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The general characteristics and dimensions of the earth's magnetosphere, turbulent transition region, and shock wave are reviewed and examined with regard to their possible active or passive interaction with the moon. The moon may, in turn, have a wake either detectable by space experiments outside the terrestrial shock wave or capable of interacting with the earth's shock wave, wake, or magnetospheric tail. The length and detectability of such a lunar wake depend, among other factors, on the selenomagnetic field and flow characteristics of the solar wind. Direct experimental information on a lunar wake is scanty, being, in fact, limited to one supposed case recorded by the IMP-1 satellite. Some evidence has been claimed, on the other hand, for statistical relationships between geomagnetic disturbance observed at the surface and the age of the moon. These results, however, are partly conflicting with each other as regards the phase of the supposed monthly variations, and partly are lacking statistical significance or merely grazing the significance level. The proximity of the lunar period with the length of the solar rotation, as well as a yearly and half-yearly modulation of the quasi-persistent 27-day fluctuations of geomagnetic disturbance contribute to encumber the question, rendering it very difficult, with the records presently available, to free the supposed lunar effects from solar interference. It seems, therefore, recommendable to postpone a judgement on the reality of such effects.Contribución del Instituto Antártico Argentino No. 109.  相似文献   

A brief summary is presented of recent progress in estimating the rates of energy, momentum and mass transport of the solar wind through the magnetopause in terms of an analysis of the non-linear stage of various plasma instabilities. It is shown that the energy supply to the Earth's magnetosphere is due to reconnection on the dayside magnetopause and its dissipation during magnetospheric substorms, being controlled by both the interplanetary field parameters and by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind.  相似文献   

The interaction of travelling interplanetary shock waves with the bow shock-magnetosphere system is considered. We consider the general case when the interplanetary magnetic field is oblique to the Sun-planetary axis, thus, the interplanetary shock is neither parallel nor perpendicular. We find that an ensemble of shocks are produced after the interaction for a representative range of shock Mach numbers. First, we find that the system S + R CS S + appears after the collision of travelling fast shock waves S + (Mach number M = 2 to 7) with the bow shock. Here, S and R represent the slow shock wave and slow rarefaction wave, and C represents the contact surface. It is shown that in the presence of an interplanetary field that is inclined by 45° to the radial solar wind velocity vector, the waves R and S are weak waves and, to the first degree of approximation, the situation is similar to the previously studied normal perpendicular case. The configuration, R + C m S S + or R + C m R S + where C m is the magnetopause, appears as the result of the fast shock wave's collision with the magnetopause. In this case the waves S and R are weak. The fast rarefaction wave reflected from the magnetosphere is developed similar to the case for the collision of a perpendicular shock. The shock wave intensity is varied for Mach numbers from 2 to 10. Thus, in the limits of the first approximation, the validity of the one-dimensional consideration of the nonstationary interaction of travelling interplanetary shock waves with the bow shock-magnetosphere system is proved. The appearance of the fast rarefaction wave, R 4, decreasing the pressure on the magnetosphere of the Earth after the abrupt shock-like contraction, is proved. A possible geomagnetic effect during the global perturbation of the SSC or SI+ type is discussed.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

The plasma model for the magnetosphere and ionosphere is first discussed. A review of some parts of the theory for a warm collisionless plasma of interest in the magnetosphere in connection with waves of periods between 0.1 and 1000 seconds is given. The theory for magnetohydro-dynamic waves in a slightly ionized gas is then summarized. The available observational data about magnetospheric and ionospheric phenomena, which may be interpreted in terms of waves with periods between 0.1 and 1000 seconds, are briefly surveyed and some theoretical applications to the ionosphere and magnetosphere are finally discussed. The theory of shock phenomena and transients in the magnetosphere is not included in the report.  相似文献   

Conclusions From the preceding discussion of possible errors and from the probe dimensions given in Tables IV and V the conclusion can be drawn that there should be no great difficulties in making rough (10–20%) measurements of electric fields in the ionosphere. With moderate efforts (using metallized balloons) it should also be possible to obtain order of magnitude estimates of electric fields out to a distance of several earth radii.With large efforts it seems possible also in the future to measure electric fields along the magnetic field lines, but at present indirect methods may be more attractive.  相似文献   

The development of a three-dimensional tracker using onboard measurements is described. A system model based on aircraft dynamics is derived. A full 3-D tracking system that can be split, with a part operating onboard and a part operating on the ground, is developed. Attitude angle and aircraft airspeed measurements are processed to estimate the components of the aircraft velocity with respect to the surrounding air. These are then used to obtain estimates of the aircraft position and ground speed. The tracker is designed so that the number of quantities transmitted to the ground station is kept to a minimum. The tracker was evaluated with real data and was found to perform well, resulting in a considerable improvement over the conventional first-order Kalman filter  相似文献   

Different models of the magnetosphere are discussed critically. It is pointed out that there is a principal difference between the case when the impinging interplanetary plasma has no initial magnetization, B 0 = 0, (as in the Chapman-Ferraro theory), and the case when the plasma is initially magnetized, B 0 0, even if B 0 is very small.In the former case the plasma remains unmagnetized (like a superconductor) and cannot penetrate into the magnetosphere. Therefore the plasma is separated by a sharp boundary from the magnetosphere, (closed magnetosphere model).In the latter case when the plasma is magnetized (which is more realistic) there is a possibility that field lines run from the earth to infinity (open magnetosphere model). Particles from the interplanetary space may penetrate into the magnetosphere. At the same time there may be a number of discontinuity surfaces of different character, such as the Cahill discontinuity.It is important to make terrella experiments in order to study the complicated phenomena occurring when a magnetized plasma penetrates into a dipole field.  相似文献   

Energy flow in various large-scale processes of the Earth's magnetosphere is examined. This energy comes from the solar wind, via the dawn-to-dusk convection electric field, a field established primarily by magnetic merging but with viscous-like boundary interaction as a possible contributor. The convection field passes about 5 × 1011 W to the near-Earth part of the plasma sheet, and also moves the plasma earthward. In addition, 1–3 × 1011 W are given to the complex system of the Birkeland currents: about 4 × 1010 of this, on the average, goes to parallel acceleration, chiefly of auroral electrons, about 2–3 times that amount to joule heating of the ionosphere, and the rest heats the ring current. The ring current stores energy (mainly as kinetic energy of particles) of the order of 2 × 1015 J, and this value rises and decays during magnetic storms, on time scales ranging from a fraction of a day to several days. The tail can store comparable amounts as magnetic energy, and appreciable fractions of its energy may be released in substorms, on time scales of tens of minutes. The sporadic power level of such events reaches the order of 3 × 1012 W. The role of magnetic merging in such releases of magnetic energy is briefly discussed, as is the correlation between properties of the solar wind and magnetospheric power levels.  相似文献   

An overview of the general characteristics of plasmas within the Earth's magnetotail and its environs is presented. Present knowledge of the plasmas within these regions as gained via in situ measurements provides the general theme, although observations of magnetic fields, energetic particles and plasma waves are included in the discussion. Primary plasma regimes in the magnetotail are the plasma sheet, its boundary layer, the magnetotail lobes, the boundary layer at the magnetopause and the distant magnetotail. Although great progress in our understanding of these regions is evident in the literature of the past several years, many of their features remain as exciting enigmas to be resolved by future observational and theoretical investigation.  相似文献   

Electric field measurements are reported at 11 magnetopause crossings that occurred during a single in-bound ISEE-1 satellite pass near a local time of 1030. In combination with magnetic field data, these measurements show the existence of electric field components tangential to the actual magnetopause in the frame of rest of the magnetopause on every crossing of the current carrying layers associated with the 11 magnetopause traversals. These tangential electric field components were oriented with respect to the magnetopause sheet currents such that there was an electrical power dissipation of between 30 and 110 W km-2 on 10 of the 11 crossings. These results are in agreement with requirements of reconnection theories. Histograms of the normal electric field components and of the orientation, velocity, and thickness of the current carrying layer are presented. Suggestions of the existence of a parallel electric field in the magnetosheath near the magnetopause and of propagation of large amplitude waves along the magnetopause are also made.  相似文献   

Heavy ions in the magnetosphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For purposes of this review heavy ions include all species of ions having a mass per unit charge of 2 AMU or greater. The discussion is limited primarily to ions in the energy range between 100 eV and 100 keV. Prior to the discovery in 1972 of large fluxes of energetic O+ ions precipitating into the auroral zone during geomagnetic storms, the only reported magnetosphere ion species observed in this energy range were helium and hydrogen. More recently O+ and He+ have been identified as significant components of the storm time ring current, suggesting that an ionosphere source may be involved in the generation of the fluxes responsible for this current. Mass spectrometer measurements on board the S3-3 satellite have shown that ionospheric ions in the auroral zone are frequently accelerated upward along geomagnetic field lines to several keV energy in the altitude region from 5000 km to greater than 8000 km. These observations also show evidence for acceleration perpendicular to the magnetic field and thus cannot be explained by a parallel electric field alone. This auroral acceleration region is most likely the source for the magnetospheric heavy ions of ionospheric origin, but further acceleration would probably be required to bring them to characteristic ring current energies. Recent observations from the GEOS-1 spacecraft combined with earlier results suggest comparable contributions to the hot magnetopheric plasma from the solar wind and the ionosphere.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of the review (Shabansky, 1968), which is quoted here as I. This paper considers the problems related to the processes of the interaction of charged particles with the geomagnetic field, and also contains the original results obtained by the author (1, 2.1; 2.2; 2.3.4; 2.4; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4.3). The problems under discussion in the Sections 1; 2.1; 2.2 were partly dealt with in the end of paper I. However, the equations of motion for the two-and three-component plasma shortly represented in 1.1, 1.2, take into account the inertial terms in distinction to paper I. The ionospheric current induction (1.4), the transition layer (2.1) and the magnetotail rotation (2.2) are considered in more detail than in I.The references are divided into 2 parts: the papers published in Soviet magazines are listed separately, using the Cyrillic alphabet.  相似文献   

Following a brief specification and historical review of hydromagnetic motions in the magnetosphere, the principles of the governing and limiting processes are surveyed. A formal proof of the well-known hydromagnetic theorem is included, and its interpretation in terms of frozen fields is discussed. Some consequences of its application to the magnetosphere are then described, and the value of equipotentials as a means of illuminating the discussion is established. Departures from the hydromagnetic approximation are then evaluated, and their resultant currents described.The general principles find application in a number of processes: rotation, high-latitude circulation in quiet and disturbed conditions, more widespread convection under continuous dynamo action, and irregular motion both of an unstable and of a forced type. All these are reviewed, and one emergent point is emphasized: that direct evidence for the hydromagnetic motions is lacking, but that it can and should be sought.  相似文献   

The evolution of topside sounding through rocket and satellite experiments is reviewed. Topside sounding has proved valuable for revealing the structure of the high ionosphere and for investigating the resonance properties of a magnetoplasma. The limits of our present knowledge of these rapidly developing subjects are discussed. Topside sounding is predicted to have a long and useful role in exploration of the ionosphere of earth and other planets.  相似文献   

It is well known that passive target tracking by a single observer, commonly referred to as target motion analysis (TMA), can be done using angle and/or frequency measurements. Depending on the measurement set, different passive tracking procedures result: angle-only tracking (AOT), frequency-only tracking (FOT), and angle/frequency tracking (AFT). Whereas the two-dimensional passive tracking problem has been solved for a multitude of scenarios, thus giving a good insight into the parametric dependences, the three-dimensional problem has been discussed only in a few specific cases. To get a deeper insight into the parametric dependences of three-dimensional TMA, this work analyzes AOT and AFT in typical three-dimensional Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) scenarios. A Cramer Rao (CR) analysis of the problem reveals the parametric dependences of both methods and gives a clear idea of the increase in estimation accuracy by using AFT instead of AOT. The results obtained in this way are well confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations taking maximum likelihood (ML) as estimation procedure.  相似文献   

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