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简要分析了加强航天产品工艺可靠性工作的重要性,针对航天产品的特点,提出了确定工艺FMEA对象的基本原则、工艺FMEA基本参数的选择和实施程序,并以某导管为例,说明了航天产品开展工艺FMEA的具体做法。  相似文献   

航天科技工业系统在新的历史时期要解放思想,实事求是地总结历史经验,研究解决面临的各种新问题。就科研生产工作而言,应当转变观念,重视工艺工作,切实解决多年来困扰航天工艺工作发展的几个主要问题,努力提高航天制造技术水平,适应不断发展的航天事业和市场经济新形势的需要。  相似文献   

航天工艺落后问题已议论多年。面临“八五”大好时机,应通过认真总结航天工艺自身的规律性并遵循客观规律的要求去力图改造工艺落后的局面。作者提出的航天工艺自身的规律是:航天工艺是型号研制的必要技术环节;在现有条件下完成研制;产品质量在很大程度上依靠操作手艺和质量管理;研制过程中需不断组织工艺攻关;工艺工作的质量对产品有决定作用;企业管理的水平约束着工艺技术的作用。  相似文献   

按客观规律振兴航天工艺上海航天局杨鹏编者按质量是航天产品的生命,要保证产品质量就必须紧紧抓住工艺工作这个牛*子*上海航天局组织有关厂、所的总工艺师和工艺处长就如何加强和振兴航天工艺工作进行了研讨、质量技术处杨鹏处长在会上做了题为按客观规律振兴航天工艺...  相似文献   

结合工厂航天型号产品的工艺定型工作,从编制<工艺定型标准化要求>、审定有关工艺定型文件、制定工艺管理标准和编写<工艺定型标准化审查报告>等方面,阐述航天产品工艺定型阶段应做好的标审工作.并对各项工作内容作了介绍.  相似文献   

归纳实施Q/QJA 204—2014 《航天产品工艺保证要求》过程中的8个方面要求,指出如何具体开展工作及其主要的完成形式和依据标准,提出航天企业建立体现工艺保证专家智慧的工艺保证文件范例以精准指导型号工艺保证管理的概念,从标准化管理的角度对具体工艺保证管理进行初步探索。  相似文献   

工艺攻关是航天工艺的组成部分──也谈航天工艺自身的规律性北京兴华机械厂赵春海工艺管理是保证产品达到设计要求的管理。一般工业产品的工艺管理基本内容是产品工艺分析、工艺方案的确定、工艺经济性评价、工艺准备和工艺装备。航天产品不但具有世界一级的先进性和一般...  相似文献   

概述了“三化”在航天产品工艺装备中的作用。并通过对航天产品主要生产单位工艺装备“三化”现状的调查,分析了工艺装备实现“三化” 的必要性和可能性,研究了工艺装备模块化设计的含义、特点、程序以及工装模块建立原则等问题,同时对航天产品研制、生产中工艺装备“三化” 的工作方向和管理办法提出了参考性意见。  相似文献   

加强规范化、标准化管理提高工艺工作水平首都航天机械公司刘鸿铁1当前工艺工作的基本状况工艺工作所包括的内容很多,它包含了产品制造的全过程中所有的技术工作。例如:对硬件方面厂房和生产环境的要求,设备的配置和生产面积的布置,工夹量具和通用工具技术资料的配备...  相似文献   

数字化条件下航天产品的工艺文件在表现形式、组织架构等方面与传统工艺文件有着本质的区别,导致现有工艺文件管理标准不足以支撑数字化工艺设计。从航天行业标准《航天产品工艺文件管理制度》标准族中提炼工艺文件管理要素,并以管理要素为主线全面分析《航天产品工艺文件管理制度》系列标准在数字化条件下的适用性,在此基础上提出数字化条件下工艺文件管理要求建议,为以后航天产品数字化工艺文件标准制定提供参考。  相似文献   

充气阀阀芯直接模压成型工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜潮  贾宝新 《火箭推进》2006,32(1):45-47
针对充气阀阀芯在批次和典型试验后分解出现的掉胶、脱胶问题,对阀芯压制方法、橡胶与阀芯基体的粘接等进行了研究。确定了阀芯直接模压成型方法的工艺状态。产品试验结果表明,阀芯在批次和典型试验后掉胶、脱胶问题已基本得到解决,直接模压成型工艺可以生产出满足要求的充气阀阀芯。  相似文献   

断流阀加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对某型号断流阀在实际使用中容易出现的问题,通过理论分析和工艺改进,制定出符合本产品的机加工艺,对加工难点进行工艺攻关,解决了断流阀密封处泄漏等问题,保证了断流阀的产品质量.  相似文献   

肼-70胶体推进剂的特性及制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶体推进剂是火箭推进和其它燃气发生器的新型待选推进剂。常规液体推进剂在储存过程中泄漏危险性较高,将液体推进剂制成介于固体与液体之间的胶体,可大大增加其粘度与表面张力,降低泄漏危险性。文中对肼-70胶体推进剂的国内外研究现状作了概述,着重对其制备工艺进行了具体介绍,包括胶凝剂的选择、分散工艺等方面,并通过实验对比发现对于肼-70体系而言,添加相同含量的B类胶凝剂成胶效果优于A类胶凝剂。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):484-498
Many governmental space activities need to be planned with a time horizon that extends beyond the comfort zone of reliable technology development assessments and predictions. In an environment of accelerating technological change, a methodological approach to addressing non-core technology trends and potentially disruptive, game-changing developments not yet linked to the space sector is increasingly important to complement efforts in core technology R&D planning.Various models and organisational setups aimed at fulfilling this purpose are in existence. These include, with varying levels of relevance to space, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC, operational form 1998 to 2007 and recently re-established), the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defence, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Medialab, the early versions of Starlab, the Lockheed Skunk Works and the European Space Agency's Advanced Concepts Team.Some of these organisations have been reviewed and assessed individually, though systematic comparison of their methods, approaches and results have not been published. This may be due in part to the relatively sparse scientific literature on organisational parameters for enabling disruptive innovation as well as to the lack of commonly agreed indicators for the evaluation of their performance. Furthermore, innovation support systems in the space sector are organised differently than in traditional, open competitive markets, which serve as the basis for most scholarly literature on the organisation of innovation. The present paper is intended to advance and stimulate discussion on the organisation of disruptive innovation mechanisms specifically for the space sector. It uses the examples of the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts and the ESA Advanced Concepts Team, analyses their respective approaches and compares their results, leading to the proposal of measures for the analysis and eventual evaluation of research for disruptive innovation in the space sector.  相似文献   

Are space agencies able to reform the way they are organized? Attempts to reduce the time it takes to conceive new systems and adapt project management while fostering innovation have so far shown mixed results. In this paper, we describe some of the intellectual, strategic and organizational challenges the agencies are about to face in the coming years: managing the ever growing complexity of space systems; defining a knowledge-based strategy as the basis of a renewed organization; and assuming a central role in the innovation process in relation to industry. This thesis is illustrated with a case study of the CNES Microsatellite Myriade program.  相似文献   

The UK government appears to be taking space more seriously, even if funding for the sector remains limited. Speeches and attendees at the conference confirm this trend, with a particular emphasis on innovation and a general sense that prospects for the UK space industry are good. The various themes and highlights of the conference are discussed.  相似文献   

航班化航天运输系统是重复使用航天运输系统的高级形式,具有高可靠、低成本、智能化、规模化、产业化等特点。基于火箭动力发展航班化航天运输系统是切实可行的技术途径之一,升力式火箭动力航班化航天运输系统具备实现类似飞机航班形式的快速周转发射能力,同时对航天运输技术也提出了新的挑战。结合航班化航天运输系统的发展态势和技术方案,重点分析了升力式火箭动力航班化航天运输系统面临的技术挑战,提出了后续研究重点与发展建议。  相似文献   

介绍了先进复合材料的性能和工艺特点,着重从原材料质量控制、工艺过程质量控制和成品检验等方面阐述了研究先进复合材料成型工艺过程中的质量控制的意义。实践表明,加强先进复合材料成型工艺过程中的质量控制,对先进复合材料内部的质量进行全面监测控制,可有效地提高航天器复合材料的产品质量和可靠性。  相似文献   

月球探测对推动科学技术发展的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了开展月球探测的科学意义。从月球探测推动科学的创新与快速发展、月球探测将推动航天技术水平的整体提升、月球探测将为社会的可持续发展作出贡献等方面阐明了月球探测对推动科学技术发展的作用。  相似文献   

Satellite services benefit civil society by helping tackle challenges such as climate change, the digital divide, etc. They have the potential to deliver concrete benefits to European society through innovative services supporting economic, societal and environmental policies. Such benefits can trigger increased public support for space in Europe. However, this potential has yet to be achieved. This paper argues that technological bias, the diversity of interests and initiatives among stakeholders and their individual actions do not always serve their collective objective to ensure wide diffusion of satellite services. It draws on theories of diffusion of innovation and on its authors' participatory work with the space and the user communities and at their interface in an effort to help diffuse satellite services within civil society. One of the major causes of insufficient service diffusion is the weakness of the interface between the space and user communities; some of factors that currently contribute to this state of affairs are the space community's over-reliance on publicly financed, technical demonstration projects as solutions to service diffusion; insufficient coordination by public authorities of innovation policies and programmes with other public policies and objectives; and an insufficient integration of satellite services within users' culture, traditional tools and services. The discussion allows for conclusions to be drawn on how the system of stakeholders could function better in order for satellite services to be successfully diffused in Europe.  相似文献   

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