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The study of the variability of the solar corona and the monitoring of its traditional regions (Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions) are of great importance in astrophysics as well as in view of the Space Weather and Space Climate applications. Here we propose a multichannel unsupervised spatially constrained fuzzy clustering algorithm that automatically segments EUV solar images into Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions. Fuzzy logic allows to manage the various noises present in the images and the imprecision in the definition of the above regions. The process is fast and automatic. It is applied to SoHO–EIT images taken from February 1997 till May 2005, i.e. along almost a full solar cycle. Results in terms of areas and intensity estimations are consistent with previous knowledge. The method reveal the rotational and other mid-term periodicities in the extracted time series across solar cycle 23. Further, such an approach paves the way to bridging observations between spatially resolved data from imaging telescopes and time series from radiometers. Time series resulting form the segmentation of EUV coronal images can indeed provide an essential component in the process of reconstructing the solar spectrum.  相似文献   

The solar activity displays variability and periodic behaviours over a wide range of timescales, with the presence of a most prominent cycle with a mean length of 11 years. Such variability is transported within the heliosphere by solar wind, radiation and other processes, affecting the properties of the interplanetary medium. The presence of solar activity–related periodicities is well visible in different solar wind and geomagnetic indices, although their time lags with respect to the solar cycle lead to hysteresis cycles. Here, we investigate the time lag behaviour between a physical proxy of the solar activity, the Ca II K index, and two solar wind parameters (speed and dynamic pressure), studying how their pairwise relative lags vary over almost five solar cycles. We find that the lag between Ca II K index and solar wind speed is not constant over the whole time interval investigated, with values ranging from 6 years to 1 year (average 3.2 years). A similar behaviour is found also for the solar wind dynamic pressure. Then, by using a Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis we obtain a 10.21-year mean periodicity for the speed and 10.30-year for the dynamic pressure. We speculate that the different periodicities of the solar wind parameters with respect to the solar 11-year cycle may be related to the overall observed temporal evolution of the time lags. Finally, by accounting for them, we obtain empirical relations that link the amplitude of the Ca II K index to the two solar wind parameters.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of multiple acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEP) we analyzed the super-event of 20 January 2005 by the data of ground level, balloon and spacecraft observations. The main characteristics of relativistic solar protons (energy spectra, anisotropy directions and pitch-angle distributions) are derived and their dynamics during the event is studied. It is shown that the flux of relativistic solar protons may consist of two distinct components, the so-called prompt and delayed ones. Within a two-source model of particle generation, one of which is associated with an expanding magnetic loop, we solved the transport equation in energy phase space, including adiabatic losses simultaneously with the stochastic acceleration process, and calculate the expected spectra of the delayed component at the source. The confrontation of experimental spectra with theoretical ones shows that the delayed component may be correctly described by stochastic acceleration, but not the prompt component. The required acceleration efficiencies turned out to be rather high, so that, for this particular event, adiabatic cooling is practically negligible. Our results provide a new support to the existence of two populations of relativistic solar protons in some SEP events.  相似文献   

Different kinds of coronal holes are sources of different kind of solar winds. A successful solar wind acceleration model should be able to explain all those solar winds. For the modeling it is important to find a universal relation between the solar wind physical parameters, such as velocity, and coronal physical parameters such as magnetic field energy. To clarify the physical parameters which control the solar wind velocity, we have studied the relation between solar wind velocity and properties of its source region such as photospheric/coronal magnetic field and the size of each coronal hole during the solar minimum. The solar wind velocity structures were derived by using interplanetary scintillation tomography obtained at Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Japan. Potential magnetic fields were calculated to identify the source region of the solar wind. HeI 1083 nm absorption line maps obtained at Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory were used to identify coronal holes. As a result, we found a relation during solar minimum between the solar wind velocity and the coronal magnetic condition which is applicable to different kind of solar winds from different kind of coronal holes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the analysis of the evolution of coronal holes (CHs) on the Sun during the period May 13, 2010 – March 20, 2022, covering Solar Cycle 24. Our study uses images in the extreme-ultraviolet iron line (Fe XII 193 Å) obtained with the Atmospheric Imager Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (AIA/SDO). To localize CHs and determine their areas, we used the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK). We separate the CHs into polar and non-polar and study the evolutionary features of each group. During this period, an asymmetry between the Northern (N) and Southern (S) Hemispheres (N-S or hemispheric asymmetry) is detected both in the solar activity (SA) indices and in the localization of the maximum areas of the polar and non-polar CHs. It is shown that the hemispheric asymmetry of the areas of polar and non-polar CHs varies significantly over time and that the nature of these changes is clearly related to the SA cycle. We find that for most of the period, the polar CHs were predominated generated in the S- hemisphere while the non-polar CHs were dominant in the N- hemisphere. It is found that the maximum and minimum of the hemispheric imbalance in the areas of non-polar CHs are close in time to the maximum and minimum of the asymmetry of the SA indices (the number and areas of sunspots). The maximum hemispheric imbalance of the polar CH areas is observed at the maximum of Cycle 24, and the minimum imbalance is found at the cycle minimum. These results confirm our assumption that these two types of CHs are of a different nature and that the non-polar CHs, like sunspots, are elements of the general magnetic activity.  相似文献   

We report multi-wavelength investigation of the pre-impulsive phase of the 13 December 2006 X-class solar flare. We use hard X-ray data from the anticoincidence system of spectrometer onboard INTEGRAL (ACS) jointly with soft X-ray data from the GOES-12 and Hinode satellites. Radio data are from Nobeyama and Learmonth solar observatories and from the Culgoora Solar Radio Spectrograph. The main finding of our analysis is a spiky increase of the ACS count rate accompanied by surprisingly gradual and weak growth of microwave emission and without detectable radio emission at meter and decimeter wavelengths about 10 min prior to the impulsive phase of the solar flare. At the time of this pre-flare hard X-ray burst the onset of the GOES soft X-ray event has been reported, positive derivative of the GOES soft X-ray flux started to rise and a bright spot has appeared in the images of the Hinode X-ray telescope (XRT) between the flare ribbons near the magnetic inversion line close to the sources of thermal and non-thermal hard X-ray emission observed by Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) during the flare. These facts we consider as evidences of solar origin of the increased pre-flare ACS count rate. We briefly discuss a possible cause of the pre-flare emission peculiarities.  相似文献   

地磁Ap指数滞后太阳周循环分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
把1932-2006年地磁Ap指数12个月流动均值分解成为(Ap)R和(Ap)I.其中(Ap)R为太阳黑子数R的线性函数,与太阳黑子数R相位相同,可能对应于日冕物质抛射(CME)等地磁控制因素. (Ap)I分量与太阳黑子数R相位相差约180°,该分量可能对应于极冕洞变化(从太阳峰年开始,由日面极区逐渐向赤道延伸).以地磁Ap指数与太阳黑子数R滞后非常严重的第20太阳周为例,证实了(Ap)I分量与极冕洞向赤道延伸循环变化相对应.因此极冕洞循环变化可能是导致地磁扰动指数与太阳周循环相位不一致,出现滞后现象的一个十分重要原因.  相似文献   

The Wind   spacecraft’s Faraday cups (FC) continue to produce high-quality, in situ observations of thermal protons (i.e., ionized hydrogen) and αα-particles (i.e., fully ionized helium) in the solar wind. By fitting a Wind/FC ion spectrum with a model velocity distribution function (VDF) for each particle species, values for density, bulk velocity, and temperature can be inferred. Incorporating measurements of the background magnetic field from the Wind Magnetic Field Investigation (MFI) allows perpendicular and parallel temperature components to be separated. Prior implementations of this analysis averaged the higher-cadence Wind/MFI measurements to match that of the Wind/FC ion spectra. However, this article summarizes recent and extensive revisions to the analysis software that, among other things, eliminate such averaging and thereby account for variations in the direction of the magnetic field over the time taken to measure the ions. A statistical comparison reveals that the old version consistently underestimates the temperature anisotropy of ion VDF’s: averaging over fluctuations in the magnetic field essentially blurs the perpendicular and parallel temperature components, which makes the plasma seem artificially more isotropic. The new version not only provides a more accurate dataset of ion parameters (which is well suited to the study of microkinetic phenomena), it also demonstrates a novel technique for jointly processing particle and field data. Such methods are crucial to heliophysics as wave-particle interactions are increasingly seen as playing an important role in the dynamics of the solar wind and similar space plasmas.  相似文献   

To improve the physical understanding of the Forbush decreases (FD) and to explore the Space Weather drivers, we need to measure as much geospace parameter as possible, including the changing fluxes of secondary cosmic rays. At the Aragats Space Environmental Center (ASEC) are routinely measured the neutral and charged fluxes of secondary cosmic rays. Each of species has different most probable energy of primary “parent” proton/nuclei. Therefore, the energy range of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) affected by Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) can be effectively estimated using data of the ASEC monitors. We presented relations of the magnitude of FD observed in different secondary particle fluxes to the most probable energy of the primary protons. We investigate the correlations between the magnitude of FD with the size, speed, density and magnetic field of the ICME. We demonstrate that the attenuation of the GCR flux incident on the Earth’s atmosphere due to passing of the ICME is dependent on the speed and size of the ICME and the magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

The differential rotation of the patterns of the large-scale solar magnetic field during solar activity cycles 20 and 21 is investigated. Compact magnetic elements with the polarity of the general solar magnetic field have larger speed of rotation than the elements with the opposite polarity. The surface of the Sun was divided by 10°-zones. In all of them the average rotation rate of the magnetic elements with negative polarity is little higher than that of the magnetic elements with positive polarity, except for 50°-zone of the south hemisphere and at the 10° latitude of the north hemisphere.

The rates of differential rotation for large-scale magnetic elements with negative and positive polarities have similar behavior for both cycles of the solar activity.

The rotation rate varies at polarity reversal of the circumpolar magnetic fields. For the cycle No 20 in 1969–1970 the threefold reversal took place in the northern hemisphere and variations of rotation rate can be noticed for magnetic elements both with positive and negative polarity for each 10°-zone in the same hemisphere.  相似文献   

选取第23太阳活动周(1997—2006年)期间542例由太阳爆发活动驱动的行星际激波事件,分析确定了太阳源头和行星际空间中影响行星际激波能否到达地球轨道的关键物理参数;在此基础上,建立了预测行星际激波能否到达地球的新预报模型(EdEaSPM). 回溯预报结果表明,EdEaSPM模型的预报成功率约为66%,略高于国际一流预报模型的预报成功率;EdEaSPM模型的虚报率未超过50%,改善了当前国际主流模型虚报率较大的情况;对于偏度指标,虽然当前所有模型的偏度值均大于1,但EdEaSPM模型的偏度值最接近于1且明显小于其他模型的偏度值;EdEaSPM模型的其他评价指标也都高于国际主流模型的相应指标. 此外,选取2012年期间的激波事件对EdEaSPM模型进行了预报检验,预测结果与实际情况吻合. EdEaSPM模型不仅能够提前约1~3天进行预报,而且预报效果与国际一流模型具有可比性,尤其是在提高预报成功率及降低虚报率方面具有一定优势.  相似文献   

Neural networks (NNs) are proving to be ideal tools for modeling the behaviour of the ionosphere. The NNs are trained using a database of archived data describing the relationship between the output parameter and an input space. The input space is designed from knowledge of those variables that affect the behaviour of the output parameter. For ionospheric parameters this input space would always include a solar variable due to the strong influence that the sun has on ionospheric behaviour.  相似文献   

The analysis of the behavior of the critical frequency foF2 during the 24th solar activity cycle (Danilov and Konstantinova, 2020a, c) is prolonged for two more months and the nighttime hours. In addition to the Rz and Ly-α indices used in the aforementioned papers for correction of the F10.7 index during the 24th cycle, the commonly used Mg II index is added. The results confirm the previous conclusions on the existence of the “vague” period with chaotic behavior of foF2 and the recovery of the negative trend in foF2 after 2008–2010. A comparison of the F10.7 index with three other SA indices (Ly-α, Rz, and Mg II) for the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th SA cycles is performed. It is shown that the relationship between F10.7 and other indices is close in the 22nd and 23rd cycles but differs from that in the 24th cycle. The corrected values of F10.7 in the 24th cycle are proposed for analysis of ionospheric trends during that cycle.  相似文献   

The CORONAS-F mission experiments and results have been reviewed. The observations with the DIFOS multi-channel photometer in a broad spectral range from 350 to 1500 nm have revealed the dependence of the relative amplitudes of p-modes of the global solar oscillations on the wavelength that agrees perfectly well with the earlier data obtained in a narrower spectral ranges. The SPIRIT EUV observations have enabled the study of various manifestations of solar activity and high-temperature events on the Sun. The data from the X-ray spectrometer RESIK, gamma spectrometer HELICON, flare spectrometer IRIS, amplitude–temporal spectrometer AVS-F, and X-ray spectrometer RPS-1 have been used to analyze the X- and gamma-ray emission from solar flares and for diagnostics of the flaring plasma. The absolute and relative content of various elements (such as potassium, argon, and sulfur) of solar plasma in flares has been determined for the first time with the X-ray spectrometer RESIK. The Solar Cosmic Ray Complex monitored the solar flare effects in the Earth’s environment. The UV emission variations recorded during solar flares in the vicinity of the 120-nm wavelength have been analyzed and the amplitude of relative variations has been determined.  相似文献   

The mid-term periodicities of polar faculae are studied separately for the total disk, northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun for a time interval from 1951 August to 1998 December. Apart from the 11-year Schwabe cycle which is the fundamental period and is found in all of the three time series, the following prominent results are found: (1) the rotational periodicity of solar activity at high latitudes is approximately from 28 to 32 days; (2) a large number of quasi-periods appearing in low-latitude solar activity (annual variation, 1.3–1.7 years, quasi-biennial oscillation, and 4–5 years) also exist in polar faculae; (3) the periodicities on both hemispheres are not identical.  相似文献   

Detailed dynamic modeling of a solar sail requires recording of solar radiation pressure influence. A photon-solar sail is determined by the thrust value and the direction. We define the solar sail’s reflectivity depending on the film materials, the sail design and temperature, the thickness of multiple layers, and degradation factor, with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Thus, this work is devoted to the identification of optical characteristics of thin multilayer films in space flight conditions, i.e. to finding its reflectance, absorbance, and transmittance. In particular, the paper asks whether the solar sail simulates by a mathematical model of the optical characteristics of a multilayer epitaxial thin film. The temperature change effect and optical properties of solar sail degradation are considered as well. Solar sail flight from Earth to Mercury is designed as a simulation of the flight change in optical parameters.  相似文献   

A torus-shaped sail consists of a reflective membrane attached to an inflatable torus-shaped rim. The sail’s deployment from its stowed configuration is initiated by introducing inflation pressure into the toroidal rim with an attached circular flat membrane coated by heat-sensitive materials that undergo thermal desorption (TD) from a solid to a gas phase. Our study of the deployment and acceleration of the sail is split into three steps: at a particular heliocentric distance a torus-shaped sail is deployed by a gas inflated into the toroidal rim and the membrane is kept flat by the pressure of the gas; under heating by solar radiation, the membrane coat undergoes TD and the sail is accelerated via TD of coating and solar radiation pressure (SRP); when TD ends, the sail utilizes thrust only from SRP. We study the stability of the torus-shaped sail and deflection and vibration of the flat membrane due to the acceleration by TD and SRP.  相似文献   

气膜冷却是应用于航空燃气轮机上的冷却技术,旋转及表面曲率是影响气膜与 主流掺混区域的重要因素,通过数值计算方法对旋转状态下曲率对气膜与主流掺混区域的影 响进行了研究,湍流模型选取了k-ω模型.增加旋转速度,会引起吸力面气膜的分离; 固定转速,降低表面曲率半径,压力面气膜发生分离,吸力面气膜冷却效果得到改善.当动 量流量比在小于1的范围内变化时,旋转只改变压力面气膜与主流掺混区域的分布,而对吸 力面没有影响.   相似文献   

Coronal spectroscopy has pushed forward the understanding of physical processes in all phenomena on the Sun. In this review we concentrate specifically on plasma parameters measured in sources of the slow solar wind in active regions and the early phases of solar flares. These topics are a key part of the science goals of the Solar Orbiter mission (Müller et al., 2020) which has been designed to probe what drives the solar wind and solar transients that fill the heliosphere.Active regions, outside of flaring, have general characteristics that include closed loops showing red-shifted (down-flowing plasma), and the edges of the active regions showing blue-shifted (upflowing plasma). Constraining and understanding the evolution, behaviour and cause of the flows has been developed in the past years and are summarised. Of particular importance is the upflowing plasma which, in some cases, can contribute to the slow solar wind, and this review concentrates on recent results on this topic.The early phases of solar flares and their energy sources are not yet fully understood. For decades, there has been a huge interest in pin-pointing the trigger of a solar flare. Coronal spectroscopy has revealed small-scale dynamics that occurs tens of minutes before the flare begins. The understanding of the trigger is key to improving flare predictions in the future, as well as understanding the physical processes.Finally we look to the future of coronal spectroscopy, with new instruments and methodologies being developed that build on the current knowledge, and will improve significantly our physical understanding of processes at all scales on the Sun.  相似文献   

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