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X-radiation from energetic electrons is the prime diagnostic of flare-accelerated electrons. The observed X-ray flux (and polarization state) is fundamentally a convolution of the cross-section for the hard X-ray emission process(es) in question with the electron distribution function, which is in turn a function of energy, direction, spatial location and time. To address the problems of particle propagation and acceleration one needs to infer as much information as possible on this electron distribution function, through a deconvolution of this fundamental relationship. This review presents recent progress toward this goal using spectroscopic, imaging and polarization measurements, primarily from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Previous conclusions regarding the energy, angular (pitch angle) and spatial distributions of energetic electrons in solar flares are critically reviewed. We discuss the role and the observational evidence of several radiation processes: free-free electron-ion, free-free electron-electron, free-bound electron-ion, photoelectric absorption and Compton backscatter (albedo), using both spectroscopic and imaging techniques. This unprecedented quality of data allows for the first time inference of the angular distributions of the X-ray-emitting electrons and improved model-independent inference of electron energy spectra and emission measures of thermal plasma. Moreover, imaging spectroscopy has revealed hitherto unknown details of solar flare morphology and detailed spectroscopy of coronal, footpoint and extended sources in flaring regions. Additional attempts to measure hard X-ray polarization were not sufficient to put constraints on the degree of anisotropy of electrons, but point to the importance of obtaining good quality polarization data in the future.  相似文献   

I review the observations of galactic synchrotron sources, focusing on shell supernova remnants (SNRs), with particular attention to attributes that constrain the properties of electron acceleration. Radio observations provide information on source fluxes, spectral index, morphology, and polarization. Recent observations give us strong reason to believe that several young SNRs show synchrotron X-ray emission. Even if X-rays are thermal, however, limits can be set on the maximum energy to which electrons can be accelerated without a spectral break, since no galactic SNR is observed to have X-ray emission (due to any source) as bright as the extrapolation from radio frequencies of radio synchrotron emission. If synchrotron X-rays are detected or inferred, their morphology and spectrum provide important information on mechanisms governing acceleration to the highest energies. I describe models of synchrotron emission from SNRs and their comparison with observations. Finally, I describe the tasks ahead for both observers and theoreticians, to make better use of what SNR synchrotron emission tells us about particle acceleration.  相似文献   

Extraterrestrial radio sources, whose emission characteristics (flux density, spectrum, angular size) and coordinates have been firmly established by careful observations, have application in the measurement of the effective area (aperture efficiency and gain) of an antenna and its radiation pattern. The radio-emission characteristics of the strong discrete (celestial) radio sources, of the sun, and of the moon are presented. Problems encountered when the sensitivity is insufficient for complete radiation pattern determination , when the width of the radio source is comparable to the beamwidth of the antenna, when the illumination of the antenna aperture varies with pointing direction, or when the techniques are extended (after determining the gain of the ground-based antenna) to the measurement of the effective radiated power from a satellite are discussed.  相似文献   

The Hermean magnetosphere is likely to contain a number of wave phenomena. We briefly review what little is known so far about fields and waves around Mercury. We further discuss a number of possible phenomena, including ULF pulsations, acceleration-related radiation, bow shock waves, bremsstrahlung (or braking radiation), and synchrotron radiation. Finally, some predictions are made as to the likelihood that some of these types of wave emission exist.  相似文献   

We review the observational and theoretical results on the physics of microwave bursts that occur in the solar atmosphere. We particularly emphasize the advances made in burst physics over the last few years with the great improvement in spatial and time resolution especially with instruments like the NRAO three element interferometer, Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and more recently the Very Large Array (VLA).We review the observations on pre-flare build-up of an active region at centimeter wavelengths. In particular we discuss the observations that in addition to the active region undergoing brightness and polarization changes on time scales of the order of an hour before a flare, there can be a change of the sense of polarization of a component of the relevant active region situated at the same location as the flare, implying the emergence of a flux of reverse polarity at coronal levels. The intensity distribution of cm- bursts is similar to that of soft X-ray and hard X-ray bursts. Indeed, it appears that the flaring behavior of the Sun at cm wavelengths is similar to that of some other cosmic transients such as flare stars and X-ray bursters.We discuss three distinct phases in the evolution of cm bursts, namely, impulsive phase, post-burst phase, and gradual rise and fall. The radiation mechanism for the impulsive phase of the microwave burst is gyrosynchrotron emission from mildly relativistic electrons that are accelerated near the energy release site and spiral in the strong magnetic field in the low corona. The details of the velocity distribution function of the energetic electrons and its time evolution are not known. We review the spectral characteristics for two kinds of velocity distribution, e.g., Maxwellian and Maxwellian with a power law tail for the energetic electrons. In the post-burst phase the energetic electrons are gradually thermalized. The thermal plasma released in the energy release region as well as the expanded parts of the overheated upper chromosphere may alter the emission mechanism. Thus, in the post-burst phase, depending on the average density and temperature of the thermal plasma, the emission mechanism may change from gyrosynchrotron to collisional bremsstrahlung from a thermal plasma. The gradual rise and fall (GFR) burst represents the heating of a flare plasma to temperatures of the order of 106 K, in association with a flare or an X-ray transient following a filament disruption.We discuss the flux density spectra of centimeter bursts. The great majority of the bursts have a single spectral maximum, commonly around 6 cm- The U-shaped signature sometimes found in cm-dcm burst spectrum of large bursts is believed to a be a reflection of only the fact that there are two different sources of burst radiation, one for cm- and the other for dcm-, with different electron energy distributions and different magnetic fields.Observations of fine structures with temporal resolutionof 10–100 ms in the intensity profiles of cm- bursts are described. The existence of such fine time structures imply brightness temperatures in burst sources of order 1015 K; their interpretation in terms of gyrosynchrotron measuring or the coherent interaction of upper hybrid waves excited by percipitating electron beams in a flaring loop is discussed.High spatial resolution observations (a few seconds of arc to 1 arc) are discussed, with special reference to the one- and two-dimensional maps of cm burst sources. The dominance of one sense of circular polarization in some weak 6 cm bursts and its interpretation in terms of energetic electrons confined in an asymmetric magnetic loop is discussed. Two-dimensional snapshot maps obtained with the VLA show that multi-peak impulsive 6 cm burst phase radiation originates from several arcades of loops and that the burst source often occupies a substantial portion of the flaring loop, and is not confined strictly to the top of the loop. This phenomenon is interpreted in terms of the trapping of energetic electrons due to anomalous doppler resonance instability and the characteristic scale length of the magnetic field variation along the loop. The VLA observations also indicate that the onset of the impulsive phase of a 6 cm burst can be associated with the appearance of a new system of loops. The presence of two loop systems with opposite polarities or a quadrupole field configuration is reminiscent of flare models in which a current sheet develops in the interface between two closed loops.We provide an extensive review of the emission and absorption processes in thermal and non-thermal velocity distributions. Unlike the thermal plasma where absorption and emission are inter-related through Kirchoff's law, the radiation emitted from a small population of non-thermal electrons can be reabsorbed from the same electrons (self-absorption) or from the background (thermal) electrons through gyro-resonance absorption, and free-free absorption. We also suggest that the non-thermal electrons can be unstable and these instabilities can be the source of very high brightness temperature, fine structure ( 10 ms) pulsations.Finally in the last part of this review we present several microwave burst models-the magnetic trap model, the two-component model, thermal model and the flaring loop model and give a critical discussion of the strength and weakness of these models.  相似文献   

Radio synchrotron emission, its polarization and its Faraday rotation are powerful tools to study the strength and structure of magnetic fields in galaxies. Unpolarized emission traces turbulent fields which are strongest in spiral arms and bars (20–30?μG) and in central starburst regions (50–100?μG). Such fields are dynamically important, e.g. they can drive gas inflows in central regions. Polarized emission traces ordered fields which can be regular or anisotropic random, generated from isotropic random fields by compression or shear. The strongest ordered fields of 10–15?μG strength are generally found in interarm regions and follow the orientation of adjacent gas spiral arms. Ordered fields with spiral patterns exist in grand-design, barred and flocculent galaxies, and in central regions of starburst galaxies. Faraday rotation measures (RM) of the diffuse polarized radio emission from the disks of several spiral galaxies reveal large-scale patterns, which are signatures of regular fields generated by a mean-field dynamo. However, in most spiral galaxies observed so far the field structure is more complicated. Ordered fields in interacting galaxies have asymmetric distributions and are an excellent tracer of past interactions between galaxies or with the intergalactic medium. Ordered magnetic fields are also observed in radio halos around edge-on galaxies, out to large distances from the plane, with X-shaped patterns. Future observations of polarized emission at high frequencies, with the EVLA, the SKA and its precursors, will trace galactic magnetic fields in unprecedented detail. Low-frequency telescopes (e.g. LOFAR and MWA) are ideal to search for diffuse emission and small RMs from weak interstellar and intergalactic fields.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the energetic particles produced in solar flares indicate that the production of electrons, with energies up to about 100 keV, is a fairly common feature of small flares. In those flares the acceleration of protons and other nuclei does not extend beyond about 1 MeV.The X-ray emission often exhibits two distinct components of which the first one is produced by non-thermal, the second by thermal electrons through bremsstrahlung collisions with the ambient ions. Along with these X rays, radio emission, in the microwave region, is observed. This radio emission is usually interpreted as due to gyrosynchrotron radiation from the same electrons.In this review a discussion is presented of the processes occurring in solar flares with special reference to the acceleration and radiation processes.  相似文献   

The most frequent manifestation of synchrotron nebulae is the radio emission emanating from radio galaxies and supernova remnants. In general the synchrotron spectra of these objects do not extend into optical and x-ray domains presumably because the high energy electrons needed to sustain such emission are too short-lived. In fact, we knew of only one class of objects in which synchrotron nebulae are observed at frequencies above the radio, namely Crab-like supernova remnants (SNR). In these instances, a central pulsar is presumed to continually accelerate electrons up to the requisite energies, thus balancing the high synchrotron loss rate. The first part of this talk will discuss the available x-ray observations of these sources as well as some of the difficulties in their interpretation. The last part of the talk will be concerned with a new class of synchrotron nebulae associated with binary star systems.  相似文献   

The recent close encounters of Pioneer-10 (December 1973) and Pioneer-11 (December 1974) with the planet Jupiter provided the first in situ observations of zenomagnetically trapped particle radiation. Such observations represented a major advance in planetary research. Prior estimates of radiation intensities (particle fluxes) at Jupiter had necessarily relied (in the case of electrons) upon inferences from Jovian decimetric radio emission observed at the Earth and (in the case of protons) upon postulates for the numerical scaling from terrestrial proton intensities. The Pioneer-10 and Pioneer-11 observations have stimulated continuing theoretical efforts to understand the reported findings and to extrapolate from them to other planets and other epochs. While the analysis of trapped-radiation data from the Pioneer spacecraft is far from being completed, a consensus has developed with respect to the physical mechanisms that must be considered. The observed radiation belts seem to be populated by radial diffusion from an external source. The diffusion coefficient seems to be that derived from fluctuations in the polarization electric field produced by neutral winds in the Jovian ionosphere, which is coupled to the magnetosphere by equipotential B-field lines. Radiation-belt electrons lose energy and change their equatorial pitch angles by virtue of synchrotron emission. Radiation-belt ions and electrons both may be subject to pitch-angle diffusion caused by waves that the respective particle anisotropies have created through plasma instabilities. Finally, radiation-belt ions and electrons seem to experience absorption by the inner Jovian satellites (moons) in a manner that may depend upon the species and energy of the incident radiation-belt particle. It is not yet known whether satellite-associated clouds of sodium and sulfur contribute substantially to the inferred particle absorption. Also still open is the question of whether the satellites provide a substantial source of radiation-belt particles. Moreover, there remains doubt concerning the configuration of the outer Jovian magnetosphere and the influence of this configuration on the zenomagnetic trapping of energetic charged particles.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation is generated throughout the Milky Way. It fills the sky, and carries with it the imprint of the magnetic field at the point of origin and along the propagation path. Observations of the diffuse polarized radio emission should be able to provide information on Galactic magnetic fields with detail matching the angular resolution of the telescope. I review what has been learned from existing data, but the full potential cannot be realized from current observations because they do not adequately sample the frequency structure of the polarized emission, or they lack information on large-scale structure. I discuss three surveys, each overcoming one of these limitations, and show how use of complementary data on other ISM tracers can help elucidate the role of magnetic fields in interstellar processes. The focus of this review is on the small-scale field, on sizes comparable with the various forms of interaction of stars with their surroundings. The future is bright for this field of research as new telescopes are being built, designed for the survey mode of observation, equipped for wideband, multichannel polarization observations.  相似文献   

Young pulsars surrounded by supernova remnants can power synchrotron nebulae through the injection of relativistic particles. Inverse Compton scattering by the high-energy electrons and positrons can produce TeV gamma-ray emission strong enough to be detectable by ground-based telescopes. The Crab nebula is the archetypical example of a gamma-ray plerion and was the first detected TeV source. The observed spectrum is consistent with predictions of synchrotron-self Compton models. This paper will review such models for the Crab and other plerions. Inverse-Compton scattering on other soft photon sources, particularly the 2.7K microwave background, may also be detectable in older remnants.  相似文献   

The Suprathermal Electron (STE) instrument, part of the IMPACT investigation on both spacecraft of NASA’s STEREO mission, is designed to measure electrons from ~2 to ~100 keV. This is the primary energy range for impulsive electron/3He-rich energetic particle events that are the most frequently occurring transient particle emissions from the Sun, for the electrons that generate solar type III radio emission, for the shock accelerated electrons that produce type II radio emission, and for the superhalo electrons (whose origin is unknown) that are present in the interplanetary medium even during the quietest times. These electrons are ideal for tracing heliospheric magnetic field lines back to their source regions on the Sun and for determining field line lengths, thus probing the structure of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and of the ambient inner heliosphere. STE utilizes arrays of small, passively cooled thin window silicon semiconductor detectors, coupled to state-of-the-art pulse-reset front-end electronics, to detect electrons down to ~2 keV with about 2 orders of magnitude increase in sensitivity over previous sensors at energies below ~20 keV. STE provides energy resolution of ΔE/E~10–25% and the angular resolution of ~20° over two oppositely directed ~80°×80° fields of view centered on the nominal Parker spiral field direction.  相似文献   

Solar active region coronae are known for strong magnetic fields permeating tenuous plasma, which makes them an ideal astronomical laboratory for magnetohydrodynamics research. It is, however, relatively less known that this physical condition also permits a very efficient radiation mechanism, gyro-resonant emission, produced by hot electrons gyrating in the coronal magnetic field. As a resonant mechanism, gyro-emission produces high enough opacity to fully reveal the coronal temperature, and is concentrated at a few harmonics of the local gyrofrequency to serve as an excellent indicator of the magnetic field. In addition, the polarization of the ubiquitous free–free emission and a phenomenon of depolarization due to mode coupling extend the magnetic field diagnostic to a wide range of coronal heights. The ability to measure the coronal temperature and magnetic field without the complications that arise in other radiative inversion problems is a particular advantage for the active region radio emissions available only at these wavelengths. This article reviews the efforts to understand these radiative processes, and use them as diagnostic tools to address a number of critical issues involved with active regions.  相似文献   

The spectral and polarization properties of thermal cyclotron radio emission from a hot coronal loop with a current along the axis are computed. The magnetic field is supposed to have a component along the loop axis as well as a poloidal part due to the current, both components being of comparable magnitude. In this specific configuration a helical magnetic field is present with a remarkable minimum of its absolute value along the loop axis and a maximum at its periphery. The presence of one or two maxima of magnetic field value along the line of sight results in increasing optical thickness of the gyroresonance layers at appropriate frequencies in the microwave band and, therefore, in enhanced radio emission at those harmonics which are optically thin (for example,s=4). These cannot be observed in models with the commonly employed magnetic field configuration (longitudinal along the loop axis).We show that the frequency spectrum of thermal cyclotron radiation from a hot coronal loop with a helical magnetic field differs from that of the standards-component source (with smooth frequency characteristics and polarization corresponding toe-mode) in that plenty of fine structures (line-like features and cut-offs) are present and theo-mode is prevalent in some frequency intervals. The enhanced radio emission at high harmonics and the complicated form of frequency spectrum in the model considered imply that some microwave sources, which are poorly explained in traditional models of solar active regions, may be associated with helical magnetic fields in hot coronal loops. Computations allow one to indicate spectral and polarizational peculiarities of local sources testifying to the presence of a helical magnetic field.  相似文献   

It is now well established that both thunderclouds and lightning routinely emit x-rays and gamma-rays. These emissions appear over wide timescales, ranging from sub-microsecond bursts of x-rays associated with lightning leaders, to sub-millisecond bursts of gamma-rays seen in space called terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, to minute long glows from thunderclouds seen on the ground and in or near the cloud by aircraft and balloons. In particular, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), which are thought to be emitted by thunderclouds, are so bright that they sometimes saturate detectors on spacecraft hundreds of kilometers away. These TGFs also generate energetic secondary electrons and positrons that are detected by spacecraft in the inner magnetosphere. It is generally believed that these x-ray and gamma-ray emissions are generated, via bremsstrahlung, by energetic runaway electrons that are accelerated by electric fields in the atmosphere. In this paper, we review this newly emerging field of High-Energy Atmospheric Physics, including the production of runaway electrons, the production and propagation of energetic radiation, and the effects of both on atmospheric electrodynamics.  相似文献   

The observations of type-III solar radio bursts are briefly reviewed to set requirements on a model for their interpretation. The most important of these requirements is that the source must be an electron stream which is in a state of continuous quasilinear relaxation and which initially must have a nearly monotonically decreasing velocity distribution. The problem of constructing a model is broken into three parts: (1) The plasma wave source which depends on the interaction of the electron stream with electron plasma waves. (2) The radiation source which depends on the interaction of plasma waves and transverse electromagnetic waves or in a magnetized plasma the ordinary and extraordinary modes of magnetoionic theory. (3) The propagation of radiation between the source and the observer which depends on the transmission of radiation through a scattering refracting absorbing magnetized plasma.Progress on a model for the plasma wave source is reviewed and it is concluded that no existing models are adequate. The equations which would lead to an adequate model are written down, but not solved. These include, in addition to collisional damping, Landau damping both by the exciting stream and the background plasma, and spontaneous and induced processes for a three-dimensional distribution of plasma waves. Possible limitations to a quasilinear approach such as pile-up of plasma waves and nonlinear effects are considered. Processes which affect the gross structure of the source such as electron trajectories in coronal streamers and electron scattering by inhomogeneities are reviewed.Progress on the radiation source is considered both in the absence and presence of a magnetic field. At high frequencies (e.g., 80 MHz) observations of radiation near the fundamental and second harmonic of the plasma frequency allow a unique determination of source size and the energy density in plasma waves within the uncertainties of geometry by source ray tracing. This determination is extremely critical because the fundamental must be amplified and thus production of the fundamental is effectively a much more highly nonlinear process than production of the second harmonic. At low frequencies (e.g., 500 kHz) the second harmonic is shown to be dominant because amplification of the fundamental becomes an inefficient process.Calculations of scattering of radiation in a random medium are reviewed. It is concluded that these are adequate at high and low frequencies, but have not been carried out properly at intermediate frequencies where amplification of the fundamental may still be present. It is shown in particular that when scattering is taken into account at high frequencies all observations can be explained by isotropic emission near the second harmonic. At low frequencies the nature of the scatterers is determined by source occultations unlike the case at high frequencies where these are free parameters. This fact allows the possibility of determining true source sizes at low frequencies by subtracting out the contribution due to scattering. A mechanism for producing the possibly observed linear or highly elliptical polarization of type-III bursts, which must be imposed far from the source due to Faraday rotation, is reviewed.Finally, the questions of what remains to be done and what we can hope to obtain upon completion of this work are briefly considered.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Lei  F.  Dean  A. J.  Hills  G. L. 《Space Science Reviews》1997,82(3-4):309-388
The analysis of compact astronomical objects has generally dealt with the physical properties of the source within a two-parameter space, which is defined by the spectral characteristics and time variability. This approach often leads to the situation whereby two or more very different models can explain the observations successfully. Polarimetric observations have the diagnostic potential to discriminate between the different compact source models and can offer a unique insight into the geometrical nature of the emission zones. To date, however, no polarization observation in the gamma-ray energy domain has been successfully performed, due to the difficulties in making polarimetric measurements in this high-energy region of the spectrum. In this paper the polarized gamma-ray emission mechanisms are reviewed with the emphasis on their detectable characteristics. Potential astronomical sites in which these emission mechanisms may be at work are discussed. Observational results obtained in other wavebands and theoretical predications made for some of the most likely astronomical sources of polarization are reviewed. Compton polarimetry has long been used in the field of nuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy in the laboratory. The operational principle behind all generations of nuclear gamma-ray polarimeters has been to measure the asymmetry in the azimuthal distribution of the scattered photons. However none of the polarimeters designed for laboratory experiments will be sensitive enough to observe even the strongest astronomical source. In the past few years there have been a number of innovative developments aimed at the construction of astronomical gamma-ray polarimeters, either as dedicated experiments or in missions with polarimetric capability. The designs of all the polarimeters are based on either discrete or continuous position sensitive detector planes. In this paper the data analysis techniques associated with this type of polarimeter are discussed as well as methods of removing some of the systematic effects introduced by a non-ideal detector response function and observation conditions. Laboratory tests of these new polarimetric techniques are reviewed. They demonstrate the feasibility of building a suitably sensitive astronomical gamma-ray polarimeter. Optimization of the design of pixellated detector array based polarimeters is also addressed. The INTEGRAL mission, which is to be launched by ESA in the year 2001, is the most likely telescope to perform the first successful gamma-ray polarization observation. The polarimetric characteristics of the two main instruments on board INTEGRAL are evaluated and their sensitivities to a wide range of potentially polarized gamma-ray sources are estimated.  相似文献   

Auroral investigations by means of rockets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of rocket experiments undertaken to study auroral zone events includes summary information about instrumentation and results in the field of energetic electrons and protons, of charged particle densities, of optical observations, of magnetic and electric fields, of bremsstrahlung X-rays, of thermal electrons, and of production rates. Other auroral investigations except those involving rockets have been largely ignored.  相似文献   

A method of determining the position of celestial X-ray sources which utilizes a modulation collimator rotating about a fixed axis is presented. The signal from each source in the field of view is modulated by a frequency which is fixed by the radial distance from the intersection of the rotation axis and the celestial sphere. The phase of the modulation is determined by the angular distance of the source from a reference line on the celestial sphere. Thus, the modulation function for each source is unique. The data are reduced by the technique of Fourier analysis. Synthesized experimental data for the cases of a single source and for five sources in the field of view are analysed. The ability to distinguish and accurately locate each source in a multiple source field is a major achievement of this method. Sources can be located with an accuracy which is competitive with other methods. An experiment based on this method can be lifted on an Aerobee 150 system.This work was supported by grant NsG-386 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

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