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A simple shock model for the acceleration of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions (CIR) in the solar wind is presented. Particles are accelerated at the forward and reverse shocks which bound the CIR by being compressed between the shock fronts and magnetic irregularities upstream from the shocks, or by being compressed between upstream irregularities and those downstream from the shocks. Particles also suffer adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind, an effect not included in previous shock models for acceleration in CIR's. The model is able to account for the observed exponential spectra at earth, the observed behavior of the spectra with radial distance, the observed radial gradients in the intensity, and the observed differences in the intensity and spectra at the forward and reverse shocks.  相似文献   

Radiation characteristics (particle fluxes, doses, and LET spectra) are calculated for spacecraft in the International Space Station orbit. The calculations are made in terms of the dynamic model for galactic cosmic rays and the probabilistic model for solar cosmic rays developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray research in Mexico dates from the early 1930s with the work of the pioneering physicist, Manuel Sandoval Vallarta and his students from Mexico. Several experiments of international significance were carried out during that period in Mexico: they dealt with the geomagnetic latitude effect, the north–south and west–east asymmetry of cosmic ray intensity, and the sign of the charge of cosmic rays. The international cosmic ray community has met twice in Mexico for the International Cosmic Ray Conferences (ICRC): the fourth was held in Guanajuato in 1955, and the 30th took place in Mérida, in 2007. In addition, an international meeting on the Pierre Auger Collaboration was held in Morelia in 1999, and the International Workshop on Observing UHE Cosmic Rays took place in Metepec in 2000. A wide range of research topics has been developed, from low-energy Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) to the UHE. Instrumentation has evolved since the early 1950s, from a Simpson type neutron monitor installed in Mexico City (2300 m asl) to a solar neutron telescope and an EAS Cherenkov array, (within the framework of the Auger International Collaboration), both at present operating on Mt. Sierra La Negra in the state of Puebla (4580 m asl). Research collaboration has been undertaken with many countries; in particular, the long-term collaboration with Russian scientists has been very fruitful.  相似文献   

The history of cosmic ray research in Finland can be traced back to the end of 1950s, when first ground-based cosmic ray measurements started in Turku. The first cosmic ray station was founded in Oulu in 1964 performing measurements of cosmic rays by a muon telescope, which was later complemented by a neutron monitor. Since the 1990s, several research centers and universities, such as The Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki University of Technology, University of Oulu, University of Turku and University of Helsinki have been involved in space science projects, such as SOHO, AMS, Cluster, Cassini, BepiColombo, etc. At the same time, ground-based cosmic ray measurements have reached a new level, including a fully automatic on-line database in Oulu and a new muon measuring underground site in Pyhäsalmi. Research groups in Helsinki, Oulu and Turku have also extensive experience in theoretical investigations of different aspects of cosmic ray physics. Cosmic ray research has a 50-year long history in Finland, covering a wide range from basic long-running ground-based observations to high-technology space-borne instrumentation and sophisticated theoretical studies. Several generations of researchers have been involved in the study ensuring transfer of experience and building the recognized Finnish research school of cosmic ray studies.  相似文献   

The French-Danish cosmic ray spectrometer was launched on HEAO-3 on September 20, 1979. This instrument was optimized to measure the charge composition and isotopic abundances of galactic cosmic rays with energies of about 0.5 to 7 GeV/nucleon, using the multi-Cerenkov detector technique and a flash tube hodoscope.The geomagnetic method used for isotope analysis required the accurate measurement of the momentum of each observed particle. The technique used and the problems involved are illustrated using observed data.The high charge resolution of the instrument permits complete separation of all chemical elements between Be and Ni, even at energies larger than 5 GeV/nucleon. Preliminary results are presented for relative abundances of individual elements 21 Z 28.  相似文献   

Systematic recording of the cosmic radiation commenced in Hobart in 1946 and at Mawson in Antarctica in 1955, making these two of the longest running cosmic ray observatories in the world. For the IGY, observations were also made at a sub-Antarctic island and near the equator, and an airborne survey of the nucleonic component was made from Geomagnetic Latitude −60°, south of Australia, to Japan and back. At Hobart there were neutron monitors, vertical and inclined muon telescopes, an ionization chamber, and two muon telescopes at ∼40 m of water equivalent underground. The research based on these and other observations determined the energy dependence of the Forbush and 11-year variations and concentrated, in particular, on understanding the anisotropic nature of galactic cosmic rays up to 150 GeV; the anisotropies in the onset phase of Forbush decreases; and the anisotropies in solar cosmic ray events. An investigation was initiated to calculate the trajectories and cutoff rigidities of cosmic rays in a high order simulation of the geomagnetic field. This was completed in 1959–60.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) fluxes measured by balloons in the troposphere and stratosphere at several points in Russia, and total ozone (TO) records have been used to detect cosmic signal by linear regression analysis. It was shown that TO response is in phase with decadal variations of GCR in contrast to the assumption about ozone destruction by GCR due to the nitrogen catalytic cycle intensification. 1-D photochemical model was used to understand the situation. The results of calculations show positive ozone response in the troposphere caused by additional production of NO by GCRs.  相似文献   

Radiation protection involves the limitation of exposure to below threshold doses for direct (or deterministic) effects and a knowledge of the risk of stochastic effects after low doses. The principal stochastic risk associated with low dose rate galactic cosmic rays is the increased risk of cancer. Estimates of this risk depend on two factors (a) estimates of cancer risk for low-LET radiation and (b) values of the appropriate radiation weighting factors, WR, for the high-LET radiations of galactic cosmic rays. Both factors are subject to considerable uncertainty. The low-LET cancer risk derived from the late effects of the atomic bombs is vulnerable to a number of uncertainties including especially that from projection in time, and from extrapolation from high to low dose rate. Nevertheless, recent low dose studies of workers and others tend to confirm these estimates. WR, relies on biological effects studied mainly in non-human systems. Additional laboratory studies could reduce the uncertainties in WR and thus produce a more confident estimate of the overall risk of galactic cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The mean free path for nuclear interactions of galactic cosmic-rays is comparable to shielding and tissue thicknesses present in human interplanetary exploration, resulting in a significant fraction of nuclear reaction products at depth. In order to characterize the radiation field, the energy spectrum, the angular distribution, and the multiplicity of each type of secondary particles must also be known as a function of depth. Reactions can take place anywhere in a thick absorber; therefore, it is necessary to know these quantities as a function of particle energy for all particles produced. HZE transport methods are used to predict the radiation field; they are dependent on models of the interaction of man-made systems with the space environment to an even greater extent than methods used for other types of radiation. Hence, there is a major need to validate these transport codes by comparison with experimental data. The most cost-effective method of validation is a comparison with ground-based experimental measurements. A research program to provide such validation measurements using neon, iron and other accelerated heavy ion beams will be discussed and illustrated using results from ongoing experiments and their comparison with current transport codes. The extent to which physical measurements yield radiobiological predictions will be discussed.  相似文献   

Observations show that the magnetic field in young supernova remnants (SNRs) is significantly stronger than can be expected from the compression of the circumstellar medium (CSM) by a factor of four expected for strong blast waves. Additionally, the polarization is mainly radial, which is also contrary to expectation from compression of the CSM magnetic field. Cosmic rays (CRs) may help to explain these two observed features. They can increase the compression ratio to factors well over those of regular strong shocks by adding a relativistic plasma component to the pressure, and by draining the shock of energy when CRs escape from the region. The higher compression ratio will also allow for the contact discontinuity, which is subject to the Rayleigh–Taylor (R–T) instability, to reach much further out to the forward shock. This could create a preferred radial polarization of the magnetic field. With an Adaptive Mesh Refinement MHD code (AMRVAC), we simulate the evolution of SNRs with three different configurations of the initial CSM magnetic field, and look at two different equations of state in order to look at the possible influence of a CR plasma component. The spectrum of CRs can be simulated using test particles, of which we also show some preliminary results that agree well with available analytical solutions.  相似文献   

Using the Langley Research Center galactic cosmic ray (GCR) transport computer code (HZETRN) and the computerized anatomical man (CAM) model, crew radiation levels inside manned spacecraft on interplanetary missions are estimated. These radiation-level estimates include particle fluxes, LET (linear energy transfer) spectra, absorbed dose, and dose equivalent within various organs of interest in GCR protection studies. Changes in these radiation levels resulting from the use of various different types of shield materials are presented.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Heinz and Sunyaev suggest that relativistic jets observed in microquasars might result in narrow features in the energy spectra of heavy cosmic rays with ≈1 to ≈10 GeV/nuc. They further argue that such features might be observable if there has been one or more microquasars nearby within the last few million years. We report preliminary results of a search for evidence of such features using data from a 32-day balloon flight of the Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder (TIGER). Although this flight took place near solar maximum, calculations of the broadening effects of solar modulation indicate that a narrow feature of sufficient intensity should still be observable. An energy spectrum for iron with high statistical significance has been derived from ≈100,000 Fe events in the energy range from about 2.5 to 10 GeV/nuc. Although our preliminary results do not reveal any obvious features, we will discuss the possibility of observing such features with TIGER and other instruments.  相似文献   

A charged particle semiconductor-telescope is under construction in the CRIP, Budapest, to measure fluxes of 4–30 MeV/AMU protons, alphas, and M nuclei in interplanetary space. Identification and counting of particles are made on-board using microprocessor techniques. Details including some new ideas on economical coding of information and design of electronics are given.  相似文献   

Computations of the transmission functions of cosmic rays penetrating the geomagnetic field are discussed. Results of LET spectra calculations both inside and outside the spacecraft COSMOS-1129 are presented. Comparison of calculations and measured results shows (in interval 10-5 x 10(3) MeV/cm) a difference of less than 30%. The need for further systematic low altitude particle measurements for the purpose of developing dynamic models of particle populations is stressed.  相似文献   

Some unknown historical facts of cosmic ray studies in the north-east of the former Soviet Union related to the Yakutsk scientific group are reported for the benefit of the international scientific community. It focuses on the founders of Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. A chronology of measurements of cosmic ray intensity variations since 1949 in Yakutia (Sakha Republic; NE Siberia) is given. In particular, for the first time the data of the first solar cosmic ray event registered at Yakutsk (GLE04), with a small ionization chamber S-2 (volume: 20 L) are presented. Moreover, the data of the large ionization chamber ASK-1 (volume: 950 L) for the 1953–2003 period useful for specialists in the field of cosmic ray variations are also shown.  相似文献   

An overview is given on what we know about the cosmic ray diffusion process from the modelling of low-energy (MeV) electron transport in the heliosphere. For energies below ∼300 MeV, these electrons give a direct indication of the average mean free paths because they do not experience large adiabatic energy changes and their modulation is largely unaffected by global gradient and curvature drifts. Apart from galactic cosmic ray electrons, the jovian magnetosphere at ∼5 AU in the ecliptic plane is also a relatively strong source of MeV electrons, with energies up to ∼30 MeV. Therefore, when modelling the transport of these particles in the inner heliosphere, a three-dimensional treatment is essential. By comparing these models to observations from the Ulysses, Pioneer and Voyager missions, important conclusions can be made on e.g., the relative contributions of the galactic and jovian electrons to the total electron intensity, the magnitude of the parallel and perpendicular transport coefficients, and the time dependant treatment thereof.  相似文献   

Since the middle of 1957 till present time the group of researchers of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has carried out the regular balloon borne measurements of charged particle fluxes in the atmosphere. The measurements are performed at polar (northern and southern) and middle latitudes and cover the interval of heights from the ground level up to 30–35 km. Standard detectors of particles (gas-discharged counters) have been used. More than 80,000 measurements of cosmic ray fluxes in the atmosphere have been performed to the present time. In the data analysis the geomagnetic field and the Earth’s atmosphere are used as cosmic ray spectrometers.  相似文献   

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