空间,完成ISC方案改造.建立了运载火箭的整体级发动机动力计算模型、气动计算模型和弹道计算模型,并结合任务指标要求,提出了运载火箭的总体参数优化模型.在相同的任务条件下,完成了常规方案和2种ISC方案的优化.结果表明,引入ISC概念可将运载火箭体积缩小15%~20%,起飞总重缩小1%~1.5%,满足了总体指标要求,达到了运载火箭小型化设计目的.  相似文献   

The X-33 program was initiated to develop a testbed for integrated RLV technologies that pave the way for a full scale development of a launch vehicle (Venture Star). Within the Nasa Future X Trailblazer program there is an Upgrade X-33 that focuses on materials and upgrades. The authors propose that the most significant gains can be realized by changing the propulsion cycle, not materials. The cycles examined are rocket cycles, with the combustion in the rocket motor. Specifically, these rocket cycles are: turbopump, topping, expander, air augmented, air augmented ram, LACE and deeply cooled. The vehicle size, volume, structural weight remain constant. The system and propellant tank weights vary with the propulsion system cycle. A reduction in dry weight, made possible by a reduced propellant tank volume, was converted into payload weight provided sufficient volume was made available by the propellant reduction. This analysis was extended to Venture Star for selected engine cycles. The results show that the X-33 test bed could carry a significant payload to LEO (10,000 Ib) and be a valuable test bed in developing a frequent flight to LEO capability. From X-33 published information the maximum speed is about 15,000 ft/sec. With a LACE rocket propulsion system Venture Star vehicle could be sized to a smaller vehicle with greater payload than the Venture Star baseline. Vehicle layout and characteristics were obtained from: http:// www.venturestar.com.  相似文献   

Major X-33 flight hardware has been delivered, and assembly of the vehicle is well underway in anticipation of its flight test program commencing in the summer of 1999. Attention has now turned to the operational VentureStarTM, the first single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) reusable launch vehicle. Activities are grouped under two broad categories: (1) vehicle development and (2) market/business planning, each of which is discussed. The mission concept is presented for direct payload delivery to the International Space Station and to low Earth orbit, as well as payload delivery with an upper stage to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and other high energy orbits. System requirements include flight segment and ground segment. Vehicle system sizing and design status is provided including the application of X-33 traceability and lessons learned. Technology applications to the VentureStarTM are described including the structure, propellant tanks, thermal protection system, aerodynamics, subsystems, payload bay and propulsion. Developing a market driven low cost launch services system for the 21st Century requires traditional and non-traditional ways of being able to forecast the evolution of the potential market. The challenge is balancing both the technical and financial assumptions of the market. This involves the need to provide a capability to meet market segments that in some cases are very speculative, while at the same time providing the financial community with a credible revenue stream. Furthermore, the market derived requirements need to be assessed so as not to impose unnecessary requirements on the vehicle design that add unreasonable cost to the development of the system, yet provides the right capabilities for new markets that could be triggered by dramatically lower space transportation prices.  相似文献   

针对提升和保障航天发射人员安全问题,提出了低温运载火箭无人值守加注发射(CLVUFL)的理念和内涵.通过国内外代表性CLVUFL的技术对比,发现国内低温火箭加注发射应用CLVUFL技术存在箭地接口复杂、加注发射时间较长、关键设备可靠性有待提高、智能化自动化程度不高等主要问题.针对某大型低温运载火箭加注发射流程,通过分析...  相似文献   

Following the successful maiden flight of the Long March 11(LM-11) launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in September 2015, the first sea-launched carrier rocket dedicated to provide a launch service for small satellites and their constellations, the Long March 11 Sea Launch(LM-11 SL) has been under development by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC). It is planned to commence launch service in 2018. Based on the LM-11, a land-launched four-staged solid launch vehicle which has entered the market and accomplished launch missions for several small satellites in the past 3 years, the newly adopted sea launch technology enables transport and launch of LM-11 SL from maritime ships, providing flexible launch location selection.After inheriting the mature launch vehicle technologies from previous members of the Long March launch vehicle family and adopting a new way of launching from the sea, the LM-11 SL is capable of sending payloads into low Earth orbits with all altitudes and inclinations, from 200 km to 1000 km, from equatorial to sun synchronous, within a shortduration launch campaign. The LM-11 SL provides a flexible, reliable and economical launch service for the global small satellite industry.  相似文献   

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