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A new approach to the semi-analytical modelling of Earth-satellite motion is proposed. It is based on the standard Cowell procedure in which the satellite's equations of motions are integrated numerically, but it uses analytical formulae for the high-frequency perturbations associated with geopotential harmonics of high degree; this avoids the need for very short integration steps.As the integration procedure dominates in the new approach, it differs fundamentally from the author's earlier method in which all the short-period perturbations are analytically represented and a minimal Euler integration operates on a set of mean orbital elements. Thus much less mathematical development is now necessary and it should be possible to produce operational software in a relatively short timescale.  相似文献   

Within the last year three major re-entries occurred. The satellites UARS, ROSAT and Phobos-Grunt entered Earth’s atmosphere with fragments reaching the surface. Due to a number of uncertainties in propagating an object’s trajectory the exact place and time of a satellite’s re-entry is hard to determine. Major influences when predicting the re-entry time are the changing precision of the available orbital data, the satellite’s ballistic coefficient, the activity of the sun which influences the Earth’s atmosphere and the underlying quality of the atmospheric model. In this paper a method is presented which can reduce the variability in short-term orbital lifetime prediction induced by fluctuating orbital data accuracies. A re-entry campaign is used as a reference for this purpose. For a window of a few weeks before the re-entry the position data of a synthetic object is disturbed considering different degrees of orbital data errors. As a result different predictions will exist for the generated position data of a given day. Using a regression algorithm on the available data an average position is obtained, which is then used for the orbital lifetime prediction. The effect of this measure is a more consistent prediction of the orbital lifetime. The paper concludes with the comparison of the generated re-entry windows in various test cases for the original and the averaged data.  相似文献   

During Sun-Earth eclipse seasons, GPS-IIA satellites perform noon, shadow and post-shadow yaw maneuvers. If the yaw maneuvers are not properly taken into account in the orbit determination process, two problems appear: (1) the observations residuals increase since the modeled position of the satellite’s navigation antenna differs from the true position, and (2) the non-conservative forces like solar radiation pressure or Earth radiation pressure are mismodeled due to the wrong orientation of the satellite’s surfaces in space.  相似文献   

The paper treats some aspects of the widespread concept of a deforming potential and a more generalized approach to the Dirichlet problem in defining the influence of Earth tides on a satellite's movement.In considering theoretical, rather than practical aspects, the solution of the Dirichlet problem is discussed for various reference surfaces in place of the Earth.  相似文献   

Two deep-space probes of the Venera type for the encounter with Halley's comet are being prepared in the Intercosmos program. 150 kg of scientific equipment will be onboard each sonde, including two TV cameras and two spectrometers. These instruments need precise orientation during the fly-by of the comet. For this purpose a stabilised platform is being developed in Czechoslovakia which will be installed onboard both probes and will be able to point to the target with precision 5 minutes of arc and maximum angular velocity 1°/second. A system of position detectors and the working program during the start and the fly-by are described.  相似文献   

The Voyager observations of electrical discharges in Saturn's rings strongly support earlier speculations on the role played by electrostatics, magnetic fields, and lightning phenomena in the primitive solar system. They also suggest conditions then by direct analogy rather than by extrapolating backwards through time from conditions now. The observed discharges show a pronounced 10h periodicity, which suggests a source in Keplerian orbit at 1.80 ± 0.01 Saturn radii (1 RS = 60,330 km). In that region, the B ring is thicker than optical depth 1.8 for about 5,000 km. At 1.805 ± 0.001 Saturn radii, however, the ring is virtually transparent for a gap of width 200 m. We conclude that a small satellite orbits Saturn at that radius and clears the gap. The gap edges must prevent diffusive filling of the gap by fine material which is especially abundant at this position in the rings and would otherwise destroy the gap in minutes. The discharges represent the satellite's interaction with the outer edge of the gap. Spoke formation may involve the interaction of ring material in the vicinity of the gap.  相似文献   

The degree of apex–antapex cratering asymmetry of a synchronously rotating satellite primarily depends on the mean encounter velocity of impactors with respect to the planetary system and the orbital velocity of the satellite. This means that we can estimate the mean encounter velocity of impactors by observing the apex–antapex cratering asymmetry, if the relationship between these is known. To apply this technique to the Moon, we attempt to derive the relationship between the mean encounter velocity of impactors and the degree of the lunar cratering asymmetry as a function of time, considering the temporal variation in the lunar orbital velocity during the last 4.0 Gyr. We used the cratering asymmetry of Zahnle et al. [Zahnle, K., Schenk, P., Sobieszczyk, S. et al. Differential cratering of synchronously rotating satellites by ecliptic comets. Icarus 153, 111–129, 2001] to obtain the relationship. Applying this relationship enables us to estimate the impactor’s velocity of the Earth–Moon system from an investigation of the spatial distribution of lunar craters. Furthermore, we re-evaluate the cratering asymmetry’s influence on lunar cratering chronology.  相似文献   

A high order method to quickly assess the effect that uncertainties produce on orbital conjunctions through a numerical high-fidelity propagator is presented. In particular, the dependency of time and distance of closest approach to initial uncertainties on position and velocity of both objects involved in a conjunction is studied. The approach relies on a numerical integration based on differential algebraic techniques and a high-order algorithm that expands the time and distance of closest approach in Taylor series with respect to relevant uncertainties. The modeled perturbations are atmospheric drag, using NRLMSISE-00 air density model, solar radiation pressure with shadow, third body perturbation using JPL’s DE405 ephemeris, and EGM2008 gravity model. The polynomial approximation of the final position is used as an input to compute analytically the expansion of time and distance of closest approach. As a result, the analysis of a close encounter can be performed through fast, multiple evaluations of Taylor polynomials. Test cases with objects ranging from LEO to GEO regimes are considered to assess the performances and the accuracy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Dust trails are observed in the orbits of some short-period comets. Large particles, having diameters in the submillimeter range and larger, are ejected by these comets into orbits close to that of the parent comet. By considering the effects of ejection and radiation forces, we are able to model the spread of particles of different diameters along a parent comet's orbit, both ahead and behind the comet in mean anomaly. Using this model, we estimate the ages of the dust trail material associated with P/Tempel 2, P/Gunn, P/Encke, and P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1. We find them to consist of emissions occuring over a minimum of one to a few orbital periods. We are also able to constrain the particle diameters in a trail segment forward of a comet's orbital position. Such a forward extention is observed in the Tempel 2 and Gunn dust trails, but not the Encke and S-W 1 dust trails. Relative particle sizes among these trails are discussed. The Tempel 2 dust trail is found to have an excess of particles with diameters greater than 1 mm. This may be characteristic of the refractory component of the nucleus of P/Tempel 2, or possibly indicative of active mantle formation and destruction at its surface.  相似文献   

Extensive studies have been conducted concerning individual mass, temporal and positional distribution of submicron rocky ejecta existing in the satellite-planetary gravitational sphere of influence. The transit time of the major portion of the ejecta that is transported from the satellite's gravitational sphere of influence to the planetary magnetopause is about one week and represents a mass loading pulse occurring each satellite orbit. The mass-flux distributions of lunar ejecta at the surface of the magnetopause for a complete lunar orbit are presented. Spatial mass densities of lunar ejecta in specific zones of the magnetosphere provide a means to compare sporadic interplanetary dust spatial mass densities in the same zones.  相似文献   

Orbital potential field measurements are sensitive to regional variations in earth density and magnetization that occur over scales of a few hundred kilometers or greater. Global field models currently available are able to distinguish gravity variations of ±5 milligal over distances of ~1,000 km and magnetic variations of ±6 gamma over distances of ~300 km at the earth's surface. Regional variations in field strength have been detected in orbital measurements that are not apparent in higher resolution, low altitude surveys. NASA is presently studying a spacecraft mission known as GRAVSAT/MAGSAT, which would be the first satellite mission to perform a simultaneous survey of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields at low orbital altitudes. GRAVSAT/MAGSAT has been proposed for launch during the latter nineteen-eighties, and it would measure gravity field strength to an accuracy of 1 milligal and magnetic field strength to an accuracy of 2 gamma (scalar)/5 gamma (vector components) over a distance of roughly 100 km. Even greater improvements in the accuracy and spatial resolution of orbital surveys are anticipated during the nineteen-nineties with the development of potential field gradiometers and a tethered satellite system that can be deployed from the Space Shuttle to altitudes of 120 km above the earth's surface.  相似文献   

The equation of radiative transfer is solved for the complete Stokes' vector in order to study the polarization of solar radiation on top of a turbid atmosphere.The surface characteristics (bidirectional anisotropy and polarization properties of randomly oriented water surface elements) are contained in the lower boundary condition of the integro-differential equation. Results of surface model calculations are compared with polarimeter measurements of a natural scenario.On top of the atmosphere the degree of polarization is found to depend generally on the turbidity of the atmosphere. The degree of polarization reaches its maximum in the vicinity of the angle of specular reflection on the water surface, if the sun's zenith distance is about the Brewster's angle.According to the model calculations observation angles can be found where the degree of polarization does not depend on the surface roughness. Apparently these angles have to be preferred for determination of the atmospheric turbidity.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the image quality specifications for the SPOT System and the methods used for their assessment. These methods fall into two categories: pre-launch ground testing and post-launch assessment (during the satellite's first two months in orbit). The geometric specifications concern image location accuracy, length distortion, anisomorphism, multi-date and multispectral registration, local coherence and, in the case of stereo pairs, accuracy of elevation measurement. The radiometric specifications concern: signal-to-noise ratio, detector equalization and array response linearity; band-to-band, absolute and multi-date registration; distortion due to high radiances (blooming) and modulation transfer function (MTF).  相似文献   

根据天基雷达获取的空间目标位置和速度参数, 研究了计算空间目标轨道根数的方法, 以实现对空间目标的初定轨. 分析了雷达坐标系下对目标的观测误差给协议天球坐标系下的目标参数估计带来的影响. 提出了空间二体相遇问题的一种解决方案. 利用已知的空间站轨道, 仿真分析了空间目标在一周之内和空间站的相遇情况, 同时给出了目标轨道预测的误差分析.   相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term perturbations of the orbits of geosynchronous space debris influenced by direct radiation pressure including the Earth’s shadowing effects. For this purpose, we propose an extension of our homemade semi-analytical theory [Valk, S., Lemaître, A., Deleflie, F. Semi-analytical theory of mean orbital motion for geosynchronous space debris under gravitational influence. Adv. Space Res., submitted for publication], based on the method developed by Aksnes [Aksnes, K. Short-period and long-period perturbations of a spherical satellite due to direct solar radiation. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 13, 89–104, 1976] and generalized into a more convenient non-singular formalism. The perturbations accounting for the direct radiation pressure with the Earth’s shadow are computed on a revolution-by-revolution basis, retaining the original osculating Hamiltonian disturbing function. In this framework, we compute the non-singular mean longitude at shadow entry and shadow exit at every orbital revolution in opposition to classical approaches where the singular eccentric anomalies at shadow entry and shadow exit are computed. This new algorithm is developed using non-singular variables. Consequently, it is particularly suitable for both near-circular and near-equatorial orbits as well as orbits which transit periodically around null eccentricities and null inclinations.The algorithm is tested by means of numerical integrations of the equations, averaged over the short periods, including radiation pressure, J2, the combined Moon and Sun third body attraction as well as the long-term effects of the 1:1 resonance occurring for geosynchronous objects. As an extension of [Valk, S., Lemaître, A., Anselmo, L. Analytical and semi-analytical investigations of geosynchronous space debris with high area-to-mass ratios influenced by solar radiation pressure. Adv. Space Res., doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.10.025, 2007b], we especially apply our analysis to space debris with area-to-mass as high as 20 m2/kg. This paper provides numerical and semi-analytical investigations leading to a deep understanding of the long-term evolution of the semi-major axis. Finally, these semi-analytical investigations are compared with accurate numerical integrations of the osculating equations of motion over time scales as high as 25 years.  相似文献   

Secular variations in the absolute brightness of short-period comets were derived on the basis of their maximum apparent magnitudes in individual returns. The present paper deals with all the comets of Jupiter family observed by 31 Dec 1987 in three returns at least. P/Encke, investigated in detail by many authors /1–3/, has not been included. The sample contains 405 observed returns of 61 short-period comets. Relations of the secular fading to the orbital period, perihelion distance and also to the numerical eccentricity were found. Two independent methods of determination of aging of short-period comets, i.e. the secular fading and nongravitational parameters, are compared. The distribution of the values of the secular decreases of brightness is not in agreement with the trends in nongravitational effects. More probably, the observed secular decrease is connected with the apparent magnitude of the comet and with the influence of instrumental effects upon it.  相似文献   

以月球背面的中继通信为背景,提出了基于三体系统引力场不对称特性的星–星测距自主定轨方案。该方案以环月极轨卫星和地–月L2点Halo轨道卫星组成中继通信网,以实现对月球两极和背面的覆盖。通过采集极轨卫星与Halo轨道卫星的测距信息,结合卡尔曼滤波在日–地–月动力学模型下获得两颗卫星的绝对轨道。数值仿真结果表明:本文方法能将导航的位置精度和速度精度分别提高到百米和厘米/秒量级。该自主导航方法还可以扩展到不规则引力场小天体附近星群运动的自主导航。  相似文献   

为了实现天琴计划航天器轨道构型的长期稳定漂移并满足轨道构型的稳定性指标,文章应用优化算法搜索航天器初始最优瞬时轨道要素。建立考虑摄动情况下航天器轨道动力学模型,对导致等边三角形轨道构型发生长周期漂移的轨道要素进行了分析,并且将这些要素作为轨道设计的待优化参量,应用粒子群(ParticleSwarmOptimization,PSO)智能寻优算法进行优化,应用最终优化得到的轨道要素进行轨道构型仿真。仿真结果表明,在不进行轨道控制的情况下,4年内轨道构型呼吸角变化小于1.5°,臂长变化小于1500km,臂长变化速率小于10km/s,初步满足轨道构型的稳定性指标。  相似文献   

Proportional counters (PC's) and gas scintillation proportional counters (GSPC's) currently used for detection of low energy X-rays provide information on event position and energy. Although at 1.5 keV PC's have good position resolution (~ 200 μm FWHM) they have relatively poor energy resolution (~ 40% FWHM). Conversely GSPC's have reasonable energy resolution (~ 20% FWHM), but poor spatial resolution (~ 1mm FWHM).We describe a scheme in which a parallel plate PC with a transparent anode deposited on a fibre optic substrate has been used. This allows the light emitted by electron avalanches caused by X-ray events in the PC to be detected by an image intensifier with electronic readout. Using this scheme spatial resolution better than that of conventional PC's should be attainable. In addition avalanches induced by single electrons can be resolved through observation of the time structure of the light flash. Using the ability to count the number of primary electrons created by each X-ray event, it is shown that energy resolution can be achieved which is comparable to that of the GSPC.  相似文献   

某些空间载荷会对入轨精度和入轨姿态同时提出很高的要求,应用于运载火箭控制系统的摄动制导方法的入轨精度无法满足要求,而传统的迭代制导方法无法约束终端的入轨姿态。为此提出了一种满足多终端约束的二次曲线迭代制导方法,该方法通过二次曲线形式规划整个真空段的飞行制导程序角,实时满足位置、速度与终端姿态约束,从而可以使得火箭以期望姿态角实现高精度入轨。算例结果表明,该方法能同时保证高精度的入轨指标和入轨姿态,并能适应偏差状态、约束姿态角变化与轨道根数小幅变化,具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

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