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Roger X. Lenard   《Space Policy》2001,17(4):285-289
The development and exploitation of nuclear power and propulsion represent certain didactic imperatives for human civilization. Among these are economic, epistemological, moral and commercial propositions. Developing space nuclear power and propulsion represents one future; the choice of not to pursue the course barring some breakthrough in physics represents a dramatically different future. The author argues that the time is now fortuitous for deployment and operation of nuclear propulsion and power, primarily nuclear electric propulsion, at significant levels, employing figures of merit that transcend simple cost models used to justify nuclear power sources in the past. The proposition is examined, in the light of US and UN restrictions, to ascertain how best to proceed. The author argues that viewpoints of certain vocal albeit uninformed public interest groups are typically self-serving and generally categorically incorrect; it can be asserted that these same groups do not truly represent the public interest at all. It is, therefore, necessary to present an even-handed assessment of both sides of the argument to determine the virtues and liabilities of embarking on such a developmental path. Given the imperatives mentioned, the author argues that nuclear power and propulsion for space systems is a societal necessity.  相似文献   

The international community is entering an era of shared global utilities from space and is increasingly reliant on space systems and activities that support a myriad of applications and utilities on Earth. A growing number of states are seeking to develop or extend their space capabilities. At the same time, a variety of non-state actors are also extending their involvement in space activities. The United Nations is the principal inter-governmental forum to deal with various space issues of global importance. Moreover, the United Nations system itself has become increasingly reliant on space systems for its day-to-day operations. In order for the United Nations to play its necessary role in the space arena, it will need to be supported by a space policy. A United Nations space policy would provide over-arching guidance on space activities for UN stakeholders in the space arena; it would inform UN participation in space activities and would promote improved coordination and cooperative governance of outer space activities. A world without a common UN space policy will not be able to respond to the challenges of the rapidly evolving space arena in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Between 19–24 September 1994, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP, the largest of the UN regional bodies - held a series of meetings to inaugurate a new program in space technology applications. This program will have a strong Earth Observation component, and is designed to strengthen environmentally sound and sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region, in line with recommendations of Agenda 21 arising from the Rio Summit in 1992. Jeff Kingwell reports on two of the meetings, the ministerial conference and the space technology exhibition.  相似文献   

There is a large discrepancy between potential needs for nuclear propulsion and power systems for the human exploration of Mars and the current status of R&D funding, public opinion, and governmental support for these technologies. Mission planners and spacecraft designers, energized by the recent claims of possible discovery of life on Mars and responding to increased public interest in the human exploration of Mars, frequently propose nuclear reactors and radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) for interplanetary spacecraft propulsion and for power supply on the surface of Mars. These plans and designs typically assume that reactors will be available "on-the-shelf," and do not take the extensive R&D costs required to develop such reactors into consideration. However, it is likely that current U.S. policies, if unchanged, will prohibit the launch of nuclear reactors and large RTGs in response to a perceived risk by the public.  相似文献   

Many UN agencies use space data as a tool to promote global sustainable development, yet the use of space has barely been acknowledged, let alone understood, by decision makers at the various UN and international meetings on the environment and development. Following discussions held at a side-event to the 2012 Rio+20 conference, the author highlights the various ways space applications can be used to meet the challenges (in resource use, disaster management, environmental protection and climate change) of sustainable development and urges policy makers to inform themselves of the benefits of space applications.  相似文献   

There are four dozen potentially dangerous radioactive satellites orbiting the Earth today. Currently planned launches will vastly increase their number, resulting in over three metric tons of fuel and fission products in orbit by the year 2000. This article describes the nuclear power supply systems used by both the USA and the USSR, and the actual and potential hazards and accidents involved. The author suggests that a programme for retrieving the majority of nuclear supplies in space is both necessary and economically possible.  相似文献   

Remote-sensing technology developments will influence the flow and requirements of remote-sensing data until the end of this century. Sensing-upon-request modes of operation are becoming regular practice and, in combination with commercial sales, are leading to contracts in which copyright clauses and other conditions influence the distribution of remote-sensing data. Moreover, the introduction of programmable and directable sensor systems is making it easier to gather more data over certain areas at the cost of less or none over others, leading to potential indirect censorship. The development of a media market for remote-sensing products also brings a threat of actual censorship on the release and use of imagery. The effects of the technology developments and commercialization policies require a careful consideration of whether or not the present international remote-sensing regime, as governed by the UN principles relating to remote sensing of the Earth from space, can continue unmodified in future.  相似文献   

Assuring the sustainability of space activities   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The growth of new space systems and the continued creation of orbital debris could in a few years make activities in Earth orbit unsustainable, so finding cost-effective ways to sustain space activities in Earth orbit is essential. Because outer space activities serve the needs of the military–intelligence, civil, and commercial communities, each with their own requirements, creating the necessary international agreements for reaching and maintaining a condition of sustainability will not be easy. This paper summarizes the primary issues for the international space community regarding our future ability to reap the benefit of space systems in Earth orbit. It explores several of the efforts to develop international agreements that would lead to or support the sustainability of space activities and examines the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. In particular, it reviews progress within the UN COPUOS, and examines the EU's proposal for an international Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities. It also notes the need for states to establish or expand their own space legal infrastructure to conform to the UN treaties and guidelines for space activities.  相似文献   

To meet the future needs of energy on Earth, the transmission of solar power from space is being extensively studied. Since the power station will occupy a position in the geostationary orbit and will use radio frequency spectrum for transmission of energy to Earth, the relative benefits of space solar power and space communications should be considered. The resource allocation of orbit-spectrum to a power station requires a sacrifice from space communications as they both utilize similar limited resources. The power station is to energy what communication is to information. While the cost of energy is going up, the cost of information processing, storage, sharing and transmission is decreasing. Also, increased means of communication are used as a measure of energy conservation. With the advent of computer communication and the Large Scale Integrated (LSI) microprocessors, the technique of multiple access, message switching and satellite switching can be cost-effectively combined. The computer-satellite communication will allow information resource sharing among large numbers of users besides the conventional application of space communications. Since space communication means work effectively in many other areas where ultimate energy use and conservation is possible, the space solar power will not be able to compete or substitute on the basis of equality and social benefits. But, as the transmission technology is similar for both areas, the R & D effort for solar power will certainly increase efficiency and reduce cost for space communications.  相似文献   

The Space Agency Forum (SAF) met for its 10th plenary meeting in Bremen on 30 September 2003. Its motto was “Space Agencies and the UN System”. Following various presentations on relevant issues, including the UN Space Applications Programme and the follow-up of UNISPACE III, SAF members discussed their participation in these fields. The meeting resulted in a number of inputs to these issue areas and coordinated approaches vis-à-vis policy questions.  相似文献   

林庆国  王浩明  程诚 《上海航天》2019,36(6):114-120
针对未来空间任务对能源和动力日益提高的需求,提出了基于氢化镁的核电核热双模共质空间核动力技术。该技术以一种储氢密度高、热稳定性较好,能够以常温常压储存的氢化镁作为工质,通过核能加热后氢化镁分解成为核热推进可用的高压氢气和电推进可用的单质镁,并结合高效动态热电转换系统,形成大功率核电源、大功率超高比冲核电推进、高比冲氢气核热推进以及大推力镁核热推进多种工作模式。基于氢化镁的多模共质空间核动力技术解决了低温推进剂、气态工质在空间应用时的存储安全性和存储密度低的问题,其具备的多种工作模式能够针对不同任务需求提供相应的能源或者动力输出,提高核动力飞行器任务能力。  相似文献   

随着航空航天领域对能源需求的不断扩大,核能的空间应用迎来了新的发展高潮。本文针对空间核反应堆技术的发展现状进行综述,重点关注了空间核反应堆与静态能量转换、动态能量转换技术结合供电的研究进展,总结分析了空间核反应堆电源技术的发展特点,并指出未来发展中需要重点关注的内容,为未来空间核反应堆电源的发展提供指导。  相似文献   

R. Salkeld  R. Beichel   《Acta Astronautica》1980,7(12):1373-1387
Previous studies have shown that the disposal of nuclear waste in space is promising as a practical and economically plausible option, based on use of the first generation space shuttle. The promise brightens if we consider use of more effective second generation systems such as fully reusable single-stage-to-orbit transports. These vehicles, with simpler more reliable flight characteristics and with operational economics at least twenty times more favorable than the first shuttle, can become available in the early 1990s when the nuclear waste problem will have grown to truly serious proportions. This paper surveys both vertical and horizontal-takeoff vehicles as they could be used for the Earth-to-orbit phase of nuclear waste disposal mission. The international nature of the nuclear waste issue is emphasized, and the suggestion is made that an international equatorial launch site be established. This launch center, apart from its inherent safety features, would serve as a focus for an international solution of the truly worldwide problem of nuclear waste disposal.  相似文献   

Dietrich Rex   《Space Policy》1998,14(2):95-105
An appraisal of current and future risks from space debris is presented with the aid of calculations carried out by the MASTER model. The efficacy of various technical options -- such as fuel venting, de-orbiting and use of a graveyard orbit -- for counteracting the problem is discussed. The article then focuses on governmental and international cooperative measures and looks at the recent work done by subcommittees of the UN COPUOS.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1996,12(1):13-17
This Viewpoint, arising from a UN conference on the subject, proposes policies to increase awareness of the (small but serious) threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs) and to provide guidelines for cooperative observation, research and — if necessary — mitigation programmes. They include extending the Outer Space Treaty to take in NEOs and creating an amateur astronomers' observation network. It is recommended that a vigorous exploration programme be maintained, along with research into getting fast, cheap access to low-Earth orbit and into developing long-range rocket technology. Keeping stocks of nuclear weapons as possible means of deflecting incoming NEOs is considered likely to do more harm than good at this time.  相似文献   

The aim of the analysis is to determine and to compare the specific mass of nuclear and solar power plants for application in space depending on technological data as well as on data subject to the mission.On the basis of the known theory of Ruppe and Blumenberg[1–3], nuclear power plants with turboelectric generators as well as solar-thermal power plants with parabolic or spheric mirrors are being analysed. The following thermodynamic processes are applied: the Rankine process, the Brayton process and—as an ideal comparative process—the Carnot process. An important parameter of the analysis for nuclear power plants is the net electric power, for the solar-thermal power plant the distance to the sun is of importance.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in using nuclear power in a variety of ways in space, as well as in disposing of terrestrial nuclear waste aloft. While the benefits of such use to space exploration might be high, the potential costs to Earth and its inhabitants are currently too dear. Accidents have already occurred which, despite official denials, have spread radiation worldwide. Such denials are characteristic of the closed and secretive nature of the nuclear ‘debate’. This viewpoint calls for the involvement of all those concerned with space nuclear power—lay, professional, government and NGO—in decisions on whether to proceed with it and suggests that maybe we should wait for safer scientific discoveries before we attempt further planetary exploration.  相似文献   

This paper identifies new ideas for using existing space technologies as spin-offs and considers the effectiveness of the use of such technologies for various industries and applications. It then explores the dissemination of knowledge and information about such spin-off technology and applications to various audiences. It proposes methods to improve the dissemination of such knowledge and information. The paper concludes with some recommendations on how the dissemination of information about space spin-offs can increase awareness and use of such technology and, in the long term, increase support for space activities. The perspective of this article is that of the world's various space agencies and the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS). It is recognized that truly effective spin-offs depend on the involvement of those outside the space arena, particularly the commercial, academic and governmental sectors. These sectors and the general public must see the value and cost efficiency of ‘spin-offs’ and of developing new technology and systems through space research programs or they will not succeed. This may require space agencies to stay more focused on research and to hand over functions and activities to these ‘outside sectors’ once ‘seeds are planted’.  相似文献   

针对目前空间核电源在深空探测领域功率不足的问题,结合热离子热电转换空间核电源和碱金属热电转换空间核电源的发电方式,提出一种新型空间核电源。计算堆芯有效增殖因子、功率峰值因子、冷却剂空泡系数和停堆深度等安全性参数,并通过分析接收极功函数和碱金属热电转换系统电流密度等性能参数。之后,对比耦合发电系统与原热离子热电转换空间核电源和碱金属热电转换空间核电源的效率,发现新型耦合发电系统发电效率分别较另两种发电系统提高约6%和约10%。最后建立动态模型进行分析,确保核电源可以稳定运行,为大功率核电源设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

空间核动力平台是一种全新的电源推进一体化航天器,其电力系统具有三相交流输出、工况多且复杂、母线电压体制多等特点。为了解决空间核动力平台负载供电诸多难题,通过对系统功能、负载类型、母线体制、组成配置、工作模式、控制机制等方面论证分析,提出了一种新型空间核动力平台电力管理系统架构。其中,变配电系统从硬件实现角度解决了基于布雷顿热电转换系统输出为负载稳态供电问题,自主控制系统从软件控制角度解决了主能源、辅助能源等多能源间流动控制以及负载暂态匹配问题,这为未来空间核动力平台电力管理系统研究工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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