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Removal of Out-of-Sequence Measurements from Tracks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In multisensor tracking systems that operate in a centralized or distributed information processing architecture, measurements from the same target obtained by different sensors can arrive at the processing center out of sequence due to system latencies. In order to avoid either a delay in the output or the need for reordering and reprocessing entire sequences of measurements, such latent measurements have to be processed by the tracking filter as out-of-sequence measurements (OOSM). Recent work developed a "one-step" procedure for incorporating OOSM with multiple-time-step latency into the tracking filter, which, while suboptimal, was shown to yield results very close to those obtained by reordering and reprocessing an entire sequence of measurements. The counterpart of this problem is the need to remove (revocate) measurements that have already been used to update a track state. This can happen in real-world systems when such measurements are reassigned to another track. Similarly to the problem of update with an OOSM, it is desired to carry out the removal of an earlier measurement without recomputing the track estimate (and the data association) using possibly a long sequence of subsequent measurements one at a time. A one-step algorithm is presented for this problem of removing a multistep OOSM.  相似文献   

In multisensor target tracking systems measurements from the same target can arrive out of sequence. Such "out-of-sequence" measurement (OOSM) arrivals can occur even in the absence of scan/frame communication time delays. The resulting problem - how to update the current state estimate with an "older" measurement - is a nonstandard estimation problem. It was solved first (suboptimally, then optimally) for the case where the OOSM lies between the two last measurements, i.e, its lag is less than a sampling interval - the 1-step-lag case. The real world has, however, OOSMs with arbitrary lag. Subsequently, the suboptimal algorithm was extended to the case of an arbitrary (multistep) lag, but the resulting algorithm required a significant amount of storage. The present work shows how the 1-step-lag algorithms can be generalized to handle an arbitrary (multistep) lag while preserving their main feature of solving the update problem without iterating. This leads only to a very small (a few percent) degradation of MSE performance. The incorporation of an OOSM into the data association process is also discussed. A realistic example with two GMTI radars is presented. The consistency of the proposed algorithm is also evaluated and it is found that its calculated covariances are reliable.  相似文献   

IMM estimator with out-of-sequence measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In multisensor tracking systems that operate in a centralized information processing architecture, measurements from the same target obtained by different sensors can arrive at the processing center out of sequence. In order to avoid either a delay in the output or the need for reordering and reprocessing an entire sequence of measurements, such measurements have to be processed as out-of-sequence measurements (OOSMs). Recent work developed procedures for incorporating OOSMs into a Kalman filter (KF). Since the state of the art tracker for real (maneuvering) targets is the interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator, the algorithm for incorporating OOSMs into an IMM estimator is presented here. Both data association and estimation are considered. Simulation results are presented for two realistic problems using measurements from two airborne GMTI sensors. It is shown that the proposed algorithm for incorporating OOSMs into an IMM estimator yields practically the same performance as the reordering and in-sequence reprocessing of the measurements. Also, it is shown how the range rate from a GMTI sensor can be used as a linear velocity measurement in the tracking filter.  相似文献   

We present the development of a multisensor fusion algorithm using multidimensional data association for multitarget tracking. The work is motivated by a large scale surveillance problem, where observations from multiple asynchronous sensors with time-varying sampling intervals (electronically scanned array (ESA) radars) are used for centralized fusion. The combination of multisensor fusion with multidimensional assignment is done so as to maximize the “time-depth” in addition to “sensor-width” for the number S of lists handled by the assignment algorithm. The standard procedure, which associates measurements from the most recently arrived S-1 frames to established tracks, can have, in the case of S sensors, a time-depth of zero. A new technique, which guarantees maximum effectiveness for an S-dimensional data association (S⩾3), i.e., maximum time-depth (S-1) for each sensor without sacrificing the fusion across sensors, is presented. Using a sliding window technique (of length S), the estimates are updated after each frame of measurements. The algorithm provides a systematic approach to automatic track formation, maintenance, and termination for multitarget tracking using multisensor fusion with multidimensional assignment for data association. Estimation results are presented for simulated data for a large scale air-to-ground target tracking problem  相似文献   

The probabilistic data association filter (PDAF) is a suboptimal approach to tracking a target in the presence of clutter. In the PDAF implementation, the Kalman measurement update is performed over the set of validated measurements and the Kalman time update is used to propagate the PDAF measurement update. A popular approach to obtaining a numerically stable set of Kalman update equations is to propagate the U-D factors of the covariance in the measurement and time updates. The PDAF measurement update equation is obtained in U-D factored form by applying the modified weighted Gram-Schmidt (MWG-S) algorithm to the three factored terms. The factors of the first two terms are determined from the U-D factors of the a priori and conditional a posteriori covariances. The third term is factored analytically using the Agee-Turner factorization. The resulting U-D square-root PDAF is then applied to the problem of active tracking of a submarine in reverberation using polar coordinates  相似文献   

Tracking with classification-aided multiframe data association   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In most conventional tracking systems, only the target kinematic information from, for example, a radar or sonar or an electro-optical sensor, is used in measurement-to-track association. Target class information, which is typically used in postprocessing, can also be used to improve data association to give better tracking accuracy. The use of target class information in data association can improve discrimination by yielding purer tracks and preserving their continuity. In this paper, we present the simultaneous use of target classification information and target kinematic information for target tracking. The approach presented integrates target class information into the data association process using the 2-D (one track list and one measurement list) as well as multiframe (one track list and multiple measurement lists) assignments. The multiframe association likelihood is developed to include the classification results based on the "confusion matrix" that specifies the accuracy of the target classifier. The objective is to improve association results using class information when the kinematic likelihoods are similar for different targets, i.e., there is ambiguity in using kinematic information alone. Performance comparisons with and without the use of class information in data association are presented on a ground target tracking problem. Simulation results quantify the benefits of classification-aided data association for improved target tracking, especially in the presence of association uncertainty in the kinematic measurements. Also, the benefit of 5-D (or multiframe) association versus 2-D association is investigated for different quality classifiers. The main contribution of this paper is the development of the methodology to incorporate exactly the classification information into multidimensional (multiframe) association.  相似文献   

非线性系统中多传感器目标跟踪融合算法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 研究了在非线性系统中 ,基于转换坐标卡尔曼滤波器的多传感器目标跟踪融合算法。通过分析得出 :在非线性系统的多传感器目标跟踪中 ,基于转换坐标卡尔曼滤波器 ( CMKF)的分布融合估计基本可以重构中心融合估计。仿真实验也证明了此结论。由此可见分布的 CMKFA是非线性系统中较优的分布融合算法  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamic estimation problem for multitarget tracking. A novel gating strategy that is based on the measurement likelihood of the target state space is proposed to improve the overall effectiveness of the probability hypothesis density(PHD) filter. Firstly, a measurement-driven mechanism based on this gating technique is designed to classify the measurements. In this mechanism, only the measurements for the existing targets are considered in the update step of the existing targets while the measurements of newborn targets are used for exploring newborn targets. Secondly, the gating strategy enables the development of a heuristic state estimation algorithm when sequential Monte Carlo(SMC) implementation of the PHD filter is investigated, where the measurements are used to drive the particle clustering within the space gate.The resulting PHD filter can achieve a more robust and accurate estimation of the existing targets by reducing the interference from clutter. Moreover, the target birth intensity can be adaptive to detect newborn targets, which is in accordance with the birth measurements. Simulation results demonstrate the computational efficiency and tracking performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

EM-ML algorithm for track initialization using possibly noninformative data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initializing and maintaining a track for a low observable (LO) (low SNR, low target detection probability and high false alarm rate) target can be very challenging because of the low information content of measurements. In addition, in some scenarios, target-originated measurements might not be present in many consecutive scans because of mispointing, target maneuvers, or erroneous preprocessing. That is, one might have a set of noninformative scans that could result in poor track initialization and maintenance. In this paper an algorithm based on the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm combined with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is presented for tracking slowly maneuvering targets in heavy clutter and possibly noninformative scans. The adaptive sliding-window EM-ML approach, which operates in batch mode, tries to reject or weight down noninformative scans using the Q-function in the M-step of the EM algorithm. It is shown that target features in the form of, for example, amplitude information (AI), can also be used to improve the estimates. In addition, performance bounds based on the supplemented EM (SEM) technique are also presented. The effectiveness of new algorithm is first demonstrated on a 78-frame long wave infrared (LWIR) data sequence consisting of an Fl Mirage fighter jet in heavy clutter. Previously, this scenario has been used as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of other track initialization algorithms. The new EM-ML estimator confirms the track by frame 20 while the ML-PDA (maximum likelihood estimator combined with probabilistic data association) algorithm, the IMM-MHT (interacting multiple model estimator combined with multiple hypothesis tracking) and the EVIM-PDA estimator previously required 28, 38, and 39 frames, respectively. The benefits of the new algorithm in terms of accuracy, early detection, and computational load are illustrated using simulated scenarios as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, formation tracking control problems for second-order multi-agent systems (MASs) with time-varying delays are studied, specifically those where the position and velocity of followers are designed to form a time-varying formation while tracking those of the leader. A neigh-boring relative state information based formation tracking protocol with an unknown gain matrix and time-varying delays is presented. The formation tracking problems are then transformed into asymptotically stable problems. Based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach, condi-tions sufficient for second-order MASs with time-varying delays to realize formation tracking are examined. An approach to obtain the unknown gain matrix is given and, since neighboring relative velocity information is difficult to measure in practical applications, a formation tracking protocol with time-varying delays using only neighboring relative position information is introduced. The proposed results can be used on target enclosing problems for MASs with second-order dynamics and time-varying delays. An application for target enclosing by multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is given to demonstrate the feasibility of theoretical results.  相似文献   

The extraction of measurements for precision tracking of the centroid of a target from a forward-looking infrared imaging sensor is presented. The size of the image of the target is assumed to be small, i.e. around 10 pixels. The statistical characterization of the centroid of the target is obtained. Similarly, the statistical properties of the image correlation of two frames, which measures the target offset, are derived. Explicit expressions that map the video noise statistics into measurement noise statistics are obtained. The offset measurement noise is shown to be autocorrelated. State variable models for tracking the target centroid with these measurements are then presented. Simulation results and quantitative conclusions about achievable subpixel tracking accuracy are given. It is shown that the filter that models the autocorrelated measurement noise provides the best performance  相似文献   

Jointprobabillsticdataassociation(JPDA)isanalgorithmusedinsinglesensormultipletargettrackingsystems.Itemploysthenon-uniqueassignmentof"allneighbor"strategytoadaptforthedensemultitargettrackingenvironments[1].Becauseofitswideapplications,itisnecessarytoextendJPDAintosomemultiplesensortrackingsystems.Suchamultisensorsystem,forexample,canbeformedbycollocatingradarandinfraredsearchandtrack(IRST)whichcantakeadvantagesofboththesensorsbodatafusion.Undertheconditionofthesamesensors,acommonmeasure…  相似文献   

Shifted Rayleigh filter: a new algorithm for bearings-only tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new algorithm, the "shifted Rayleigh filter," is introduced for two- or three-dimensional bearings-only tracking problems. In common with other "moment matching" tracking algorithms such as the extended Kalman filter and its modern refinements, it approximates the prior conditional density of the target state by a normal density; the novel feature is that an exact calculation is then performed to update the conditional density in the light of the new measurement. The paper provides the theoretical justification of the algorithm. It also reports on simulations involving variants on two scenarios, which have been the basis of earlier comparative studies. The first is a "benign" scenario where the measurements are comparatively rich in range-related information; here the shifted Rayleigh filter is competitive with standard algorithms. The second is a more "extreme" scenario, involving multiple sensor platforms, high-dimensional models and noisy measurements; here the performance of the shifted Rayleigh filter matches the performance of a high-order bootstrap particle filter, while reducing the computational overhead by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Self-Tuning Multisensor Weighted Measurement Fusion Kalman Filter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For the multisensor systems with unknown noise variances, based on the solution of the matrix equations for the correlation function, the on-line estimators of the noise variance matrices are obtained, whose consistency is proved using the ergodicity of sampled correlation function. Further, two self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filters are presented for the multisensor systems with identical and different measurement matrices, respectively. Based on the stability of the dynamic error system, a new convergence analysis tool is presented for a self-tuning fuser, which is called the dynamic error system analysis (DESA) method. A new concept of convergence in a realization is presented, which is weaker than the convergence with probability one. It is rigorously proved that the proposed self-tuning Kalman fusers converge to the steady-state optimal Kalman fusers in a realization or with probability one, so that they have asymptotic global optimality. A simulation example for a target tracking system with 3 sensors shows their effectiveness.  相似文献   

主被动多传感器多目标状态信息融合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了主被动多传感器多目标状态信息融合问题。针对被动式跟踪的特点,借助主动跟踪的距离通道值,提出类主动的被动式跟踪。在此基础上提出主被动串联状态信息融合和并联状态信息融合算法。仿真结果表明两种状态信息融合方法都可以大大提高跟踪精度,同时还可以提高系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

The sensor management system is a subsys-tem of a multisensor data fusion system,and itspurpose is to satisfy requests of multitarget andscanned space by using the limited sensor resourcesin order to gain optimal measurement values of allspecified characteristics ( detection and captureprobability,emission power of sensor,trackingprecision or target losing probability and so on) .By the optimal principle listed above,sensor re-sources are distributed in science and reason.In aword,itis a key p…  相似文献   

This note deals with the effect of the common process noise on the fusion (combination) of the state estimates of a target based on measurements obtained by two different sensors. This problem arises in a multisensor environment where each sensor has its information processing (tracking) subsystem. In the case of an ?-? tracking filter the effect of the process noise is that, over a wide range of its variance, the uncertainty area corresponding to the fused estimates is about 70 percent of the single-sensor uncertainty area as opposed to 50 percent obtained if the dependence is ignored.  相似文献   

Sensor registration deals with the correction of registration errors and is an inherent problem in all multisensor tracking systems. Traditionally, it is viewed as a least squares or a maximum likelihood problem independent of the fusion problem. We formulate it as a Bayesian estimation problem where sensor registration and track-to-track fusion are treated as joint problems and provide solutions in cases 1) when sensor outputs (i.e., raw data) are available, and 2) when tracker outputs (i.e., tracks) are available. The solution to the latter problem is of particular significance in practical systems as band limited communication links render the transmission of raw data impractical and most of the practical fusion systems have to depend on tracker outputs rather than sensor outputs for fusion. We then show that, under linear Gaussian assumptions, the Bayesian approach leads to a registration solution based on equivalent measurements generated by geographically separated radar trackers. In addition, we show that equivalent measurements are a very effective way of handling sensor registration problem in clutter. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm adequately estimates the biases, and the resulting central-level trucks are free of registration errors.  相似文献   

为了提高星敏感器的跟踪匹配速率,提高星敏感器姿态更新率,本文提出了一种基于帧间角距匹配的跟踪模式星图识别方法.该方法充分利用上一时刻的角距匹配信息构建了一个实时跟踪星库,并把当前时刻的角距信息在实时跟踪星库中进行匹配识别,识别成功后利用识别时用到的信息对实时跟踪星库进行更新.仿真实验表明,该方法具有匹配时间短、匹配成功率高的优点.  相似文献   

针对单星仅测角对目标跟踪误差较大和不良测量条件下跟踪精度下降的问题,提出利用编队卫星对非合作目标进行联合跟踪的方法。采用考虑地球非球形J2引力摄动的轨道动力学模型,建立多视线测量模型,融合编队卫星对目标的观测数据。然后,基于新息设计增益调节矩阵提高滤波器在测量故障条件下的鲁棒性。最后,建立仿真模型进行验证。仿真结果表明,相比单星跟踪,该方法的位置误差和速度误差分别减少了27.06%和26.96%。在系统存在异常量测时,相比常规滤波,该方法也具有更高的精确性和更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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