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Gwynne O  McKay C  Zubrin R 《Spaceflight》1991,33(6):208-212
The human exploration of Mars has the potential to return a rich harvest of scientific information about that planet, its possible past biological history and the prospects for future habitation by Earthly life. The realization of that potential will require new approaches and new technologies--a whole new paradigm in space exploration. Picture yourself exploring the surface of Mars, where your task involves conducting a detailed investigation of features larger than the United States in order to uncover a record of planetary history spanning over four billion years.  相似文献   

沈羡云 《中国航天》2001,(1):34-38,45
一、空间人体实验的必要性 空间人体实验就是以航天员作为被试者进行的实验.这种人体实验不仅代价昂贵、实验条件差(如被试者少、实验条件不宜控制、测量方法受限等),而且必然削减了其它航天实验项目.因此是否需要进行空间的人体实验必须进行认真的考虑.  相似文献   

Harris PR 《Space Policy》1989,5(2):147-154
Space exploration is now moving beyond the stage when technical development dominated research. As thinking shifts towards the problems of long-term colonization of the Solar System, the biological and behavioural sciences must make major contributions. This article outlines some of the issues which must be addressed, such as group behaviour and dynamics in space flight, the environment created at space stations and other outposts, recruitment and training of suitable spacefarers, and the planning and governing of space settlements. Ten dimensions of the human aspect of space habitation are described and an indication given of how they may form the basis for a new taxonomy of space planning, operations and management.  相似文献   

1961年4月12日。加加林乘坐“东方1”号飞船成功绕地球飞行108分钟,标志着人类迈进了太空时代  相似文献   

空管人为差错的几个重要模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空中交通管理系统是航空运输系统的重要组成部分,为保障航班安全、顺畅运行起着不可替代的作用。随着航空运输量的快速增长,空中交通日趋拥挤,空中航行安全问题得到了人们越来越多的关注,如何保证空中交通安全成为了研究的焦点。  相似文献   

Path integration or 'dead reckoning' is the ability to keep track of relative position using self-motion signals that convey information about speed and direction of movement. Most animal species, including humans, exhibit some degree of path integration capability and neurophysiological studies have demonstrated that self-motion signals are sufficient to update internal representations of both position and orientation. In the present study, human subjects were required to monitor their position or orientation on the basis of unstructured optic flowfields. Trials were conducted at different speeds to examine the accuracy of path integration and rates of random error accumulation, and at two different head azimuths to prevent a confounding strategy of position updating based primarily on tracking changes in the angular declination of distant landmarks with respect to the horizon. Participants integrated the speed of visual motion to update accurately a representation of their position and orientation within the environment. Consistent with the characteristics of real-world path integration, errors accumulated linearly with the magnitude of position and orientation estimation. We conclude that coherent optic flowfields provide a sufficient basis for humans to keep track of their position and orientation relative to remembered landmarks.  相似文献   

Human Four-Dimensional Spatial Judgments of Hyper-Volume   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The dimensionality limitation of human spatial representations has been a long-lasting, unsolved issue in psychology, mathematics, and philosophy. The present study examined the possibility of human four-dimensional spatial representations using a spatial judgment task on hyper-volume, a novel property unique to higher dimensional space. Observers studied visual simulations of random wireframe hyper-tetrahedrons (4-simplexes) rotating around the y-z plane and judged their hyper-volume by adjusting the size of a 4-D block. Multiple regression analyses showed a significant correlation between the responses and the actual hyper-volume but not the definition-based, lower-dimensional cues such as the mean 3-D volume, providing empirical evidence of human 4-D spatial representations that can support judgments of certain novel, high-dimensional properties.  相似文献   

朱东升 《空中交通管理》2006,(B12):36-37,23
航空气象服务是空管工作的重要组成部分,天气预报的准确率直接影响到飞行安全与正常。因此研究和探索人为因素对飞行的影响,找出切实可行的保障方法和管理措施,减少和预防“错、忘、漏”现象对飞行安全的影响,是我们必须重点研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

刘钊 《空中交通管理》2006,(B12):32-33,43
空管系统设备的运行状况直接关系到飞行安全,随着全球民航事业的飞速发展,民航总局对空管系统设备的运行标准提出了更高要求。以地空通信系统为例:甚高频地空通信中断时间不能超过30秒,航路甚高频地空通信中断时间不能超过1分钟,无线通信设备的运行正常率需达到99.98%,设备完好率需达到90%以上。随着新设备的不断引进,原有设备的逐渐老化,设备运行维护工作的任务日益艰巨。民航总局空管局在2004年10月颁布的《中国民航通信导航系统运行、维护规程》(以下简称《运行维护规程》),明确提出空管系统设备运行维护工作的任务和准则。对由人为原因或其他原因造成的事故、差错进行严格划分,以减少人为因素对设备运行维护工作造成的影响。技术保障部门必须重视对《运行维护规程》等规章规程的学习,在日常工作和安全检查中以规章规程作为标准和依据,消除影响系统正常运行的安全隐患。加强各项管理工作,做到有章可循,有法可依,将人为因素对空管系统的影响降至最低。  相似文献   

安全是民航永恒的主题,是整个民航发展的最根本的基础。随着航空事业的快速发展和社会市场经济的要求,使民航的安全工作正处于一个全新的不断变化的环境中。  相似文献   

We present the resuIts of manned studies in which test subjects were exposed to simulated zero g (water immersion or head-down tilt at -6 degrees) and head-to-feet acceleration. The findings give evidence that humans have different individual tolerances to an acceleration of +3 Gz after exposure to zero g, whether simulated by immersion or by head-down tilt. The paper discusses the role of functional relationship between water balance and cardiac output in the establishment of adaptive reactions to simulated zero g.  相似文献   

Space age ethics are to be distinguished as a separate set of ethical concepts for several reasons: outer space constitutes a unifying element for mankind; the unique space environment has an international statute; and the impact of space science and the utilization of space technology will always have both positive and negative international consequences and repercussions. Its main objective is an immaterial output-related activity and much of its waste is equally immaterial. Space technology carries another hazard with it - the danger of domination by extrovert cultures. Proper development of space technology requires international cooperation, scientific creativity and technological innovation combined with sociopolitical, economic and cultural aims and objectives and ethical values. Norms and objectives have to take into account religious concepts, humanistic viewpoints and sociocultural criteria. The ethics of the conquest of space have to consider the benefit of all mankind and that of each single individual, group and society as complementary and of equal importance.  相似文献   

载人航天中人的可靠性问题及研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周前祥 《中国航天》2000,(12):34-38
一、问题的提出 前苏联航天员加加林进行首次太空飞行以后,已有越来越多的人进入太空。人在航天中的作用可以概括为:大多数情况下,能承担各种类型的工作,处理意外事故。因而考虑航天员在太空飞行中的作用,可以发挥整个系统的最大效能。当系统的硬件部分出现故障时,航天员能进行修理,使之恢复正常工作;当自动控制失灵时,他又能用人工控制的方法将载人航天器返回地面;航天员能独立自主地接受各类仪表显示的信息,对系统状态进行判断和决策,并做出快速反应;还能充分发挥自己的主观能动作用,进行科学实验、观察及生产加工。因此在…  相似文献   

D R Criswell 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):1161-1171
Mankind has evolved in the biosphere from essentially another animal to the level that his industries and societies are powerful components of the life-cycles of Earth. Terrestrial industrial experience can be extended to the use of matter from the Moon and other non-terrestrial sources to create permanent habitats and industry in space. Space stations in low Earth orbit and small bases on the Moon can be the foci of early space industries for learning how to grow in space with local resources. Several near term and long range research topics appropriate to permanent human occupancy of space are reviewed.  相似文献   

载人探测小行星的目标星选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
小行星探测具有目标多样化的特点,通过对小行星的相关物理特性进行分析和归类,以及国内外研究情况,从探测任务的安全性、技术可行性和探测价值3个方面,讨论提出了适于我国开展载人探测的选星方法和原则;按照技术可行性由易至难,将候选星分为3类,分别提出了相应的约束条件和优选条件,筛选出候选星;根据部分目标星轨道设计结果,结合未来运载器的发展规划,对这3类小行星的探测任务特点进行了分析,给出了针对性建议,结果可为我国制定载人小行星探测的战略规划提供参考。  相似文献   

论述了发展载人航天工程对于增强综合国力和民族凝聚力、充分利用空间环境资源、明显降低空间飞行器的成本和风险、促进科技进步和高技术产业发展的重要意义;还论述了飞船研制返回再入升力控制技术、环境控制与生命保障技术、仪表与照明技术、人工运动控制技术、着陆缓冲技术、应急救生技术、回收着陆技术、再入防热技术取得的重大科技创新成果。  相似文献   

空管人为因素控制在安全保障工作中发挥着重要的作用,现在管理学常讲“以人为本”,对于我们来说,人决定安全,安全管理的核心就是人员管理,因此抓好安全管理的落实工作,就是要抓住人为因素的控制,预防为主,不断增强安全防范意识,将安全保障工作落实到实处。  相似文献   

Miller RH 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):581-587
Human productivity during assembly operations in-orbit is dependent on limits set by fatigue, metabolic rates, learning, and assembly techniques. In order to quantify these effects, tests were conducted in the NASA MSFC Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, in the NASA KC-135 in parabolic flight, and in space with the EASE program during the Shuttle Atlantis mission 61-B. A separate program attempted to relate productivity to system costs. Because of the surprisingly high productivity which had been demonstrated in orbit, it was shown that assembly operations would have only a small effect on system costs at the present level of launch costs. The results of these continuing studies have been reported in a recent paper(1). They will be briefly summarized here and the results updated to include additional cost elements and to examine the effects of reductions in transportation costs, resulting from advances in technology and from increased demand, on system costs. It is shown that, as launch costs are reduced, the assembly costs could become an increasingly important component of the total system costs.  相似文献   

载人小行星着陆探测模式设想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于目前小行星探测技术特点,综述了当前国内外空间活动中两种典型探测模式,针对未来载人小行星着陆探测需求,提出了爬行式和基于小型机动操作载人飞船的两种探测模式,并对两种模式进行评价比较,基于小型机动操作载人飞船的探测模式具有机动性强、探测范围广、安全性高及对航天员操作能力要求低等特点,可为我国未来载人深空探测任务中微重力环境下星体表面作业方案设计提供参考。  相似文献   

美国载人航天商业运输的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张蕊 《航天器工程》2011,20(6):86-93
研究了美国载人航天商业运输的发展现状和趋势。美国在取消星座计划之后,实施商业乘员和货物项目,将依靠商业运输器实现"国际空间站"的乘员和货物运输,以缩短"后航天飞机"时代(航天飞机退役后)运输的断档期。美国商业乘员和货物项目包括商业轨道运输服务(COTS)计划、商业再补给服务(CRS)计划和商业乘员开发(CCDev)计划...  相似文献   

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