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《Air & Space Europe》1999,1(1):58-64
The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS) is being developed in Europe to provide GPS and GLONASS satellite-based augmentation services to aviation, maritime and land users. EGNOS is a major element of the European Satellite Navigation Programme which is jointly being implemented by the European Union, the European Space Agency (ESA) and EUROCONTROL.  相似文献   

In its conclusions of 17 March 1998 on the European Commission's communication ‘Towards a Trans-European Positioning and Navigation Network — including a European strategy for Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS)’, the European Union (EU) Council of Ministers requested the Commission to present recommendations on the future European approach to global satellite navigation.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(3):86-87
The Association of Aviation Manufacturers in the Czech Republic, AAM CR, the European Association of Aerospace Industries, AECMA, and the European Commission held a workshop on quality in Aerospace in Prague in March 2000. The workshop focussed strongly on practical examples and issues of quality systems and aimed at supporting further integration of the Czech aerospace industries into the European aerospace industry structure.  相似文献   

News from ESA     
Portugal has become the European Space Agency's 15th Member State. The Agency and the European Commission have signed contracts for the Galileo Programme. The European Astronaut Centre gears up for a new era.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(1):120-122
EUMETSAT is an intergovernmental organisation of 17 European States. Its primary objective is to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites. EUMETSAT's initial system is based on the Meteosat satellite developed by the European Space Agency (ESA).  相似文献   

The European aerospace manufacturing industry, represented by AECMA, considers that the recommendations in the European Commission Communication ‘Taxation of Aircraft Fuel’ would not be the best way to address the environmental impact of aviation. The recommended actions would provide minimal reduction in emissions, while putting the European aviation industry at a competitive and economic disadvantage. An international assessment of other measures would provide greater benefits.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):113
The Aeronautics Days 2001 were welcomed by SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) as the conference offered an opportunity for them to meet major European aerospace companies, gather information about European research programmes and to network with other European SMEs.The AeroSME Project coordinated several of the conference activities, aimed at supporting SMEs which, over recent years, have faced strong challenges in a rapidly changing supply chain.  相似文献   

欧洲一体化是人类历史上第一个以国家联盟为基础的区域一体化国际组织,它不仅在实现欧洲和平、推动欧洲经济和社会发展方面具有重要意义,而且对世界经济和政治产生了深远的影响。欧洲一体化进程并非一帆风顺,出现过一些重大危机,但每次危机都被化解。正确处理建设中的危机与危机中建设之间的关系,原则性与灵活性相结合,以动态目标推动欧洲一体化进程,集团性和开放性相结合的整合机制,构建一个不可逆转的一体化框架体制,形成了欧洲一体化进程中化解危机的有效机制。  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(3-4):49-52
The Euopean project, ENHANCE, coordinated by EADS Airbus, is a large, single and cohesive R&D initiative in the field Concurrent Engineering aimed at improving European Aeronautical industry competitiveness. It addressed the joint call ‘Concurrent Engineering in Aeronautics’ issued by the European Commission. The project duration is 3 years. ENHANCE started in February 1999. Its total budget is 38.2 million, half funded by the European Commission. ENHANCE first results are presented here.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(3-4):32-33
As the first trans-national European industry, aeronautics has been a pioneer in European integration. The European aeronautics business is now a leading player on the world stage contributing to Europe's standing in the global market. Aeronautics creates employment and advances the cutting-edge technology sector in Europe — in education, business and defence matters. Taking its responsibility for the environment seriously, Europe sets the pace for environmental standards in international aeronautics. After all, air travel has become more convenient, practical and affordable — to the benefit of all citizens.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》1999,1(2):42-44
In line with the conclusions of the previous articles in this dossier, the following scheme to develop a European GNSS-2 constellation (Galileo) is recommended. It is envisaged that the EU Council of Ministers, and perhaps the European Council, will take decisions on the main issues by the end of June 1999. The European Parliament also has a crucial role to play. Within this framework, the meeting of the ESA Council in May should provide clarification of the role ESA can play in the technical, financial and organisational development of Galileo.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(2):90-96
The aerospace societies of 8 European countries — France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and The United Kingdom - ten years ago formed a Confederation to help member societies and their 25 000 individual members through collaborative efforts: ‘Confederation of European Aerospace Societies’ - CEAS. What is its history? What are its objectives? What is its present status and perspectives for the future? At the time of European mergers in aerospace industry, is the CEAS an opportunity for Europe?  相似文献   

The EREA     
《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):114-116
EREA (the association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics) was created by the seven major national aeronautical research establishments in the European Union to provide industry, operators, and governments with a cost effective high quality aeronautics technology base through the integrated use of capabilities, resources, personnel and facilities.  相似文献   

随着中欧之间航空运输量的不断增加,中欧几个主要枢纽机场之间互飞的航班量增长迅速,从欧洲空中交通流量管理系统发展的经验来看,协调枢纽机场航班放行时间可以显著地减少空域拥挤,减少航班延误,提高航班的正常性和可预测性.尝试从分析中国北京首都机场等几大枢纽机场中欧之间航班飞行流量、起降时刻出发,从减少中国枢纽机场拥挤的角度分析中欧协同放行的必要性,从航班和机场信息共享、协同放行机制等角度分析其可行性,以期望为进一步加强中欧航空合作打下基础.由于时间和数据限制,研究无法从欧洲空管角度做出类似的分析.  相似文献   

A review of activities in the solar cell field by the European manufacturers and agencies is presented. These activities include considerable efforts in research, development, and production of solar cells, covers, and solar cell arrays. Details of the qualification and use of European cells and covers on the Intelsat IV program are presented.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):112
At the Aeronautics Days 2001 in Hamburg, 29–31 January 2001, Research Commissioner Busquin presented the report ‘European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020’, developed by the Group of Personalities that he had formed. The report is a main contribution to the implementation of the Commissioner's European Research Area initiative.  相似文献   

Flora 《航空港》2012,(6):94-99
6年前一直对于普罗旺斯有着一股美好的憧憬,于是一次买了三本彼得·梅尔所描述的一年四季的普罗旺斯旅游散文集,彼得笔下的普罗旺斯似乎远远超出了一个地域性的代名词,普罗旺斯同时也是一种生活的态度和形式,居住在普罗旺斯的人民像是被自然宠坏了得小孩儿,生活的逍遥自得,其乐融融。他们似乎已经跳跃了都市的繁华的浮躁,抛弃了朝九晚五都市的尘嚣。远离凡尘的当地人民似乎在无形中透露着一种天时地利赋予他们的自傲感。  相似文献   

The Cluster mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) will allow, for the first time three-dimensional measurements in key regions of the Earth's magnetosphere to be carried out. The European Numerical Simulation Network (ENSN) aims at providing a theoretical support to the mission. We describe the achievements of the ENSN during its first period of activity 1991–1994, during which the network was funded by the European Union. In particular, the ENSN has set up (i) thematic Working Groups on the prime scientific goals of the mission, (ii) a code development Working Group to develop numerical simulation codes specifically adapted to studying magnetospheric boundaries and the corresponding scale mixing, and (iii) software models of Cluster instruments to test in a numerical simulation what the set of four instruments will measure.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):5-8
The large financial commitments which several countries are making towards the future Joint Strike Fighter of the USA begs the question of whether there is an alternative to satisfy the needs of European Air Forces. After having recalled the post-War evolutions of the European fighter market, described the present state and the future prospects, the present article attempts to outline an answer.  相似文献   

19世纪前半叶,欧洲工业革命正如火如荼地进行,科学技术的飞速发展,使人类生活发生了巨大的变化。在英国,自维多利亚女王登基后,当时的英国在世界工业中一马当先。同时资本的高速聚集和运作,英国已成为当时欧洲金融的中心。这些因素触发了英国将在世界舞台上演绎主角的欲望。  相似文献   

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