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Comets and life.     
Some of the chemical species which have been detected in comets include H2O, HCN, CH3CN, CO, CO2, NH3, CS, C2 and C3. All of these have also been detected in the interstellar medium, indicating a probable relationship between interstellar dust and gas clouds and comets. Laboratory experiments carried out with different mixtures of these molecules give rise to the formation of the biochemical compounds which are necessary for life, such as amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, monosaccharides, etc. However, in spite of suggestions to the contrary, the presence of life in comets is unlikely. On the other hand, the capture of cometary matter by the primitive Earth is considered essential for the development of life on this planet. The amount of cometary carbon-containing matter captured by the Earth, as calculated by different authors, is several times larger than the total amount of organic matter present in the biosphere (10(18)g). The major classes of reactions which were probably involved in the formation of key biochemical compounds are discussed. Our tentative conclusions are that: 1) comets played a predominant role in the emergence of life on our planet, and 2) they are the cosmic connection with extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

High molecular weight organic compounds are involved in the chemistry and physics of many astrophysical and planetary objects. They are or should be present in interstellar dust, in comets and meteorites, in the Giant planets and Titan, in asteroids Triton and icy satellites. They represent a class of very complex organic material, part of which may have played a role in the origin of life on Earth. Thus they directly concern prebiotic chemistry and exobiology.  相似文献   

Life on Mars? I. The chemical environment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of life at its abiotic evolutionary stage, requires a combination of constituents and environmental conditions that enable the synthesis of complex replicating macromolecules from simpler monomeric molecules. It is very likely that the early stages of this evolutionary process have been spontaneous, rapid and widespread on the surface of the primitive Earth, resulting in the formation of quite sophisticated living organisms within less than a billion years. To what extent did such conditions prevail on Mars? Two companion-papers (Life on Mars? I and II) will review and discuss the available information related to the chemical, physical and environmental conditions on Mars and assess it from the perspective of potential exobiological evolution.  相似文献   

Life, defined as a chemical system capable of transferring its molecular information via self-replication and also capable of evolving, must develop within a liquid to take advantage of the diffusion of complex molecules. On Earth, life probably originated from the evolution of reduced organic molecules in liquid water. Organic matter might have been formed in the primitive Earth's atmosphere or near hydrothermal vents. A large fraction of prebiotic organic molecules might have been brought by extraterrestrial-meteoritic and cometary dust grains decelerated by the atmosphere. Any celestial body harboring permanent liquid water may therefore accumulate the ingredients that generated life on the primitive Earth. The possibility that life might have evolved on early Mars when water existed on the surface marks it as a prime candidate in a search for bacterial life beyond the Earth. Europa has an icy carapace. However, cryovolcanic flows at the surface point to a possible water subsurface region which might harbor a basic life form. The atmosphere and surface components of Titan are also of interest to exobiology for insight into a hydrocarbon-rich chemically evolving world. One-handed complex molecules and preferential isotopic fractionation of carbon, common to all terrestrial life forms, can be used as basic indicators when searching for life beyond the Earth.  相似文献   

During the last three decades major advances have been made in our understanding of the formation of carbon compounds in the universe and of the occurence of processes of chemical evolution. 1) Carbon and other biogenic elements (C,H,N,O,S and P) are some of the most abundant in the universe. 2) The interstellar medium has been found to contain a diversity of molecules of these elements. 3) Some of these molecules have also been found in comets which are considered the most primordial bodies of the solar system. 4) The atmospheres of the outer planets and their satellites, for example, Titan, are actively involved in the formation of organic compounds which are the precursors of biochemical molecules. 5) Some of these biochemical molecules, such as amino acids, purines and pyrimidines, have been found in carbonaceous chondrites. 6) Laboratory experiments have shown that most of the monomers and oligomers necessary for life can be synthesized under hypothesized but plausible primitive Earth conditions from compounds found in the above cosmic bodies. 7) It appears that the primitive Earth had the necessary and sufficient conditions to allow the chemical synthesis of biomacromolecules and to permit the processes required for the emergence of life on our planet. 8) It is unlikely that the emergence of life occurred in any other body of the solar system, although the examination of the Jovian satellite Europa may provide important clues about the constraints of this evolutionary process. Some of the fundamental principles of chemical evolution are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

What hazards might biological contamination pose to planets, comets and other celestial bodies visited by probes launched from Earth? What hazards might returning probes pose to Earth and its inhabitants? What should be considered an acceptable level of risk? What technologies, procedures and constraints should be applied? What sort of attitude has to be chosen concerning human crews, who themselves could become both contaminated victims and contaminating agents? The vast issue of planetary protection must, more than ever, spark ethical debate. Space treaty, COSPAR recommendations offer borders and context for this reflection, which has to be introduced in the actual humanist: never has been anthropocentrism so practical and concerned, in the same time, by the next generations, because of the historical character of life. At least an ethics of risk is necessary (far from the myth of zero-risk) for all the three types of contamination: other celestial bodies (forward contamination), Earth (backward contamination) and astronauts.  相似文献   

The author introduces a meeting session about the origins of life by briefly reviewing theories of chemical and molecular evolution. The discussion focuses on structures of early life, sequences of chemical synthesis, and evolution of biomolecules.  相似文献   

The evidence that living organisms were already extant on the earth almost 4 Gyr ago and that early bombardment by comets and asteroids created a hostile environment up to about this time has revived the question of how it was possible for prebiotic chemical evolution to have provided the necessary ingredients for life to have developed in the short intervening time. The actual bracketed available temporal space is no more than 0.5 Gyr and probably much less. Was this sufficient time for an earth-based source of the first simple organic precursor molecules to have led to the level of the prokaryotic cell? If not, then the difficulty would be resolved if the ancient earth was impregnated by organic molecular seed from outer space. Curiously, it seems that the most likely source of such seeds was the same a one of the sources of the hostile enviroment, namely the comets which bombarded the earth. With the knowledge of comets gained by the space missions it has become clear that a very large fraction of the chemical composition of comet nuclei consists of quite complex organic molecules. Furthermore it has been demonstrated that comets consist of very fluffy aggregates of interstellar dust whose chemistry derives from photoprocessing of simple ice mixtures in space. Thus, the ultimate source of organics in comets comes from the chemical evolution of interstellar dust. An important and critical justification for assuming that interstellar dust is the ultimate source of prebiotic molecular insertion on the earth is the proof that comets are extremely fluffy aggregates, which have the possibility of breaking up into finely divided fragments when the comet impacts the earth's atmosphere. In the following we will summarize the properties of interstellar dust and the chemical and morphological structure of comets indicated by the most recent interpretations of comet observations. It will be shown that the suitable condition for comets having provided abundant prebiotic molecules as well as the water in which they could have further evolved are consistent with theories of the early earth environment.  相似文献   

Photographs that depict presumed fluvial features on the martian surface have led geologists to hypothesize that water flowed across the early martian terrain. From this, it has been further hypothesized that the surface and atmospheric conditions on early Mars were similar to those on early Earth. Because the oldest fossil evidence of life on Earth dates back to this early period, at least 3.5 billion years ago, the possibility exists that the early Martian environment could have also been conducive to the origin of life. To investigate this possibility, universal signatures or bio-markers indicative of past (or present) biological activity must be identified for use in the search for life on Mars. Several potentially applicable biomarkers have been identified and include: organics (e.g., specific classes of lipids and hopanes), suites of specific inorganic and organic compounds, as well as the isotopic ratios of C, N, and S. Unfortunately, all of these bio-markers may be of biologic or abiotic origin; these origins are often difficult to distinguish. Thus, the discovery of any one of these compounds alone is not a bio-marker. Because minerals produced under biologic control have distinctive crystallographies, morphologies, and isotopic ratios that distinguishable from abiotically produced minerals with the same chemical composition, and are stable through geologic time, we propose the use of minerals resulting from biologically controlled mineralization processes as bio-markers.  相似文献   

In the gravitational field on Earth, the large settling rate of micron-sized particles and the effects of gravity-induced convection prohibit many interesting studies of phenomena such as coagulation, collisions, and mutual interactions of droplets, dust grains and other particles. Examples of exobiology experiments involving these phenomena are the simulation of organic aerosol formation in Titan's atmosphere, studies of the role of comets in prebiotic chemical evolution, and simulations of carbon grain interactions in various astrophysical environments. The Gas-Grain Simulation Facility (GGSF) is a proposed Earth-orbital laboratory that will allow present ground-based experimental programs which study processes involving small particles and weak interactions to be extended to a new domain. Physics issues that scientists wishing to propose GGSF experiments must consider are reviewed in this paper. Specifically, coagulation, motion in gases and vacua, and wall deposition of particles in a microgravity environment are discussed.  相似文献   

During COSPAR'00 in Warsaw, Poland, in the frame of Sub-Commission F.3 events (Planetary Biology and Origins of Life), part of COSPAR Commission F (Life Sciences as Related to Space), and Commission B events (Space Studies of the Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System) a large joint symposium (F.3.4/B0.8) was held on extraterrestrial organic chemistry. Part 2 of this symposium was devoted to complex organic chemistry in the environment of planets and satellites. The aim of this event was to cover and review new data which have been recently obtained and to give new insights on data which are expected in the near future to increase our knowledge of the complex organic chemistry occurring in several planets and satellites of the Solar System, outside the earth, and their implications for exobiology and life in the universe. The event was composed of two main parts. The first part was mainly devoted to the inner planets and Europa and the search for signatures of life or organics in those environments. The second part was related to the study of the outer solar system.  相似文献   

Some results, recently obtained from laboratory experiments of ion irradiation of ice mixtures containing H, C, N, and O, are here summarized. They are relevant to the formation and evolution of complex organics on interstellar dust, comets and other small bodies in the external Solar System. In particular the formation of CN-bearing species is discussed. Interstellar dust incorporated into primitive Solar System bodies and subsequently delivered to the early Earth, may have contributed to the origin of life. The delivery of CN-bearing species seems to have been necessary because molecules containing the cyanogen bond are difficult to be produced in an environment that is not strongly reducing as that of the early Earth probably was. Moreover we report on an ongoing research program concerning the interaction between refractory materials produced by ion irradiation of simple ices and biological materials (amino acids, proteins, cells).  相似文献   

In a planetarium, the visitor is sitting on Earth and looking into an imaginary space. The Planetarium Inversum is the opposite: visitors are sitting in a space station, looking down on Mother Earth. It is a scientifically-based information show with visitors involvement, its elements being partially virtual (Earth in space has to be projected with highest possible resolution) but also containing real structures, such as the visitors' Earth observatory with adjacent biological systems (plant cultures and other ecological life support components). Its main message concerns the limits and the vulnerability of our home planet, its uniqueness, beauty and above all, its irreplaceableness: Earth does not have an emergency exit. The Earth observatory is part of a ring shaped, rotating space station of the type designed by Wernher von Braun decades ago. Visitors are told that gravity is being substituted by centrifugal force. Both types of life support systems are being demonstrated--self regenerative life based ones and technical ones as a backup (solar electric splitting of water and chemical absorption of respiratory CO2).  相似文献   

Searching for extraterrestrial life attracts more and more attention. However this searching hardly can be effective without sufficiently universal concept of life origin, which incidentally tackles a problem of origin of life on the Earth. A concept of initial stages of life origin is stated in the paper. The concept eliminates key difficulties in the problem of life origin, and allows experimental verification of it. According to the concept the predecessor of living beings has to be sufficiently simple to provide non-zero probability of self-assembling during short (in geological or cosmic scale) time. In addition the predecessor has to be capable of autocatalysis, and further complication (evolution). A possible scenario of initial stage of life origin, which can be realized both on other planets, and inside experimental facility is considered. In the scope of the scenario a theoretical model of multivariate oligomeric autocatalyst is presented. Results of computer simulation of two versions of oligomeric autocatalytic reactions are presented. It is shown that the contribution of monomer activation reaction is essential, and in some cases autocatalysis in polymerizing reaction can be achieved without catalyzing proper monomer binding reaction.  相似文献   

An early high-temperature phase of the protosolar accretion disk is implied by at least three different telltales in chondrites and confirmed by peculiarities in the dust grains of comet Halley. The existence this high-temperature phase implies a large accretion rate hence a massive early disk. This clarifies the origin of the Kuiper Belt and of the Oort cloud, those two cometary populations of different symmetry that subsist today. Later, when the dust sedimented and was removed from the thermal equilibrium with the gas phase, a somewhat lower temperature of the disk explains the future planets' densities as well as the location beyond 2.6 AU of the carbonaceous chondrite chemistry. This lower temperature remains however large enough to require an exogenous origin for all carbon and all water now present in the Earth. The later orbital diffusion of planetesimals, which is required by protoplanelary growth, is needed to explain the origin of the terrestrial biosphere (atmosphere, oceans, carbonates and organic compounds) by a veneer mostly made of comets.  相似文献   

An approach to searching for extraterrestrial life on the base of "autotroph" concept of the origin of life is presented in the paper. According to this concept the origin of life took place in three stages. The first stage was developed inside the global geochemical cycle in which the turnover of different chemical transformations was implemented by solar radiation and/or heat energy of bowels of the Earth. At the second stage, after the autocatalytic systems have emerged these systems evolved as a result of "natural selection" by autocatalysis parameters up to emergence of special inheritance systems that drastically improved the autocatalysis parameters. The best in terms of autocatalysis parameters were the autocatalysis systems based on phase-separated particles where complex structures can form not only on the basis of covalent interactions. Such autocatalysis systems can emerge only in liquid in a certain range of temperatures and pressures. At this stage the geochemical cycle complicated involving new substances. At the third stage the evolution involved improvement of inheritance systems resulting in formation of the modern type of genetic apparatus. This concept formed the basis to consider approaches to experimental modeling of major aspects of the origin of life and to outlining some general features of life that can extend the sensitive horizon of searching for extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

微流星体是自然存在的微型天体.在太阳系空间范围内,微流星体的主要起源为彗星及小行星.在地球至火星的空间范围内,微流星体的飞行速度范围为24.13~42.2km·-1.高速飞行的微流星体一旦撞击火星探测器,将有可能对探测器造成毁灭性的损害.本文基于太阳神探测器的观测结果及彗星轨道观测统计结果,针对火星探测,分别建立了地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体环境模型,并基于有限元离散方法建立了火星探测任务的微流星体碰撞风险预测方法.设计了一个虚拟火星探测器,分别对其在地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体撞击通量进行了分析.结果显示,在探测器有效任务期内,探测器正面受微流星撞击次数约为背面的10倍.根据本文模型计算结果,将探测器顶板铝合金蒙皮的厚度增加至0.7mm后,在整个任务周期内可将探测器正面受微流星体撞击出现击穿损伤的风险降低为每平米7次.   相似文献   

In contemporary cells biological information is largely stored in nucleic acids. Therefore, a prerequisite in many theories on the origin of cellular life is the pre-existance of self-replicating polynucleotides that had to be formed by abiotic processes on the prebiotic Earth. It is usually assumed that the spontaneous synthesis of a self-replicating polynucleotide could take place readily. However, serious stereochemical obstacles exist which make such a synthesis extremely improbable. Amino acids on the other hand, which are abundantly formed in prebiotic simulation experiments, are relatively easily polymerized to macromolecules (protoproteins) that share with modern proteins many properties: e.g., definable non-random structure, selected amino acid sequences, enzyme-like activities and self-assembly into supramolecular structures. Prebiotic polyamino acids are therefore regarded by some scientists, including the present author, as the first informational macromolecules. The origin of this information is the chemical reactivity of the various prebiotic amino acids and their chemical response to their environment. The first informational polynucleotides were likely formed by a polynucleotide polymerase activity of prebiotic protoproteins. A contemporary model for this process is seen, e.g., in the activity of template-free Qβ-replicase.  相似文献   

Different estimates based on dynamical considerations, lunar cratering rates, Solar System chemical abundances, and the single-impact theory on the origin of the Earth-Moon system suggest that comets and other related small, volatile-rich primitive minor bodies captured by the Earth during the early Archean must have been a major source of volatiles on our planet. It is likely that a substantial fraction of the organic molecules present in the colliding cometary nuclei, which may have included nitrogen bases and the precursors of amino acids, were destroyed due to the high temperatures and shock wave energy associated with the collision. However, the presence of H2O, CN, CH, CO, CO2 and other carbon-bearing molecules and radicals in the atmosphere of the Sun and in circumstellar shells around carbon-rich stars suggests that at least simple carbon species could have survived the cometary collisions. Under the anoxic conditions thought to prevail in the prebiotic terrestrial paleoatmosphere, the post-collisional formation of a large number of excited molecules and radicals, and the rapid quenching of the expanding gaseous ball may have led, upon rapid cooling, to the formation of molecules of biogenic elements and to their eventual deposition in localized environments where complex organic compounds of biochemical significance may have been produced and accumulated.  相似文献   

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