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The NetLander Mission will deploy four landers to the Martian surface. Each lander includes a network science payload with instrumentation for studying the interior of Mars, the atmosphere and the subsurface, as well as the ionospheric structure and geodesy. The NetLander Mission is the first planetary mission focusing on investigations of the interior of the planet and the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. A broad consortium of national space agencies and research laboratories will implement the mission. It is managed by CNES (the French Space Agency), with other major players being FMI (the Finnish Meteorological Institute), DLR (the German Space Agency), and other research institutes. According to current plans, the NetLander Mission will be launched in 2005 by means of an Ariane V launch, together with the Mars Sample Return mission. The landers will be separated from the spacecraft and targeted to their locations on the Martian surface several days prior to the spacecraft's arrival at Mars. The landing system employs parachutes and airbags. During the baseline mission of one Martian year, the network payloads will conduct simultaneous seismological, atmospheric, magnetic, ionospheric, geodetic measurements and ground penetrating radar mapping supported by panoramic images. The payloads also include entry phase measurements of the atmospheric vertical structure. The scientific data could be combined with simultaneous observations of the atmosphere and surface of Mars by the Mars Express Orbiter that is expected to be functional during the NetLander Mission's operational phase. Communication between the landers and the Earth would take place via a data relay onboard the Mars Express Orbiter.  相似文献   

为了验证未来月面复杂地形操控技术方案,基于Unity3D物理引擎对月表模型、月球物理环境以及月面光照环境进行了模拟,设计并开发了一套用于模拟月球自主进行着陆点选址以及在线航天器着陆轨迹规划的系统。该模拟系统的工作过程包含了:基于面阵雷达与立体相机信息融合的局部月表重建、基于3D重建结果的月表地形着陆代价的快速评估与自动着陆选址,以及使登陆器能够到达选址目标的最优燃料消耗着陆运动规划,实现了月球着陆器短距离自主选址着陆的模拟系统构建,同时也从仿真的角度初步验证了“地形重建-地形评估-自主选址-软着陆”这一自主着陆过程的可行性。  相似文献   

ASTEX (ASTeroid EXplorer) is a concept study of an in situ exploration mission to two Near-Earth-Asteroids (NEAs), which consists of an orbiting element and two individual lander units. The target candidates have different mineralogical compositions, i.e. one asteroid is chosen to be of “primitive’’ nature, the other to be a fragment of a differentiated asteroid. The main scientific goals of the ASTEX mission are the exploration of the physical, geological, and mineralogical nature of the NEAs. The higher level goal is the provision of information and constraints on the formation and evolution of our planetary system. The study identified realistic mission scenarios, defined the strawman payload as well as the requirements and options for the spacecraft bus including the propulsion system, the landers, the launcher, and assessed and defined the requirements for the mission’s operational ground segment.  相似文献   

In the coming decades the detection of Earth-like extrasolar planets, either apparently lifeless or exhibiting spectral signatures of life, will encourage design studies for craft to visit them. These missions will require the elaboration of an interstellar planetary protection protocol. Given a specific dose required to sterilize microorganisms on a spacecraft, a critical mean velocity can be determined below which a craft becomes self-sterilizing. This velocity is calculated to be below velocities previously projected for interstellar missions, suggesting that an active sterilization protocol prior to launch might be required. Given uncertainties in the surface conditions of a destination extrasolar planet, particularly at microscopic scales, the potential for unknown biochemistries and biologies elsewhere, or the possible inoculation of a lifeless planet that is habitable, then both lander and orbiter interstellar missions should be completely free of all viable organisms, necessitating a planetary protection approach applied to orbiters and landers bound for star systems with unknown local conditions for habitability. I discuss the case of existing craft on interstellar trajectories – Pioneer 10, 11 and Voyager 1 and 2.  相似文献   

为分析隔振平台对星上飞轮扰动的衰减效果,研究了飞轮隔振平台组合系统的动力学建模问题.首先推导出含有静动不平衡量的飞轮加隔振平台组合系统的动力学模型.从模型中得出,飞轮和平台之间存在耦合;转子的静动不平衡会体现为飞轮的多项扰动力和扰动力矩.其次,对这些扰动项进行量级分析,并据此简化系统方程.最后利用数值仿真将简化模型与之前的完整模型作对比,验证了此简化模型的合理性;并通过初步的整星系统仿真,说明了隔振系统对航天器姿态稳定度的改善效果.  相似文献   

轨道器精密定轨与着陆器的精确定位在深空探测任务中具有非常重要的科学意义。对一种月球与火星探测多程微波测量链路的定轨定位能力进行了初步仿真分析,推导了这种多程微波测量链路的测量模型,分析了该模型的优势。模拟仿真分析结果表明,此测量跟踪模式的数据具有提升轨道精度的潜在能力,并且同时求得着陆器的位置。定量分析表明,在考虑坐标系转换误差,重力场误差,行星历表误差以及星上转发误差的情况下,模拟1 mm/s的噪声,对于月球探测器来说,轨道器的定轨精度可达几米,着陆器的定位精度有望达到分米量级;对于火星探测器来说,轨道器的定轨精度可达到数10 m,着陆器的定位精度可达到几米。  相似文献   

为了分析带有变阻尼缓冲器的典型腿式着陆器软着陆性能,建立了着陆器的整机动力学仿真模型。结合仿真模型与蒙特卡罗法分析了着陆器在不确定着陆工况下的软着陆性能,验证了变阻尼缓冲器应用在着陆器中的可行性。基于动力学仿真模型和优化拉丁超立方实验设计抽取样本点,构造了描述变阻尼缓冲器缓冲特性参数、着陆工况参数与软着陆性能指标值之间映射关系的不完全三阶多项式响应面代理模型。为了得到性能最佳的变阻尼缓冲器,结合响应面模型、蒙特卡罗法与第二代非劣排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)对变阻尼缓冲器的缓冲特性参数进行了优化。通过仿真模型验证,优化后的变阻尼缓冲器使着陆器的软着陆性能得到提升。  相似文献   

针对航天领域空间交会对接、航天器配电、在轨服务与维护等领域对无缆化的需求,提出了多通道近场无线能量传输系统,建立了多通道磁耦合近场无线能量传输系统数学模型,分析了影响系统传输效率的重要参数,并对关键参数对系统效率的影响进行了仿真分析。通过线圈高效耦合设计,实现了多通道近场无线能量传输系统的效率最优。所提系统解决了能量的无线传输,并实现多负载接收的问题。通过一台1 000 W多通道近场无线能量传输样机进行了实验研究,结果表明,所提多通道近场无线能量传输装置具有传输效率高的特点,解决了航天器无线能量传输的多负载问题。   相似文献   

在空间环境探测中,卫星与等离子体的相互作用会改变背景环境的粒子和电位的分布,从而影响探测器对空间电场的测量.为了给磁层卫星电场探测仪器的研制和设计提供参考,本文以中国未来的磁层电离层探测为背景,针对不同轨道高度的等离子体环境,利用SPIS (Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software)...  相似文献   

针对空间机器人双臂捕获非合作航天器过程中避免关节受冲击破坏的避撞从顺控制问题,在机械臂与关节电机之间设计了一种由旋转型串联弹性执行器(RSEA)构成的弹簧缓冲装置.通过缓冲弹簧变形来吸收捕获碰撞阶段产生的冲击能量,并采用合理的避撞从顺控制策略,保证镇定运动阶段关节受到的冲击力矩限制在安全范围内.应用拉格朗日方法及牛顿elax-elax欧拉法,分别建立捕获前双臂空间机器人开环系统及航天器系统动力学模型;结合冲量定理、闭链系统位置及运动学关系,得到捕获操作后两者所构成闭链混合体系统的动力学模型.为实现失稳混合体系统的镇定,提出了一种基于无源性理论的自抗扰避撞从顺控制方案.此外,运用最小权值范数法对机械臂各关节力矩进行分配,保证了各臂协调操作.通过数值模拟,验证了缓冲装置的抗冲击性能及控制策略的有效性.   相似文献   

一种基于LIDAR的精确月球软着陆目标点选定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了月球探测器不设悬停阶段的精确软着陆运动中实时目标着陆点的自主选定方法.其过程包括着陆器运动补偿、数字高程图(DEM)的生成、障碍识别和最优安全着陆点搜索4个步骤.采用LIDAR敏感器,由经过运动补偿得到的斜距数据生成DEM,给出一种月面地形坡度和粗糙度的定义,根据安全着陆区的判据进行障碍识别,最后设计中心螺旋式搜索方法对探测器最优安全着陆点进行搜索选定.通过仿真验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

“嫦娥4号”中继星任务分析与系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为"嫦娥4号"任务的重要组成部分,中继星将为着陆器和巡视器提供中继通信支持。不同于其它月球探测器,中继星首次选择了绕地月L2平动点运行的晕(Halo)轨道以保证对月球背面的着陆器和巡视器提供连续的中继通信服务,面临诸多技术挑战。在对中继星任务特点进行分析的基础上,梳理了研制中的技术难题,包括使命轨道的选择、使命轨道的到达和长期维持、中继通信体制选择等,并提出了解决方案。中继星的总体设计方案概述也在文中给出。  相似文献   

“嫦娥4号”任务有效载荷系统设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
"嫦娥4号"任务将首次实现人类在月球背面软着陆。通过分析任务特点,以多类型有效载荷配置为背景,介绍了以科学目标和探测任务为核心的有效载荷系统设计思路和实现方法。同时针对首次在深空探测领域搭载国际合作有效载荷项目情况进行了说明。"嫦娥4号"任务最重要的科学目标是利用月球背面洁净的电磁环境进行天文低频射电观测,因此分别在着陆器和中继星上新增配置了国内新研制的低频射电频谱仪及荷兰研制的低频探测仪。科学探测的太阳爆发产生的低频电场信号极其微弱,如何消除着陆器和中继星上其他电子设备发射的近场噪声对远场探测信号的干扰就成了本次任务的最大难点。在相关研制单位的多方努力下,通过优化接收天线设计和地面数据处理算法等多种手段,实现了低频探测信号不低于30 d B的噪声抑制性能,具备了实现科学目标的能力。  相似文献   

航天器电子设备的地面综合测试是航天器研制过程中的重要环节,对设备功能验证及性能评估具有重要作用.传统的地面综合测试系统可重用性差,导致研制周期长且人力、设备投入较大.嫦娥四号着陆器载荷电控箱的地面测试系统采用模块化、可重用和CPU+FPGA单机集成体系结构,是集供配电测试、1553B通信总线仿真测试、间接指令测试、异步串口通信测试、实时数据处理等功能于一体的综合测试系统,适用于航天器电子设备单板调试、单机测试、软件配置项测试以及环境模拟试验等不同类型的测试.通过嫦娥四号着陆器载荷电控箱各项接口、功能、性能指标等的测试,证明该系统满足支持设备单机调试、软件配置项测试、状态确认和问题排查等测试需求,有力支撑了嫦娥四号着陆器载荷电控箱的单机设备研发,为嫦娥四号着陆器任务实施提供了有效保障.   相似文献   

Particularly intense events occurred on the Sun in a period around minimum of solar activity during cycle 23. We investigated the characteristics of September 2005 and December 2006 events and the properties of the correlated observations of ionospheric absorption, obtained by a 30 MHz riometer installed at Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS-Antarctica), and of geomagnetic activity recorded at Scott Base (Antarctica). Solar events are studied using the characteristics of CMEs measured with SoHO/LASCO coronagraphs and the temporal evolution of solar energetic protons in different energy ranges measured by GOES 11 spacecraft.  相似文献   

The pace of scientific exploration of our solar system provides ever-increasing insights into potentially habitable environments, and associated concerns for their contamination by Earth organisms. Biological and organic-chemical contamination has been extensively considered by the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP) and has resulted in the internationally recognized regulations to which spacefaring nations adhere, and which have been in place for 40 years. The only successful Mars lander missions with system-level “sterilization” were the Viking landers in the 1970s. Since then different cleanliness requirements have been applied to spacecraft based on their destination, mission type, and scientific objectives. The Planetary Protection Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council has noted that a strategic Research & Technology Development (R&TD) roadmap would be very beneficial to encourage the timely availability of effective tools and methodologies to implement planetary protection requirements. New research avenues in planetary protection for ambitious future exploration missions can best be served by developing an over-arching program that integrates capability-driven developments with mission-driven implementation efforts. This paper analyzes the current status concerning microbial reduction and cleaning methods, recontamination control and bio-barriers, operational analysis methods, and addresses concepts for human exploration. Crosscutting research and support activities are discussed and a rationale for a Strategic Planetary Protection R&TD Roadmap is outlined. Such a roadmap for planetary protection provides a forum for strategic planning and will help to enable the next phases of solar system exploration.  相似文献   

空间目标的轨道机动往往隐藏在测量噪声中, 不容易被识别出来. 轨道机动可以引起机械能的突变, 用空间目标与航天器的单位质量机械能差作为机动识别的特征信号, 不会引入航天器本身的定轨误差. 用小波多尺度分解处理含噪声的特征信号, 对分解后的数据利用算法识别是否存在机动. 仿真结果表明, 本文提供的方法能有效识别空间目标的轨道机动.   相似文献   

针对超静卫星星体平台无陀螺、载荷敏感器与星体平台执行机构非共基准安装时整星存在姿态异位控制问题,提出了一种基于观测器估计星体平台姿态的复合控制方法。首先,建立星体平台/Stewart平台/载荷的动力学模型,并获得Stewart平台作动器关节空间的等效动力学模型。针对关节空间等效模型,设计super twisting观测器,以作动器平动位移为输入,以载荷和星体平台之间的相对姿态和角速度为输出,实现星体平台姿态和角速度估计。其次,以载荷测量姿态信息为输入,设计Stewart作动器的积分滑模控制律,实现载荷高精度指向控制。以观测器估计的星体平台姿态信息为输入,设计星体平台控制器实现星体平台的稳定控制。Lyapunov稳定性分析表明所设计的观测器和控制器能够保证闭环系统渐近稳定。数学仿真结果表明:在星体平台有陀螺时,载荷能够实现0.1″指向精度;在星体平台无陀螺时,采用观测器估计星体平台姿态并进行控制,载荷亦可实现0.1″指向精度。  相似文献   

Proper assessments of spacecraft shielding requirements and concomitant estimates of risk to spacecraft crews from energetic space radiation requires accurate, quantitative methods of characterizing the compositional changes in these radiation fields as they pass through thick absorbers. These quantitative methods are also needed for characterizing accelerator beams used in space radiobiology studies. Because of the impracticality/impossibility of measuring these altered radiation fields inside critical internal body organs of biological test specimens and humans, computational methods rather than direct measurements must be used. Since composition changes in the fields arise from nuclear interaction processes (elastic, inelastic and breakup), knowledge of the appropriate cross sections and spectra must be available. Experiments alone cannot provide the necessary cross section and secondary particle (neutron and charged particle) spectral data because of the large number of nuclear species and wide range of energies involved in space radiation research. Hence, nuclear models are needed. In this paper current methods of predicting total and absorption cross sections and secondary particle (neutrons and ions) yields and spectra for space radiation protection analyses are reviewed. Model shortcomings are discussed and future needs presented.  相似文献   

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