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In this paper, response of low latitude ionosphere to a moderate geomagnetic storm of 7–8 May 2005 (SSC: 1920 UT on 7 May with Sym-H minimum, ∼−112 nT around 1600 UT on 8 May) has been investigated using the GPS measurements from a near EIA crest region, Rajkot (Geog. 22.29°N, 70.74°E, Geomag.14°), India. We found a decrease in total electron content (TEC) in 12 h after the onset of the storm, an increase during and after 6 h of Sym-H deep minimum with a decrease below its usual-day level on the second day during the recovery phase of the storm. On 8 May, an increase of TEC is observed after sunset and during post-midnight hours (maximum up to 170%) with the formation of ionospheric plasma bubbles followed by a nearly simultaneous onset of scintillations at L-band frequencies following the time of rapid decrease in Sym-H index (−30 nT/h around 1300 UT).  相似文献   

Results pertaining to the response of the low latitude ionosphere to a major geomagnetic storm that occurred on 24 August 2005 are presented. The dual frequency GPS data have been analyzed to retrieve vertical total electron content at two Indian low latitude stations (IGS stations) Hyderabad (Geographic latitude 17°20′N, Geographic longitude 78°30′E, Geomagnetic latitude 8.65°N) and Bangalore (Geographic latitude 12°58′N, Geographic longitude 77°33′E, Geomagnetic latitude 4.58°N). These results show variation of GPS derived total electron content (TEC) due to geomagnetic storm effect, local low latitude electrodynamics response to penetration of high latitude convection electric field and effect of modified fountain effect on GPS–TEC in low latitude zone.  相似文献   

A dual frequency GPS receiver was installed in Guwahati, India (latitude 26.2°N, longitude 91.75°E, dip +35°) in January 2006 in the framework of an Indian–Russian project of seismo-ionospheric effects searching and investigation. It is quite clear that manifestations of such effects should be strongly dependent (among others) on regional features of ionosphere. In our case formation of the equatorial anomaly will affect the results. So, the data of half a year of observations were analyzed to establish the behavior of Total Electron Content (TEC) in a region of Northern crest of the equatorial anomaly in quiet helio-geophysical conditions as a background for detecting the impact of effects from below.  相似文献   

This paper examines the response of the high latitude ionosphere–thermosphere system during two intense geomagnetic storms. For that, data taken by instruments on board Dynamic Explorer 2 taken at heights of the F2-layer are used. These results represent a comparison of simultaneous measurements of storm disturbances in gas composition, electron density and temperature in common local time sectors. Documented are an increase in electron temperature and a decrease in electron density; increases both in electron temperature and electron density; and the correlation between electron density decreases and increases in the ratio N2/O. It is noticed that the decrease in electron density is sometimes due to an increase in the molecular nitrogen density N2 and not always is attributed both to the increase in N2 density and the simultaneous decrease in the atomic oxygen density.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements of the Total Electron Content (TEC) from local (Dourbes, 50.1°N, 04.6°E) and European IGS (International GNSS Service) stations were used to obtain the TEC changes during the geomagnetic storms of the latest solar activity cycle. A common epoch analysis, with respect to geomagnetic storm intensity, season, and latitude, was performed on data representing nearly 300 storm events. In general, the storm-time behaviour of TEC shows clear positive and negative phases, relative to the non-storm (median) behaviour, with amplitudes that tend to increase during more intense storms. The most pronounced positive phase is observed during winter, while the strongest and yet shortest negative phase is detected during equinox. Average storm-time patterns in the TEC behaviour are deduced for potential use in ionosphere prediction services.  相似文献   

利用武汉电离层观象台研制的GPSTEC的现报方法及现报系统,对东亚地区GPS台网的观测数据进行处理分析,特别对2000年7月14-18日和2003年10月28日至11月1日两次特大磁暴期间的数据进行了对比考察.文中分析了两次磁暴间的电离层响应,得到对应不同磁暴时段电离层TEC的不同变化情况,着重揭示了TEC赤道异常峰的压缩和移动以及赤道异常随时间的压缩-反弹-恢复的过程,并结合高纬电离层的部分响应机制进行了说明.结果显示,两次磁暴期的电离层响应表现出了各自不同的特点,从而反映出因季节变化引起的高纬电离层暴时能量注入的不同而造成的全球性电离层扰动的不同形态.由此看出,磁暴期间电离层TEC的变化直接与太阳扰动发生的时间及其对高纬电离层的耦合有关.若短时期内连续发生多次磁暴,则电离层反应更加复杂,不能简单地当做单一磁暴叠加处理.  相似文献   

The relative importance of the main drivers of positive ionospheric storms at low-mid latitudes is studied using observations and modeling for the first time. In response to a rare super double geomagnetic storm during 07–11 November 2004, the low-mid latitude (17°–48°N geomag. lat.) ionosphere produced positive ionospheric storms in peak electron density (NmF2) in Japan longitudes (≈125°–145°E) on the day of main phase (MP1) onset (06:30 LT) and negative ionospheric storms in American longitudes (≈65°–120°W) on the following day of MP1 onset (13:00–16:00 LT). The relative effects of the main drivers of the positive ionospheric storms (penetrating daytime eastward electric field, and direct and indirect effects of equatorward neutral wind) are studied using the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM). The model results show that the penetrating daytime (morning–noon) eastward electric field shifts the equatorial ionisation anomaly crests in NmF2 and TEC (total electron content) to higher than normal latitudes and reduces their values at latitudes at and within the anomaly crests while the direct effects of the equatorward wind (that reduce poleward plasma flow and raise the ionosphere to high altitudes of reduced chemical loss) combined with daytime production of ionisation increase NmF2 and TEC at latitudes poleward of the equatorial region; the later effects can be major causes of positive ionospheric storms at mid latitudes. The downwelling (indirect) effect of the wind increases NmF2 and TEC at low latitudes while its upwelling (indirect) effect reduces NmF2 and TEC at mid latitudes. The net effect of all main drivers is positive ionospheric storms at low-mid latitudes in Japan longitude, which qualitatively agrees with the observations.  相似文献   

In recent years, new techniques and algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) have been used as alternative statistical tools in modeling and forecasting issues. These methods have been extensively used in the field of geosciences and atmospheric physics. The main purpose of this paper is to combine FIS and ANNs for local modeling of the ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) in Iran. An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is developed for TEC modeling. Also, Multi-Layer Perceptron ANN (MLP-ANN) and ANN based on Radial Base Functions (RBF) have been designed for analyzing ANFIS results. Observations of 29 Global Positioning System (GPS) stations from the Iranian Permanent GPS Network (IPGN) have been used in 3 different seasons in 2015 and 2016. These stations are located at geomagnetic low latitudes region. Out of these 29 stations, 24 stations for training and 5 stations for testing and validating were selected. The relative and absolute errors have been used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model. Also, the results of this paper are compared with the International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI2016). The maximum values of the average relative error for RBF, MLP-ANN, ANFIS and IRI2016 methods are 13.88%, 11.79%, 10.06%, and 18.34%, respectively. Also, the maximum values of the average absolute error for these methods are 2.38, 2.21, 1.5 and 3.36 TECU, respectively. Comparison of diurnal predicted TEC from the ANFIS, RBF, MLP-ANN and IRI2016 models with GPS-TEC revealed that the ANFIS provides more accurate predictions than the other methods in the test area.  相似文献   

Degradation of transionospheric radio signals and operation failures during ionospheric disturbances constitute a crucial factor of space weather influence on radio engineering satellite systems performance. We found that during the main phase of strong magnetic storms in 2000–2003 when the auroral oval expands into mid-latitudes, its southern boundary develops a region with intense small-scale electron density irregularities. Such irregularities may cause strong amplitude scintillations of GPS signals at both GPS operating frequencies. The another consequence of it was significant random GPS signal phase fluctuations, breaking-down of signal tracking, and sharp increasing of GPS positioning errors as a result.  相似文献   

The electrodynamics of the ionosphere in the tropical region presents various scientific aspects, which remain subject of intensive investigations and debates by the scientific community. During the year 2002, in a joint project between the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP) and Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), a chain of three Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosondes (CADIs) was established nearly along the geomagnetic meridian direction, for tropical ionospheric studies, such as, changes and response due to geomagnetic disturbances and thermosphere–ionosphere coupling and the generation and dynamics of ionospheric irregularities, in the Brazilian sector. The locations of the three ionosondes stations are São José dos Campos (23.2°S, 45.9°W, dip latitude 17.6°S – under the southern crest of equatorial ionospheric anomaly), Palmas (10.2°S, 48.2°W, dip latitude 5.5°S – near the magnetic equator) and Manaus (2.9°S, 60.0°W, dip latitude 6.4°N – between the geographic and geomagnetic dip equators). It should be pointed out that Palmas and Manaus are located on the opposite sides of the magnetic equator but both are south of the geographic equator. The three CADIs work in time-synchronized mode and obtain ionograms every 5 min. This configuration of the ionospheric sounding stations allowed us to study the F-region dynamics during geomagnetically disturbed period in the meridional direction. Just after the installation and testing of the three CADIs, on September 05, 2002 a coronal mass ejection (CME) left the Sun and about 2 days after the CME left the Sun, it reached the Earth’s magnetosphere and complex and multi step events took place during the period September 07–09. In the study we note that the equatorial stations located north (Manaus, dip latitude 6.4°N) and south (Palmas, dip latitude 5.5°S) of the dip equator presented significant F-layer height asymmetries during the storm main phase. In addition, the low-latitude station SJC (dip latitude 17.6°S) presented decrease in the F-layer densities (negative phase), whereas Palmas presented increase in the F-layer densities (positive phase) during the main phase. This was followed by positive phase at both the stations. During the first night of the recovery phase a strong formation and evolution of large-scale ionospheric irregularities (equatorial spread-F (ESF)) was observed, but on the second night of the recovery phase, there was strong and almost simultaneous sporadic E (Es) formation at all three stations. During the presence of Es, spread-F formation is not observed, indicating the suppression of spread-F, possibly by sporadic E.  相似文献   

The modifications induced in the dynamics of the ionosphere by the major Japan earthquake (EQ) of March 11, 2011 (epicenter at 38.322°N, 142.369°E, M = 8.9) in presence of a magnetic storm are examined by mapping latitudinal variations of F-layer ionization density (NmF2) from 22 stations covering the epicenter zone. The changes forced into the Total Electron Content (TEC) by the major EQ in the magnetic storm ambiance are also examined from the GPS data collected at Guwahati (26° 10′ N, 91° 45’ E), situated in the major fault system of East Asia. The contributions of pre-seismic electric field as well as of magnetic storm time electric field in the observed density variations are brought into the ambit of discussion. The influence of lower atmosphere in shaping TEC features during the study case is highlighted. The effects of solar activity on density variations during such complex ambiances are also addressed.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from the Storm-Time Ionospheric Correction Model (STORM) validation for selected Northern and Southern Hemisphere middle latitude locations. The created database incorporated 65 strong-to-severe geomagnetic storms, which occurred within the period 1995–2007. This validation included data from some ionospheric stations (e.g., Pruhonice, El Arenosillo) that were not considered in the development or previous validations of the model. Hourly values of the F2 layer critical frequency, foF2, measured for 5–7 days during the main and recovery phases of each selected storm were compared with the predicted IRI 2007 foF2 with the STORM model option activated. To perform a detailed comparison between observed values, medians and predicted foF2 values the correlation coefficient, the root-mean-square error (RMSE), and the percentage improvement were calculated. Results of the comparative analysis show that the STORM model captures more effectively the negative phases of the summer ionospheric storms, while electron density enhancement during winter storms and the changeover of the different storm phases is reproduced with less accuracy. The STORM model corrections are less efficient for lower-middle latitudes and severe geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

On April 15th 2003, Cluster crossed the dayside magnetopause boundary and observed a series flux transfer events (FTEs) during the interval from 0630 to 0730 UT. During this period, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) showed a negative z component and a positive y component. Simultaneous corresponding transient plasma flows were identified in the near-conjugate polar ionosphere by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar, and the geomagnetic field disturbances were observed by the IMAGE ground-based magnetometers. By combing these data and applying the Cooling model, we show that the transient plasma flows and the geomagnetic field disturbances are closely related to the dayside FTEs.  相似文献   

Ionospheric variability impacts operational performances of a variety of technological systems, such as HF communication, Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation, and radar surveillance. The ionosphere is not only perturbed by geomagnetic inputs but is also influenced by atmospheric tides and other wave disturbances propagating from the troposphere to high altitudes. Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs) excited by meteorological sources are one of the largest sources of mesoscale variability in the ionosphere. In this paper, Total Electron Content (TEC) data from networks of GPS receivers in the United States are analyzed to investigate AGWs in the ionosphere generated by convective thunderstorms. Two case studies of convectively generated gravity waves are presented. On April 4, 2014 two distinct large convective systems in Texas and Arkansas generated two sets of concentric AGWs that were observed in the ionosphere as Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs). The period of the observed TIDs was 20.8 min, the horizontal wavelength was 182.4 km, and the horizontal phase speed was 146.4 m/s. The second case study shows TIDs generated from an extended squall line on December 23, 2015 stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes in North America. Unlike the concentric wave features seen in the first case study, the extended squall line generated TIDs, which exhibited almost plane-parallel phase fronts. The TID period was 20.1 min, its horizontal wavelength was 209.6 km, and the horizontal phase speed was 180.1 m/s. The AGWs generated by both of these meteorological events have large vertical wavelength (>100 km), which are larger than the F2 layer thickness, thus allowing them to be discernible in the TEC dataset.  相似文献   

磁暴期间全球TEC扰动特性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



The response of the ionospheric F-region in the equatorial and low latitude regions in the Brazilian sector during the super geomagnetic storm on 06–07 April 2000 has been studied in the present investigation. The geomagnetic storm reached a minimum Dst of −288 nT at 0100 UT on 07 April. In this paper, we present vertical total electron content (VTEC) and phase fluctuations (in TECU/min) from GPS observations obtained at Imperatriz (5.5°S, 47.5°W; IMPZ), Brasília (15.9°S, 47.9°W; BRAZ), Presidente Prudente (22.12°S, 51.4°W; UEPP), and Porto Alegre (30.1°S, 51.1°W; POAL) during the period 05–08 April. Also, several GPS-based TEC maps are presented from the global GPS network, showing widespread and drastic TEC changes during the different phases of the geomagnetic storm. In addition, ion density measurements on-board the satellite Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F15 orbiting at an altitude of 840 km and the first Republic of China satellite (ROCSAT-1) orbiting at an altitude of 600 km are presented. The observations indicate that one of the orbits of the DMSP satellite is fairly close to the 4 GPS stations and both the DMSP F15 ion-density plots and the phase fluctuations from GPS observations show no ionospheric irregularities in the Brazilian sector before 2358 UT on the night of 06–07 April 2000. During the fast decrease of Dst on 06 April, there is a prompt penetration of electric field of magnetospheric origin resulting in decrease of VTEC at IMPZ, an equatorial station and large increase in VTEC at POAL, a low latitude station. This resulted in strong phase fluctuations on the night of 06–07 April, up to POAL. During the daytime on 07 April during the recovery phase, the VTEC observations show positive ionospheric storm at all the GPS stations, from IMPZ to POAL, and the effect increasing from IMPZ to POAL. This is possibly linked to the equatorward directed meridional wind. During the daytime on 08 April (the recovery phase continues), the VTEC observations show very small negative ionospheric storm at IMPZ but the positive ionospheric storm effect is observed from BRAZ to POAL possibly linked to enhancement of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly.  相似文献   

The International Reference Ionosphere IRI-2001 model contains geomagnetic activity dependence based on an empirical storm time ionospheric correction (STORM model). An extensive validation of the STORM model for the middle latitude region has been performed. In this paper the ability of the STORM model to predict foF2 values at high latitudes is analyzed. For this, ionosonde data obtained at Base Gral. San Martin (68.1°S, 293°E) are compared with those obtained by the IRI-2001 model with or without storm correction during four geomagnetic storms that occurred in 2000 (Rz12 = 117) and 2001 (Rz12 = 111). The results show that predicted values with the STORM model follow the behaviour of foF2 experimental data better than without the STORM model. The relative deviation between measured and predicted foF2 reaches values of up to 24% and 43% with and without the STORM model in IRI-2001, during the main phase of the storms. In order to explain increases of electron density that occurred prior to the storm onset and also decreases of electron density observed during the first part of the recovery of the storm, possible physical mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A statistical evaluation of storm-time total electron content (TEC) modelling techniques over various latitudes of the African sector and surrounding areas is presented. The source of observational TEC data used in this study is the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), specifically the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) receiver networks. For each selected receiver station, three different storm-time models based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) analysis, non-linear regression analysis (NLRA) and Artificial neural networks (ANN), were implemented. Storm-time GPS TEC data used for both development and validation of the models was selected based on the storm criterion of Dst?-50 nT or Kp?4 to take into account both coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs) driven storms, respectively. To make an independent test of the models, storm periods considered for validation were excluded from datasets used during the implementation of the models and results are compared with observations, monthly median values, and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) predictions. Considering GPS TEC as reference, a statistical analysis performed over six storm periods reserved for validation revealed that ANN model is about 10%, 26%, and 58% more accurate than EOF, NLRA, and IRI models, respectively. It was further found that, EOF model performs 15%, and 44% better than NLRA, and IRI models, respectively, while NLRA is 25% better than IRI. On the other hand, results are also discussed referring to the background ionosphere represented by monthly median TEC (MM TEC) and statistics are provided. Moreover, strengths and weaknesses of each model are highlighted.  相似文献   

The highest Total Electron Content (TEC) values in the world normally occur at Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region resulting in largest ionospheric range delay values observed for any potential Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS). Reliable forecasting of TEC is crucial for satellite based navigation systems. The day to day variability of the location of the anomaly peak and its intensity is very large. This imposes severe limitations on the applicability of commonly used ionospheric models to the low latitude regions. It is necessary to generate a mathematical ionospheric forecasting and mapping model for TEC based on physical ionospheric influencing parameters. A model, IRPE-TEC, has been developed based on real time low latitude total electron content data using GPS measurements from a number of stations situated around the northern crest of the EIA during 2007 through 2011 to predict the vertical TEC values during the low and moderate solar activity levels of the 24th solar cycle. This model is compared with standard ionospheric models like International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and Parameterized Ionospheric Model (PIM) to establish its applicability in the equatorial region for accurate predictions.  相似文献   

Data from the archive of the International GNSS Services (IGS) were used to study the seasonal variations of Total Electron Content (TEC) over three stations located at different latitudes in the southern hemisphere during the geomagnetic storms of 11 January, 6 April, 8 June, and 13 October 2000, representing storms that occurred in summer, autumn equinox, winter and spring equinox, respectively. The percentage TEC deviation with respect to reference values differs substantially from season to season. A strong seasonal anomaly and clear equinoctial asymmetry in TEC response to the storms were observed. Weak and short-lived positive TEC deviations as well as strong and long-lasting negative trends were observed in summer storm during the main and recovery phases respectively over the high and low latitudes whereas in winter storm, the highest positive TEC deviations was recorded during the main phase over the entire latitudes. TEC enhancement dominated all the stations during the autumn (March) equinox storm while TEC depletion was majorly observed during the spring (September) equinox. All these variations find their explanations in the thermospheric composition change and circulation. Future work with direct or modeled measurement of atomic Oxygen to molecular Nitrogen ratio (O/N2), large number of storms and other possible factors such as variations in storm’s intensity and local time dependence of the storm onset is expected to validate the observations in this study.  相似文献   

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