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The investigations of Venus take a special position in planetary researches. It was just the atmosphere of Venus where first measurements in situ were carried out by means of the equipment delivered by a space probe (Venera 4, 1967). Venus appeared to be the first neighbor planet whose surface had been seen by us in the direct nearness made possible by means of the phototelevision device (Venera 9 and Venera 10, 1975). The reasons for the high interest in this planet are very simple. This planet is like the Earth by its mass, size and amount of energy obtained from the Sun and at the same time it differs sharply by the character of its atmosphere and climate. We hope that the investigations of Venus will lead us to define more precisely the idea of complex physical and physical-chemical processes which rule the evolution of planetary atmospheres. We hope to learn to forecast this evolution and maybe, in the far future, to control it. The last expeditions to Venus carried out in 1978 — American (Pioneer-Venus) and Soviet (Venera 11 and 12) — brought much news and it is interesting to sum up the results just now. The contents of this review are:
  1. The planet Venus — basic astronomical data.
  2. Chemical composition.
  3. Temperature, pressure, density (from 0 to 100 km).
  4. Clouds.
  5. Thermal regime and greenhouse effect.
  6. Dynamics.
  7. Chemical processes.
  8. Upper atmosphere.
  9. Origin and evolution.
  10. Problems for future studies
Here we have attempted to review the data published up to 1979 and partly in 1980. The list of references is not exhaustive. Publications of special issues of magazines and collected articles concerning separate space expeditions became traditional last time. The results obtained on the Soviet space probes Venera 9, 10 (the first publications) are collected in the special issues of Kosmicheskie issledovanija (14, Nos. 5, 6, 1975), analogous material about Venera 11, 12 is given at Pis'ma Astron. Zh. (5, Nos. 1 and 5, 1978), and in Kosmicheskie issledovanija (16, No. 5, 1979). The results of Pioneer-Venus mission are represented in two Science issues (203, No. 4382; 205, No. 4401) and special issue of J. Geophys. Res. (1980). We shall mention some articles to the same topic among previous surveys: (Moroz, 1971; Sagan, 1971; Marov, 1972; Hunten et al., 1977; Hoffman et al., 1977) and also the books by Kuzmin and Marov (1974) and Kondrat'ev (1977). Some useful information in the part of ground-based observations may be found in the older sources (for example, Sharonov, 1965; Moroz, 1967). For briefness we shall use as a rule the abbreviations of space missions names: V4 instead of Venera 4, M10 instead of Mariner 10 and so on. The first artificial satellites of Venus in the world (orbiters Venera 9 and 10) we shall mark as V9-O, V10-O unlike the descent probes V9, V10. Fly-by modules of Venera 11 and Venera 12 we shall mark as V11-F and V12-F. Pioneers descent probes — Large (Sounder), Day, Night and North — will be marked as P-L, P-D, P-Ni, P-No, orbiter as P-O, and bus as P-B.  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge of the Venusian clouds is reviewed. The visible clouds of Venus are shown to be quite similar to low level terrestrial hazes of strong anthropogenic influence. Possible nucleation and particle growth mechanisms are presented. The Pioneer Venus experiments that emphasize cloud measurements are described and their expected findings are discussed in detail. The results of these experiments should define the cloud particle composition, microphysics, thermal and radiative heat budget, rough dynamical features and horizontal and vertical variations in these and other parameters. This information should be sufficient to initialize cloud models which can be used to explain the cloud formation, decay, and particle life cycle.  相似文献   

This paper is an introduction to a special issue ofSpace Science Reviews dedicated to the exploration of Venus and the role played by the Pioneer Venus program. The Pioneer Venus program consists of a Multiprobe and Orbiter mission, both to be launched and to encounter Venus in 1978. The evolution of the program is traced from its conception in 1968 as the Goddard Space Flight Center Planetary Explorer Program through its transfer to Ames Research Center in 1971 as Pioneer Venus to the present.  相似文献   

Clouds and Hazes of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than three decades have passed since the publication of the last review of the Venus clouds and hazes. The paper published in 1983 in the Venus book summarized the discoveries and findings of the US Pioneer Venus and a series of Soviet Venera spacecraft (Esposito et al. in Venus, p. 484, 1983). Due to the emphasis on in-situ investigations from descent probes, those missions established the basic features of the Venus cloud system, its vertical structure, composition and microphysical properties. Since then, significant progress in understanding of the Venus clouds has been achieved due to exploitation of new observation techniques onboard Galileo and Messenger flyby spacecraft and Venus Express and Akatsuki orbiters. They included detailed investigation of the mesospheric hazes in solar and stellar occultation geometry applied in the broad spectral range from UV to thermal IR. Imaging spectroscopy in the near-IR transparency “windows” on the night side opened a new and very effective way of sounding the deep atmosphere. This technique together with near-simultaneous UV imaging enabled comprehensive study of the cloud morphology from the cloud top to its deep layers. Venus Express operated from April 2006 until December 2014 and provided a continuous data set characterizing Venus clouds and hazes over a time span of almost 14 Venus years thus enabling a detailed study of temporal and spatial variability. The polar orbit of Venus Express allowed complete latitudinal coverage. These studies are being complemented by JAXA Akatsuki orbiter that began observations in May 2016. This paper reviews the current status of our knowledge of the Venus cloud system focusing mainly on the results acquired after the Venera, Pioneer Venus and Vega missions.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous progress that has been made since the publication of the Venus II book in 1997, many fundamental questions remain concerning Venus’ history, evolution and current geologic and atmospheric processes. The international science community has taken several approaches to prioritizing these questions, either through formal processes like the Planetary Decadal Survey in the United States and the Cosmic Vision in Europe, or informally through science definition teams utilized by Japan, Russia, and India. These questions are left to future investigators to address through a broad range of research approaches that include Earth-based observations, laboratory and modeling studies that are based on existing data, and new space flight missions. Many of the highest priority questions for Venus can be answered with new measurements acquired by orbiting or in situ missions that use current technologies, and several plausible implementation concepts have been studied and proposed for flight. However, observations needed to address some science questions pose substantial technological challenges, for example, long term survival on the surface of Venus and missions that require surface or controlled aerial mobility. Missions enabled by investments in these technologies will open the door to completely new ways of exploring Venus to provide unique insights into Venus’s past and the processes at work today.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge of the spatial structure of the Venus ionosphere and its temporal behavior is reviewed, with emphasis on the more recent Pioneer Venus measurements and analysis not covered in earlier reviews. We will stress the ionosphere structure, since other papers in this issue deal with its dynamics, and its magnetic properties. We also discuss some of the limitations that the orbit has placed on the spatial and temporal coverage of the ionosphere. For the benefit of future users of the data some of the factors which affect the measurement accuracies are discussed in an Appendix.Currently at Space Physics Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This paper assesses our current understanding of the solar wind interaction with Venus in light of developments since the last major reviews were published in 1983. Suggestions for making further progress in the area of solar wind interactions with planetary atmospheres and ionospheres are offered based on the available observations and techniques, and from the viewpoint of forthcoming missions to Mars.  相似文献   

Dynamics play an important role in defining the characteristics of the Venus ionosphere. The absence of a significant internal magnetic field at Venus allows the ionization to respond freely to gradients in the plasma pressure. The primary response to a gradient in plasma pressure is the nightward flow of the ionization away from a photoionization source on the dayside. The flow is approximately symmetric about the Sun-Venus axis and provides the source of O+ that maintains the nightside ionosphere during solar maximum. Modelling efforts have generally been successful in describing the average nightward ion velocity. Asymmetric and temporally-variable flow is measured, but is not well described by the models. Departures from axially-symmetric flow described in this paper include ionospheric superrotation at low altitudes and an enhanced flow at high altitude at the dawn terminator. Variability that is the result of changes in the ionopause height induced by changes in solar wind dynamic pressure is especially strong on the nightside. Ion flow to the nightside is also reduced during solar minimum because of a depressed ionopause.  相似文献   

From the discovery that Venus has an atmosphere during the 1761 transit by M. Lomonosov to the current exploration of the planet by the Akatsuki orbiter, we continue to learn about the planet’s extreme climate and weather. This chapter attempts to provide a comprehensive but by no means exhaustive review of the results of the atmospheric thermal structure and radiative balance since the earlier works published in Venus and Venus II books from recent spacecraft and Earth based investigations and summarizes the gaps in our current knowledge. There have been no in-situ measurements of the deep Venus atmosphere since the flights of the two VeGa balloons and landers in 1985 (Sagdeev et al., Science 231:1411–1414, 1986). Thus, most of the new information about the atmospheric thermal structure has come from different remote sensing (Earth based and spacecraft) techniques using occultations (solar infrared, stellar ultraviolet and orbiter radio occultations), spectroscopy and microwave, short wave and thermal infrared emissions. The results are restricted to altitudes higher than about 40 km, except for one investigation of the near surface static stability inferred by Meadows and Crisp (J. Geophys. Res. 101:4595–4622, 1996) from 1 \(\upmu\)m observations from Earth. Little information about the lower atmospheric structure is possible below about 40 km altitude from radio occultations due to large bending angles. The gaps in our knowledge include spectral albedo variations over time, vertical variation of the bulk composition of the atmosphere (mean molecular weight), the identity, properties and abundances of absorbers of incident solar radiation in the clouds. The causes of opacity variations in the nightside cloud cover and vertical gradients in the deep atmosphere bulk composition and its impact on static stability are also in need of critical studies. The knowledge gaps and questions about Venus and its atmosphere provide the incentive for obtaining the necessary measurements to understand the planet, which can provide some clues to learn about terrestrial exoplanets.  相似文献   

This review surveys the observations of the ionospheric magnetic fields of Venus as observed on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and the models that have been developed to describe them over the last decade. The models for the large-scale ionospheric field have developed to the advanced stage of one-dimensional, self-consistent, multi-fluid MHD models which provide a detailed picture of the field in the subsolar region for specific upper boundary conditions. In contrast, the models for the small-scale fields and the nightside fields have only reached a rudimentary stage. Much challenging work remains to be done on the origin of the ionospheric flux ropes and nightside ionospheric hole fields. On the whole, the subject of the ionospheric fields would greatly benefit from 3-dimensional global MHD models with self-consistent treatments of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

为研究复合材料层合板在雷电流作用下的烧蚀损伤力学特性,建立复合材料雷击热力耦合有限元分析模型,与文献实验结果对比验证模型的有效性。根据Hashin三维失效准则编写用户材料子程序,分别得出层合板雷击烧蚀区域周围出现的力学损伤、各层力学损伤分布以及首层在不同方向上的应力分布,分析得出层合板的烧蚀损伤随雷电流持续时间的变化规律。结果表明:由于存在较高的温度梯度,导致层合板出现较大的热膨胀应力,进而导致层合板内部产生各种力学损伤,即基体开裂、分层及纤维断裂;雷击电流施加时间、峰值电流与温度场均对层合板烧蚀面积产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

Increased computer capacity has made it possible to model the global plasma and neutral dynamics near Venus, Mars and Saturn??s moon Titan. The plasma interactions at Venus, Mars, and Titan are similar because each possess a substantial atmosphere but lacks a global internally generated magnetic field. In this article three self-consistent plasma models are described: the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model, the hybrid model and the fully kinetic plasma model. Chamberlain and Monte Carlo models of the Martian exosphere are also described. In particular, we describe the pros and cons of each model approach. Results from simulations are presented to demonstrate the ability of the models to capture the known plasma and neutral dynamics near the three objects.  相似文献   

Although in recent years much has been learned about the atmospheric composition and structure of Venus, there are many key questions which remain unanswered. The Pioneer Venus set of experiments is designed to provide information both individually and collectively to help understand and explain first of all the present state of the atmosphere (the composition and distribution in both the lower and upper parts, the state property profiles, the cloud compositions, the role of phase in the thermal structure, the planet's surface and interior composition, the high surface temperature, the stability of CO2, the ionosphere — its chemistry and thermal structure, the existence of superrotation, the response of the upper atmosphere to changes in solar EUV and the solar wind) and secondly the origin and evolution of the atmosphere. This paper discusses these questions and the degree to which the Pioneer Venus instruments will respond to them.  相似文献   

The occurrence of waves generated by pick-up of planetary neutrals by the solar wind around unmagnetized planets is an important indicator for the composition and evolution of planetary atmospheres. For Venus and Mars, long-term observations of the upstream magnetic field are now available and proton cyclotron waves have been reported by several spacecraft. Observations of these left-hand polarized waves at the local proton cyclotron frequency in the spacecraft frame are reviewed for their specific properties, generation mechanisms and consequences for the planetary exosphere. Comparison of the reported observations leads to a similar general wave occurrence at both planets, at comparable locations with respect to the planet. However, the waves at Mars are observed more frequently and for long durations of several hours; the cyclotron wave properties are more pronounced, with larger amplitudes, stronger left-hand polarization and higher coherence than at Venus. The geometrical configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field with respect to the solar wind velocity and the relative density of upstream pick-up protons to the background plasma are important parameters for wave generation. At Venus, where the relative exospheric pick-up ion density is low, wave generation was found to mainly take place under stable and quasi-parallel conditions of the magnetic field and the solar wind velocity. This is in agreement with theory, which predicts fast wave growth from the ion/ion beam instability under quasi-parallel conditions already for low relative pick-up ion density. At Mars, where the relative exospheric pick-up ion density is higher, upstream wave generation may also take place under stable conditions when the solar wind velocity and magnetic field are quasi-perpendicular. At both planets, the altitudes where upstream proton cyclotron waves were observed (8 Venus and 11 Mars radii) are comparable in terms of the bow shock nose distance of the planet, i.e. in terms of the size of the solar wind-planetary atmosphere interaction region. In summary, the upstream proton cyclotron wave observations demonstrate the strong similarity in the interaction of the outer exosphere of these unmagnetized planets with the solar wind upstream of the planetary bow shock.  相似文献   

The state of Georgia has experienced a number of tornados that occur without warning, and, in several cases have caused fatalities. Researchers at the Severe Storms Research Center (SSRC) of the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), Georgia Institute of Technology are attempting to detect tornado formation within severe thunderstorms occurring in the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia, using non-radar sensors that may provide early tornado warning and provide cueing to existing National Weather Service (NWS) radars. The goal of these studies is to increase the warning time of tornado formation within the parent thunderstorm. GTRI researchers use real-time S-band Doppler weather radar data from three National Weather Service WSR-88D NEXRAD radars to complement the development of the non-radar tornado sensors. Three NWS Doppler radars provide severe weather surveillance coverage of the north Georgia area to determine if a thunderstorm contains the Doppler signature that indicates tornado formation. The radar data, displayed on a work station developed and optimized for tornado detection by the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), serves as ground truth data for the non-radar sensor development. GTRI can display cloud to ground (CG) lightning strikes, a capability provided by overlaying data from a national monitoring network onto the radar reflectivity map. GTRI also uses a local lightning direction finder (DF) system that supplies azimuth and range to the lightning strike. This paper discusses the early lightning channel research and the passive parasitic radar system being operated by the SSRC.  相似文献   

This article summarizes and aims at comparing the main features of the induced magnetospheres of Mars, Venus and Titan. All three objects form a well-defined induced magnetosphere (IM) and magnetotail as a consequence of the interaction of an external wind of plasma with the ionosphere and the exosphere of these objects. In all three, photoionization seems to be the most important ionization process. In all three, the IM displays a clear outer boundary characterized by an enhancement of magnetic field draping and massloading, along with a change in the plasma composition, a decrease in the plasma temperature, a deflection of the external flow, and, at least for Mars and Titan, an increase of the total density. Also, their magnetotail geometries follow the orientation of the upstream magnetic field and flow velocity under quasi-steady conditions. Exceptions to this are fossil fields observed at Titan and the near Mars regions where crustal fields dominate the magnetic topology. Magnetotails also concentrate the escaping plasma flux from these three objects and similar acceleration mechanisms are thought to be at work. In the case of Mars and Titan, global reconfiguration of the magnetic field topology (reconnection with the crustal sources and exits into Saturn??s magnetosheath, respectively) may lead to important losses of plasma. Finally, an ionospheric boundary related to local photoelectron signals may be, in the absence of other sources of pressure (crustal fields) a signature of the ultimate boundary to the external flow.  相似文献   

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