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Current projects of manned missions to Mars are aimed to their realization in the second-third decades of this century. The purpose of this paper is to determine and review the main biomedical problems, that require a first and foremost decision for safety support of extravehicular activity (EVA) carried out by crewmembers of the Mars expedition. To a number of such problems the authors of the paper attribute a creation of adequate EVA equipment intended, first, for assembly of interplanetary spacecraft on the Earth orbit, performance of maintenance operations and scientific researches on the external surface of spacecraft during interplanetary flight and, secondly, for work on the Mars surface. New generation of space suits with low weight, high mobility and acceptable risk of decompression sickness must be as a central component of EVA equipment. The program for preparation to a Mars expedition also has to include special investigations in order to design the means and methods for a reliable protection of crew against space radiation, to elaborate the approach to medical monitoring and primary medical care during autonomous space mission, to maintain good health condition of crewmembers during EVA under the Mars gravity (0.38 g) after super long-term flight in weightlessness.  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the problems facing man in space. Many of these problems are manifested only on return to Earth when the de-conditioned body again has to withstand the effects of gravity.  相似文献   

R Kass  J Kass 《Acta Astronautica》1999,45(2):115-118
In preparation for the international manned space station various international and national space agencies are already participating with the Russian MIR programme with short, medium, and long term presence on the MIR station. Although selection criteria for all crew include careful psychological screening, with some effort also regarding team build-up, this has proved insufficient; moreover. little or no effort is expended in the area of psycho-social- or team training. This paper propounds the authors' thesis that, in addition to the steps already being taken, psycho-social training is essential for long-duration flight. A concrete proposal is made for such a training program, with an overview of how such a program will look like; examples of past applications are given.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in recent years on development of candidate physico-chemical components for use in regenerative life support systems (LSS) for future extended-duration-mission spacecraft; these life support systems provide air revitalization including carbon dioxide reduction, water reclamation, and limited waste management. For still longer duration manned space flights, such as a permanently inhabited space station, it is generally recognized that development of biological life support systems capable of generating food and regenerating wastes will be essential to reduce logistics costs.  相似文献   

At present the main trends among the most important problems of otorhinolaryngology in space medicine have become defined as vestibulology, audiology and clinical aspects (prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases in flight). The principal result of recent vestibular studies has probably been the establishment of an apparent relationship between the resistance of the vestibular system to adequate ground-based stimulation and tolerance to space flight. The findings of the studies formed the basis for the development of a new system of vestibular selection, as well as demonstrated the usefulness of special vestibular training of astronauts by active and passive methods. In audiology certain urgency is acquired by the problem of noise limitation in space cabins and auditory system reliability prediction for preserving a high work capability in crew members. The hemodynamic changes in weightlessness, as well as the possibility for allergic lesions, create conditions for distorted course of the ENT diseases and vaso-motor disorders. The prophylaxis of aspirations also deserves close attention since the possibilities of their onset increase in weightlessness. The rendering of immediate, timely aid will depend not only on the presence of the necessary medical equipment but also on the ability of the crew members to render the appropriate otorhinolaryngological aid.  相似文献   

The envisaged future space research programmes, whether in the field of space exploration or Earth observation are becoming more and more technically complicated and so costly that a single nation can hardly afford to realize them. Major non-European space-faring nations, China and India will progressively play an important role besides US, Russia and Japan. The Space Advisory Group of the European Commission recommended that the European Commission supports within Horizon 2020 a comprehensive Robotic Mars-Exploration Programme under European leadership that should become an essential element of a coordinated international space research programme. The International Space Station (ISS) experience shows that cooperative space programmes build links between industries and laboratories from around the world, which then further develop in non-space related activities, with positive impact on the economy and scientific research. Strategies need to be developed to mitigate the gradual increasing risks incurred by climate change. In order to lower their entry barrier to engage in space emerging and developing space nations need to be included in cooperative space programmes. We present the recommendations of the Space Advisory Group of the European Commission concerning Europe's participation to global space endeavours.  相似文献   

With concrete plans for long duration flight taking form a new impetus is lent to preparing man for this hostile and unnatural environment. Cramped conditions, isolation from family and loved ones, work stress, fear, and incompatibility with fellow crew, are but a few of the problems suffered by astronauts and cosmonauts during their long missions in orbit about the earth.

Although criteria for selection of crew is one aspect of attacking the problem, it has not solved it Notwithstanding good selection, team combination, and counselling before flight, problems have still occurred with unwanted consequences. Incompatibility of team members, far from being the exception, has been frequent. This has been detrímental both physiologically and psychologically for the individual as well as for the operational success and safety of the missions.

Because problems will inevitably occur in future long duration missions, especially when they are of international and multi-cultural nature, the importance of dealing with them is underlined. This paper takes a different approach towards ameliorating these problems, namely that of psychological group training before a mission.  相似文献   

航天器材料的空间应用及其保障技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着对应用卫星长寿命、高可靠要求的不断增长,对于航天器材料的空间应用可靠性及其保障技术日益受到重视。文章分析了航天器材料空间应用的要求及其空间环境效应试验评价技术,介绍了航天器材料保障技术的进展和发展趋势。在地面严格控制材料空间应用的性能并提供基于空间环境效应的充分数据是保障高品质航天器长寿命高可靠的重要手段。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the construction of physical/chemical life support systems of orbiting space station Mir and the Russian segment of the international space station (ISS). Based on experience gained in development and long-term operation of systems for water recovery and air revitalization balance and energy/mass characteristics of promising life support systems (LSS) are analyzed. Physical/chemical life support systems with regenerative systems updated as a result of the operation on the ISS may be used at an initial phase of manned interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

This paper will describe the biomedical support aspects of humans in space with respect to the vestibular system. The vestibular system is thought to be the primary sensory system involved in the short-term effects of space motion sickness although there is increasing evidence that many factors play a role in this complex set of symptoms. There is the possibility that an individual's inner sense of orientation may be strongly coupled with the susceptibility to space motion sickness. A variety of suggested countermeasures for space motion sickness will be described. Although there are no known ground-based tests that can predict space motion sickness, the search should go on. The long term effects of the vestibular system in weightlessness are still relatively unknown. Some preliminary data has shown that the otoconia are irregular in size and distribution following extended periods of weightlessness. The ramifications of this data are not yet known and because the data was obtained on lower order animals, definitive studies and results must wait until the space station era when higher primates can be studied for long durations. This leads us to artificial gravity, the last topic of this paper. The vestibular system is intimately tied to this question since it has been shown on Earth that exposure to a slow rotating room causes motion sickness for some period of time before adaptation occurs. If the artificial gravity is intermittent, will this mean that people will get sick every time they experience it? The data from many astronauts returning to Earth indicates that a variety of sensory illusions are present, especially immediately upon return to a 1-g environment. Oscillopsia or apparent motion of the visual surround upon head motion along with inappropriate eye motions for a given head motion, all indicate that there is much to be studied yet about the vestibular and CNS systems reaction to a sudden application of a steady state acceleration field like 1-g. From the above information it is obvious that the vestibular system does have unique requirements when it comes to the biomedical support of space flight. This is not to say that other areas such as cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, immunological and hematological systems do not have their own unique requirements but that possible solutions to one system can provide continuing problems to another system. For example, artificial gravity might be helpful for long term stabilization of bone demineralization or cardiovascular deconditioning but might introduce a new set of problems in orientation, vestibular conflict and just plain body motion in a rotating space vehicle.  相似文献   

为全面评价网络电磁空间作战情报保障的效能,提出将网络电磁空间作战情报保障效能评估指标体系划分为三层结构,并进一步研究各层次的效能指标,最终形成完整的效能评估指标体系.  相似文献   

Crewmembers play an important role in ensuring the efficiency of "crew-spacecraft" system. However, despite of the fact that crewmembers are well trained and highly motivated persons, extreme flight factors may influence negatively on their reliability, and lead to human error occurrence. Therefore, working out methods of human error prevention is very significant to increase crewmember's performance reliability. Human error can occur in the operation of systems for a number of reasons. Within the framework of the present investigation, with use the data collected during "Mir" station missions, the significant (p<0.05) positive correlation of crewmembers errors (CE) frequency with their psychophysiological state (PPS), and work and rest schedule (WRS) intensity has been revealed. Differently, the higher WRS intensity, the crewmember's PPS is worse, and CE frequency is higher. This finding has been based on substantiations of the approach to human reliability management. Its essence will consist of the following: reducing WRS intensity, we thus can improve a crewmember's PPS and, accordingly, reduce CE frequency. This approach is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

针对遥感卫星在多载荷高精度拼接扩大幅宽时需保证成像质量的要求,考虑多载荷之间的耦合,对支撑结构进行空间布局优化以及结构/热控一体化设计。应用改进的Heaviside密度滤波拓扑优化方法获取最优结构/热控的材料分布形式,结合多目标遗传算法进行详细优化设计,获取支撑结构质量、一阶固有频率和载荷安装面面形精度的Pareto前沿解集,优化所得支撑结构组件的一阶固有频率为384.8 Hz,质量为9.47 kg,安装面面形精度为0.004 0 mm。对该结构进行静力和热变形仿真分析,并开展振动和结构稳定性试验,结果显示其星敏感器指向精度优于9″,双相机光轴夹角变化满足指标要求,即结构具有较优的结构/热稳定性,满足遥感卫星对其高性能指标要求。  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified the need to understand what shapes public attitudes toward space policy. I address this gap in the literature by developing a multivariate regression model explaining why many Americans support government spending on space exploration. Using pooled data from the 2006 and 2008 General Social Surveys, the study reveals that spending preferences on space exploration are largely apolitical and associated instead with knowledge and opinions about science. In particular, the odds of wanting to increase funding for space exploration are significantly higher for white, male Babyboomers with a higher socio-economic status, a fondness for organized science, and a post-secondary science education. As such, I argue that public support for NASA's spending epitomizes what Launius termed “Apollo Nostalgia” in American culture. That is, Americans benefitting most from the old social order of the 1960s developed a greater fondness for science that makes them more likely to lament the glory days of space exploration. The article concludes with suggestions for how to elaborate on these findings in future studies.  相似文献   

The era of modern space research and applications began with the 1945–46 Moon-radar experiments and with the successful launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. Hungary and Hungarian engineers/researchers were present at the birth of this new and important discipline. As a consequence of the Second World War Hungary became part of the Soviet bloc and, for the first 30 years of the Space Age, Hungarian space activity was carried out mainly within Intercosmos; however, some highlights were produced. After the collapse of the communist dictatorship Hungarian space activity was successfully rebuilt and the past 20 years have seen the beginning of the integration of Hungarian space activity into ESA and EU space policy. Hungarian society’s attitude to the country’s space activity is complex, as is that of its decision makers. This largely results from the simplified picture of global space activity and Hungarian participation therein in people’s minds and from the ignorance of the country’s decision makers. While this is basically a global problem, it has a special Hungarian aspect in the view that a small country has no real role in the world, in the EU, in ESA or in global space activity. We have a task: to change this mind-set.  相似文献   

In the paper an attempt is made to combine three important criteria of LSS comparison: minimum mass, maximum safety and maximum quality of life. Well-known types of BLSS were considered: with higher plant, higher plants and mushrooms, microalgae, and hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. These BLSSs were compared in terms of "integrated" mass for the case of a vegetarian diet and a "normal" one (with animal proteins and fats). It was shown that the BLSS with higher plants and incineration of wastes becomes the best when the exploitation period is more than 1 yr. The dependence of higher plants' LSS structure on operation time was found. Comparison of BLSSs in terms of integral reliability (this criterion includes mass and quality of life criteria) for a lunar base scenario showed that BLSSs with higher plants are advantageous in reliability and comfort. This comparison was made for achieved level of technology of closing and for perspective one.  相似文献   

SVET Space Greenhouse (SG)--the first automated facility for growing of higher plants in microgravity was designed in the eighty years to be used for the future BLSS. The first successful experiment with vegetables was carried out in 1990 on the MIR Space Station (SS). The experiments in SVET SG were resumed in 1995, when an American Gas Exchange Measurement System (GEMS) was added. A three-month wheat experiment was carried out as part of MIR-SHUTTLE'95 program. SVET-2 SG Bulgarian equipment of a new generation with optimised characteristics was developed (financed by NASA). The new SVET-GEMS equipment was launched on board the MIR SS and a successful six-month experiments for growing up of two crops of wheat were conducted in 1996 - 97 as part of MIR-NASA-3 program. The first of these "Greenhouse" experiments (123 days) with the goal to grow wheat through a complete life cycle is described. Nearly 300 heads developed but no seeds were produced. A second crop of wheat was planted and after 42 days the plants were frozen for biochemical investigations. The main environmental parameters during the six-month experiments in SVET (substrate moisture and lighting period) are given. The results and the contribution to BLSS are discussed.  相似文献   

国外空间天气保障能力建设及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对空间天气保障能力的科学内涵进行了分析,总结了国外相关发展现状,建议我国应从战略上高度重视空间天气保障能力发展,并从加大宣传力度、建设监测体系、提高预报水平、研究应对策略、注重人才队伍等方面进行了对策思考。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):599-606
The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) Education and Public Outreach Program (EPOP) is supporting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) new vision for space exploration by educating and inspiring the next generation of students through a seamless pipeline of kindergarten through postdoctoral education programs. NSBRI EPOP initiatives are designed to train scientists and to communicate the significance of NSBRI science, as well as other space exploration science, to schools, families and lay audiences. The NSBRI EPOP team is comprised of eight main partners: Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Binghamton University–State University of New York (BUSUNY), Colorado Consortium for Earth and Space Science Education (CCESSE), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM), Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM), Rice University and the University of Texas Medical Branch (RU–UTMB), and Texas A&M University (TAMU). The current kindergarten through undergraduate college (K-16) team, which was funded through an open national competition in 2004, consolidates the past 7 years of K-16 education activities and expands the team's outreach activities to more museums and science centers across the nation. NSBRI also recently expanded its education mission to include doctoral and postdoctoral level programs. This paper describes select K-16 EPOP activities and products developed over the past 7 years, and reports on new activities planned for the next 3 years. The paper also describes plans for a doctoral program and reports on 1st-year outcomes of the new postdoctoral program.  相似文献   

空间站有效载荷真空支持系统方案评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效载荷真空支持系统是空间有效载荷支持系统的重要组成部分,为空间有效载荷实验的顺利进行提供真空环境支持和保证。文章详细分析了国际空间站包括美国“命运号”实验舱(USL)、欧空局哥伦布轨道舱(APM)及日本实验舱(JEM)内的有效载荷真空支持系统方案及使用情况;对美国实验舱内的一号微重力材料科学机柜及微重力燃烧科学机柜内部专用的真空支持系统作了主要介绍;最后提出了我国空间站有效载荷真空支持系统的初步方案设想,即合理安排有效载荷实验进行次序,将废气排放子系统及真空资源子系统合二为一,以节约资源,提高可靠性。  相似文献   

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