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Empirical modelling of wind and drifts at ionospheric levels in discussed. The most important features of a database describing ionospheric motions are outlined. The database includes the results of measurements carried out by groundbased remote sensing at a world-wide network of stations. Statistical models may be constructed from these data and used as reference models. Outlooks and future tasks are considered.  相似文献   

The dayside ionospheric magnetic field of Venus has been modelled from two different points of view. The Cloutier et al. electrodynamic model makes specific predictions about the behavior of the global magnetic field configuration that can be compared with those expected from the alternate diffusion/convection model. Although the diffusion/convection model is currently only one-dimensional, it is found that it is consistent with the observations in several areas where the 3-dimensional electrodynamic model is not.  相似文献   

For the first time a comprehensive pattern of the longitudinal effect of the ionospheric trough position was obtained. We present new results with longitudinal variations of the winter trough position as a function of geomagnetic latitude for both hemispheres and conditions of high and low solar activity and all local time hours. We used a large observational data set obtained onboard the Kosmos-900, Interkosmos-19 and CHAMP satellites for quiet geomagnetic conditions. We found that a magnitude of the trough position longitudinal effect averaged for a fixed local time is greater in the daytime (6–8°) than in the nighttime (3–5°). The longitudinal effect magnitude reaches its maximum (16°) in the morning (at 08 LT) in the Southern hemisphere at high solar activity. But on certain days at any solar activity the longitudinal effect magnitude can reach 9–10° even at night. The shape of the longitudinal effect was found to differ significantly in two hemispheres. In the Northern hemisphere the trough is usually closest to the pole in the eastern (American) longitudinal sector, and in the Southern hemisphere the trough is closest in the western (Eurasian) longitudinal sector. The magnitude and shape of the longitudinal effect is also different during low and high solar activity. The Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) simulations demonstrate that during low solar activity, the longitudinal variations of the daytime trough position is mainly determined by longitudinal variations of the ionization function, formed due to the longitudinal variations in the solar zenith angle and the atomic oxygen density distribution. The longitudinal variations of the nighttime trough position is formed by the longitudinal variations in ionization of precipitating auroral particles, neutral atmosphere composition, and electric field.  相似文献   

Models of the Venus neutral upper atmosphere, based on both in-situ and remote sensing measurements, are provided for the height interval from 100 to 3,500 km. The general approach in model formulation was to divide the atmosphere into three regions: 100 to 150 km, 150 to 250 km, and 250 to 3,500 km. Boundary conditions at 150 km are consistent with both drag and mass spectrometer measurements. A paramount consideration was to keep the models simple enough to be used conveniently. Available observations are reviewed. Tables are provided for density, temperature, composition (CO2, O, CO, He, N, N2, and H), derived quantities, and day-to-day variability as a function of solar zenith angle on the day- and nightsides.Estimates are made of other species, including O2 and D. Other tables provide corrections for solar activity effects on temperature, composition, and density. For the exosphere, information is provided on the vertical distribution of normal thermal components (H, O, C, and He) as well as the hot components (H, N, C, O) on the day- and nightsides.  相似文献   

The magnetometer on Venus Express was designed to be able to obtain 128 Hz samples of the magnetic field from two sensors in a gradiometer configuration. This mode is used around periapsis to determine whether the signals reported at low altitudes near 100 Hz, had the properties of electromagnetic waves generated by electric discharges in the Venus atmosphere. The lack of a magnetic cleanliness program and the shortness of the magnetometer boom make this a challenging measurement. Fortunately the signals are sufficiently strong that they can be easily resolved with rather straightforward analysis techniques.  相似文献   

COST 296 Action refers to the project on Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems (MIERS) in the framework of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), which is one of the longest-running European instruments supporting cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe. The main objective of the MIERS project has been to develop an increased knowledge of the effects imposed by the ionosphere on practical radio systems, and for the development and implementation of techniques to mitigate the harmful effects of the ionosphere on such systems. This paper highlights COST 296 Action results that have been achieved during its lifetime period of February 2005–February 2009 with emphasis on space weather ionospheric monitoring and modelling.  相似文献   

The VEGA Venus Balloon Mission returned data on the themodynamic state of the atmosphere together with wind and cloud information. In this invited paper we review possible explanations for three aspects of the data: 1) the large amplitude atmospheric vertical winds encountered by the VEGA balloons; 2) the observed 6.5 K temperature difference consistently measured between the two VEGA balloons; and 3) the apparent influence of surface topography on atmospheric motions seen by the VEGA-2 balloon as it flew over the mountainous terrain known as Aphrodite.  相似文献   

The shape of the dayside Venus ionopause, and its dependence on solar wind parameters, is examined using Pioneer Venus Orbiter field and particle data. The ionopause is defined here as the altitude of pressure equality between magnetosheath magnetic pressure and ionospheric thermal pressure; its typical altitudes range from ~300 km near the subsolar point to ~900 km near the terminator. A strong correlation between ionopause altitude and magnetosheath magnetic pressure is demonstrated; correlation between magnetic pressure and the normally incident component of solar wind dynamic pressure is also evident. The data support the hypothesis of control of the ionopause altitude by solar wind dynamic pressure, manifested in the sheath as magnetic pressure. The presence of large scale magnetic fields in the ionosphere is observed primarily when dynamic pressure is high and the ionopause is low.  相似文献   

The comparison of the self-consistent theoretical model with empirical models and experimental data is presented. The cause of the discrepancies of these models is discussed.  相似文献   

Instruments aboard the gondolas of the two VEGA balloons obtained in situ measurements of pressure, temperature, vertical velocity relative to the balloon, cloud particle backscatter, lightning and the ambient light level. Atmospheric motions at the balloon float altitudes were also determined from Earth-based tracking results. To illustrate the history of the balloon flights and to facilitate comparisons between some of the different observed quantities, measurements of pressure, temperature and backscatter are presented as time series for the entire lifetime of each balloon. Both long and short period variations have been detected. In addition, the environmental entropy encountered by each balloon will be discussed.  相似文献   

The results of modeling of ionospheric disturbances observed in the East Asian region during moderate storms are presented. The numerical model for ionosphere–plasmasphere coupling developed at the ISTP SB RAS is used to interpret the data of observations at ionospheric stations located in the longitudinal sector of 90–130°E at latitudes from auroral zone to equator. There is obtained a reasonable agreement between measurements and modeling results for winter and equinox. In the summer ionosphere, at the background of high ionization by the solar EUV radiation in the quiet geomagnetic period the meridional thermospheric wind strongly impacts the electron concentration in the middle and auroral ionosphere. The consistent calculations of the thermospheric wind permit to obtain the model results which are closer to summer observations. The actual information about the space-time variations of thermosphere and magnetosphere parameters should be taken into account during storms.  相似文献   

In-situ measurements of positive ion composition of the ionosphere of Venus are combined in an empirical model which is a key element for the Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA) model. The ion data are obtained from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer (OIMS) which obtained daily measurements beginning in December 1978 and extending to July 1980 when the uncontrolled rise of satellite periapsis height precluded further measurements in the main body of the ionosphere. For this period, measurements of 12 ion species are sorted into altitude and local time bins with altitude extending from 150 to 1000 km. The model results exhibit the appreciable nightside ionosphere found at Venus, the dominance of atomic oxygen ions in the dayside upper ionosphere and the increase in prominence of atomic oxygen and deuterium ions on the nightside. Short term variations, such as the abrupt changes observed in the ionopause, cannot be represented in the model.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric airglow OI 630.0 nm and OI 557.7 nm emissions have been carried out by means of an all-sky CCD imager system at Cachoeira Paulista, since October 1998. During a developed phase of plasma depletion (bubble) in the equatorial anomaly region, both emissions show intensity depletions along the geomagnetic North—South direction, and also bifurcation of the bubbles. It is frequently observed that the OI 557.7 image shows more fine structure of the bubble than the OI 630.0. The amplitude of the intensity depletion was also larger for OI557.7 than OI630.0. This might be due to the difference in life time between the O(1D) and O(1S) states, which are responsible for the OI 630.0 and OI 557.7 emissions, respectively. The O(1D) might be affected by thermal relaxation and diffusion processes before the radiative transition.  相似文献   

The ionospheric effects induced by the September 2017 storm have been exceptional compared to other events in the solar cycle 24. This paper gathers results of the ionospheric observations at the European middle latitude station Pruhonice. It consists of evaluation of ionospheric vertical and oblique sounding, Digisonde drift measurement, and data obtained from the Continuous Doppler Sounding System. We observed strong ionospheric response with an unusual stratification of ionospheric layers, Large Scale Traveling ionospheric disturbances, changes in electron density, and increase and oscillations in plasma drift velocity.  相似文献   

The vertical ionospheric TEC values obtained from GAGAN grid based ionospheric delay correction values over the sea in the Indian equatorial region have been compared with the corresponding values derived from the International Reference Ionosphere model, IRI-2016. The objective of this work is to study the deviation of the vertical TEC derived from the IRI model from ground truths over the sea for different conditions. This will serve the basic intention of assessing the candidature of the IRI model as an alternative ionospheric correction model in navigation receivers in terms of accuracy. We have chosen different solar activity periods, seasons, geomagnetic conditions, locations etc. for our comparison and analysis. The TEC values by the IRI-2016 were compared with the actual measured values for the given conditions and errors were obtained. The measured vertical TEC values at the ionospheric grid points were derived from the GAGAN broadcast ionospheric delay data and used as reference. The IRI model with standard internal functions was used in estimating the TEC at the same ionospheric grid points. The errors in the model derived values are statistically analysed. Broadly, the results show that, for the Indian sector over the sea, the IRI model performs better on quiet days in off equatorial regions, particularly in the northern region. The overall performance degrades for other conditions with the model generally underestimating the true TEC values and most severely in the equatorial region. The performance is worst in this region for the disturbed days of the equinoctial period. The comparison study is also done with the TEC data measured directly by dual frequency GPS receivers. The results were found to be in general agreement with those obtained by comparing the model with GAGAN broadcast data as reference. This study will be useful in considering the IRI-2016 model for real time estimates of TEC as an alternative to the current parametric model in a satellite navigation receiver in absence of other options.  相似文献   

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