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Space-time adaptive radar performance in heterogeneous clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional analysis of space-time adaptive radar generally assumes the ideal condition of statistically independent and identically distributed (IID) secondary data. To the contrary, measured data suggests realistic clutter environments appear heterogeneous and so the secondary data is no longer IID. Heterogeneity leads to mismatch between actual and estimated covariance matrices, thereby magnifying the loss between the adaptive implementation and optimum condition. Concerns regarding the impact of clutter heterogeneity on space-time adaptive processing (STAP) warrant further study. To this end, we propose space-time models of amplitude and spectral clutter heterogeneity, with operational airborne radar in mind, and then characterize expected STAP performance loss under such heterogeneous scenarios. Simulation results reveal loss in signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) ranging between a few tenths of a decibel to greater than 16 dB for specific cases  相似文献   

The frequency stability of communications or remote sensing systems using phase conjugation as a means of retrodirective signaling is developed under the influence of constant rectilinear motion. The results indicate that for dynamic mobile platforms such as aircraft, helicopters, and ground vehicles the retrodirective properties of phase conjugating arrays are not guaranteed due to a possible instability of the frequency. It is shown that the frequency transmitted by each platform has a dependence on the open loop gains of the transceivers on each platform in the link. Fast and accurate reconstruction of the phase of the signal requires a high open loop gain, however, too high a gain will cause instability and eventual loss of lock. Design tradeoffs are discussed.  相似文献   

基于3DT的空时自适应单脉冲参数估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于佳  沈明威  吴迪  朱岱寅 《航空学报》2016,37(5):1580-1586
空时自适应处理(STAP)是机载预警雷达抑制杂波和干扰的一项关键技术,而多普勒三通道联合自适应处理(3DT)是适合工程实现的降维(RD)STAP方法。STAP目标检测后还需进一步估计目标的角度参数,因此将自适应单脉冲(AM)技术引入3DT,提出了一种高精度联合估计目标速度与方位空间角的空时自适应单脉冲算法。理论分析与仿真实验结果表明,当目标多普勒频率偏离检测多普勒单元中心频率时,该算法能同时减少目标多普勒跨越损失和空时导引矢量失配损失,进而提高输出信杂噪比(SCNR),改善目标测角精度。  相似文献   

An adaptive array architecture is described which has improved convergence speed over the conventional Applebaum array when the eigenvalue spread of the input signal covariance matrix is large. The architecture uses N+1 Applebaum adaptive arrays in a two-layer cascaded configuration. The gain constants in the first layer are set so that large interfering sources are quickly nulled, but small interfering sources are suppressed more slowly. Since the first layer removes the large interfering signals, the gain constant for the second layer can be set to a large value to quickly null the smaller interferers. The adaptation time is examined for several combinations of signal levels and array sizes. It is shown that, in many signal environments, the computational requirements for the cascaded array compare favorably with those of conventional sample matrix inversion (SMI) methods for large arrays  相似文献   

A procedure to measure the covariance matrix of an antenna array directly from the array sum port is described. The procedure involves specifically chosen sets of antenna weights that will allow the matrix components to appear at the array output. A parallel method of measuring the covariance matrix is also described. The accuracy requirements of the power measurements are examined analytically and through simulation  相似文献   

The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (GSO) algorithm has excellent numerical performance and is readily applicable to systolic implementations such as in a field of adaptive cancellation systems. A modified GSO algorithm for a fully adaptive array is proposed and computer simulations show that the proposed algorithm gives superior performance. A systolic implementation of the proposed GSO algorithm for fully adaptive array is presented. A feedback mode GSO algorithm for use with analog weights is also presented and has been shown to have excellent performance in the presence of weight errors  相似文献   

An instrumental variable (IV) approach is presented for estimating the weights of an adaptive antenna array. Theoretical analysis of the IV method shows that the antenna gain weights are independent of finitely correlated noise, so that unbiased estimation of signal arrival angles is possible. Only matrix inversions are required to compute the weight estimates. In this sense, the IV method provides performance comparable with eigenvector techniques but with lower computational burden. Both minimal and overdetermined IV estimators are derived. The overdetermined estimators give the same theoretical array weights as minimal estimators, but yield more accurate weight estimates in real data situations. Simulation results are presented to compare these IV methods with one another and with conventional matrix inversion weight estimators. In these examples it is seen that IV methods are able to resolve closely spaced interference sources when conventional matrix inversion techniques cannot. It is also shown that overdetermined methods are capable of providing weight estimates with lower variances than those of minimal methods  相似文献   

We show how a single reflector antenna with a multimode feed horn can be used in a ground moving target indication (GMTI) radar. In particular, we demonstrate the simultaneous detection and estimation of angular location of a ground moving target via adaptive cancellation of ground clutter  相似文献   

Median cascaded canceller for robust adaptive array processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A median cascaded canceller (MCC) is introduced as a robust multichannel adaptive array processor. Compared with sample matrix inversion (SMI) methods, it is shown to significantly reduce the deleterious effects of impulsive noise spikes (outliers) on convergence performance of metrics; such as (normalized) output residue power and signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). For the case of no outliers, the MCC convergence performance remains commensurate with SMI methods for several practical interference scenarios. It is shown that the MCC offers natural protection against desired signal (target) cancellation when weight training data contains strong target components. In addition, results are shown for a high-fidelity, simulated, barrage jamming and nonhomogenous clutter environment. Here the MCC is used in a space-time adaptive processing (STAP) configuration for airborne radar interference mitigation. Results indicate the MCC produces a marked SINR performance improvement over SMI methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes an innovative concept for knowledge-based control of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) for airborne early warning radar. The knowledge-based approach holds potential for significant performance improvements over classical STAP processing in nonhomogeneous environments by taking advantage of a priori knowledge. Under this approach, knowledge-based control is used to direct pre-adaptive filtering, and to carefully select STAP algorithms, parameters, and secondary data cells  相似文献   

Implementing the optimum spatial-temporal (angle-Doppler) processor involves two crucial issues: the selection of processing configurations, and the development of adaptive algorithms which can efficiently approach the performance potential of the selected configuration. Among the three available configurations, the joint-domain, the cascade space-time, and the cascade time-space, this work shows that, in contrast to a popular belief, the detection performance potentials of both cascade configurations can fall far below that of the joint-domain optimum. In addition, this work presents a new adaptive algorithm, called the Joint-Domain Localized Generalized Likelihood Ratio detection (JDL-GLR), which is data efficient i.e., with fast convergence to the joint-domain optimum, as well as computationally efficient, together with such desirable features as the embedded constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) and robustness in non-Gaussian interference  相似文献   

Many practical problems arise when implementing digital terrain data in airborne knowledge-aided (KA) space-time adaptive processing (STAP). This paper addresses these issues and presents solutions with numerical implementations. In particular, using digital land classification data and digital elevation data, techniques are developed for registering these data with radar return signals, correcting for Doppler and spatial misalignments, adjusting for antenna gain, characterizing clutter patches for secondary data selection, and ensuring independent secondary data samples. These techniques are applied to select secondary data for a single-bin post-Doppler STAP algorithm using multi-channel airborne radar measurement (MCARM) program data. Results with the KA approach are compared with those obtained using the standard sliding window method for choosing secondary data. These results illustrate the benefits of using terrain information, a priori data about the radar, and the importance of statistical independence when selecting secondary data for improving STAP performance  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for incorporating knowledge sources directly in the space-time beamformer of airborne adaptive radars. The algorithm derivation follows the usual linearly-constrained minimum-variance (LCMV) space-time beamformer with additional constraints based on a model of the clutter covariance matrix that is computed using available knowledge about the operating environment. This technique has the desirable property of reducing sample support requirements by "blending" the information contained in the observed radar data and the a priori knowledge sources. Applications of the technique to both full degree of freedom (DoF) and reduced DoF beamformer algorithms are considered. The performance of the knowledge-aided beam forming techniques are demonstrated using high-fidelity simulated X-band radar data  相似文献   

Reiterative median cascaded canceler for robust adaptive array processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new robust adaptive processor based on reiterative application of the median cascaded canceler (MCC) is presented and called the reiterative median cascaded canceler (RMCC). It is shown that the RMCC processor is a robust replacement for the sample matrix inversion (SMI) adaptive processor and for its equivalent implementations. The MCC, though a robust adaptive processor, has a convergence rate that is dependent on the rank of the input interference-plus-noise covariance matrix for a given number of adaptive degrees of freedom (DOF), N. In contrast, the RMCC, using identical training data as the MCC, exhibits the highly desirable combination of: 1) convergence-robustness to outliers/targets in adaptive weight training data, like the MCC, and 2) fast convergence performance that is independent of the input interference-plus-noise covariance matrix, unlike the MCC. For a number of representative examples, the RMCC is shown to converge using ~ 2.8N samples for any interference rank value as compared with ~ 2N samples for the SMI algorithm. However, the SMI algorithm requires considerably more samples to converge in the presence of outliers/targets, whereas the RMCC does not. Both simulated data as well as measured airborne radar data from the multichannel airborne radar measurements (MCARM) space-time adaptive processing (STAP) database are used to illustrate performance improvements over SMI methods.  相似文献   

周延  冯大政  朱国辉 《航空学报》2015,36(9):3020-3026
传统的后多普勒自适应处理方法,如因子法(FA)和扩展因子法(EFA)虽然能大大降低自适应处理时的运算量和独立同分布样本的需求量,但由于实际中均匀训练样本数目的限制,当天线阵元数进一步增大时,FA和EFA抑制杂波和检测动目标的能力会显著恶化。针对这一问题,提出了一种空域数据重排的后多普勒自适应处理方法。该方法将多普勒滤波后的空域数据重排为一行列数相近的矩阵,空域滤波器权系数也表示成可分离的形式,从而得到一双二次代价函数,利用循环迭代的思想求解权系数。实验表明该方法具有快速收敛,所需训练样本少的优点,尤其在大阵列、小样本条件下该方法抑制杂波的性能明显优于FA和EFA。  相似文献   

Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) holds tremendous potential for the new generation airborne surveillance radar, in which the phased array antennas and pulse Doppler processing mode are adopted. A new STAP approach using the multiple-beam and multiple Doppler channels is presented here for airborne phased array radar. The approach with space-time multiple-beam (STMB) architecture is robust to array errors and has very low system degrees of freedom (DOFs). Hence, it has low sample support requirement and it is very suitable for the practical planar phased array radar under nonhomogeneous clutter environments. Meanwhile, a new nonhomogeneous detector (NHD) based on the correlation dimension (CD) is also proposed here, which is used as an effective method to screen tracing data prior to detection processing. It can further improve the performance of the STAP approach in the severely nonhomogeneous clutter environments. Therefore, a scheme that incorporates the correlation dimension nonhomogeneity detector (CD-NHD) with the STMB is recommended, which we term CD-NHD-STMB. The experimental simulation results indicate that: 1) the STMB processor is robust to array element error and has high performance under nonhomogeneous clutter environments; 2) the CD-NHD is also effective on the nonhomogeneous clutter. As a result, the CD-NHD-STMB scheme is robust to array element error and nonhomogeneous clutter, and therefore available for airborne phased array radar applications.  相似文献   

空时自适应处理张量波束成形器的外积合成法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
毕权杨  李旦  张建秋 《航空学报》2019,40(10):322939-322939
为了解决空时自适应处理(Space-Time Adaptive Processing,STAP)对足量平稳训练快拍的要求,给出了一种设计STAP张量波束成形器的新算法——空时自适应处理张量子波束合成(TSS-STAP)法。分析表明:STAP中所需要的张量波束成形器,可首先在张量的各个子维度上分别进行子波束成形器的设计,然后再由张量的外积运算合成各子波束成形器而得到。进一步分析表明:由于本文算法可在较低自由度(DoF)的子维度上对张量波束成形器进行设计,因此降低了设计所需要的训练快拍数和计算复杂度,同时也实现了有效的去相关处理,使得其在非均匀杂波环境下有更好的目标检测性能。在仿真实验中,所提算法有效提升了目标检测结果,同时降低了目标检测所消耗的时间。  相似文献   

Space-time registration of radar and ESM using unscented Kalman filter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Space and time alignments are the prerequisites for the successful fusion of multiple sensors. A space-time registration model is proposed to estimate the system biases and to perform time synchronization together for mobile radar and electronic support measure (ESM) systems. A space-time registration model for radar and ESM is first developed, and an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is proposed to estimate the space-time biases and target states simultaneously. The posterior Cramer-Rao bounds (PCRBs) are derived for the proposed UKF registration algorithm for ESM detection probability less than or equal to one. Theoretical analyses are performed to evaluate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method. Computer simulations show that the UKF registration algorithm is indeed effective and robust for different radar and ESM tracking scenarios.  相似文献   

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