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Space radiations, especially heavy ions, constitute significant hazards to astronauts. These hazards will increase as space missions lengthen. Moreover, the dangers to astronauts will be enhanced by the persistence, or even the progression, of biological damage throughout their subsequent life spans. To assist in the assessment of risks to astronauts, we are investigating the long-term effects of heavy ions on specific animal tissues. In one study, the eyes of rabbits of various ages were exposed to a single dose of Bragg plateau 20Ne ions (LET infinity approximately equals 30 keV/micrometer). The development of cataracts has shown a pronounced age-related response during the first year after irradiation, and will be followed for two more years. In other studies, mice were exposed to single or fractionated doses of 12C ions (4-cm spread-out Bragg peak; dose-averaged LET infinity = 70-80 keV/micrometer) or 60Co gamma-photons (LET infinity = 0.3 keV/micrometer). Measurements of the frequency of posterior lens opacification have shown that the tissue sparing observed with dose fractionation of gamma-photons was absent when 12C-ion doses were fractionated. Development of posterior lens cataracts was also followed for long periods (up to 21 months) in mice exposed to single doses of Bragg plateau HZE particles (40Ar, 20Ne and 12C ions: LET infinity approximately equals 100, 30 and 10 keV/micrometer, respectively) or 225 kVp X-rays. Based on average cataract levels at the different observation times, the RBE's (RBE = relative biological effectiveness) for the ions were circa 5, 3 and 1-2, respectively, over the range of doses used (0.05-0.9 Gy). Investigations of cataractogenesis are useful for exploring the model of radiation damage proposed by Casarett and by Rubin and Casarett with a tissue not connected directly to the vasculature.  相似文献   

In an experiment examining the effects of space radiations on primates, different groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were exposed to single whole-body doses of 32- or 55-MeV protons. Survivors of those exposures, together with age-matched controls, have been monitored continuously since 1964 and 1965. Late effects of nominal proton doses ranging from 2-6 Gray have been measured in vitro using skin fibroblasts from the animals. A logical extension of that study is reported here, and it involves observations of wound healing after 3-mm diameter dermal punches were removed from the ears (pinnae) of control and irradiated monkeys. Tendencies in the reduction of competence to repair cutaneous wounds have been revealed by the initial examinations of animals that received doses greater than 2 Gy more than 2 decades earlier. These trends indicate that this method of assessing radiation damage to skin exposed to high-energy radiations warrants further study.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that it is not simple double-strand breaks (dsb) but the non-reparable breaks which correlate well with the high biological effectiveness of high LET radiations for cell killing (Kelland et al., 1988; Radford, 1986). We have compared the effects of charged particles on cell death in 3 pairs of cell lines which are normal or defective in the repair of DNA dsbs. For the cell lines SL3-147, M10, and SX10 which are deficient in DNA dsb repair, RBE values were close to unity for cell killing induced by charged particles with linear energy transfer (LET) up to 200 keV/micrometer and were even smaller than unity for the LET region greater than 300 keV/micrometer. The inactivation cross section (ICS) increased with LET for all 3 pairs. The ICS of dsb repair deficient mutants was always larger than that of their parents for all the LET ranges, but with increasing LET the difference in ICS between the mutant and its parent became smaller. Since a small difference in ICS remained at LET of about 300 keV/micrometer, dsb repair may still take place at this high LET, even if its role is apparently small. These results suggest that the DNA repair system does not play a major role in protection against the attack of high LET radiations and that a main muse of cell death is non-reparable dsb which are produced at a higher yield compared with low LET radiations. No correlation was observed between DNA content or nuclear area and ICS.  相似文献   

All radiations originate in space, and the spectrum of radiations reaching the troposphere is limited only because of their range and absorption by the ozone layer above the atmosphere. Ultraviolet-C and the very heavy ions are therefore produced on earth only artificially, by special lamps and in accelerators. The range of biological effects of the different UV radiations and low and high LET radiations have been studied extensively, yet only recently new facts such as the production of DNA strand breaks by long wave UV light were established, adding to the various points of encounter existing between ionizing and nonionizing radiations. There are some similarities in radiation products, and the resulting effects of insult by radiation on biological systems very often are similar, if not the same. A common phenomenon that exists in all healthy biological cells is the ability to repair damage to DNA and thus either survive or mutate, and although the specific mechanisms of repair are somewhat different, the end result is the same. Recently a mechanism of improved radioprotection was found to involve an effect of certain radioprotective compounds on DNA repair. It is suggested that improved, and nontoxic, modes of protection may be offered by employing such compounds as biological response modifiers and natural substances. Further research is needed and is under way.  相似文献   

An experiment involving active detection of space radiation was carried out in the Space Research Institute (SRI) of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in preparation of the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut. The radiations that would be encountered on the flight were modelled including solar and galactic cosmic rays and the particle radiation in the Earth's radiation belts. The dose rate was calculated for these different radiations behind the shielding of the space station. The variations in dose rates over the period of the flight were calculated and compared with measurements made during the orbit of the Mir Space Station. The calculated and measured dose rates agreed within 15-35%.  相似文献   

The radiation protection guidelines of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are under review by Scientific Committee 75 of the National Council Protection and Measurements. The re-evaluation of the current guidelines is necessary, first, because of the increase in information about radiation risks since 1970 when the original recommendations were made and second, the population at risk has changed. For example, women have joined the ranks of the astronauts. Two types of radiation, protons and heavy ions, are of particular concern in space. Unfortunately, there is less information about the effects on tissues and cancer by these radiations than by other radiations. The choice of Quality Factors (Q) for obtaining dose equivalents for these radiations, is an important aspect of the risk estimate for space travel. There are not sufficient data for the induction of late effects by either protons or by heavy ions. The current information suggests a RBE for the relative protons of about 1, whereas, a RBE of 20 for tumor induction by heavy ions, such as iron-56, appears appropriate. The recommendations for the dose equivalent career limits for skin and the lens of the eye have been reduced but the 30-day and annual limits have been raised.  相似文献   

It can be noted that it is not simple double strand breaks (dsb) but the non-reparable breaks that are associated with high biological effectiveness in the cell killing effect for high LET radiation. Here, we have examined the effectiveness of fast neutrons and low (initial energy = 12 MeV/u) or high (135 MeV/u) energy charged particles on cell death in 19 mammalian cell lines including radiosensitive mutants. Some of the radiosensitive lines were deficient in DNA dsb repair such as LX830, M10, V3, and L5178Y-S cells and showed lower values of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for fast neutrons if compared with their parent cell lines. The other lines of human ataxia-telangiectasia fibroblasts, irs 1, irs 2, irs 3 and irs1SF cells, which were also radiosensitive but known as proficient in dsb repair, showed moderated RBEs. Dsb repair deficient mutants showed low RBE values for heavy ions. These experimental findings suggest that the DNA repair system does not play a major role against the attack of high linear energy transfer (LET) radiations. Therefore, we hypothesize that a main cause of cell death induced by high LET radiations is due to non-reparable dsb, which are produced at a higher rate compared to low LET radiations.  相似文献   

Estimation of exposure due to environmental and other sources of radiations of high-LET and low-LET is of interest in radiobiology and radiation protection for risk assessment. To account for the differences in effectiveness of different types of radiations various parameters have been used. However, the relative inadequacy of the commonly used parameters, including dose, fluence, linear energy transfer, lineal energy, specific energy and quality factor, has been made manifest by the biological importance of the microscopic track structure and primary modes of interaction. Monte Carlo track structure simulations have been used to calculate the frequency of energy deposition by radiations of high- and low-LET in target sizes similar to DNA and higher order genomic structure. Tracks of monoenergetic heavy ions and electrons were constructed by following the molecular interaction-by-interaction histories of the particles down to 10 eV. Subsequently, geometrical models of these assumed biological targets were randomly exposed to the radiation tracks and the frequency of energy depositions obtained were normalized to unit dose in unit density liquid water (l0(3) kg m-3). From these data and a more sophisticated model of the DNA, absolute yields of both single- and double-strand breaks expressed in number of breaks per dalton per Gray were obtained and compared with the measured yields. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for energy depositions in cylindrical targets has been calculated using 100 keV electrons as the reference radiation assuming the electron track-ends contribution is similar to that in 250 kV X-ray or Co60 gamma-ray irradiations.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys that were exposed in 1969, at the age of approximately 2 years, to low doses of "mixed-energy" protons (10- and 110-MeV) are exhibiting progressive (degenerative) lenticular changes. We have conducted regular examinations of this group of monkeys for cataractogenic development since 1987, i.e., 18 years after irradiation, and the animals began to show enhanced degrees of lenticular opacification two years later. The lenses of age-matched controls (median lifespan in captivity approximately 24 years) continue to exhibit much lower levels of opacification (senile cataracts). Trends in the new data are consistent with the cataractogenic patterns observed for other groups of monkeys that were exposed at similar ages in 1964 and 1965 to protons of different energies, and which we began to monitor only 20-21 years later. Therefore, the new information from the mixed-energy group of monkeys provides insight into the development of late cataractogenic sequelae in the other groups of animals during the 2-3 years before we began to measure them. Comparisons are also made here among recent results from the different groups of primates and from New Zealand white (NZW) rabbits that were exposed when young to 56Fe ions and monitored continuously thereafter. This is done because analogous expression of radiation-induced degenerative cataractogenesis also occurs late in the lifespan of the lagomorphs (control median lifespan in captivity approximately 5-7 years), but in this case the cataractogenic profile has been documented through most of the post-irradiation lifespan.  相似文献   

G2-chromosome aberrations induced by high-LET radiations.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report measurement of initial G2-chromatid breaks in normal human fibroblasts exposed to various types of high-LET particles. Exponentially growing AG 1522 cells were exposed to gamma rays or heavy ions. Chromosomes were prematurely condensed by calyculin A. Chromatid-type breaks and isochromatid-type breaks were scored separately. The dose response curves for the induction of total chromatid breaks (chromatid-type + isochromatid-type) and chromatid-type breaks were linear for each type of radiation. However, dose response curves for the induction of isochromatid-type breaks were linear for high-LET radiations and linear-quadratic for gamma rays. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE), calculated from total breaks, showed a LET dependent tendency with a peak at 55 keV/micrometer silicon (2.7) or 80 keV/micrometer carbon (2.7) and then decreased with LET (1.5 at 440 keV/micrometer). RBE for chromatid-type break peaked at 55 keV/micrometer (2.4) then decreased rapidly with LET. The RBE of 440 keV/micrometer iron particles was 0.7. The RBE calculated from induction of isochromatid-type breaks was much higher for high-LET radiations. It is concluded that the increased production of isochromatid-type breaks, induced by the densely ionizing track structure, is a signature of high-LET radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Aspects of experiments on radiation-induced lenticular opacification during the life spans of two animal models, the New Zealand white rabbit and the rhesus monkey, are compared and contrasted with published results from a life span study of another animal model, the beagle dog, and the most recent data from the ongoing study of the survivors from radiation exposure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An important connection among the three animal studies is that all the measurements of cataract indices were made by one of the authors (A.C.L.), so variation form personal subjectivity was reduced to a minimum. The primary objective of the rabbit experiments (radiations involved: 56Fe, 40Ar and 20Ne ions and 60Co gamma photons) is an evaluation of hazards to astronauts from galactic particulate radiations. An analogous evaluation of hazards from solar flares during space flight is being made with monkeys exposed to 32, 55, 138 and 400 MeV protons. Conclusions are drawn about the proper use of animal models to simulate radiation responses in man and the levels of radiation-induced lenticular opacification that pose risks to man in space.  相似文献   

A dosimetry-radiometry system has been developed at the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science to measure the fluxes and dose rates on the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut. The dosimetry system is designed for monitoring the different space radiations, such as solar cosmic rays, galactic cosmic rays and trapped particles in the earth radiation belts. The system consists of a battery operated small size detector unit and a "read-write" and telemetry microcomputer unit. The sensitivity of the instrument (3.67 x 10(-8) rad/pulse) permits high resolution measurements of the flux and dose rate along the track of the Mir space station. We report our initial results for the period of the flight between the 7th and 17th June 1988.  相似文献   

In the context of space radiation, it is important to know whether the human population includes genetically predisposed radiosensitive subsets. One possibility is that haploinsufficiency for ATM confers radiosensitivity, and this defect involves 1-3% of the population. Using knock-out mice we chose to study cataractogenesis in the lens and oncogenic transformation in mouse embryo fibroblasts to assay for effects of ATM deficiency. Radiation induced cataracts appeared earlier in the heterozygous versus wild-type animals following exposure to either gamma rays or 1 GeV/nucleon iron ions. In addition, it was found that embryo fibroblasts of Atm heterozygotes showed an increased incidence of oncogenic transformation compared with their normal litter-matched counterparts. From these data we suggest that Ataxia Telangiectasia heterozygotes could indeed represent a societally significant radio sensitive subpopulation. Knock-out mice are now available for other genes including BRCA1 and 2, and Mrad9. An exciting possibility is the creation of double heterozygotes for pairs of mutated genes that function in the same signal transduction pathway, and consequently confer even greater radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

The Raman Shift Spectra of seven interplanetary dust particles,U2034 (F10),U2034(F8),U2022(B1),W7074 18,W7074 C15,W7074 C3 and W7074 A7,were measured with a Spex-1403 Raman Spectrograph.The exciting radiations were the 488 nm and 514 nm line of a 5W argon ion laser.All seven spectra exhibit the 1350 and 1600 Acm-1 arbon bands,implying that the IDPS were coated with hydrocarbon and incompletely crystallized carbon,the part of which may be the residue of hydro-carbon contents in the particles after water loss by the heating during their entry into the earth's atmosphere.A weak band structure in the 520-610 cm-1 range could be caused by cyclosilicates,and a weak band at 2900 cm-1 is tentatively identified as due to hydrocarbon molicules.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle radiation response: role of intracellular factors.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have been studying variations of radiosensitivity and endogenous cellular factors during the course of progression through the human and hamster cell cycle. After exposure to low-LET radiations, the most radiosensitive cell stages are mitosis and the G1/S interface. The increased activity of a specific antioxidant enzyme such as superoxide dismutase in G1-phase, and the variations of endogenous thiols during cell division are thought to be intracellular factors of importance to the radiation survival response. These factors may contribute to modifying the age-dependent yield of lesions or more likely, to the efficiency of the repair processes. These molecular factors have been implicated in our cellular measurements of the larger values for the radiobiological oxygen effect late in the cycle compared to earlier cell ages. Low-LET radiation also delays progression through S phase which may allow more time for repair and hence contribute to radioresistance in late-S-phase. The cytoplasmic and intranuclear milieu of the cell appears to have less significant effects on lesions produced by high-LET radiation compared to those made by low-LET radiation. High-LET radiation fails to slow progression through S phase, and there is much less repair of lesions evident at all cell ages; however, high-LET particles cause a more profound block in G2 phase than that observed after low-LET radiation. Hazards posed by the interaction of damage from sequential doses of radiations of different qualities have been evaluated and are shown to lead to a cell-cycle-dependent enhancement of radiobiological effects. A summary comparison of various cell-cycle-dependent endpoints measured with low- or high-LET radiations is given and includes a discussion of the possible additional effects introduced by microgravity.  相似文献   

Conventional radiation risk assessments are presently based on the additivity assumption. This assumption states that risks from individual components of a complex radiation field involving many different types of radiation can be added to yield the total risk of the complex radiation field. If the assumption is not correct, the summations and integrations performed to obtain the presently quoted risk estimates are not appropriate. This problem is particularly important in the area of space radiation risk evaluation because of the many different types of high- and low-LET radiation present in the galactic cosmic ray environment. For both low- and high-LET radiations at low enough dose rates, the present convention is that the addivity assumption holds. Mathematically, the total risk, Rtot is assumed to be Rtot = summation (i) Ri where the summation runs over the different types of radiation present. If the total dose (or fluence) from each component is such that the interaction between biological lesions caused by separate single track traversals is negligible within a given cell, it is presently considered to be reasonable to accept the additivity assumption. However, when the exposure is protracted over many cell doubling times (as will be the case for extended missions to the moon or Mars), the possibility exists that radiation effects that depend on multiple cellular events over a long time period, such as is probably the case in radiation-induced carcinogenesis, may not be additive in the above sense and the exposure interval may have to be included in the evaluation procedure. It is shown, however, that "inverse" dose-rate effects are not expected from intermediate LET radiations arising from the galactic cosmic ray environment due to the "sensitive-window-in-the-cell-cycle" hypothesis.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are induced linearly with absorbed dose both for sparsely and densely ionizing radiations. By enzymatic repair the linear relationship between the number of DSB and absorbed dose is converted into a non linear one. Furthermore, the RBE-values of high LET radiations for residual DSB increase with increasing amount of DSB repair especially in the low dose range. Unrepaired and/or misrepaired DSB are supposed to be responsible for chromosomal aberrations, cell killing, oncogenic cell transformation and gene mutation. At low doses, for these endpoints much higher RBE-values than those for initial DSB are observed. However, with increasing doses the RBE-values for these endpoints approach those for initial DSB. These observations are likely to be interpreted using the following two parameters of the energy deposition structure: 1. The distribution of clusters with respect to their size at the nm-scale and to the number of ionizations per cluster (cluster distribution). 2. The distribution of distances between clusters of definite size and with definite number of ionizations (distance distribution of clusters). For the induction of DSB solely the ionization density in clusters of nm-dimensions (i.e. the cluster distribution) is important. For unrepaired or misrepaired DSB (responsible for chromosome aberrations, cell killing, oncogenic cell transformation and gene mutation) both the cluster distribution and the distance distribution of clusters are relevant. At low doses the distance distribution of clusters along a single particle track determines the RBE-value. However, with increasing dose the distribution of clusters produced by all particles traversing the cell nucleus becomes increasingly determinant. Here, solely the cluster distribution is important as it is the case for the induction of DSB.  相似文献   

Pivotal to the astronauts' functional integrity and survival during long space flights are the strategies to deal with space radiations. The majority of the cellular studies in this area emphasize simple endpoints such as growth related events which, although useful to understand the nature of primary cell injury, have poor predictive value for extrapolation to more complex tissues such as the central nervous system (CNS). In order to assess the radiation damage on neural cell populations, we developed an in vitro model in which neuronal differentiation, neurite extension, and synaptogenesis occur under controlled conditions. The model exploits chick embryo neural explants to study the effects of radiations on neuritogenesis. In addition, neurobiological problems associated with long-term space flights are discussed.  相似文献   

Histological preparations of brains from rabbits and mice exposed to different doses of various HZE particles or to low-LET photons have been subjected to preliminary quantitation of radiation-induced morphometric changes. Computer assisted measurements of several brain structures and cell types have been made using the KONTRON Automated Interactive Measurement System (IBAS, Carl Zeiss, Inc., Thornwood, N.Y. 10594 U.S.A.). New Zealand white rabbits irradiated at approximately 6 weeks of age were euthanatized 6.5-25 months after exposure to 60Co gamma photons (LET infinity = approximately 0.3 keV/micrometer, 20Ne particles (LET infinity = 35 +/- 3 keV/micrometer), or 40Ar particles (LET infinity = 90 +/- 5 keV/micrometer). Measurements of stained sections of the olfactory bulbs of those animals indicate that the mean size (volume) of olfactory glomeruli is reduced in a dose-dependent (and perhaps an LET-dependent) manner as soon as 6.5 months after irradiation. Differences between mean volumes of additional structures have been noted when histological preparations of control mouse brains were compared with irradiated specimens. Quantitation of intermediate and late changes in nervous (and other) tissues exposed to low- and high-LET radiations will improve our ability to predict late effects in tissues of astronauts and others exposed to the radiation hazards of the space environment.  相似文献   

A general outline of the symposium titled "Mechanisms underlying cellular radiosensitivity and R.B.E." will be given in the introduction. The essential topics of molecular radiation biology are described with respect to the damage, repair and mutagenesis caused by high-LET irradiation to cellular DNA. The importance of clustered DNA lesions (locally multiply damaged sites) formed in vivo is discussed. This symposium is devoted to the mechanisms of the biological effects of radiation with high LET, especially with regard to the effects of heavy ions and neutrons which may cause possible risks in space flight, (e.g. carcinogenesis and mutagenesis). Detailed understanding of these risks, however, demands knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in the biological effects of high-LET radiations. Thus, it was the organizers' idea to hold a symposium dealing with primary physical and chemical events caused in cellular deoxyribonucleoproteins by densely-ionizing radiations and to relate them to track structures and energy transfer processes. The mechanisms of DNA damage were regarded from different points of view including those considering DNA repair and mutagenesis. Problems associated with cell survival and radiation protection were discussed as well. Our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of high-LET radiation actions, however, is limited compared to what we know about low-LET radiation effects (e.g. from gamma-rays or X-rays). To emphasize this statement, I would like to summarize briefly the open questions in molecular radiation biology, what we know already about low-LET effects and what is lacking describing the effect of high-LET radiation.  相似文献   

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