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Coronal hole boundaries are the interfaces between regions where the coronal magnetic field contains a significant component which is open into the heliosphere and regions where the field is primarily closed. It is pointed out that there are constraints on the magnetic field which opens into the heliosphere that must be satisfied in the corona: it must come into pressure equilibrium in the high corona, and the component of the field which connects to the polar regions of the Sun must differentially rotate. A model is presented in which satisfying these constraints determines which field lines are open and which are closed, and thus where the polar coronal hole boundaries occur. Some of the consequences of this model are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field. Solar origin and terrestrial effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many observations related to the large-scale structure of the interplanetary magnetic field, its solar origin and terrestrial effects are discussed. During the period observed by spacecraft the interplanetary field was dominated by a sector structure corotating with the sun in which the field is predominantly away from the sun (on the average in the Archimedes spiral direction) for several days (as observed near the earth), and then toward the sun for several days, etc. The average sector appears to be a coherent entity with internal structure such that its preceding portion is more active than its following portion. Cosmic rays corotate with the interplanetary field, and there are differential flows associated with the sector pattern. Profound effects on geomagnetic activity and the radiation belts are produced as the sector pattern rotates past the earth. The solar origin of the sector pattern is discussed. The solar source may be associated with the large-scale weak background photospheric fields observed with the solar magnetograph. It is suggested that there may be a rather continual relation between this solar structure and terrestrial responses, of which the recurring M-Region geomagnetic storms are just the most prominent example.  相似文献   

Coronal astronomy is by now a fairly mature discipline, with a quarter century having gone by since the detection of the first stellar X-ray coronal source (Capella), and having benefitted from a series of major orbiting observing facilities. Serveral observational characteristics of coronal X-ray and EUV emission have been solidly established through extensive observations, and are by now common, almost text-book, knowledge. At the same time the implications of coronal astronomy for broader astrophysical questions (e.g.Galactic structure, stellar formation, stellar structure, etc.) have become appreciated. The interpretation of stellar coronal properties is however still often open to debate, and will need qualitatively new observational data to book further progress. In the present review we try to recapitulate our view on the status of the field at the beginning of a new era, in which the high sensitivity and the high spectral resolution provided by Chandra and SMM-Newton will address new questions which were not accessible before. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This workshop summary tries to distill the key difficulties and questions in the art of (I)CME physics and strategies to address them. (I)CMEs are multi-dimensional, multi-parameter, and multi-scale phenomena related to the solar dynamo, corona, and heliosphere. This workshop illustrates the immense progress made in describing and modeling these spectacular energetic solar events, but also shows clear shortcomings in our understanding of them.  相似文献   

Coronal transient phenomena   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solar coronal transients, particularly those caused by flares and eruptive prominences, play a major role in the fields of solar-terrestrial physics and astrophysics. In the former field, coronal transients and their associated interplanetary disturbances are responsible for solar and galactic cosmic ray modulations, as well as planetary magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbances. In the latter field, supernovae remnants are scaled-up manifestations of such disturbances; that is they are stellar, rather than solar, coronal transients. Study of the more accessible solar transients is proving invaluable in both fields and is, therefore, selected for attention in this paper.A series of coronal transient observations is discussed in the spirit of a representative overview following some introductory remarks on the background solar wind. One of these observations is chosen because its interplanetary signature-the shock wave-was detected by two spacecraft at different heliocentric radii. Other cases are chosen because of the extended observations of embedded eruptive prominences. Progress is also being made in the interdisciplinary areas of optical imagery complemented with radio astronomical techniques.Finally, several recent theoretical models and MHD computer simulation studies are summarized. It is suggested that further comparison of specific events with such models promises a rich harvest of physical understanding of the origin, structure and interplanetary progeny of coronal transients.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.  相似文献   

Some theoretical aspects of solar coronal streamers are discussed with emphasis on the current sheet and reconnection processes going on along the axis of the streamer. The dynamics of the streamer is a combination of MHD and transport, with acceleration of particles due to reconnection and leakage of plasma outwards as a slow solar wind as the observable results. The presence of the almost-closed magnetic bottles of streamers that can store high-energy particles for significant times provides the birdcage for solar cosmic rays, the reconnection in the sheet feeds medium-energy protons into the corona for the large-scale storage needed for certain flare models, and the build-up of excess density sets the stage for coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are plasma eruptions from the solar atmosphere involving previously closed field regions which are expelled into the interplanetary medium. Such regions, and the shocks which they may generate, have pronounced effects on cosmic ray densities both locally and at some distance away. These energetic particle effects can often be used to identify CMEs in the interplanetary medium, where they are usually called `ejecta'. When both the ejecta and shock effects are present the resulting cosmic ray event is called a `classical, two-step' Forbush decrease. This paper will summarize the characteristics of CMEs, their effects on particles and the present understanding of the mechanisms involved which cause the particle effects. The role of CMEs in long term modulation will also be discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Strongly damped Doppler shift oscillations are observed frequently associated with flarelike events in hot coronal loops. In this paper, a review of the observed properties and the theoretical modeling is presented. Statistical measurements of physical parameters (period, decay time, and amplitude) have been obtained based on a large number of events observed by SOHO/SUMER and Yohkoh/BCS. Several pieces of evidence are found to support their interpretation in terms of the fundamental standing longitudinal slow mode. The high excitation rate of these oscillations in small- or micro-flares suggest that the slow mode waves are a natural response of the coronal plasma to impulsive heating in closed magnetic structure. The strong damping and the rapid excitation of the observed waves are two major aspects of the waves that are poorly understood, and are the main subject of theoretical modelling. The slow waves are found mainly damped by thermal conduction and viscosity in hot coronal loops. The mode coupling seems to play an important role in rapid excitation of the standing slow mode. Several seismology applications such as determination of the magnetic field, temperature, and density in coronal loops are demonstrated. Further, some open issues are discussed.  相似文献   

By combining quiet-region Fe XII coronal images from SOHO/EIT with magnetograms from NSO/Kitt Peak and from SOHO/MDI, we show that the population of network coronal bright points and the magnetic flux content of the network are both markedly greater under the bright half of the large-scale quiet corona than under the dim half. These results (1) support the view that the heating of the entire corona in quiet regions and coronal holes is driven by fine-scale magnetic activity (microflares, explosive events, spicules) seated low in the magnetic network, and (2) suggest that this large-scale modulation of the magnetic flux and coronal heating is a signature of giant convection cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Coronal holes are low-density regions of the corona which appear dark in X-rays and which contain “open” magnetic flux, along which plasma escapes into the heliosphere. Like the rest of the Sun’s large-scale field, the open flux originates in active regions but is subsequently redistributed over the solar surface by transport processes, eventually forming the polar coronal holes. The total open flux and radial interplanetary field component vary roughly as the Sun’s total dipole strength, which tends to peak a few years after sunspot maximum. An inverse correlation exists between the rate of flux-tube expansion in coronal holes and the solar wind speed at 1 AU. In the rapidly diverging fields present at the polar hole boundaries and near active regions, the bulk of the heating occurs at low heights, leading to an increase in the mass flux density at the Sun and a decrease in the asymptotic wind speed. The quasi-rigid rotation of coronal holes is maintained by continual footpoint exchanges between open and closed field lines, with the reconnection taking place at the streamer cusps. At much lower heights within the hole interiors, “interchange reconnection” between small bipoles and the overlying open flux also gives rise to coronal jets and polar plumes.  相似文献   

Since 1972, nearly continuous observations of coronal holes and their associated photospheric magnetic fields have been made using a variety of satellite and ground-based equipment. The results of comparisons of these observations are reviewed and it is demonstrated that the structure and evolution of coronal holes is basically governed by the large-scale distribution of photospheric magnetic flux. Non-polar holes form in the decaying remnants of bipolar magnetic regions in areas with a large-scale flux imbalance. There is strong indirect evidence that the magnetic field in coronal holes is always open to interplanetary space but not all open-field regions have associated coronal holes. The well-observed declining phase of the last solar cycle was characterized by stable magnetic field and coronal hole patterns which were associated with recurrent, high-speed wind streams and interplanetary magnetic field patterns at the Earth. The ascending phase of the current cycle has been characterized by transient magnetic field and coronal hole patterns which tend to occur at high solar latitudes. This shift in magnetic field and coronal hole patterns has resulted in a less obvious and more complicated association with high-speed wind streams at the Earth.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory.  相似文献   

CMEs have been observed for over 30 years with a wide variety of instruments. It is now possible to derive detailed and quantitative information on CME morphology, velocity, acceleration and mass. Flares associated with CMEs are observed in X-rays, and several different radio signatures are also seen. Optical and UV spectra of CMEs both on the disk and at the limb provide velocities along the line of sight and diagnostics for temperature, density and composition. From the vast quantity of data we attempt to synthesize the current state of knowledge of the properties of CMEs, along with some specific observed characteristics that illuminate the physical processes occurring during CME eruption. These include the common three-part structures of CMEs, which is generally attributed to compressed material at the leading edge, a low-density magnetic bubble and dense prominence gas. Signatures of shock waves are seen, but the location of these shocks relative to the other structures and the occurrence rate at the heights where Solar Energetic Particles are produced remains controversial. The relationships among CMEs, Moreton waves, EIT waves, and EUV dimming are also cloudy. The close connection between CMEs and flares suggests that magnetic reconnection plays an important role in CME eruption and evolution. We discuss the evidence for reconnection in current sheets from white-light, X-ray, radio and UV observations. Finally, we summarize the requirements for future instrumentation that might answer the outstanding questions and the opportunities that new space-based and ground-based observatories will provide in the future.  相似文献   

We are discussing methods of stereoscopic 3D reconstruction of coronal loops structures. In our most sophisticated method we fit loops observed with SOHO/EIT to a set of shape parameters including the internal twist of the loops field lines. We define this twist as the number of turns of the field line around a torus axis between the footpoints of the loops. Twist numbers of the order 0–2 are observed. We observe the emergence of an Active Region with twisted loops which detwist as they expand. The same correlation between detwisting and expansion is observed with filaments in relation to CME formations. On longer time scale, loops seem to accumulate twist, perhaps due to differential rotation. Rapid losses of twist temporarily correlate with flares. From our analysis, we expect that the internal twist of coronal structures will play an important role for the space weather forecast. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Coronal holes have been identified as source regions of the fast solar wind, and MHD wave activity has been detected in coronal holes by remote sensing, and in situ in fast solar wind streams. I review some of the most suggestive wave observations, and discuss the theoretical aspects of MHD wave heating and solar wind acceleration in coronal holes. I review the results of single fluid 2.5D MHD, as well as multi-fluid 2.5D MHD models of waves in coronal holes, the heating, and the acceleration of the solar wind be these waves.  相似文献   

Coronal holes are the lowest density plasma components of the Sun's outer atmosphere, and are associated with rapidly expanding magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. Spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the extended corona, coupled with interplanetary particle and radio sounding measurements going back several decades, have put strong constraints on possible explanations for how the plasma in coronal holes receives its extreme kinetic properties. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has revealed surprisingly large temperatures, outflow speeds, and velocity distribution anisotropies for positive ions in coronal holes. We review recent observations, modeling techniques, and proposed heating and acceleration processes for protons, electrons, and heavy ions. We emphasize that an understanding of the acceleration region of the wind (in the nearly collisionless extended corona) is indispensable for building a complete picture of the physics of coronal holes.  相似文献   

On 14 July 1998 TRACE observed transverse oscillations of a coronal loop generated by an external disturbance most probably caused by a solar flare. These oscillations were interpreted as standing fast kink waves in a magnetic flux tube. Firstly, in this review we embark on the discussion of the theory of waves and oscillations in a homogeneous straight magnetic cylinder with the particular emphasis on fast kink waves. Next, we consider the effects of stratification, loop expansion, loop curvature, non-circular cross-section, loop shape and magnetic twist. An important property of observed transverse coronal loop oscillations is their fast damping. We briefly review the different mechanisms suggested for explaining the rapid damping phenomenon. After that we concentrate on damping due to resonant absorption. We describe the latest analytical results obtained with the use of thin transition layer approximation, and then compare these results with numerical findings obtained for arbitrary density variation inside the flux tube. Very often collective oscillations of an array of coronal magnetic loops are observed. It is natural to start studying this phenomenon from the system of two coronal loops. We describe very recent analytical and numerical results of studying collective oscillations of two parallel homogeneous coronal loops. The implication of the theoretical results for coronal seismology is briefly discussed. We describe the estimates of magnetic field magnitude obtained from the observed fundamental frequency of oscillations, and the estimates of the coronal scale height obtained using the simultaneous observations of the fundamental frequency and the frequency of the first overtone of kink oscillations. In the last part of the review we summarise the most outstanding and acute problems in the theory of the coronal loop transverse oscillations.  相似文献   

We provide a brief overview of present-day studies of inner corona dynamics, with examples of mass ejections (CME), flares and active region dynamics. While the names of the topics have not changed in several decades, the internal details and the language used to express the nature of the problem have changed considerably. We conclude with a short discussion of the contribution to studies of coronal dynamics to be expected from the Atmospheric Imager Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory.  相似文献   

Although the elemental composition in all parts of the solar photosphere appears to be the same this is clearly not the case with the solar upper atmosphere (SUA). Spectroscopic studies show that in the corona elemental composition along solar equatorial regions is usually different from polar regions; composition in quiet Sun regions is often different from coronal hole and active region compositions and the transition region composition is frequently different from the coronal composition along the same line of sight. In the following two issues are discussed. The first involves abundance ratios between the high-FIP O and Ne and the low-FIP Mg and Fe that are important for meaningful comparisons between photospheric and SUA compositions and the second involves a review of composition and time variability of SUA plasmas at heights of 1.0≤h≤1.5R .  相似文献   

A great deal of evidence for elemental abundance variations among different structures in the solar corona has accumulated over the years. Many of the observations show changes in the relative abundances of high- and low-First Ionization Potential elements, but relatively few show the absolute elemental abundances. Recent observations from the SOHO satellite give absolute abundances in coronal streamers. Along the streamer edges, and at low heights in the streamer, they show roughly photospheric abundances for the low-FIP elements, and a factor of 3 depletion of high-FIP elements. In the streamer core at 1.5 R·, both high- and low-FIP elements are depleted by an additional factor of 3, which appears to result from gravitational settling. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Outwardly propagating intensity disturbances are a common feature in large, quiescent coronal loop structures. In this paper, an overview is given of the observed properties and the theoretical modelling. As a large number of events have been observed and analysed, good statistical results on the estimated parameters have now been obtained. The theoretical modelling mainly focuses on two distinct aspects, namely the observed rapid damping of the perturbations, thought to be due to thermal conduction and the origin of the driver. Leakage of the solar surface p-modes is the main candidate to explain the observed periodicity, due to the strong correlation between loop position and period and the filamentary nature of the observed coronal intensity perturbations. Recent observational results appear to confirm the leakage and subsequent upward propagation of the solar surface 5 minute oscillations into the overlying atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

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