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以马克思主义人的全面发展理论为视角,针对河北省高校党建工作出现的问题,探索学生党员教育工作模式,即实现四个目标、四项内容、四类载体、四种力量共同配合的"4个四"联动教育模式,以促进高校学生党员教育的再发展。  相似文献   

在党的基层组织和广大党员中开展创先争优活动,是党的十七大作出的重大部署,通过创先争优活动的开展,在高校基层党组织和党员队伍中培养、发现、树立、运用先进优秀的好榜样,发挥先进、优秀好榜样的作用,尤其是学生党员在学生中的标杆的树立和作用的发挥。本文在学院目前党校教育的基础之上,进行分析研究,总结经验,开拓创新,寻找增强和提高学生党员的党员意识和党员素质的好方法,好途径,使得学生党员的作用在学生群体中得到更好地发挥,学生党员先进性得到更好的体现,从而着力加强大学生党建工作。  相似文献   

对发展大学生党员工作的几点思考与尝试   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
第十二次全国高校党建工作会议上提出了要进一步加强和改进在高等学校做好发展党员工作,特别是要做好在大学生中发展党员工作,并制定了具体目标。因此,我们就要进一步统一思想,提高认识,把教育培养工作落到实处,积极、稳妥地做好纳新工作,确保发展学生党员的质量,抓好预备党员教育与管理。  相似文献   

第十二次全国高校党建工作会议上提出了要进一步加强和改进在高等学校做好发展党员工作,特别是要做好在大学生中发展党员工作,并制定了具体目标.因此,我们就要进一步统一思想,提高认识,把教育培养工作落到实处,积极、稳妥地做好纳新工作,确保发展学生党员的质量,抓好预备党员教育与管理.  相似文献   

学生党员是祖国的希望,是未来党组织的中坚力量和生力军,而高职高专院校的学生党员将是我国工人阶级的核心力量,他们的质量将影响着我党的先进性。高职高专的学生党员的质量又会受到其自身内驱力的影响,并通过内驱力引导他们内在的观念和外在的行为。文章以高职高专院校学生党员的内驱力不足为分析起点,提出增强学生党员内驱力的具体措施。  相似文献   

廉洁自律是中华民族的传统美德。论文分析了目前高校在读生自身廉洁意识淡化甚至缺失的现象及成因,探讨了当前大学生廉洁教育与德育课程、党团支部活动和思想政治工作的动态整合模式,以及如何构建高校大学生廉洁教育指导委员会、学院大学生廉洁教育基地建设、班导师和辅导员引导作用和学生党员的朋辈先锋模范作用四位一体的保障体系。  相似文献   

当前,一些高校学生党支部工作流于形式、单调随意,没有发挥出应有的作用.概因学生党支部缺乏理论指导和外界交流,学生党员干部理论高度不够且缺乏工作经验.加强高校学生党支部建设,不断创新高校学生党支部的工作方法,提高高校学生党支部的工作能力,对于加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作,开展大学生党性教育具有十分重要的意义.而开展以教工党支部带动学生党支部的工作是新形势下加强高校基层党组织建设的重要途径之一.有利于发挥教工党支部的自身优势,创新互动方式,丰富组织生活,强化高校“三育人”职能,发挥基层党组织的先锋模范作用,提高高校基层党建工作的成效具有十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

在党的基层组织和广大党员中开展创先争优活动,是党的十七大作出的重大部署,通过创先争优活动的开展,在高校基层党组织和党员队伍中培养、发现、树立、运用先进优秀的好榜样,发挥先进、优秀好榜样的作用,尤其是学生党员在学生中的标杆的树立和作用的发挥。本文在学院目前党校教育的基础之上,进行分析研究,总结经验,开拓创新,寻找增强和提...  相似文献   

科技工作对于任何一个行业的发展,其必要性是毋庸置疑的。中国民航在快速发展和规模总量跃居全球第二的基础上,正努力实现从民航大国向民航强国的转变,加强科技实力,提高创新能力,促进民航产业全面发展,不仅是一项必要的工作,更是一项紧迫的工作。作为民航运输核心基础保障部分的空管系统,如何适应民航强国战略的要求,做好空管系统科技工作,提升空管系统的总体工作质量和技术水平,是开展空管系统科技工作必须要回答的问题。  相似文献   

为确保全年各项任务圆满完成,系统谋划好"十二五"发展,1月31日~2月1日,中国航天科技集团公司召开2010年年度工作会议,全面总结了集团公司2009年各项工作取得的成绩,深入分析了当前面临的发展形势,对2010年工作进行了全面部署。党和国家领导人对我国航天事业的快速发展和此次会议的召开寄予厚望并提出了新的要求。现将工作会议报告主要内容刊登如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Most concepts for bioregenerative life support systems are based on edible higher land plants which create some problems with growth and seed generation under space conditions. Animal protein production is mostly neglected because of the tremendous waste management problems with tetrapods under reduced weightlessness. Therefore, the “Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System” (C.E.B.A.S.) was developed which represents an artificial aquatic ecosystem containing aquatic organisms which are adpated at all to “near weightlessness conditions” (fishes Xiphophorus helleri, water snails Biomphalaria glabrata, ammonia oxidizing bacteria and the rootless non-gravitropic edible water plant Ceratophyllum demersum). Basically the C.E.B.A.S. consists of 4 subsystems: a ZOOLOGICASL COMPONENT (animal aquarium), a BOTANICAL COMPONENT (aquatic plant bioreactor), a MICROBIAL COMPONENT (bacteria filter) and an ELECTRONICAL COMPONENT (data acquisition and control unit). Superficially, the function principle appears simple: the plants convert light energy into chemical energy via photosynthesis thus producing biomass and oxygen. The animals and microorganisms use the oxygen for respiration and produce the carbon dioxide which is essential for plant photosynthesis. The ammonia ions excreted by the animals are converted by the bacteria to nitrite and then to nitrate ions which serve as a nitrogen source for the plants. Other essential ions derive from biological degradation of animal waste products and dead organic matter. The C.E.B.A.S. exists in 2 basic versions: the original C.E.B.A.S. with a volume of 150 liters and a self-sustaining standing time of more than 13 month and the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE with a volume of about 8.5 liters. In the latter there is no closed food loop by reasons of available space so that animal food has to be provided via an automated feeder. This device was flown already successfully on the STS-89 and STS-90 spaceshuttle missions and the working hypothesis was verified that aquatic organisms are nearly not affected at all by space conditions, i . e. that the plants exhibited biomass production rates identical to the ground controls and that as well the reproductive, and the immune system as the the embryonic and ontogenic development of the animals remained undisturbed. Currently the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODLULE is prepared for a third spaceshuttle fligt (STS-107) in spring 2001. Based on the results of the space experiments a series of prototypes of aquatic food production modules for the implementation into BLSS were developed. This paper describes the scientific disposition of the STS-107 experiments and of open and closed aquaculture systems based on another aquatic plant species, the Lemnacean Wolffia arrhiza which is cultured as a vegetable in Southeastern Asia. This plant can be grown in suspension culture and several special bioreactors were developed for this purpose. W. arrhiza reproduces mainly vegetatively by buds but also sexually from time to time and is therefore especially suitable for genetic engineering, too. Therefore it was used, in addition, to optimize the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE to allow experiments with a duration of 4 month in the International Space Station the basic principle of which will be explained. In the context of aquaculture systems for BLSS the continuous replacement of removed fish biomass is an essential demand. Although fish reproduction seems not to be affected in the short-term space experiments with the C.E.B.A.S. MIMI MODULE a functional and reliable hatchery for the production of siblings under reduced weightlessness is connected with some serious problems. Therefore an automated “reproduction module” for the herbivorous fish Tilapia rendalli was developed as a laboratory prototype. It is concluded that aquatic modules of different degrees of complexity can optimize the productivity of BLSS based on higher land plants and that they offer an unique opportunity for the production of animal protein in lunar or planetary bases.  相似文献   

Experiments of prolonged bedrest in antiorthostatic position are conducted in order to simulated cardio-circulatory modifications observed in weightlessness. Until now, no studies of r.C.B.F. have been effected in these conditions. Six young, healthy volunteers (average age 23.8) were placed in strict bedrest and in antiorthostatic position -4 degrees for 7 days. The r.C.B.F. measurements were studied by 133Xe inhalation method using a 32 detectors system. Studies were made first in basal conditions, then between the 6th and 12th hr, and finally between the 72nd and the 78th hr after the beginning of the experiment. Three of the subjects received 0.450 mg of Clonidine daily during the experiment. In the subjects having taken no Clonidine, we observed a constant increase in r.C.B.F. (12, 17 and 16% respectively) in the first 12 hr; at the 72nd hour, all values had returned to basal state. This findings agrees with the well known notion of a rapid correction of hemodynamic disturbances observed in the first days of weightlessness. In the subjects treated with Clonidine, the increase of r.C.B.F. did not occur. Several mechanisms of action are possible; the Clonidine affecting either the heart by inhibiting volemic atrial receptors or the brain by direct vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

系统采用稀土永磁同步电机作为伺服驱动电机 ,永磁无刷直流电机作为动量平衡电机构成微波成像仪驱动系统。伺服电机驱动采用电流、速度和位置三环控制 ,实现了伺服电机的稳定和高精度的运行。平衡电机驱动采用电流、速度和加速度三环控制 ,保证了平衡电机能够快速、精确地跟踪。系统基于多边形磁链轨迹法的设计思想 ,用作图法求得三相电压型逆变器的开关波形系列 ,硬件以TI公司的电机专用控制芯片TMS32 0F2 4 0DSP为控制核心 ,实现的伺服控制系统不仅具有优良的低速性能 ,而且精度高 ,转矩脉动小  相似文献   

Bluem V  Paris F 《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):287-297
Most concepts for bioregenerative life support systems are based on edible higher land plants which create some problems with growth and seed generation under space conditions. Animal protein production is mostly neglected because of the tremendous waste management problems with tetrapods under reduced weightlessness. Therefore, the "Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System" (C.E.B.A.S.) was developed which represents an artificial aquatic ecosystem containing aquatic organisms which are adapted at all to "near weightlessness conditions" (fishes Xiphophorus helleri, water snails Biomphalaria glabrata, ammonia oxidizing bacteria and the rootless non-gravitropic edible water plant Ceratophyllum demersum). Basically the C.E.B.A.S. consists of 4 subsystems: a ZOOLOGICAL (correction of ZOOLOGICASL) COMPONENT (animal aquarium), a BOTANICAL COMPONENT (aquatic plant bioreactor), a MICROBIAL COMPONENT (bacteria filter) and an ELECTRONICAL COMPONENT (data acquisition and control unit). Superficially, the function principle appears simple: the plants convert light energy into chemical energy via photosynthesis thus producing biomass and oxygen. The animals and microorganisms use the oxygen for respiration and produce the carbon dioxide which is essential for plant photosynthesis. The ammonia ions excreted by the animals are converted by the bacteria to nitrite and then to nitrate ions which serve as a nitrogen source for the plants. Other essential ions derive from biological degradation of animal waste products and dead organic matter. The C.E.B.A.S. exists in 2 basic versions: the original C.E.B.A.S. with a volume of 150 liters and a self-sustaining standing time of more than 13 month and the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE with a volume of about 8.5 liters. In the latter there is no closed food loop by reasons of available space so that animal food has to be provided via an automated feeder. This device was flown already successfully on the STS-89 and STS-90 spaceshuttle missions and the working hypothesis was verified that aquatic organisms are nearly not affected at all by space conditions, i.e. that the plants exhibited biomass production rates identical to the sound controls and that as well the reproductive, and the immune system as the embryonic and ontogenic development of the animals remained undisturbed. Currently the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODLULE is prepared for a third spaceshuttle flight (STS-107) in spring 2001. Based on the results of the space experiments a series of prototypes of aquatic food production modules for the implementation into BLSS were developed. This paper describes the scientific disposition of the STS-107 experiment and of open and closed aquaculture systems based on another aquatic plant species, the Lemnacean Wolffia arrhiza which is cultured as a vegetable in Southeastern Asia. This plant can be grown in suspension culture and several special bioreactors were developed for this purpose. W. arrhiza reproduces mainly vegetatively by buds but also sexually from time to time and is therefore especially suitable for genetic engineering, too. Therefore it was used, in addition, to optimize the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE to allow experiments with a duration of 4 month in the International Space Station the basic principle of which will be explained. In the context of aquaculture systems for BLSS the continuous replacement of removed fish biomass is an essential demand. Although fish reproduction seems not to be affected in the shortterm space experiments with the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE a functional and reliable hatchery for the production of siblings under reduced weightlessness is connected with some serious problems. Therefore an automated "reproduction module" for the herbivorous fish Tilapia rendalli was developed as a laboratory prototype. It is concluded that aquatic modules of different degrees of complexity can optimize the productivity of BLSS based on higher land plants and that they offer an unique opportunity for the production of animal protein in lunar or planetary bases.  相似文献   

纪念信息论创始人山农   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息论创始人山农 ( C.E.Shannon)于 2 0 0 1年 2月 2 4日逝世。为纪念这位世纪科学老人的辞世 ,缅怀他为人类的科学事业所作的伟大贡献 ,特撰写此文  相似文献   

高温热处理与C/C复合材料性能关系研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用整体炭毡为增强坯体,经过化学气相渗透(CVI)及树脂浸渍/炭化(PIC)工艺制备成整体毡C/C复合材料样品,对样品连续进行了3次2 500℃以上的高温热处理(HTT)。材料性能测试结果表明,3次HTT后材料z向抗拉强度由16.7MPa下降到8.87MPa,抗压强度由129.0MPa下降到72.7MPa,抗弯强度由35.7MPa下降到17.6MPa,抗剪强度由34.4MPa下降到18.7MPa;xy向室温(RT)~1 000℃的平均线膨胀系数由1.55×10-6K-1降低到1.13×10-6K-1;800℃的热导率由106.91 W/(m.K)降低到61.27 W/(m.K),比定压热容由2.56 kJ/(kg.K)下降到1.93 kJ/(kg.K);z向变化趋势基本相同。  相似文献   

Bluem V  Paris F 《Acta Astronautica》2002,50(12):775-785
The closed equilibrated biological aquatic system (C.E.B.A.S) is a man-made aquatic ecosystem which consists of four subcomponents: an aquatic animal habitat, an aquatic plant bioreactor, an ammonia oxidizing bacteria filter and a data acquisition/control unit. It is a precursor for different types of fish and aquatic plant production sites which are disposed for the integration into bioregenerative life-support systems. The results of two successful spaceflights of a miniaturized C.E.B.A.S version (the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE) allow the optimization of aquatic food production systems which are already developed in the ground laboratory and open new aspects for their utilization as aquatic modules in space bioregenerative life support systems. The total disposition offers different stages of complexity of such aquatic modules starting with simple but efficient aquatic plant cultivators which can be implemented into water recycling systems and ending up in combined plant/fish aquaculture in connection with reproduction modules and hydroponics applications for higher land plants. In principle, aquaculture of fishes and/or other aquatic animals edible for humans offers optimal animal protein production under lowered gravity conditions without the tremendous waste management problems connected with tetrapod breeding and maintenance. The paper presents details of conducted experimental work and of future dispositions which demonstrate clearly that aquaculture is an additional possibility to combine efficient and simple food production in space with water recycling utilizing safe and performable biotechnologies. Moreover, it explains how these systems may contribute to more variable diets to fulfill the needs of multicultural crews.  相似文献   

多孔C/C材料发汗冷却实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发汗冷却是解决高超声速飞行器关键部位热防护问题的有效方法,文章开展了以未完全致密化C/C材料作为多孔介质、水作为冷却剂的发汗冷却实验研究。设计并制备了发汗冷却平头实验模型,分别在热流密度1.1 MW/m2和1.45 MW/m2的氧-丙烷热结构考核条件下,通过测量模型内外壁温度响应,评估其发汗冷却速率。实验结果表明,冷却剂的引入极大地降低了模型内外壁温度,外壁面冷却速率高达8.8℃/s以上,未出现明显烧蚀现象。内壁面温度均保持在水沸点100℃以下,达到了可重复使用、耐长时加热的热防护要求,进一步表明了发汗冷却的巨大应用潜力。  相似文献   

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