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The importance for studying the local interstellar medium (LISM) is stressed as well as the need for high resolution spectroscopic data. Such ground-based observations at high signal to noise ratio of interstellar absorption lines in spectra of nearby stars are presented. The kinematic analysis of the detected features reveals the existence of at least three velocity components over five parsecs from the Sun, and another one within twenty parsecs. Using when available UV data, we confirm local variations in the abundance of interstellar deuterium, and suggest the presence of highly ionized species in the LISM. Some preliminary conclusions about the complex structure of the LISM are proposed.  相似文献   

Ionogram observations from the ionosonde at Fuke (9.5°N geomagnetic latitude), a Chinese low latitude station, in 2010–2012 are analyzed to present the features of F3 layer under low and moderate solar activity conditions. Structure of the ionogram, displaying the F3 layer, was more distinct and clear during MSA than LSA periods especially during spring to summer. Start time of occurrence of the F3 layer is about at 0830–0900 LT and is approximately the same for LSA and MSA conditions. The average duration time of the F3 layer occurrence was 181 min per day under F10.7 = 75 condition, 263 min in F10.7 = 99 and 358 min in F10.7 = 125, respectively. The differences of h′F2 and h′F3 exhibited obvious semiannual variation observed at Fuke from March 2010 to June 2012 and increased with increasing solar activity. The difference of foF2 and foF3 in the months February, March, September, October and November is less evident in the middle solar activity period 2011–2012 than the low solar activity 2010 and in the other period it shows a slight increase (0.5 MHz) or keeps constant. The results show that the solar activity dependence of the F3 layer occurrence at low latitude away from the magnetic equator is different from that at near the magnetic equator.  相似文献   

船身式水上飞机中高速静水滑行阻力估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据水上飞机起飞滑行阶段特殊的多介质环境,参考滑行艇水面滑行阶段的阻力特性分析方法,提出一种考虑气动布局影响的估算船身式水上飞机中高速静水滑行阻力的半理论半经验公式;用此公式计算得到某船身式水上飞机中高速滑行阶段的水动阻力及俯仰角随体积弗劳德数变化曲线,并分析水动阻力及俯仰角变化的原因;根据得到的水动阻力及俯仰角,计算某船身式水上飞机起飞滑跑距离,计算结果与试验结果一致,间接验证了所提出阻力计算公式的有效性,同时也为计算船身式水上飞机起飞滑跑距离提供一种思路.   相似文献   

Total electron content (TEC) derived from ionosonde data recorded at the station of Korhogo (Lat = 9.33°N, Long = 5.43°W, Dip = 0.67°S) are compared to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model predicted TEC for high (1999) and low (1994) solar activity conditions. The results show that the model represents the diurnal variation of the TEC as well as a solar activity and seasonal dependence. This variation is closer to that of the ionosonde-inferred TEC at high solar activity. However, at low solar activity the IRI overestimates the ionosonde-inferred TEC. The relative deviation ΔTEC is more prominent in the equinoctial seasons during nighttime hours where it is as high as 70%. At daytime hours, the relative deviation is estimated to 0–30%.  相似文献   

Red-shifted high velocity gas components (HVC) with velocities between 40 to 120 kms−1 have been detected in UV spectra towards several stars observed with IUE. The gas producing the components is detected across several degrees in the sky but it is patchy in nature. The physical properties of the material responsible for the HVC appear quite similar to those derived from direct observations of supernova remnants. Recent additional observations of the gas kinematics have been made through high resolution spectra of the NaD lines. Also, IRAS maps of infrared dust emission are presented for one region of sky of particular interest. In this report we review the observational material and discuss possibilities for the nature and origin of the HVC gas.  相似文献   

The PET instrument aboard the SAMPEX satellite has provided us with long-term intra-calibrated observations of geomagnetically trapped protons and deuterons in the inner zone, suitable for use in constraining the low-altitude portions of radiation belt models being developed as successors to AP-8. These observations have been summarized elsewhere (Looper et al., 1996). Here we report a detection of geomagnetically-trapped tritium at energies from 14 to 35 MeV/nuc below L = 1.2, at about 1/8 the flux of deuterium previously reported at that location and at similar energy per nucleon. We also demonstrate the utility of the SAMPEX/PET observations for measuring the east-west anisotropy in the trapped particle flux at low altitudes, which is due to displacement of particle gyrocenters from the position of observation in a region of strong flux gradients. This anisotropy is implicitly ignored in omnidirectional radiation-flux models, but it can be important to mission planners considering how to distribute shielding over the surface of oriented spacecraft in low Earth orbit.  相似文献   

Previous chemical vapor transport experiments of the GeSe-GeI4 system performed under reduced gravity conditions /1/ yielded crystals of considerably improved surface and bulk morphology. In addition, the mass transport rates observed in microgravity environment were significantly greater than predicted. A quantitative thermodynamic analysis of the solid-gas phase reactions of the GeSe-GeI4 system revealed the multi-component, multi-reaction nature of the vapor phase /2/. Continued transport studies on ground of the GeSe-GeI4 system in the presence of inert gases provided experimental evidence for the existence of a boundary layer /2/ and its thickness dependence on GeI4 pressure in closed tube systems. Systematic transport rate measurements for different orientations of the density gradient relative to the gravity vector demonstrated the effects of ampoule inclination on mass flux /3/. Based on a computational model for simultaneous chemical vapor transport, sublimation, and Stefan flow /3/, the excellent agreement of predicted with ground-based experimental mass transport rates over wide pressure ranges /3/ confirmed the validity of the model and the discrepancy between observed and expected transport rates of the GeSe-GeI4 system in microgravity.  相似文献   

The IRI model offers a choice of options for the computation of the electron density profile and electron content (TEC). Recently new options for the topside electron density profile have been developed, which have a strong impact on TEC. Therefore it is important to test massively the IRI and the new options with experimental data. A large number of permanent stations record dual frequency GPS data from which it is possible to obtain TEC values. Thirty-one worldwide distributed stations have been selected to investigate the capabilities of the IRI to reproduce experimental TEC. Data for years 2000 (high solar activity) and 2004 (medium solar activity) have been analyzed computing modeled values with the IRI-2001 and the IRI-2007-NeQuick topside options. It is found that IRI-2007-NeQuick option generally improves the estimate of the slant TEC, especially in the case of high latitudes stations during high solar activity.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of the EU INTAS Project 00810, which aims to improve the methods of safeguarding satellites in the Earth’s magnetosphere from the negative effects of the space environment, are presented. Anomaly data from the “Kosmos” series satellites in the period 1971–1999 are combined in one database, together with similar information on other spacecraft. This database contains, beyond the anomaly information, various characteristics of the space weather: geomagnetic activity indices (Ap, AE and Dst), fluxes and fluences of electrons and protons at different energies, high energy cosmic ray variations and other solar, interplanetary and solar wind data. A comparative analysis of the distribution of each of these parameters relative to satellite anomalies was carried out for the total number of anomalies (about 6000 events), and separately for high (5000 events) and low (about 800 events) altitude orbit satellites. No relation was found between low and high altitude satellite anomalies. Daily numbers of satellite anomalies, averaged by a superposed epoch method around sudden storm commencements and proton event onsets for high (>1500 km) and low (<1500 km) altitude orbits revealed a big difference in a behavior. Satellites were divided on several groups according to the orbital characteristics (altitude and inclination). The relation of satellite anomalies to the environmental parameters was found to be different for various orbits that should be taken into account under developing of the anomaly frequency models.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the first direct comparison of near simultaneous measurements obtained by the INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 and the DYNAMICS EXPLORER-B satellites. The ICB-1300 is in a near circular orbit at a mean height of about 850 km. The DE-B satellite in an elliptical orbit is sometimes directly below the ICB-1300 satellite providing an opportunity to investigate the response of the thermosphere to particle fluxes from the magnetosphere. Energy fluxes in the range 0.2–15 keV are obtained from an energetic particle analyzer on board the ICB-1300 satellite. The thermospheric composition and density are obtained by a neutral gas mass spectrometer (NACS) on the DE-B satellite. During the period 20 August–20 November, 1981, observations show tht the times and locations of maxima in magnetospheric energy deposition coincide with regions of maximum thermospheric upwelling characterized by composition changes.  相似文献   

In the framework of its space debris research activities ESA established an optical survey program to study the space debris environment at high altitudes, in particular in the geostationary ring and in the geostationary transfer orbit region. The Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) performs these surveys on behalf of ESA using ESA’s 1-m telescope in Tenerife. Regular observations were started in 1999 and are continued during about 120–140 nights per year. Results from these surveys revealed a substantial amount of space debris at high altitudes in the size range from 0.1 to 1 m. Several space debris populations with different dynamical properties were identified in the geostationary ring. During the searches for debris in the geostationary transfer orbit region a new population of objects in unexpected orbits, where no potential progenitors exist, was found. The orbital periods of these objects are clustered around one revolution per day; the eccentricities, however, are scattered between 0 and 0.6. By following-up some of these objects using the ESA telescope and AIUB’s 1-m telescope in Zimmerwald, Switzerland, it was possible to study the properties of this new population. One spectacular finding from monitoring the orbits over time spans of days to months is the fact that these objects must have extreme area-to-mass ratios, which are by several orders of magnitudes higher than for ‘normal-type’ debris. This in turn supports the hypothesis that the new population actually is debris generated in or near the geostationary ring and which is in orbits with periodically varying eccentricity and inclination due to perturbations by solar radiation pressure. In order to further study the nature of these debris, multi-color and temporal photometry (light curves) were acquired with the Zimmerwald telescope. The light curves show strong variations over short time intervals, including signals typical for specular reflections. Some objects exhibit distinct periodic variations with periods ranging from 10 to several 100 s. All this is indicative for objects with complicated shapes and some highly reflective surfaces.  相似文献   

Statistical and spectral analyses are performed to investigate variations of two ionosphere F2 layer key parameters, the critical frequency (foF2) and the peak height (hmF2), that were measured over Irkutsk (52.5°N, 104.0°E) from December 2006 to January 2008 under solar minimum. The analyses showed that both parameters contain quasi-harmonic oscillations with periods of Tn = 24/n hours (n = 1–7), among which the diurnal (n = 1) and semidiurnal (n = 2) ones are the strongest. Seasonal variations are explored of mean and median values, spectrum, amplitude, and phase of the diurnal and semidiurnal components of foF2 and hmF2.  相似文献   

In this paper we report pulsing hiss emissions observed at the low latitude station, Jammu (geomag. lat. 22°26′N, L = 1.17) in which intensity decreases with the increase in frequency. The entire dynamic spectra contain somewhat irregular structure. To explain these we propose that the hiss emissions are generated through Doppler-shifted cyclotron interactions near the equator and propagate to the earth in the whistler-mode. Further, ULF waves present in the generation region modulate the intensity of the emission resulting in the pulsing nature. The growth rates are computed and discussed in the light of recent works.  相似文献   

An examination of the high latitude performance of the bottomside and topside F-layer parameterizations of the NeQuick electron density model is presented using measurements from high latitude ionosonde and Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) facilities.For the bottomside, we present a comparison between modeled and measured B2Bot thickness parameter. In this comparison, it is seen that the use of the NeQuick parameterization at high latitudes results in significantly underestimated bottomside thicknesses, regularly exceeding 50%. We show that these errors can be attributed to two main issues in the NeQuick parameterization:(1) through the relationship relating foF2 and M3000F2 to the maximum derivative of F2 electron density, which is used to derive the bottomside thickness, and (2) through a fundamental inability of a constant thickness parameter, semi-Epstein shape function to fit the curvature of the high latitude F-region electron density profile.For the topside, a comparison is undertaken between the NeQuick topside thickness parameterization, using measured and CCIR-modeled ionospheric parameters, and that derived from fitting the NeQuick topside function to Incoherent Scatter Radar-measured topside electron density profiles. Through this comparison, we show that using CCIR-derived foF2 and M3000F2, used in both the NeQuick and IRI, results in significantly underestimated topside thickness during summer periods, overestimated thickness during winter periods, and an overall tendency to underestimate diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle variability. These issues see no improvement through the use of measured foF2 and M(3000)F2 values. Such measured parameters result in a tendency for the parametrization to produce a declining trend in topside thickness with increasing solar activity, to produce damped seasonal variations, and to produce significantly overestimated topside thickness during winter periods.  相似文献   

Bottom side electron density profiles for two stations at the southern crest of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA), São José dos Campos (23.1°S, 314.5°E, dip latitude 19.8°S; Brazil) and Tucumán (26.9°S, 294.6°E, dip latitude 14.0°S; Argentina), located at similar latitude and separated by only 20° in longitude, have been compared during equinoctial, winter and summer months under low (year 2008, minimum of the solar cycle 23/24) and high solar activity (years 2013–2014, maximum of the solar cycle 24) conditions. An analysis of parameters describing the bottom side part of the electron density profile, namely the peak electron density NmF2, the height hmF2 at which it is reached, the thickness parameter B0 and the shape parameter B1, is carried out. Further, a comparison of bottom side profiles and F-layer parameters with the corresponding outputs of IRI-2012 and NeQuick2 models is also reported. The variations of NmF2 at both stations reveal the absence of semi-annual anomaly for low solar activity (LSA), evidencing the anomalous activity of the last solar minimum, while those related to hmF2 show an uplift of the ionosphere for high solar activity (HSA). As expected, the EIA is particularly visible at both stations during equinox for HSA, when its strength is at maximum in the South American sector. Despite the similar latitude of the two stations upon the southern crest of the EIA, the anomaly effect is more pronounced at Tucumán than at São José dos Campos. The differences encountered between these very close stations suggest that in this sector relevant longitudinal-dependent variations could occur, with the longitudinal gradient of the Equatorial Electrojet that plays a key role to explain such differences together with the 5.8° separation in dip latitude between the two ionosondes. Furthermore at Tucumán, the daily peak value of NmF2 around 21:00 LT during equinox for HSA is in temporal coincidence with an impulsive enhancement of hmF2, showing a kind of “elastic rebound” under the action of the EIA. IRI-2012 and NeQuick2 bottom side profiles show significant deviations from ionosonde observations. In particular, both models provide a clear underestimation of the EIA strength at both stations, with more pronounced differences for Tucumán. Large discrepancies are obtained for the parameter hmF2 for HSA during daytime at São José dos Campos, where clear underestimations made by both models are observed. The shape parameter B0 is quite well described by the IRI-2012 model, with very good agreement in particular during equinox for both stations for both LSA and HSA. On the contrary, the two models show poor agreements with ionosonde data concerning the shape parameter B1.  相似文献   

随着锂离子电池在中国高高原地区及机场的应用,其在高海拔低气压环境下的循环性能及老化机制成为一个亟须解决的问题。对此,在96 kPa-25℃(常温常压)及60 kPa-25℃(常温低压)环境下,通过电池健康状态、直流放电内阻、电化学阻抗、容量增量及微分电压曲线等电池电化学特征参数对NCM523软包锂离子电池的老化行为进行了分析。研究表明:60 kPa低气压环境加速了锂离子电池老化进程,电池内部结构受60 kPa低气压应力影响,致使电池欧姆阻抗和电荷转移阻抗较常压工况分别增加6.22%和45.76%,锂脱嵌反应受限,电池界面动力学衰退;因电池阻抗增大造成以正极活性锂离子损失主导的循环容量加速衰减,电池健康状态衰减率较常压工况高3.08%。   相似文献   

Simulated high resolution images of the galactic center region have been obtained for the SIGMA telescope, using recent observational data. It is shown that the next generation of gamma-ray imaging telescopes will be able to resolve this complex region of the sky.  相似文献   

The geographic area at high latitudes beyond the polar circle is characterized with long darkness during the winter (polar night) and with a long summertime insolation (polar day). Consequentially, the polar vortex is formed and the surrounding strong polar jet is characterized by a strong potential vorticity gradient representing a horizontal transport barrier. The ozone dynamics of the lower and middle stratosphere is controlled both by chemical destruction processes and transport processes.  相似文献   

We used total electron content (TEC) data measured by Faraday rotation technique over Cachoeira Paulista (22.5°S, 45°W), in Brazil, to study the TEC variations with the solar flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7) and to compare the results with the IRI90 predictions. The data were divided into summer, equinox and winter. During the analysed period F10.7 varied from 66 up to 330. Our data shows that the observed TEC at 1600 LT (around the diurnal maximum) and at 0500 LT (around the diurnal minimum) increases with F10.7 until saturation is reached which occurs at F10.7≈210 to 220 for equinox and summer, and at F10.7≈180 for winter months. Comparison with the IRI90 predictions shows that IRI overestimates the TEC at 0500 LT for all solar flux values. At 1600 LT, IRI overestimates the observed TEC for low solar flux but underestimates it for high solar flux values.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine photosynthesis, evapotranspiration and growth of lettuce at long-term low atmospheric pressure. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Youmaicai) plants were grown at 40 kPa total pressure (8.4 kPa pO2pO2) or 101 kPa total pressure (20.9 kPa pO2pO2) from seed to harvest for 35 days. Germination rate of lettuce seeds decreased by 7.6% at low pressure, although this was not significant. There was no significant difference in crop photosynthetic rate between hypobaria and ambient pressure during the 35-day study. The crop evapotranspiration rate was significantly lower at low pressure than that at ambient pressure from 20 to 30 days after planting (DAP), but it had no significant difference before 20 DAP or after 30 DAP. The growth cycle of lettuce plants at low pressure was delayed. At low pressure, lettuce leaves were curly at the seedling stage and this disappeared gradually as the plants grew. Ambient lettuce plants were yellow and had an epinastic growth at harvest. The shoot height, leaf number, leaf length and shoot/root ratio were lower at low pressure than those at ambient pressure, while leaf area and root growth increased. Total biomass of lettuce plants grown at two pressures had no significant difference. Ethylene production at low pressure decreased significantly by 38.8% compared with ambient pressure. There was no significant difference in microelements, nutritional phytochemicals and nitrate concentrations at the two treatments. This research shows that lettuce can be grown at long-term low pressure (40 kPa) without significant adverse effects on seed germination, gas exchange and plant growth. Furthermore, ethylene release was reduced in hypobaria.  相似文献   

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