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When designing the radio-electronic equipment for long-term operation in a space environment, one of the most important problems is a correct estimation of radiation stability of its electric and radio components (ERC) against radiation-stimulated doze failures and one-particle effects (upsets). These problems are solved in this paper for the integrated microcircuits (IMC) of various types that are to be installed onboard the Fobos-Grunt spacecraft designed at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Lavochkin Research and Production Association.” The launching of this spacecraft is planned for 2009.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 237–239.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kuznetsov, Popov, Khamidullina.  相似文献   

A brief review of publications on the problem of two fixed centers is given, including its generalizations and astronomical applications. A comparison of the Darboux potential with that of Eve Gredeaks is made. An account of the basic points of development of modern high-precision theories of the motion of planetary satellites, based on the Gredeaks’ intermediate orbit, is given.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 194–200.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lukyanov, Emeljanov, Shirmin.Dedicated to the memory of Professor Evgenii Petrovich Aksenov  相似文献   

Based on satellite data, we present the results of modeling the spatial and energy distributions of integral fluxes of He nuclei (α particles) with E > 1, 2, 4, and 7 MeV at L = 1.1–6.6 in a broad range of B/B 0 (E is the kinetic energy of particles, L is the drift shell parameter, and B/B 0 is the magnetic field ratio). Some ways of practically applying the model are considered. The results of calculation of α-particle fluxes for a circular orbit with a height of 300 km and an inclination of 50° are presented.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 243–247.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Getselev, Sosnovets, Kovtyukh, Dmitriev, Podzolko, Vlasova, Reizman.  相似文献   

The process of formation of a particles cloud (space debris) during breakdown of the Earth’s Artificial Satellite (EAS) is considered. A system of equations of motion is derived, and its analytical solution in the linear approximation for circular orbits is presented. The distinction between this solution and an exact numerical solution is indicated. The cases of satellite breakdown at the apogee and perigee on an elliptic orbit are also considered, and some characteristics of these processes are compared.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 269–273.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gorelov, Zarubkin.  相似文献   

We derive calculated and experimental relations characterizing the reduction in the electric power of solar arrays under prolonged (∼10 years) action of the environment in orbit. The influence of separate factors related to the environment on the loss of solar arrays power is studied. The following factors are considered: ionizing and ultraviolet emissions, contamination of protective glass by the products of destruction of the outer surface materials of spacecraft, thermal cycling, radiation electrization, and plasma thrusters plumes.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 274–282.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shuvalov, Kochubei, Gubin, Tokmak.  相似文献   

The frequency spectrum of joint hydro-elastic vibrations of the ice surface of the ocean and liquid is analyzed taking into account the proper gravity field of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. It is shown how the methods developed for analysis of the vibration stability of earth buildings are used to study seismic properties of the natural Jupiter satellite Europa. Numerical estimates show that when studying the electromagnetic effects and seismic properties of this satellite one should take into account hydro-elastic characteristics due to the closeness of the corresponding frequency spectra.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 209–214.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dokuchaev.  相似文献   

This is a slightly abridged and edited version of the welcoming speech made by European Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen at the ‘Winning through co-operation: sharing the benefits of space’ conference held in Brussels on 17–18 February 2005 as part of European Space Week. The importance of space for Europe across many areas—now explicitly acknowledged by the European Commission—is highlighted. Future initiatives are discussed and the Union's approach to international cooperation is outlined. It was hoped that the conference would provide an opportunity for participants to identify the best opportunities for partnership in space.  相似文献   

The value of the radial gradient of low-energy (0.5–2 MeV) protons in the heliosphere at distances of 20–80 AU in the periods of solar activity minima in 1985–1987 and 1994–1997 was estimated using the data of the Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 spacecraft (s/c). Preliminary results on the dependence of the radial gradient on the distance were obtained for protons of these energies. The value of the radial gradient varies from –3% (AU)–1 to –1% (AU)–1 at distances from the Sun of 20–60 AU, reaching +0.7% (AU)–1 at maximum considered distances (80 AU). The sign reversal of the proton radial gradient at a distance of 60–70 AU is interpreted as the appearance of a new component: up to the point of inversion there are mainly particles of the solar origin and/or accelerated in the inner heliosphere, while after the reversal of the gradients sign the fluxes of particles prevail whose source is located far from the Sun (maybe in the vicinity of the heliosphere boundary in the region of existence of the termination shock).Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 3–8.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Logachev, Zeldovich, Surova.  相似文献   

Measurements of the wave emission of the topside ionosphere made onboard the APEX satellite using the electric component of the wave field in the 0.1–10 MHz frequency band are presented. At middle latitudes a wave intensity decrease was observed in the broad-band spectrum of the electrostatic noise at the electron cyclotron frequency. It is shown that a break in the spectrum of electrostatic modes at the electron cyclotron frequency (the absence of the plasma eigen-frequencies) may be a cause of the observed effect. The increase of the intensity at the electron cyclotron frequency in the ionospheric trough and at latitudes above the trough region as compared to middle latitudes may be explained by the capture by plasma irregularities of the electromagnetic emission of the auroral electron fluxes.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 201–208.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Izhovkina, Prutensky, Pulinets, Kiraga, Klos, Rothkael.  相似文献   

The problem of a continuous single coverage of the Earth by systems of satellites in circular orbits of equal radii is considered. The results of calculating the characteristics of kinematically regular systems consisting of 6 to 60 satellites and possessing symmetry groups of the second type are presented. It is shown that, when the number of satellites varies from 20 to 38 inclusive, the best systems of this class surpass all currently known systems with respect to their characteristics.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 215–223.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Mozhaev.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the research on deuterium-tritium (D-T) inertially confined microexplosions encourages one to reconsider the nuclear propulsion of spaceships based on the concept originally proposed in the Orion project. We discuss first the acceleration of medium-sized spaceships by D-T explosions whose output is in the range of 0.1–10 t of TNT. The launching of such a ship into an Earth orbit or beyond by a large nuclear explosion in an underground cavity is sketched out in the second section of the paper, and finally we consider a hypothetical Mars mission based on these concepts. In the conclusion it is argued that propulsion based on the Orion concept only is not the best method for interplanetary travel owing to the very large number of nuclear explosion required. A combination of a super gun and subsequent rocket propulsion using advanced chemical fuels appears to be the best solution for space flights of the near future.From Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 67–75.Original English Text Copyright © 2005 by Linhart, Kravárik.  相似文献   

The influence of zonal and meridional components of the neutral wind under anthropogenic impacts of water molecules on the ionospheres electron concentration distributed along a magnetic field tube is considered. Computer simulation method based on a mathematical model of the F2 region along a field tube is used.Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 76–80.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Medvedev, Ishanov, Zenkin.  相似文献   

A statistical comparison of failures on geosynchronous satellites in the maximum and during the decline of the 22nd solar cycle (1989–1994) with space weather parameters is carried out. A positive correlation of the rate of failures with the flux of relativistic electrons on the geosynchronous orbit and with the proton flux measured before the bow shock front is revealed. The significant positive correlation of the electron flux with the rate of failures is observed during the entire considered interval. The correlation coefficient varies in the solar activity cycle in coordination with the electron flux, and the maxima of the correlation coefficient are observed on the phase of decline of the cycle. A statistically significant positive correlation between the flux of protons with energy of more than 1 MeV and the rate of failures is revealed in the maximum of the solar cycle.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 186–193.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Romanova, Pilipenko, Yagova, Belov.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a satellite-gyrostat moving in the central Newtonian force field along a circular orbit is studied. In the particular case when the vector of gyrostatic moment is parallel to one of the satellite’s principal central axes of inertia, all the equilibrium states are determined. For each equilibrium orientation, sufficient conditions of stability are obtained as a result of the analysis of the generalized energy integral, and necessary conditions of stability are determined as a result of analysis of the linearized equations of motion. The evolution of regions of validity for the conditions of stability of equilibrium positions are studied in detail depending on the parameters of the problem. All the bifurcation values of the parameters at which qualitative changes of the regions of stability take place are determined.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 283–294.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Sarychev, Mirer, Degtyarev.  相似文献   

Multisatellite systems with linear structure (SLS) are defined, and their application for a continuous global or zonal coverage of the Earths surface is justified. It is demonstrated that in some cases these systems turned out to be better than usually recommended kinematically regular systems by G.V. Mozhaev, delta systems of J.G. Walker, and polar systems suggested by F.W. Gobets, L. Rider, and W.S. Adams. When a comparison is made using the criterion of a minimum radius of one-satellite coverage circle, the SLS beat the other systems for the majority of satellite numbers from the range 20–63, if the global continuous single coverage of the Earth is required. In the case of a zonal continuous single coverage of the latitude belt ±65°, the SLS are preferable at almost all numbers of satellites from 38 to 100, and further at any values up to 200 excluding 144.Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 36–53.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Saulskiy.  相似文献   

The motion of a spacecraft (SC) with double rotation and variable mass on the active leg of its descent is considered. The SC consists of two coaxial bodies. The coaxial scheme is used for gyroscopic stabilization of the SC longitudinal axis by the method of partial spin-up. The equations of spatial motion of coaxial bodies of varying composition are derived and approximate solutions for the angles of spatial orientation are found. The condition of decreasing amplitude of nutation oscillations is obtained, which allows the estimation of efficiency of the stabilization by partial spin-up. The errors in the magnitude and direction of the vector of braking thrust are also determined.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 224–232.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Aslanov, Doroshin, Kruglov.  相似文献   

The X-38 Project forms part of the “X” prototype vehicle family developed by the United States. Its development was initiated by NASA to prepare the Crew Return Vehicle (CRV). The European participation in the X-38 Program has been significantly extended since the start of the X-38 cooperation in 1997 and is realized by ESA's “Applied Reentry Technology Program” and the German/DLR “Technologies for Future Space Transportation Systems” (TETRA) Project. European contributions to the X-38 Vehicle 201, (V-201) can be found in all technical key areas. The orbital flight and reentry with the X-38 V-201 will conclude the X-38 project in 2002.The CRV will be used from about mid-2005 as ’ambulance‘, ’lifeboat‘ or as alternate return vehicle for the crew of the International Space Station. Recognizing the very productive and mutually beneficial cooperation established on X-38, NASA and ESA have decided to continue this cooperation into the development of the operational CRV. The Phase C/D will be completed shortly after the Critical Design Review, scheduled for August 2002. The CRV production phase will start in October 2002 and will cover production of four CRV vehicles, ending in 2006.Based on the objective to identify a further evolution potential of the CRV towards a Crew Cargo Transfer Vehicle (CCTV), NASA has implemented upgrade studies in the CRV Phase C/D.  相似文献   

A generalization of kinetic and spectral and correlation equations of fluctuations in the Earths rotation is made taking into account the effect of the Moon and planets (these equations form the basis for corresponding stochastic models). Special attention is paid to a parameterized version of kinetic equations based on the method of normal approximation. The application of linear stochastic models for obtaining the spectral and correlation characteristics of the Earths rotation is considered, including the case of random parameters of the tensor of inertia of a deformable Earth. The results can be used for constructing stochastic models of the Earths rotation over time intervals of 6–10 years.Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 54–66.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Markov, Dasaev, Perepelkin, I. N. Sinitsyn, V. I. Sinitsyn.  相似文献   

This paper presents the review of results of the navigating experiments which have been carried out during flight of microgravitational space platform (MSP) Foton-M2 in May–June 2005. The brief characteristic of the created MIRAGE–M equipment consisting from magnitometric system and satellite radionavigation receiver is given. The measurements have allowed to restore unguided MSP movement and to estimate a level of microaccelerations (microgravitations) onboard during flight, and have provided precision time-position binding of the research experiments. The data from the equipments transmitted on the telemetering channel have allowed testing the information technologies of virtual support of experiments in space. Flight testing of the equipment has allowed make a conclusion on usefulness of accommodation onboard the small-sized auxiliary navigating system focused for work with users of research experiments. The experiments on MSP Foton-M2 are the development of experiments with MIRAGE equipment carried out in 1999 during flight time of MSP Foton-12 [N.D. Semkin, V.V. Ivanov, V.I. Abrushkin, V.L. Balakin, I.V. Belokonov, K.E. Voronov, The experiments with magnetic fields formed by technical equipment inside Foton-12 spacecraft: the results of the MIRAGE experiments, in: Proceedings of International Conference “Scientific and Technological Experiments on Russian Foton/Bion Recoverable Satellites: Results, Problems and Outlooks”, 25–30 June 2000, pp. 116–122; V.L. Balakin, I.V. Belokonov, V.V. Ivanov, “Determination of motion of spacecraft Foton-12 as a result of magnetic fields measurement in MIRAGE experiment”, pp. 231–238 (published in the same place)].Paper is executed within the framework of the grant of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches 06-08-00244.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic analogy for the solution of doubly averaged Hill problem obtained by M.L. Lidov [1] is discussed. S.A. Chaplygin used a similar analogy reducing the two-dimensional problem of motion of a compressible fluid to the same problem for some fictitious incompressible fluid [2]. In this case, we are led to the range of ideas which go back to the work by N.E. Zhukowski [3]. Two versions of this hydrodynamic analogy, on the basis of the model of a stratified fluid (exact analogy) and on the basis of the model of a homogeneous fluid (approximate analogy), are considered as well as some consequences of them.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2005, pp. 126–134.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Rabinovich, Prokhorenko.  相似文献   

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