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A rank detector is used to detect instantaneous received power fades in a tracking radar. On detection of a fade, censorship of the angular position measurement is implemented in a Kalman tracking filter. It is shown that this technique can typically give a 15% angular tracking improvement on highly dynamic targets  相似文献   

IMMPDAF for radar management and tracking benchmark with ECM   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A framework is presented for controlling a phased array radar for tracking highly maneuvering targets in the presence of false alarms (FAs) and electronic countermeasures (ECMs). Algorithms are presented for track formation and maintenance; adaptive selection of target revisit interval, waveform and detection threshold; and neutralizing techniques for ECM, namely, against a standoff jammer (SOJ) and range gate pull off (RGPO). The interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator in combination with the probabilistic data association (PDA) technique is used for tracking. A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) approach is used to adaptively select the detection threshold and radar waveform, countering the effect of jammer-induced false measurements. The revisit interval is selected adaptively, based on the predicted angular innovation standard deviations. This tracker/radar-resource-allocator provides a complete solution to the benchmark problem for target tracking and radar control. Simulation results show an average sampling interval of about 2.5 s while maintaining a track loss less than the maximum allowed 4%  相似文献   

The conventional approach for tracking system design is to treat the detection and tracking subsystems as completely independent units. However, the two subsystems can be designed jointly to improve system (tracking) performance. It is known that different radar signal waveforms result in very different resolution cell shapes (for example, a rectangle versus an eccentric parallelogram) in the range/range-rate space, and that there are corresponding differences in overall tracking performance. We develop a framework for the analysis of this performance. An imperfect detection process, false alarms, target dynamics, and the matched filter sampling grid are all accounted for, using the Markov chain approach of Li and Bar-Shalom. The role of the grid is stressed, and it is seen that the measurement-extraction process from contiguous radar "hits" is very important. A number of conclusions are given, perhaps the most interesting of which is the corroboration in the new measurement space of Fitzgerald's result for delay-only (i.e., range) measurements, that a linear FM upsweep offers very good tracking performance  相似文献   

Space-based radar (SBR) is capable of providing flexible wide-area coverage of air, land, and sea targets. Numerous studies have been carried out in the United States and Canada in recent years to investigate different concepts for SBR. The design of a suitable radar signal processor (RSP) is challenging due to the effects caused by the moving platform on target integration and clutter spectral spread. A candidate RSP is described that uses a corporate fed array (CFA) antenna as its primary radar sensor. The algorithmic definitions of the signal processing functions are provided; the relationships between these functions and the reasons for their location in the signal processing chain are also discussed. In addition, techniques for reducing the computational requirements are also presented  相似文献   

Sustained research and development at Memorial University of Newfoundland has led to an operational High Frequency Ground Wave Radar (HF-GWR) system for coastal surveillance. This radar system has demonstrated over-the-horizon detection of targets such as vessels, ice hazards and low-flying aircraft, and performed ocean parameter measurements over a large area. The industrial developers of offshore hydrocarbon reserves in ice infested regions have an urgent requirement for the long range detection and tracking of icebergs from their production platforms. However, due to space restrictions, a rig- or ship-based system can only accommodate a compact antenna array. The uniform trajectory and low velocity of icebergs is ideal for Reciprocal Synthetic Aperture Radar (RSAR) processing with long target dwell times. The proven ice detection capability of HF-GWR systems, coupled with the compact antennas suggested by the RSAR technique, can be used to develop a rig- or ship-based all-weather surveillance device for ice hazards. It is also anticipated that the results of this research will allow the use of shorter antenna arrays for many other applications. Preliminary results using real data from the operational HF-GWR system are presented  相似文献   

李刚  周洋  王耀 《飞行力学》2016,(5):91-94
为了有效应对强噪声干扰、箔条干扰以及红外诱饵干扰,提出了一种雷达/红外复合导引头抗干扰跟踪方法.该方法通过导引头观测信息关联度的检测、新息方差迹值的比较,进而对于扰进行判断,然后选择合适的导引头工作模式对目标进行跟踪.仿真结果表明,所提出的协同跟踪方法不仅可以保证较高的跟踪精度,而且可以保证在干扰环境下对目标跟踪的连续性与稳定性.  相似文献   

A regulated peak-power tracking (RPPT) system for space power application is proposed. Large-signal stability analysis is provided to understand the main four different modes of operations of the system, as well as the mode transitions. A simple and effective control scheme for the system is also proposed. Small-signal analysis is performed thereafter to provide design optimization, and the predictions are verified by computer simulations  相似文献   

给出了一种机动多目标雷达视频信号模拟器的软硬件设计方案,它可实时输出所需的多个动目标雷达视频信号,雷达信号的类型、目标的数量、目标的回波特性、目标的运动特性、杂波的类型及参数等均可方便地进行设置。该模拟器可满足各种雷达信号处理算法(如杂波抑制、恒虚警检测、动目标跟踪、多基地数据融合等)的测试与效果分析,以及对雷达信号处理机等进行性能调试与测试的需要。  相似文献   

设计了一款基于多DSP芯片的并行SAR雷达转角变换模块,用于协调合成孔径雷达(SAR:SyntheticAperture Radar)雷达距离处理模块和方位处理模块间的数据转换。设计采用了多片AD公司的超级哈佛结构的DSP芯片,这样能进行高速大容量的浮点运算。为满足SAR雷达的大数据量存储,选用了大容量的DRAM,并配有CPLD模块用于接口控制。设计解决了处理时间与容量的矛盾,实现了SAR雷达转角模块数据的实时高速处理。  相似文献   

A digital beamforming processor for an adaptive array radar is described. The functionality and the architecture of the processor are strongly driven by a goal of achieving adaptive null depths in the 60-dB to 70-dB range, which necessitates substantial preprocessing of each channel. In particular, conversion to baseband quadrature channels is accomplished digitally using a single A/D converter per channel, and FIR (finite impulse response) equalizing filters are employed in each channel to match channel transfer functions. The processor is highly modular, and this not only distributes the total processing load, but also the I/O (input/output) bandwidth requirement. This is accomplished by distributing the adaptive beamforming algorithm systolically across a linear array of processing nodes. The processor is expandable to a different number of channels and sufficiently flexible to be applied to other problems of an array signal processing nature. Experimental data presented demonstrate that the processor is capable of supporting channel-to-channel cancellation of interfering signals to the level of -65 dB  相似文献   

Passive tracking scheme for a single stationary observer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there are many techniques for bearings-only tracking (BOT) in the ocean environment, they do not apply directly to the land situation. Generally, for tactical reasons, the land observer platform is stationary; but, it has two sensors, visible and infrared, for measuring bearings and a laser range finder (LRF) for measuring range. There is a requirement to develop a new BOT data fusion scheme that fuses the two sets of bearing readings, and together with a single LRF measurement, produces a unique track. This paper first develops a parameterized solution for the target speeds, and then heading, prior to the occurrence of the LRF measurement, when the track is unobservable. At, and after the LRF measurement, a BOT, formulated as a least squares (LS) estimator, then produces a unique LS estimate of the target states. Bearing readings from the other sensor serve as instrumental variables in a data fusion setting to eliminate the bias in the BOT estimator. The result is an unbiased and decentralized data fusion scheme. Results from two simulation experiments have corroborated the theoretical development and show also that the scheme is optimal.  相似文献   

Two previously proposed adaptive covariance-type Kalman filtering techniques for tracking maneuvering targets (see Y.T. Chan et al. ibid., p.237-44, Mar. 1979, and Z. Tang et al. Report, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oct. 1983) are developed further to utilize the information-type Kalman filter. These adaptive information-type filters are described in structurally decoupled forms, thereby greatly reducing the computational requirements while rendering the filters amenable to implementation on parallel processors. A coherent decision procedure for including partial coupling when necessary is developed via offline analysis of crosscorrelation functions  相似文献   

Among several other tasks, the radar of a fighter has to search, track and identify potential targets. The waveforms used by the radar for each of these tasks are most often incompatible and hence, cannot be processed simultaneously. Moreover, these tasks are repeated several times in a cyclic fashion. Altogether, this defines a complex scheduling problem that impacts a lot on the quality of the radar's output. In this paper, we define a formal framework for this real time scheduling problem and we introduce several techniques to compute efficient schedules for the radar. Experimental results are provided.  相似文献   

UWB radar for patient monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last few years the Moscow Aviation Institute (Russia) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) have worked jointly on the development of ultrawideband (UWB) medical radars for remote and contactiess monitoring of patients in hospitals. Preliminary results of these works were published in [1]. As of the present, several radars have been produced and tested in real conditions in hospitals in Russia and Taiwan. Some results of these tests are given.  相似文献   

Multipath and ground clutter analysis for a UWB noise radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ultrawideband (UWB) random-noise radar operating in the 1-2 GHz frequency band has been developed and field-tested up to a 200 m range at the Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory (ERSL) of the University of Nebraska. A unique heterodyne correlation technique based on a delayed transmitted waveform using a photonic delay line has been used to inject coherence within this system. The performance of this radar in the presence of ground reflections is investigated analytically and experimentally, and the mitigating effects of UWB waveform on multipath-induced interference are analyzed. In addition, the ground clutter statistics, in a look-down mode, are theoretically established and experimentally verified. The performance of this radar in detecting clutter embedded targets with small radar cross section (RCS) is also experimentally examined.  相似文献   

针对中继卫星系统日益增长的海量数据存储需求,探索将云技术应用于中继卫星地面存储系统中,研究并设计了适用于中继卫星系统的分布式云存储的体系架构.该架构通过分布式存储和存储虚拟化技术,对存储资源进行了整合,将分布在不同地理位置上的存储网络,集合成一个大规模广域云存储系统,可提供整体存储和访问的功能,并实现对数据的高效“存”、“取”、“管”.与传统NAS(Network Attached Storage,网络附加存储)架构分析比较,该架构从系统扩展性、可靠性和服务性等多个方面均更加具有优势,能够适应日益增长的中继卫星系统海量数据存储需求,解决中继卫星系统中大容量数据存储的瓶颈.  相似文献   

分析了雷达系统软件化对频率综合器提出的新要求,系统地归纳和总结了现有的频率合成技术,探讨了雷达软件化过程中频率综合器的设计,并提出了一种具体实现方案.  相似文献   

VSAR: a high resolution radar system for ocean imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The velocity synthetic aperture radar (VSAR) is a conceptual synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-based sensor system for high resolution ocean imaging. The VSAR utilizes data collected by a multielement SAR system, to extract information not only about the radar reflectivity of the observed area, but also about the radial velocity of the scatterers in each pixel. This is accomplished by making use of the phase information contained in multiple SAR images, and not just the magnitude information as in conventional SAR. Using this velocity information, the VSAR attempts to compensate for the velocity distortion inherent in conventional SAR and to reconstruct the ocean reflectivity. We present the basic theory of the VSAR system and its performance. We also provide an analysis of the VSAR imaging mechanism for a statistical model of the radar returns, designed to capture the effects of speckle and of resolution degradation due to the decorrelation of the radar returns  相似文献   

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