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基于GSM/GPRS的无线监控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了以嵌入式监控终端、用户手机和远程监控中心计算机构建的无线监控系统的设计.着重论述了无线模块在嵌入式系统中的应用方法.介绍了通过无线模块发送和接收短消息以实现对现场设备的监控方法;分析了如何依靠无线模块经过GPRS网络与接入Internet的固定IP计算机建立连接并进行通讯.结果表明,在现有的移动通讯网络覆盖的区域,利用本系统可以完成对现场设备的在线数据采集、远程无线数据传输与监控.在露天场所、野外、移动作业环境或有线网络无法接入的地点建立数据采集与监控系统时,基于GSM/GPRS网络的嵌入式远程无线监控解决方案具有突出的优势.  相似文献   

针对如何根据微纳卫星的技术状态与测控需求特点,以建立对多目标、多体制下卫星的测控管理模式的问题,从系统规划、设备研制、测控网建设等方面进行了有益的研究与分析。主要从卫星使用频率、占用轨道等空间资源的合理分配方面着手,提出了适宜微纳卫星应用与发展的频率和轨道选用建议。再根据微纳卫星的技术特点,提出了采用符合CCSDS(Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems,空间数据系统咨询委员会)规程的数据格式的建议。同时,针对在轨管理,还提出了利用国内外现有有效测控资源的联网合作与商业运作的管理方式。这些观点,有可能对我国微纳卫星进行高效、可靠的测控管理提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

民航发动机远程故障诊断若干关键技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文提出的民航发动机远程故障诊断技术将Internet网络技术与民航发动机故障诊断技术有效地结合起来,旨在将民航发动机的维护和故障诊断手段提升到远程的网络环境,以极大提高故障诊断的水平和时效性。本文从工程应用角度出发,对其中的几个关键技术问题进行了讨论。首先分析了民航发动机故障诊断的技术现状,提出了民航发动机远程故障诊断系统的结构体系。提出一种诊断设备网络化的设计思想,即采用上下位机的结构和COM组件技术,实现远程操作、状态监视和控制。采用COM组件技术和网络数据库技术实现了在Web服务器上的知识的存储与推理。分别基于NI的Labview/GWebServer和DataSocket技术,开发了两种多功能的远程故障诊断的协同工作环境(CSCW)。   相似文献   

内网中的拨号外联行为是一个重大的安全隐患,网络非法外联监控系统可以全面、实时地监控整个单住网络内部的拨号行为。本文介绍了两种主流架构的网络非法外联监控系统,即双机架构与C/S架构,并进行了深入的对比分析,阐述了实际的部署实施策略。  相似文献   

针对网络信息空间所处的混沌状态,结合知识地图的基本思想,提出一个基于环型知识地图的网络信息资源导航技术框架,并设计和实现了项目合作网络信息导航实验系统.该系统遵循了知识地图的构建原则,可以提供清晰的知识关联和有效的知识链接服务,充分体现了环型知识地图应用于网络信息资源导航中的巨大优势.  相似文献   

Systems engineering is described as the design of the whole as distinguished from the design of the parts. Systems engineers create the architecture of the system, define the criteria for its evaluation, and perform tradeoff studies for optimization of the subsystem characteristics. In addition to their own brains, the principal tool of systems engineers is the computer. Systems engineering has evolved during a long series of major developments, in particular the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program. The major growth of systems engineering is expected to be in the improvement of its tools and in the enlargement of the range of problems to which it is applied.  相似文献   

在VC 6.0环境下,有效利用CSocket类,开发了基于TCP协议客户机/服务器模式网络实时监控系统,客户端将采集的数据通过网络发送给远方的服务器端,以实现远程监控。服务器端以数字和动态曲线方式实时显示接收到的数据,并将数据存储在Access2000数据库中。系统数据库模块采用标准的SQL结构化查询语言,选用ODBC数据库访问技术,存储速度快,内存消耗少;监测曲线模块设计过程中采用先在内存中绘图,然后复制到显示设备环境中,并利用背景作为坐标网格,通过图形移动的方式,每次只需画出最后一个点,有效的提高了图形的显示速度。  相似文献   

The Health/Education Telecommunications (HET) Experiment involved six different experiments conducted under the auspices of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) with technical assistance from NASA. The HET Experiment on ATS-6 was operated and controlled from a network coordination center in Denver, Colo., which included a 4-and 6-GHz Earth station. The HET Experiment used remote Earth terminals with 3-m-diameter dishes having a 35 dB gain at 2.5 GHz. In addition, comprehensive terminals operating at both C-band and S-band were used for communications with Alaska. The total network involved a complex of satellite and land links at C-band, S-band, and very high frequency (VHF), using the ATS-1, ATS-3, and ATS-6 satellites. The network performance exceeded expectations with remote terminal operations exhibiting a peak-to-peak signal to weighted rms noise ratio of 49 dB at least 99 percent of the time. The remote site operators performed well and were well motivated although they had little previous technical experience.  相似文献   

传统的入侵检测系统一般局限于单一的主机或网络架构,对异构系统及大规模网络的检测明显不足,同时不同的入侵检测系统之间不能协同工作.分布式入侵检测将会是未来的主流.本文提出了一种基于AGENT的检测系统作为在网络环境中的IDS,AGENT的灵活性保证它可以成为保障系统的安全提供混合模式的架构,重点讨论了自适应模型生成、系统的总体结构、关键部件设计、Agent管理及系统实现等问题.  相似文献   

The application of artificial neural networks for aircraft motion control, in particular, for creation of nonlinear algorithms of the aircraft remote control system (RCS) is considered. Aircraft as a control object is represented as a multidimensional nonlinear dynamic system and nonlinear control methods are used to operate this system. The control loop is constructed using the method of inverse dynamics based on the feedback linearization principle. The nonlinear control law is represented as a neural network being learned (adjusted) by recorded or incoming measurements of motion parameters. Synthesis and testing of neural network control algorithms is performed with the fully nonlinear mathematical model of a maneuverable aircraft for three control channels. Simulation results of the closed system are presented.  相似文献   

在传统远程故障诊断结构的基础上,以Agent为基本单元,构造了一种航空电子设备远程智能故障诊断与监测系统模型,并对智能诊断与监控系统的任务分解、组成结构、实现方法和关键技术进行了分析研究。利用多Agent技术是未来复杂设备故障诊断的发展方向,将对实现设备的智能故障诊断产生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

针对高速公路远程视频监控系统海量数据的存储问题,通过对Hadoop框架和HDFS分布式文件系统等云计算核心技术的分析和研究,提出了一种基于Hadoop框架的海量数据存储模型,并在此模型的基础上,研究并设计了基于Hadoop云存储的高速公路远程视频监控系统。该系统有效地解决了高速公路远程视频监控过程中遇到的海量数据存储管理问题,具有开发成本低、处理速度较快、操作简便、使用效果好等特点。  相似文献   

It is expected that the multimode weapons systems of the future will be highly fault tolerant, possessing the ability to perform tactical missions with both full or degraded functional capabilities. The fault-tolerant system characteristics will allow systems with less than the fully specified functional capabilities to be engaging in combat. This design feature will present the operators of these weapons system with the operational challenge of selecting and/or assigning weapons platforms with degraded capabilities to carry out tactical missions. An in-system assessment process is proposed to evaluate the operability for these weapons platforms on the basis of current functional status, the reliability of the hardware resources within the system's avionics, and the resources required by the various application modes to accomplish mission tasks  相似文献   

A great number of forest fires take place regularly around the planet. Some of them are systematically observed by sensors on board various space platforms. Like so many countries around the world, Colombia is no stranger to these phenomena. On a local and regional level fires cause environmental catastrophes on a variety of scales, destroying the vegetation, the biodiversity and causing damage to human activities [E. Lòpez, Determination of the conditions of risk and monitoring of forest fires by remote sensing tools and ground observations, in: IV Conference Applications of Science and Space Technology in the Americas and its Benefits for the Civil Society, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2002, www.minrelext.gov.co/ivcea/]. There are presently sensors available to try minimize environmental catastrophes and this report describes how risk conditions are determined and how monitoring is done for forest fires through remote monitoring techniques and land observations made in Colombia by a group of wild land fire fighters and BIRD, a German microsatellite and its flight over Colombia on September 16, 2003.  相似文献   

Network topology is an important choice for the test system designer. There are several to choose from and each has benefits. A comparison of topologies is made based on the benefits and drawbacks for various usage situations. Some of the topologies of interest are: placing the instrumentation and the controller on the corporate intranet; using switching hubs for traffic isolation; using a second LAN connection in the test system controller as a private network for instrumentation; placing a router between the intranet and the test system controller; and widely distributing test assets. Test asset visibility to the rest of the network has both security and test integrity implications. Trading off the benefits of ready access and observation (which promotes collaboration) against system visibility needs to be carefully examined. Several use cases will be presented for examination: simply connected user; semi-automated test; fully automated test; and remote collaboration for system problem-solving.  相似文献   

通过对欧空局(ESA)地面测控站监控体制的研究,分析了新一代测控站远程监控系统所应具备的优势及特点,探讨了适合我国国情的测控站远程监控技术,并对应用方案进行了设想。  相似文献   

为了对“嫦娥三号”任务以及后续月球与深空探测任务提供测控支持,我国在喀什和佳木斯分别新建了35m和66 m深空测控站,并组成了深空测控网.考虑到新建深空测控网既需要与我国现行航天测控网进行信息交互,又可以为国际上其他国家和组织的月球和深空探测器提供支持,在信息接口设计时充分参考了CCSDS(Consultative Committee for Space Data System,空间数据系统咨询委员会)、ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization,欧洲空间标准化组织)等国际标准.重点介绍了中国深空测控网的信息接口设计,具体接口包括深空测控设备与深空任务中心间接口、深空运行管理中心相关接口以及干涉测量系统相关接口.该接口设计在“嫦娥三号”任务中得到了充分的验证,各类信息传输正确、及时、有效,为任务过程中的决策提供了支持.  相似文献   

论文介绍了一种以ATZB-24-A2为核心处理芯片,以ZigBee无线组网技术为通信手段,利用体温、脉搏等传感器实现生命体征测量,并对测量所得生物电信号进行放大、分析、处理、传输,最终实现生命体征数据的中远程无线监测的实现方法。该方法面向单兵的生命体征监测、老年人的看护和医疗机构的生命体监测问题,能够有效弥补传统监测方法上的不足。  相似文献   

温室监控系统是对温室环境中温度、湿度、光照度等环境因子实施监测与调控的农业设施,可确保农作物获得最适宜的生长发育环境。针对现有温室监控系统在通信上存在距离受限、组网复杂、能耗高且基本仅能实现单个温室控制的问题,设计了一种基于LoRa和NB-IoT相结合的智慧温室群远程监控系统通信模式。该模式以STM32F103C8T6单片机为核心控制器件,采用ATK-LoRa SX1278和NB-IoT模块自组无线通信网实现数据的远程交互。测试结果表明:采用该通信模式可实现温室群中各温室间距离在2km范围内的数据采集、处理和传输,其通信距离远、功耗低,数据传输可靠性符合现代化农业物联网的需求。  相似文献   

设计了一种第一视角飞行模式,同时观察图像与导航数据来控制无人机飞行并实现着陆.第一视角飞行是一种基于无人机上加装无线图像传输设备,在地面看屏幕操控无人机的操作模式.无人机操纵员通过观察前视探测器拍摄的图像和导航数据控制遥控器,地面控制站捕捉遥控器的输出信号并把该信号通过数据链传至机载飞控系统,从而实现对无人机的控制.该飞行模式的实现,提高了无人机飞行的机动性,突破了小型无人机只能在本场着陆的限制,使无人机可以在远离本场情况下安全着陆.  相似文献   

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