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I review the observational evidence for planetary systems around nearby stars and, using our own solar system as a guide, assess the stringent requirements that new searches need to meet in order to unambiguously establish the presence of another planetary system. Basically, these requirements are: 1 milliarcsecond or better positional accuracy for astrometric techniques, 9 orders of magnitude or better star to planet luminosity ratio discrimination at 0.5 to 1" separation in the optical for direct imaging techniques, 10 meters sec-1 or better radial velocity accuracy for reflex motion techniques and +/-1% or better brightness fluctuation accuracy for planet/star occultation measurements. The astrometric accuracy is in reach of HST, direct imaging will require much larger telescopes and/or a 50 times smoother mirror than HST while the reflex motion and occultation techniques best performed on the ground are just becoming viable and promise exciting new discoveries. On the other band, new indirect evidence on the existence of other planetary systems also comes from the observation of large dusty disks around nearby main sequence stars not too dissimilar from our sun. In one particular case, that of Beta Pictoris, a flattened disk seen nearly edge-on has been imaged in the optical and near IR down to almost 70 AU of the star. It probably represents a young planetary system in its clearing out phase as planetesimals collide, erode and are swept out of the inner system by radiation pressure. The hypothesized Kuiper belt around our solar system may be the analogous structure in a later evolutionary stage. Features of this type have been detected in the far IR and sub-millimeter wavelength regions around 50-100 nearby main sequence and pre-main sequence stars. I discuss a battery of new accurate observations planned in the near future of these objects some of which may actually harbour planets or planetesimals that will certainly dramatically improve our knowledge of planetary system formation processes and our peculiar position in this scheme.  相似文献   

Comets in our solar system appear to have provided a bridge between the cold, volatile-rich outer solar system, and the warm, but volatile-poor inner solar system. Excluding tidal and possible extinct radionuclide heating sources, only in the inner solar system are temperatures high enough for liquid water, and therefore life as we know it, to exist for times comparable to the age of the solar system. Comets may have been crucial for providing biogenic volatiles and perhaps organic molecules to this warm environment. It is therefore interesting from an exobiological point of view to ask if comets exist in other planetary systems. Most attempts to detect comets around other stars or in interstellar space have failed. However, there is growing spectroscopic evidence for comet-like bodies orbiting the star Beta Pictoris.  相似文献   

We consider some novel concepts for thermal properties experiments aboard lunar landers or rovers, that may lead to an improved understanding of both the structure of the lunar near surface layers and the lunar thermal history. The new instruments could be developed using the experience and heritage from recently developed systems, like the Rosetta Lander thermal conductivity experiment MUPUS and existing designs used for terrestrial measurements of thermal conductivity. We describe shortly the working principle of such sensors and the main challenges faced when using them in the airless regolith layers of the Moon or other airless bodies. In addition new concepts to create appropriate drill holes for thermal and other measurements in the lunar regolith are discussed.  相似文献   

A more precise definition of planet is proposed based on the existence of dynamic planetary systems on it. Four basic planetary systems: the intraplanetary, the atmospheric, the magnetospheric and the biospheric one are discussed taking into account interactions of internal and external (cosmic) factors. The formation of distinct phases inside dynamic planetary systems is handled and the dissipative character of these phases is emphasized. The great importance of the formation and role of boundary layers between various phases is shown. Finally the exceptional significance of the action of some boundary layers as barriers is treated in some detail.  相似文献   

Evolution of a system consisting of a great number of bodies that are gravitationally interacting and aggregating in contacts is considered. Body motions take place in the gravitational field of a central massive body (Sun or planet) in the same plane and at the initial time of system evolution orbits of all bodies are circular. It is shown that during evolution of the protoplanetary cloud, ring zones of matter rarefaction and condensation develop. Development of the condensation zones leads to the formation of planets, the most part of which acquire a direct rotation about their axes. In the case under consideration, approximate agreement between the law of planetary distances and that of geometric progression takes place as it is observed in planetary and satellite systems. The formation of the terrestrial planets and Jovian planets has been simulated. The principal numerical results have been obtained through digital simulation of planetary accumulation.  相似文献   

The planning and execution of manned and robotic missions to Mars present a wide range of jurisprudential issues. Provisions to prevent the disruption of natural celestial environments, as well as damage to the environment of Earth by the return of extraterrestrial materials, are important components of the law applicable to mankind's activities in outer space, and have been supplemented by scientifically instituted planetary protection policies. However, divergent legal regimes may exist, as the space treaties in force are neither uniform in their provisions, nor identical as to the states which have signed, ratified, or adopted the international agreements. The legal requirements applicable to a specific mission will vary depending on the entities conducting the program and specific mission profile. This article analyzes the divergent international legal regimes together with the factors which will influence the determination of the standards of conduct which will govern manned and robotic missions to Mars.  相似文献   

Two tasks must be accomplished to provide planetary protection for Mars return missions: (1) sterilization of the scientific module to be landed on Mars and (2) reliable sterilization of all material returned to Earth, while ensuring the scientific integrity of martian samples. This paper examines similarity and differences between these two tasks, and includes a discussion of technological implementation conditions and the nature of terrestrial and hypothesized martian microflora. The feasibility of a number of chemical and physical (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation and heating) methods of sterilization for use on the ground and onboard are discussed and compared. A combination of different methods will probably be selected as the most appropriate for ensuring planetary protection on the return mission.  相似文献   

Recent progress on measurements of isotopic ratios in planetary or satellite atmospheres include measurements of the D/H ratio in the methane of Uranus, Neptune and Titan and in the water of Mars and Venus. Implications of these measurements on our understanding of the formation and evolution of the planets and satellite are discussed. Our current knowledge of the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios in the atmospheres of these planets, as well as on Jupiter and Saturn, is also reviewed. We finally show what progress can be expected in the very near future due to some new ground-based instrumentation particularly well suited to such studies, and to forthcoming space missions.  相似文献   

NASA is committed to exploring space while avoiding the biological contamination of other solar system bodies and protecting the Earth against potential harm from materials returned from space. NASA's planetary protection program evaluates missions (with external advice from the US National Research Council and others) and imposes particular constraints on individual missions to achieve these objectives. In 1997 the National Research Council's Space Studies Board published the report, Mars Sample Return: Issues and Recommendations, which reported advice to NASA on Mars sample return missions, complementing their 1992 report, The Biological Contamination of Mars Issues and Recommendations. Meanwhile, NASA has requested a new Space Studies Board study to address sample returns from bodies other than Mars. This study recognizes the variety of worlds that have been opened up to NASA and its partners by small, relatively inexpensive, missions of the Discovery class, as well as the reshaping of our ideas about life in the solar system that have been occasioned by the Galileo spacecraft's discovery that an ocean under the ice on Jupiter's moon Europa might, indeed, exist. This paper will report on NASA's planned implementation of planetary protection provisions based on these recent National Research Council recommendations, and will suggest measures for incorporation in the planetary protection policy of COSPAR.  相似文献   

If there is a possibility that the organisms carried from Earth to space can live for a significant period on planets, the contamination of planets should be prevented for the purpose of future life-detection experiments. In connection with quarantine for interplanetary missions, we have examined the survivabilities of terrestrial microorganisms under simulated space conditions. In this study, examined the survivabilities of terrestrial organisms under simulated Mars conditions. The Mars conditions were simulated by ultraviolet (UV) and proton irradiation under low temperature, high vacuum, and simulated gaseous conditions. After exposure to the simulated Mars condition, the survivabilities of the organisms were examined. The spores of Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus niger, some anaerobic bacterias and algaes, showed considerably high survivabilities even after UV and proton irradiation corresponding to 200 years on Mars. This subject is not restricted to academic curiosity but concerns problems involving the contamination of Mars with terrestrial organisms carried by space-probes.  相似文献   

The investigation of chemical evolution of bodies in our solar system has, in the past, included observations, theoretical modeling, and laboratory simulations. Of these programs, the last one has been the most criticized due to the inherent difficulties in accurately recreating alien environments in the laboratory. Processes such as wall reactions and changes in chemistry due to difficulties in achieving realistic conditions of temperature, pressure, composition, and energy flux may yield results which are not truly representative of the systems being modeled. However, many laboratory studies have been done which have yielded data useful in planetary science. Gross simulations of atmospheric chemistry have placed constraints on the nature of complex molecules expected in planetary atmospheres. More precise studies of specific chemical processes have provided information about the sources and properties of product gases and aerosols. Determinations of basic properties such as spectral features and reaction rate constants yield data useful in the interpretation of observations and in computational modeling. Alone, and in conjunction with modeling, laboratory experiments will continue to be used to further our understanding of the outer solar system, and some experiments that need to be done are listed.  相似文献   

An early high-temperature phase of the protosolar accretion disk is implied by at least three different telltales in chondrites and confirmed by peculiarities in the dust grains of comet Halley. The existence this high-temperature phase implies a large accretion rate hence a massive early disk. This clarifies the origin of the Kuiper Belt and of the Oort cloud, those two cometary populations of different symmetry that subsist today. Later, when the dust sedimented and was removed from the thermal equilibrium with the gas phase, a somewhat lower temperature of the disk explains the future planets' densities as well as the location beyond 2.6 AU of the carbonaceous chondrite chemistry. This lower temperature remains however large enough to require an exogenous origin for all carbon and all water now present in the Earth. The later orbital diffusion of planetesimals, which is required by protoplanelary growth, is needed to explain the origin of the terrestrial biosphere (atmosphere, oceans, carbonates and organic compounds) by a veneer mostly made of comets.  相似文献   

Simulated planetary atmospheres (mixtures of simple gases) were irradiated with high energy particles to simulate an action of cosmic rays. When a mixture of carbon monoxide, nitrogen and water was irradiated with 2.8-40 MeV protons, a wide variety of bioorganic compounds including amino acids, imidazole, and uracil were identified in the products. The amount of amino acids was proportional to the energy deposit to the system. Various kinds of simulated planetary atmospheres, such as "Titan type" and "Jovian type", were also irradiated with high energy protons, and gave amino acids in the hydrolyzed products. Since cosmic rays are a universal energy source in space, it was suggested that formation of bioorganic compounds in planetary atmospheres is inevitable in the course of cosmic evolution.  相似文献   

Modelling canopy photosynthesis in response to environmental conditions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Physiological models in the plant and crop sciences provide a means of integrating different aspects of the system, in particular the interaction between plant processes and environmental factors. This paper focuses on the response of canopy photosynthesis, including adaptation, to environmental conditions. Adaptation is likely to be important when considering controlled ecological life support systems since physiological characteristics are affected by past as well as current environmental conditions. In particular, the level of photosynthetic enzymes in a plant is generally greater for plants grown in high irradiance levels than for similar plants grown in low irradiance. The models have been developed to apply to 'normal' growing conditions, although the principles will apply to closed bioregenerative systems.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, the nature of the surface conditions on the planet Mars, our knowledge of the growth capabilities of Earth organisms under extreme conditions, and future opportunities for Mars exploration have been under extensive review in the United States and elsewhere. As part of these examinations, in 1992 the US Space Studies Board made a series of recommendations to NASA on the requirements that should be implemented on future missions that will explore Mars. In particular, significant changes were recommended in the requirements for Mars landers, changes that significantly alleviated the burden of planetary protection implementation for these missions. In this paper we propose a resolution implementing this new set of recommendations, for adoption by COSPAR at its 30th meeting in Hamburg. We also discuss future directions and study areas for planetary protection, in light of changing plans for Mars exploration.  相似文献   

The early evolution of a photocatalytic system of the porphyrin type, able to efficiently collect and utilize solar energy for primary electron transfer is discussed. Experimental results concerning some spectral and photochemical properties of the porphyrins, biosynthetic precursors of chlorophyll and their complexes with polymeric templates are reviewed. Protoporphyrin IX associated with pigmented proteinoid is demonstrated to be a favourable candidate for a role of a photosensitizer of the first photosynthetic reaction centers. The origin and early evolution of the photosynthetic electron transfer chain and of the phosphorylating mechanism are discussed with emphasis on the energetic mechanisms of archaebacteria.  相似文献   

深空探测车可变直径车轮牵引通过性分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了一种可变直径轮深空探测车,其具有结构紧凑、越障能力强、重心低、运行平稳等优点.考虑了月球重力环境和月壤的力学特性,应用基于贝克模型的地面力学理论,分析了深空探测车可变直径车轮与月壤间的相互作用,对轮片展开和车轮下陷做了合理的简化,对不同滑转条件下探测车轮的挂钩牵引力、驱动力矩和驱动效率进行了计算,结果表明车轮的展开减小了推土阻力,车轮的挂钩牵引力和驱动效率都比车轮收缩状态有了明显的提高,并获得了使驱动效率达到最大值的滑转率的范围.   相似文献   

The major functions of soil relative to plant growth include retention and supply of water and minerals, provision of anchorage and support for the root, and provision of an otherwise adequate physical and chemical environment to ensure an extensive, functioning root system. The physical and chemical nature of the solid matrix constituting a soil interacts with the soil confinement configuration, the growing environment, and plant requirements to determine the soil's suitability for plant growth. A wide range of natural and manufactured terrestrial materials have proven adequate soils provided they are not chemically harmful to plants (or animals eating the plants), are suitably prepared for the specific use, and are used in a compatible confinement system. It is presumed this same rationale can be applied to planetary soils for growing plants within any controlled environment life support system (CELSS). The basic concepts of soil and soil-plant interactions are reviewed relative to using soils constituted from local planetary materials for growing plants.  相似文献   

In horticulture, growing in artificial substrates such as rockwool is more and more considered to be a sound alternative to growing in soil. This development enables the opportunity to create closed-loop systems which lower the waste of raw materials and reduce pollution of the environment. Applying closed-loop systems needs precise knowledge of the composition of the recirculating nutrient solution. This paper presents basic principles of a measuring system, which can monitor continuously the concentration of nutrients in water. The system is based on ion-selective field effect transistors (ISFETs). By appropriate calibration, a high accuracy is achieved for pH and potassium measurements in the nutrient solution. An accuracy of better than 10% (mMol/l) has been achieved.  相似文献   

UV induced syntheses of organic compounds from the main atmospheric constituents can be a very important source of organics in a given planetary environment provided the atmosphere is in a reduced state. The evolution of a CO2 rich medium only produces very low yields of formaldehyde and related oxygenated compounds. Considering a CO rich atmosphere, the photochemical yield of O-organics formation is much higher, when the synthesis of N-organics remains difficult. The most favourable atmosphere as far as photochemical organic synthesis is concerned is a CH4 rich milieu.. The photochemical evolution of such a CH4 atmosphere under UV irradiation leads to a chain of various organics, the complexity of which increases together with the number of pathways involved in their formation. Their complexity also closely correlates with their UV photoabsorption spectrum: the more complex they are, the more shifted is their UV spectrum toward the visible range. Direct photodissociation of methane requires UV photon of wavelengths shorter than about 145 nm. It mainly produces ethane which absorbs UV at wavelengths shorter than about 160 nm, and acetylene, that presents an absorption spectrum extending up to 200 nm. This shift still continuously increases with further increase in number of C atoms. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with 4 and more C atoms have UV absorption characteristics including noticeable band structures in the 250–300 nm range. This trend has very important implication in the photochemical behaviour of a CH4-rich planetary atmosphere, as it induces many catalytic processes. The occurrence of such processes is closely related to vertical atmospheric and energy deposition profiles. Titan provides a very good example of such a UV-directed organic atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

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