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The atmosphere of the Sun is characterized by a complex interplay of competing physical processes: convection, radiation, conduction, and magnetic fields. The most obvious imprint of the solar convection and its overshooting in the low atmosphere is the granulation pattern. Beside this dominating scale there is a more or less smooth distribution of spatial scales, both towards smaller and larger scales, making the Sun essentially a multi-scale object. Convection and overshooting give the photosphere its face but also act as drivers for the layers above, namely the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field configuration effectively couples the atmospheric layers on a multitude of spatial scales, for instance in the form of loops that are anchored in the convection zone and continue through the atmosphere up into the chromosphere and corona. The magnetic field is also an important structuring agent for the small, granulation-size scales, although (hydrodynamic) shock waves also play an important role—especially in the internetwork atmosphere where mostly weak fields prevail. Based on recent results from observations and numerical simulations, we attempt to present a comprehensive picture of the atmosphere of the quiet Sun as a highly intermittent and dynamic system.  相似文献   

Recentlythewholeindustrysufferdfromthelostgreatly.ItissaidthatCAACwillcarryoutaseriesofsolutionssuchaslindtingthetransportcapabilityinput,thescoPeoftheticketpricediscountaswellasthepricerateoftheagentstochangethedisorderofthepricecompetitionsandputanendtothedownslideoftheeconomicefficiency.However,therealwayoutistoenhancethecompetenceofthecivilaviationindustryallaround.ThecausesanalyzedbyPeoPleinthiscirclecanbeconcludedastheslowdownofthenationaleconondcdevelopingsPeed,thefinancialcrisisofth…  相似文献   

AlthoughhitbyboththeAsianfinancialcrisisandtheseveresummerfloods,Chineseeconomystillobtained4growthrateof7.8%in1998,andthetaxcollectedaccordinglyachievedanincreaseofRMB100billionyuan,whichlaidagoodfoundationforimprovingtheeconondcoperationenvironmentin1999.Howeverwhenboththerailwayandthepost&telecommunicationindustryspeededuptheirconstruction,thedevelopmentofChinesecivilaviahonindustryappearedweak.Eventhoughin1998thetransportationvolumesofthewholeindustrywerecompletedfairly,thestatCownedairi…  相似文献   

This study is aimed at predicting the relationship between the meniscus and the quality of the sapphire crystals produced by the micro-pulling and shoulder at cooled center (SAPMIC) technique. As with different orientations, the shapes of the meniscus vary, so an investigation into the anisotropy of the meniscus shapes is very important for the final quality of the sapphire crystal. An effective model to describe meniscus shapes and their formation process has been presented. The model has been applied to a sapphire crystal of 200 mm diameter in order to check its reliability. The results show that the model proves to be useful for forecasting the final shapes of the sap-phire crystal made by the SAPMIC technique.  相似文献   

The16thPartyCongresshascometoavictoriousend.Asagrandgath-eringwiththegreatsignificanceofinheritingthepastandusheringinthefu-tureinthehistoryoftheCPCandduringtheeconomicconstructionperiodofthecountry,thiscongressanditsfar-reachinginfluencewillcertainlybeth…  相似文献   

At present there is no doubt that the local interstellar medium (LISM) is mainly partially ionized hydrogen gas moving with a supersonic flow relative to the solar system. The bulk velocity of this flow is approximately equal ~26 km/s. Although the interaction of the solar wind with the charged component (below plasma component) of the LISM can be described in the framework of hydrodynamic approach, the interaction of H atoms with the plasma component can be correctly described only in the framework of kinetic theory because the mean free path of H atoms in the main process of the resonance charge exchange is comparable with a characteristic length of the problem considered. Results of self-consistent, kinetic-hydrodynamic models are considered in this review paper. First, such the model was constructed by Baranov and Malama (J. Geophys. Res. 98(A9):15,157–15,163, 1993). Up to now it is mainly developed by Moscow group taking into account new experimental data obtained onboard spacecraft studying outer regions of the solar system (Voyager 1 and 2, Pioneer 10 and 11, Hubble Space Telescope, Ulysses, SOHO and so on). Predictions and interpretations of experimental data obtained on the basis of these models are presented. Kinetic models for describing H atom motion were later suggested by Fahr et al. (Astron. Astrophys 298:587–600, 1995) and Lipatov et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 103(A9):20,631–20,642, 1998). However they were not self-consistent and did not incorporate sources to the plasma component. A self-consistent kinetic-hydrodynamic model suggested by Heerikhuisen et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 2006, Astrophys. J. 655:L53–L56, 2007) was not tested on the results by Baranov and Malama (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 1993) although it was suggested much later. Besides authors did not describe in details their Monte Carlo method for a solution of the H atom Boltzmann equation and did not inform about an accuracy of this method. Therefore the results of Heerikhuisen et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 111:A06110, 2006) are in open to question and will not be considered in this review paper. That is why below we will mainly consider a progress of the Moscow group on heliospheric modelling endeavours in the kinetic-hydrodynamic approach. Criticism of the models that treat interstellar hydrogen in the heliosphere as several fluids is given. It is shown that the multi-fluid models give rise to unreal results especially for distributions of neutral component parameters. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling of the solar wind interaction with the LISM gas is also reviewed.  相似文献   

A high-precision attitude determination and control of the forthcoming European Gaia satellite is an essential task for the success of the whole mission. The requirements for the spacecraft’s attitude require exceptional efforts in the simulation of the rotations of the satellite under the influence of continuous and randomly arising effects. This paper describes the structure of a physically-motivated noise model for simulating the attitude in a closed loop configuration. It deals with the analysis of the most important disturbing forces and torques acting on the Gaia spacecraft.  相似文献   

Schindler  Sabine 《Space Science Reviews》2002,100(1-4):299-309
A summary of various measurements of the mean matter density in the universe, m, is presented. Results from very different kinds of methods using various astronomical objects – from supernovae to large-scale structure – are shown. There is a remarkable preference for m values around 0.3, but there are also some measurements that favour a higher or a smaller value.  相似文献   

After having an interview with Adam Diels, CEO of Chinesetolk & vertaalbureau Dong Fang Yuan Co., I was deeplymoved by his consistent effort to realize his orientaldream he had at the age of seven. Few would do it like him.Adam was born in a small town, called Nijmegen, in theNetherlands in 1968. His parents were accustomed to tasting alldifferent food from all over the world. Some day, three of themcame to a Chinese restaurant, when Adam saw the boss wasreading a newspaper, which was fu…  相似文献   

Following the publication of this issue, China Civil Aviation has passed through a whole year. At the threshold of the new century a year ago, Civil Aviation Economics and Technology, which had had more than 20 years in its history of publication and played an important role in instructing the work of civil aviation, was renamed China Civil Aviation upon decision of the CPC Committee of CAAC and approval of the State Press and Publication General Administration. Since then it has gree…  相似文献   

The aim of the authors Pätzold and Bird, 2001, is to show that the study: Velocity changes of the Giotto spacecraft induced during the flybys of the comets P/Halley and P/Grigg-Skjellerup, by H. Porsche, published in 1999 is not correct. This article replies.  相似文献   

There is now strong observational evidence that the composition of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) exhibits some significant deviations with respect to the abundances measured in the local (solar neighbourhood) interstellar medium (ISM). Two main scenarios have been proposed in order to account for these differences (`anomalies). The first one, referred to as the `two-component scenario, invokes two distinct components to be accelerated to GCR energies by supernova blast waves. One of these components is just made of ISM material of `normal solar composition, while the other one emerges from the wind of massive mass-losing stars of the Wolf–Rayet (WR) type. The second model, referred to as the `metallicity-gradient scenario, envisions the acceleration of ISM material whose bulk composition is different from the local one as a result of the fact that it originates from inner regions of the Galaxy, where the metallicity has not the local value. In both scenarios, massive stars, particularly of the WR type, play an important role in shaping the GCR composition. After briefly reviewing some basic observations and predictions concerning WR stars (including s-process yields), this paper revisits the two proposed scenarios in the light of recent non-rotating or rotating WR models.  相似文献   

AsCAACstartedtoadjusttheticketpricepolicyfromMaylsttolimitthediscountrate,theseriouseconomicsituationfacedbyChina'sairtransportindustryturnsbetter,whichmeansthatthestopgapmeasurecomesintoeffect.Thenhowtocarryouttheradicalmeasure?Theproblemsdisclosedintheairtransportmarketandtheeconomicbenefitearlythisyearwerenotsimplytheappearance,butresultedfundamentallyfromthefailuretoformthecompleteairtransportmarket.Besidesactingastheexecutiveadministrationofthegovernment,CAACalsoservesastheadministrat…  相似文献   

Under the support of people in and outSide the circle and ~ tense preparations andefforts, the first edition of China Civil Aviation magazine has finally come out, keepingpace with the entry of human beings into the new centUry.The Predecessor of China Civil AViation is Civil Aviation Economics aha Technologymagazine, which was founded in 1975. For more than 20 years since itS first application, ithas won the recognition and commendation of management and technology Personnel ofthe gover…  相似文献   

The air transport in China is developing rapidly with an annual average growth rate of20 %since the reform and open to the outside.The rising air traffic will make ATC more difficult.With questions about China‘s ATC development at present and in the future,the reporters of IA interviewed to Mr.Chen Xuhua,the director general of the Air Traffic Managment Bureau of the CAAC.  相似文献   

Photoelectric WBVR observations of Be star HDE 245770=V 725 Tau, the optical counterpart of the transient X-ray pulsar A0535+26, having a pulse period of about 104 s, were conducted for more than 10 years. An irregular long-term optical variability of the star with amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of magnitude was found to be a usual phenomenon. In some cases rapid changes of the star's optical luminosity with a characteristic period of a few tens of minutes or a few hours, and an amplitude of several hundredths of magnitude in all the spectral bands used, which have practically coincided or correlated with the X-ray pulsar outbursts detected by X-ray satellites, were observed.Photoelectric recording of the optical flux from HDE 245770 were made in 1981–1982 with a time resolution of 1 second and 10 s, respectively, in theR spectral band (0 7000 Å) and in the narrowH -emission-line band (1/2 75 Å) using a 48-cm reflector of High-Mountain Tien-Shan observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute near Alma-Ata. An analysis of autocorrelation functions of the flux changes from object under study and a comparison with the star BD+26° 876 indicated the variability of luminosity of V 725 Tau in theR spectral band on a time scale of a few tens of second; this variability resembles shot noise with a characteristic time of stochastic bursts of about 15–20 s and their amplitudes of about a few tenths of a percent. InH -emission-line radiation autocorrelation functions and power spectra show quasiperiodic variability of luminosity of HDE 245770 with a characteristic period of about 100–150 s and an amplitude in the neighbour-hood of 0.5%. The latter result is not quite reliable because of not quite fine weather conditions during the observations; independent observations and check-up are required.  相似文献   

The propagation of extremely low frequency (ELF, 3 Hz to 3 kHz) radio waves and resonant phenomena in the spherical Earth-ionosphere cavity has been studied for almost fifty years. When such a cavity is excited by naturally occurring broadband electromagnetic radiation, resonances can develop if the equatorial circumference is approximately equal to an integral number of wavelengths of the propagating electromagnetic waves; these are termed Schumann resonances. They provide information not only about thunderstorm and lightning activity on the Earth, and their relation to climate, but also on the properties of the low ionosphere. Similar investigations can be performed for any other planet or satellite, provided that it has an ionosphere. There are important differences between the Earth and other celestial bodies regarding, for example, the surface conductivity, the atmospheric conductivity profile, the geometry of the ionospheric cavity, and the sources of excitation. To a first approximation, the size of the cavity defines the fundamental resonant frequency, the atmospheric electron density profile controls the wave attenuation, the nature of the sources influences the electromagnetic field distribution in the cavity, and the body surface conductivity indicates to what extent the subsurface can be explored. The frequencies and attenuation rates of the principal eigenmodes depend upon the electrical properties of the cavity. Instruments that monitor the electromagnetic environment in the ELF range on the surface, on balloons, or on descent probes provide unique information on the cavity. In this paper, we present Schumann resonance models for selected inner planets, some gaseous giant planets and a few of their satellites. We review the crucial parameters of ELF electromagnetic waves in their atmospheric cavities, namely the electric and magnetic field spectra, their eigenfrequencies, and the associated Q-factors (damping factors). Then we present important information on theoretical developments, on a general model that uses the finite element method and on the parameterization of the cavity. Next we show the distinctiveness of each planetary environment, and discuss how ELF radio wave propagation can contribute to an assessment of the major characteristics of those planetary environments.  相似文献   

President Hu Jintao, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met representatives of personnel working for the Shanghai Co-operation Organization Summit on the afternoon of June 16. On behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Hu expressed his heartfelt gratitude and sincere greetings to those who have contributed to the summit. He said the summit has closed. In the preparation pr…  相似文献   

The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft recently crossed the termination shock and are currently sending back groundbreaking and detailed observations at two locations in the inner heliosheath. Complementary global observations will soon be provided by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer—IBEX, which measures energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced via charge exchange with energetic protons in this region. While several data sets from instruments on other spacecraft have provided tantalizing observations that might be heliosheath ENAs, none has definitively shown that they are observing this source. In contrast, IBEX has been specifically designed and developed to make all-sky observations of inner heliosheath ENAs with very high sensitivity and signal to noise. These observations will provide the critical global perspective required to understand the three-dimensional heliospheric interaction with the Circum-Heliospheric Interstellar Medium (CHISM). This paper, written prior to the launch of IBEX, reviews previous observations and provides background on this important new mission.  相似文献   

Afterfouryearshardwork,thekeyprojectoftheNinthFive-YearPlan,thePudongInternationalAirportputintooperationoffciallyonSep.l6th,l999.Thisfirst-classinternationalairportwiththetotalinvestmentofRMBl3obillionyuanindicatedthattheconstructionlevelofthecivilaviationairPortcameuptoanewstage.ShanghaibecomesthefirstcityinChinawhichhastwointernationallargeairPorts.Therefore,it'shelpfultopromoteShanghaitothemodernintemationalme-tropolisinthe2lstCentury.It'salsobeneficialforbuildingShanghaiandPudonge…  相似文献   

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