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孙宏金 《太空探索》2011,(12):42-45
9月7日,来自全国的育种专家云集北京,在由国家农业部、中国航天科技集团公司组办的"2011年航天工程育种论坛"上,专家就"航天工程育种——科技创新和种业育繁推一体化"发展方向进行讨论和规划。如果说十年前航天工程育种还处于民间行为、小打小闹的话,那么今天,在国  相似文献   

<正>自从我国掌握航天返回技术以来,就开展了航天育种工作。把农作物种子带上天,经航天飞行后送回地面,能使种子发生奇异的变化。那么,航天育种的机理是什么?安全性如何?它是如何服务于农业生产和人民生活的?  相似文献   

9月9日,我国第一颗育种卫星——“实践”八号育种卫星,在酒泉卫星发射中心由被誉为“金牌火箭”的“长征”2号丙运载火箭发射升空.并成功进入轨道。为了更详细地了解育种卫星的情况,我们采访了中国农业科学院航天育种中心主任刘录祥研究员。[编者按]  相似文献   

6月30日上午,河北省首个航天育种产业化示范基地——中国(唐山)航天育种产业化示范基地揭牌仪式在河北省遵化市隆重举行,该项目由中国高科技产业化研究会和中国航天科技集团公司航天育种研究中心提供技术支持、唐山尚禾源农业开发有限公司负责建设。中国人民解放军总装备部原副部长  相似文献   

空间技术育种现状与展望   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
据中央电视台报道 ,农业部、中国航天科技集团公司和中国科学院联合申报的《空间技术育种工程项目建议书》最近已得到国家批准。不久的将来 ,我国将发射世界第 1颗育种专用卫星。它除搭载粮、棉、油和蔬菜作物的种子外 ,还将携带牧草、花卉、药材和菌类等种子 ,总重量在 30 0 kg左右。据预计 ,卫星拟在太空飞行约 15天。那么 ,为什么要进行空间育种呢 ?其机理是什么 ?……为了回答这些问题 ,我们特约请空间技术育种中心主任刘录祥副研究员撰写此文 ,提供一些相关知识。  相似文献   

许斌 《太空探索》2010,(1):10-11
<正>经过将近3年的艰辛培育和精心呵护,太空天麻种子在云南昭通市镇雄县境内喜获丰收,今年,太空天麻长出了240千克,这让科研人员兴奋不已。这些天麻有着"特殊身世",2006年9月9日,我国首次发射了航天育种卫  相似文献   

<正>今年是我国开展航天育种实验30周年。1987年8月5日,我国成功发射了第九颗返回式卫星,与众不同的是,这颗卫星除完成既定的科研任务外,还破例搭载了辣椒、小麦、水稻等作物种子。正是这颗卫星开启了我国航天育种的大幕。太空就像一个综合加工厂随着航天科技的迅猛发展,人类探索太空已经不再是梦想,科学家们逐渐发现太空具有很多地面不具备的特点,而这些特点让种子能发生神奇的变化。太空就像一个超级实验室,这个  相似文献   

近日,中国航天生态农业示范基地落户陕西省偷林市。该基地由中国航天科技集团公司牵头,集团公司航天育种研究中心和榆林市榆阳区姐妹农业合作社共同筹备组建。该基地将试种经太空育种培育的、成熟的经济作物。按照计划,国家榆林农作物品种试验基地、榆林市农科院、榆林市偷阳区种子试验站和集团公司航天育种研究中心共同组成专家课题组,  相似文献   

<正>从1987年第九颗返回式卫星首次搭载植物种子上天到2016年,我国已经进行了28次航天育种搭载试验,搭载试验材料近6000多种,利用航天育种技术先后培育出水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、油菜、棉花、花生、芝麻、番茄、青椒、莲藕、苜蓿等较为成熟、大量推广的作物新品种。太空作物品种多其实,我们国家已经选育成功、推广应用的太空植物,其种类、数量都已非常之多,全球任何一个国家都无法与我们相提并论。这个全新的"中国号"太空作物家族,已经非常壮大  相似文献   

一提起甘肃,人们眼前往往会浮现出干燥少雨的黄土高原印象.但实际上,这种印象并不全面.甘肃的第二大城市天水,自古是丝绸之路必经之地,因气候宜人和物产丰富素有西北"小江南"之美称.中国西部航天育种基地(甘肃天水航天育种基地)就坐落在此.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,计量测试技术已渗透到国民经济的各个领域,从科研生产到贸易结算、从医疗卫生到人身安全、从环境保护到衣食住行.可以形象地说没有计量,人们就如同"盲人"一样生活在一片漆黑世界里.航天作为高科技产业,对计量更有着很强的依赖性.无论是火箭还是导弹,无论是卫星还是飞船,计量工作作为研制生产不可分割的一部分,贯穿于设计、加工、总装、测试和发射的全过程,并为评定航天产品的综合水平提供权威的依据.未来航天领域新工艺、新材料、新器件的应用,载人飞行技术的发展,航天测控、发射技术的提高,都对计量测试技术提出更高的要求.回顾国外航天大国航天事业的发展,计量在保证产品质量方面发挥了不可低估的作用.我国的航天事业正处在一个新的发展阶段."科技要发展,计量须先行".计量工作应抓住机遇,以型号需求为牵引,扎扎实实地为型号服务,为我国航天事业的发展贡献更大力量.  相似文献   

在军工计量行业快速发展的时代,计量已不仅仅具有国家法定性,它作为服务性行业同样具有市场竞争的社会性,因此,市场营销成为现代军工计量企业发展所需的重要学科。如何在当前形势下结合军工计量企业的实际情况,制定出具有军工计量特色的市场营销战略规划,是一个非常重要的问题。本文对现代军工计量企业的环境进行了分析,结合环境分析选择了相应的市场营销战略规划。  相似文献   

Data bases and limits of applicability of existing empirical thermospheric models are reviewed by using these models together with solar EUV irradiance data in studying the solar activity effect on composition, density and temperature. For two rather short aeronomy missions of the AEROS A and B satellites solar EUV indices as proposed by Schmidtke are used in comparison with the 10.7 cm solar flux F in determining the solar activity effect in in-situ composition measurements sampled by the same satellites at 250, 310 and 380 km altitude. No advantage of solar EUV indices over F could be determined.  相似文献   

Parameters of the best-fitting tri-axial ellipsoids representing external equipotential surfaces of Venus and Mars have been determined from satellite data. The dynamic consequence of the equatorial flattening of Venus has been discussed from the point of view of the s.c. synodic resonance rotation. The major gravitational anomalies of Venus have been interpreted, space locations and magnitudes of anomalous masses determined and their contribution to the second zonal Stokes' constant in the gravitational potential computed. The conclusions were done: The figure of the aphroditoid is strange even if there is a relatively small polar flattening; an equatorial “disc” of Venus is enormous. Recent space data do not support hypothesis that the Earth controls the spin of Venus.  相似文献   

综述了国内外锁定与释放功能机构的研究现状和发展状况, 并分析了各类型的锁定与释放功能机构及其锁定形式(包括节点类型与锁定方式). 着重分析了重复锁定与释放功能机构的关键技术, 包括设计影响要素、驱动、传动方式及执行机构特征, 为后续的方案设计和分析提供了依据.   相似文献   

Solar and stellar activity is a result of complex interaction between magnetic field, turbulent convection and differential rotation in a star’s interior. Magnetic field is believed to be generated by a dynamo process in the convection zone. It emerges on the surface forming sunspots and starspots. Localization of the magnetic spots and their evolution with the activity cycle is determined by large-scale interior flows. Thus, the internal dynamics of the Sun and other stars hold the key to understanding the dynamo mechanism and activity cycles. Recently, significant progress has been made for modeling magnetohydrodynamics of the stellar interiors and probing the internal rotation and large-scale dynamics of the Sun by helioseismology. Also, asteroseismology is beginning to probe interiors of distant stars. I review key achievements and challenges in our quest to understand the basic mechanisms of solar and stellar activity.  相似文献   

ISAS's (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) project for the exploration of comet Halley consists of two spacecraft, Sakigake and Suisei, launched on 7 January 1985 and 18 August, respectively.

Sakigake passed the sunward side of the comet on 11 March 1986 with a miss distance of 6.99 million km. Three experiments, a plasma wave probe with dipole and search-coil antennae, a magnetometer with three axis ring core sensor on an extended boom and a four-grid Faraday cup attached to the inner side of the wall of the spacecraft, detected various phenomena caused by the comet at a distance as far as 7 million km.

The other spacecraft, Suisei, flew by the comet on its sunward side with a miss distance of 151 thousand km on 8 March 1986. It carried two experiments, an ultraviolet imager and an energy analyzer for ions. The UV imager was able to take the first image of the hydrogen cloud of comet Halley on 26 November 1985. With this experiment, the spin period of the cometary nucleus, location of jets, amount of water evaporation, distribution of hydrogen density inside cloud, etc. were clarified. The energy analyser experiment provided information on the intensive interaction between cometary and solar wind ions.  相似文献   

太阳跟踪定位技术广泛应用于能源、气象和航天等领域,系统全面地对相关方法进行分类和阐述,并对多孔复用、太阳光纤导入等较新应用进行了分析,最后总结了该领域内相关技术发展的瓶颈问题,展望了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

为了研究GPS/INS(Inertial Navigation System)组合导航方案和算法,设计了一种GPS中频信号和IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)信号的软件模拟器.首先建立了载体的运动模型,然后介绍了信号的仿真方法.根据载体的运动产生IMU信号,载体的典型运动包括平飞运动、横滚运动、俯仰运动和偏航运动.建立了典型的干扰模型,包括欺骗式干扰和压制式干扰(窄带干扰、宽带干扰、连续波干扰和锯齿调频连续波干扰等4种),实现了干扰环境下的场景模拟.GPS/INS组合导航软件接收机对模拟器输出的数据进行解算,结果表明:信号的仿真算法是正确的,模拟器可以为组合导航接收机提供有效的中频信号和IMU信号.  相似文献   

Environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellation A and B satellites (HJ-1-A, B) are called "environment and disaster reduction satellites A and B' for short. The constellation adopts a 10:30 LT sun-synchronous circular orbit, with orbit altitude of 649 km. HJ-1-A and HJ-1-B are distributed with a phase difference of 180o in the same orbital plane, so as to enhance the time resolution of earth observation. The satellites have orbit maintenance capability, the lifetime is 3 years. Both satellites adopt CAST968 platforms. Two wide-coverage multispectral CCD cameras with resolution 30 m and width 700 km, a super-spectral imager with resolution 100 m and width 50 km as well as a data transmission subsystem of 120 Mbit/s are deployed on HJ-1-A, which also carries Ka communication testing equipment of Thailand. HJ-1-B has two wide-coverage multispectral CCD cameras (the same as satellite A), one infrared camera with resolution 150 m and width 720 km and a data transmission subsystem of 60 Mbit/s. The coverage period of the wide-coverage multispectral CCD camera is 48 hours. The revisit period of super-spectral imager is 96 hours and the coverage period of infrared camera is 96 hours.   相似文献   

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