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引言西南空管局DWSR-2500C/K多普勒气象雷达为美国EEC公司5公分C波段气象雷达。该气象雷达的主工作站运行于Unix操作系统(称为A机),并且采用了双网卡技术。在主工作站工作过程中,其中一路网卡与雷达信号处理器相连以获取雷达回波信号,另一路网卡负责主工作站与预报室工作站(称为B  相似文献   

大推力补燃循环液体火箭发动机主涡轮燃气在高压下由于受到真实气体效应的影响,其气体性能偏离理想气体,常规分析方法得到的涡轮性能与实际情况存在一定偏差。采用三维流动仿真方法,结合SST湍流模型,采用定物性理想气体、ARK气体状态方程和基于NIST Refprop真实物性数据库的涡轮性能进行了仿真研究,分析了甲烷和富氧燃气的涡轮性能,并与结合一维压缩因子修正的性能结果进行了对比。研究表明,基于真实物性数据的涡轮仿真性能与理想气体存在明显偏差,使用ARK气体状态方程能够有效减小性能仿真偏差,而使用合适的压缩因子修正具有较高的精度,可作为工程算法。  相似文献   

In this article reproduced from Aerospace, Spring 1986, James Haggerty reports on the US National Aerospace Plane (NASP) research programme. NASP is a joint Department of Defense/NASA programme to develop and demonstrate the technologies for a revolutionary class of aerospace vehicles, powered by airbreathing engines, that would have the capability to take off from and land horizontally on standard runways, cruise in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, or fly into low-Earth orbit. The Air Force has been named executive agency for the programme. NASA is charged with overall technology direction. Other DoD participants include DARPA, the Navy and the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization.

In April 1986, the USAF awarded development contracts to seven aerospace manufacturing firms. Contracts for air-frame design went to Boeing Aerospace Company, Lockheed Advanced Aeronautics Company, General Dynamics Corporation, McDonnell Douglas Corporation and Rockwell International Corporation. General Electric Company and Pratt & Whitney Division of United Technologies were awarded propulsion contracts.  相似文献   

Comparison of motion de-blur algorithms and real world deployment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sebastian Schuon  Klaus Diepold   《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1050-1065
If a camera moves fast while taking a picture, motion blur is induced. There exist techniques to prevent this effect to occur, such as moving the lens system or the CCD chip electro-mechanically. Another approach is to remove the motion blur after the images have been taken, using signal processing algorithms as post-processing techniques. For more than 30 years, numerous researchers have developed theories and algorithms for this purpose, which work quite well when applied to artificially blurred images. If one attempts to use those techniques to real world scenarios, they mostly fail miserably. In order to study why the known algorithms have problems to de-blur naturally blurred images we have built an experimental setup, which produces real blurred images with defined parameters in a controlled environment. For this article we have studied the most important algorithms used for de-blurring, we have analyzed their properties when applied to artificially blurred images and to real images. We propose solutions to make the algorithms fit for purpose.  相似文献   

Human orientation and spatial cognition partlydepends on our ability to remember sets ofvisual landmarks and imagine their relationshipto us from a different viewpoint. We normallymake large body rotations only about a singleaxis which is aligned with gravity. However,astronauts who try to recognize environmentsrotated in 3 dimensions report that theirterrestrial ability to imagine the relativeorientation of remembered landmarks does noteasily generalize. The ability of humansubjects to learn to mentally rotate a simplearray of six objects around them was studied in1-G laboratory experiments. Subjects weretested in a cubic chamber (n = 73) and aequivalent virtual environment (n = 24),analogous to the interior of a space stationnode module. A picture of an object waspresented at the center of each wall. Subjectshad to memorize the spatial relationships amongthe six objects and learn to predict thedirection to a specific object if their bodywere in a specified 3D orientation. Percentcorrect learning curves and response times weremeasured. Most subjects achieved high accuracyfrom a given viewpoint within 20 trials,regardless of roll orientation, and learned asecond view direction with equal or greaterease. Performance of the subject group thatused a head mounted display/head tracker wasqualitatively similar to that of the secondgroup tested in a physical node simulator. Body position with respect to gravity had asignificant but minor effect on performance ofeach group, suggesting that results may alsoapply to weightless situations. A correlationwas found between task performance measures andconventional paper-and-pencil tests of fieldindependence and 2&3 dimensional figurerotation ability.  相似文献   

纳米铝粉热反应特性的TG-DSC研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用TG-DSC法对平均粒径85 nm的纳米铝粉进行了热反应特性研究,并与微米铝粉进行了对比.结果表明,铝粉热反应特性的尺度效应明显,纳米铝粉在517℃附近出现明显增重,500~660℃氧化增重20.4%,放热约4 909 J/g,而微米铝粉在600℃左右才有少量的增重,粒径越大,氧化增重越小,4~6、9~10、16~...  相似文献   

针对现有实时分选方法依赖滑动窗(单次处理脉冲数)的选取、分选效率低以及分选结果存在严重增批现象等缺陷,将脉冲串的接收视为数据流过程,从而设计了一种基于进化数据流聚类的雷达信号实时分选框架.该框架分为在线处理和离线分析两个阶段,通过引入时态密度特征避免了主观上对滑动窗长度的选取,并利用衰变检测和噪声点检测来提高在线聚类的效率.离线阶段通过对历史快照的分析可以判明雷达的活动情况,并将属于一部雷达的脉冲批组进行关联.仿真实验表明了该框架的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

Lawson BD  Mead AM 《Acta Astronautica》1998,43(3-6):181-192
The sopite syndrome is a poorly understood response to motion. Drowsiness and mood changes are the primary characteristics of the syndrome. The sopite syndrome can exist in isolation from more apparent symptoms such as nausea, can last long after nausea has subsided, and can debilitate some individuals. It is most likely a distinct syndrome from "regular" motion sickness or common fatigue, and is of potential concern in a variety of situations. The syndrome may be particularly hazardous in transportation settings where other performance challenges (e.g., sleep deprivation) are already present. It is also a potential concern in cases where illnesses such as sleep disorders or depression may interact with the syndrome and confuse diagnosis.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fixed-time glideslope guidance algorithm that is capable of guiding the spacecraft approaching a target vehicle on a quasi-periodic halo orbit in real Earth–Moon system. To guarantee the flight time is fixed, a novel strategy for designing the parameters of the algorithm is given. Based on the numerical solution of the linearized relative dynamics of the Restricted Three-Body Problem (expressed in inertial coordinates with a time-variant nature), the proposed algorithm breaks down the whole rendezvous trajectory into several arcs. For each arc, a two-impulse transfer is employed to obtain the velocity increment (delta-v) at the joint between arcs. Here we respect the fact that instantaneous delta-v cannot be implemented by any real engine, since the thrust magnitude is always finite. To diminish its effect on the control, a thrust duration as well as a thrust direction are translated from the delta-v in the context of a constant thrust engine (the most robust type in real applications). Furthermore, the ignition and cutoff delays of the thruster are considered as well. With this high-fidelity thrust model, the relative state is then propagated to the next arc by numerical integration using a complete Solar System model. In the end, final corrective control is applied to insure the rendezvous velocity accuracy. To fully validate the proposed guidance algorithm, Monte Carlo simulation is done by incorporating the navigational error and the thrust direction error. Results show that our algorithm can effectively maintain control over the time-fixed rendezvous transfer, with satisfactory final position and velocity accuracies for the near-range guided phase.  相似文献   

以外差式CW多普勒引信为例分析了外差式零拍装置提取差频信号的基本原理,把外差式零拍装置在数学层面上抽象为对线性叠加信号求平方后提取低频分量的模型。根据该模型,从理论上证明了:窄带实高斯噪声单独通过外差式零拍装置后输出的低频噪声的带宽将得到加倍,噪声与本振信号相互作用后产生新的噪声分量将使低频噪声功率比无本振信号时得到增加;回波信号加窄带平稳实高斯噪声通过零拍装置后干信比将得到增强,且增强的程度将随本振信号功率的增加而降低。计算机仿真分析的结果验证了上述结论,也正好解释了早期CW引信极易受到频率对准噪声干扰而早炸的实际情况。  相似文献   

DRFM产生的假目标与真实雷达目标回波差别分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在时域和频域上分析了真实雷达目标回波信号与DRFM产生的假目标信号之间的差别,给出了识别DRFM产生的假目标信号的充分条件,提出了在时域和频域上识别两种信号的方法.  相似文献   

团圆佳节归心切,春运工作又一年.从1月30日起。为期40天的春运工作正式启动。作为传统的运输客流主力军之一,中国民航业预计今年春运期问,将运送旅客2894万人次,比去年增加12.5%,其发挥的重要作用不言而喻.但是今年的民航业将会感受到些许不同。2010年春运期间,铁路部门在广州铁路集团公司的广州和成都铁路局的成都等37个火车站试行火车票实名制。传统的垄断部门“铁老大”面对多方的质疑与众多的压力后.  相似文献   

To prevent forward contamination and maintain the scientific integrity of future life-detection missions, it is important to characterize and attempt to eliminate terrestrial microorganisms associated with exploratory spacecraft and landing vehicles. Among the organisms isolated from spacecraft-associated surfaces, spores of Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 exhibited unusually high resistance to decontamination techniques such as UV radiation and peroxide treatment. Subsequently, B. pumilus SAFR-032 was flown to the International Space Station (ISS) and exposed to a variety of space conditions via the European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF). After 18 months of exposure in the EXPOSE facility of the European Space Agency (ESA) on EuTEF under dark space conditions, SAFR-032 spores showed 10-40% survivability, whereas a survival rate of 85-100% was observed when these spores were kept aboard the ISS under dark simulated martian atmospheric conditions. In contrast, when UV (>110?nm) was applied on SAFR-032 spores for the same time period and under the same conditions used in EXPOSE, a ~7-log reduction in viability was observed. A parallel experiment was conducted on Earth with identical samples under simulated space conditions. Spores exposed to ground simulations showed less of a reduction in viability when compared with the "real space" exposed spores (~3-log reduction in viability for "UV-Mars," and ~4-log reduction in viability for "UV-Space"). A comparative proteomics analysis indicated that proteins conferring resistant traits (superoxide dismutase) were present in higher concentration in space-exposed spores when compared to controls. Also, the first-generation cells and spores derived from space-exposed samples exhibited elevated UVC resistance when compared with their ground control counterparts. The data generated are important for calculating the probability and mechanisms of microbial survival in space conditions and assessing microbial contaminants as risks for forward contamination and in situ life detection.  相似文献   

空间太阳能电站所提供的将是高功率的电磁能量,在执行无线供电的过程中,将会在被供电设备上再次激励起不同频率的电磁波,对人体健康产生一定的威胁。对于低频的电磁波可以将人体整体等效为一个简易模型,分析电磁波对人体健康的影响。但是,当频率逐渐升高,其波长将和人体的局部组织尺寸可比拟,此时必须采用真实的人体模型才能更精确地分析电磁波对人体的影响。为此,文章研究58GHz频率下,基于真实手臂模型的比吸收率。利用平面波照射真实手臂模型,分析手臂表面以及透射到各个关键局部区域体积内的SAR值,可为高频率情况下电磁波对人体健康的影响提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Frontal photopolymerization of polyacrylamide gel is theoretically and experimentally investigated under conditions of microgravity. With the help of optical methods, the conversion field of monomer is visualized in the course of the experiment, and the pattern of a reaction front motion is determined. The comparison of the properties of flight and laboratory samples of gel allows us to conclude that carrying out polymerization onboard an orbital station in order to obtain homogeneous polymeric materials is promising.  相似文献   

采用ANSYS软件对发动机电缆支座几种不同结构方案及其承载能力进行了三维有限元分析。考虑了材料的非线性弹塑性行为,计算给出了电缆支座承载能力,与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

Under conditions of microgravity severe alterations in body fluid composition and volume take place largely as a result of "cardiothoracic pooling" or headward shift of blood. Inappropriate endocrine, renal and cardiovascular responses result from the "misreading" of homeostatic signals by physiological receptors to produce an as yet incompletely defined syndrome under microgravitational conditions.  相似文献   

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