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The development of currents due to arbitrary distributions of trapped particles in the geomagnetic field is described. These currents form the Earth's ring current and are responsible for world wide decreases of the surface magnetic field observed during magnetic storms. It is shown that we do not yet know the relative abundances of the ions forming the ring current. Because of this we do not understand how various sources mix to produce the ring current. Several possible generation mechanisms are discussed. Finally, the decay of the ring current is discussed and is shown to be due primarily to charge exchange with important secondary effects attributable to wave-particle interactions.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various approaches to the problem of evaluation and numerical representation of the magnetic field distributions produced within the magnetosphere by the main electric current systems including internal Earth's sources, the magnetopause surface current, the tail plasma sheet, the large-scale systems of Birkeland current, the currents due to radiation belt particles, and the partial ring current circuit. Some basic physical principles as well as mathematical background for development of magnetospheric magnetic field models are discussed.A special emphasis is placed on empirical modeling based on datasets created from large bodies of spacecraft measurements. A review of model results on the average magnetospheric configurations and their dependence on the geomagnetic disturbance level and the state of interplanetary medium is given. Possibilities and perspectives for elaborating the instantaneous models capable of evaluating a current distribution of magnetic field and force line configuration based on a synoptic monitoring the intensity of the main magnetospheric electric current systems are also discussed. Some areas of practical use of magnetospheric models are reviewed in short. Magnetospheric plasma and energetic particle measurements are considered in the context of their use as an independent tool for testing and correcting the magnetic field models.  相似文献   

Wave-particle effects are implicit in most models of radial diffusion and energization of Van Allen belt particles; they were explicitly used in the wave turbulence model for trapped particle precipitation and trapped flux limitations by Kennel and Petschek, Cornwall and by many others. Liemohn used wave-particle interactions to work out a theory of path-integrated whistler amplification process to explain the lack of large per-hop attenuation of multiple-hop LF whistlers.Others have now used wave-particle interactions to construct theories of ELF and VLF chorus. In the present paper we shall review the observations and some of the pertinent theoretical interpretations of wave-particle effects as they relate to substorm and storm-time phenomena. If substorms develop as a result of magnetic merging, then it seems clear that wave-particle interactions in the dissipative or so-called diffusion region of the reconnection zone may be of great importance. The plasma sheet thinning and flow towards the Earth lead inevitably to the development of particle distribution functions that contain free energy in a pitch-angle anisotropy. Such free energy can be released via plasma wave instabilities. The subsequent wave-particle interactions can result in both strong and weak diffusion of particles into loss cones with consequent precipitation fluxes into the auroral zone. Ring current proton spectra also should be unstable against various plasma instabilities with consequent ring current decay and precipitations. Wave-particle interactions must play some important roles in auroral arcs, electrojets and other phenomena related to substorms. These aspects of wave-Paticle interaction will be covered  相似文献   

The paper reviews the importance of inductive electric fields in explaining different magnetospheric and auroral phenomena during moderately and highly disturbed conditions. Quiet-time particle energization and temporal development of the tail structure during the substorm growth phase are explained by the presence of a large-scale electrostatic field directed from dawn to dusk over the magnetotail. Conservation of the first adiabatic invariant in the neutral sheet with a small value of the gradient in the magnetic field implies that the longitudinal energy increases at each crossing of the neutral sheet. At a certain moment, this may result in a rapid local growth of the current and in an instability that triggers the onset. During the growth phase energy is stored mainly in the magnetic field, since the energy density in the electric field is negligible compared to that of the magnetic field (ratio 1: 107). An analytical model is described in which the characteristic observations of a substorm onset are taken into account. One major feature is that the triggering is confined to a small local time sector. During moderate disturbances, the induction fields in the magnetotail are stronger by at least one order of magnitude than the average cross-tail field. Temporal development of the disturbed area results in X- and O-type neutral lines. Particles near to these neutral lines are energized to over 1 MeV energies within a few seconds, due to an effective combination of linear and betatron acceleration. The rotational property of the induction field promotes energization in a restricted area with dimensions equivalent to a few Earth's radii. The model also predicts the existence of highly localized cable-type field-aligned currents appearing on the eastern and western edges of the expanding auroral bulge. It is shown that the predictions agree with satellite observations and with the data obtained from the two-dimensional instrument networks operated in Northern Europe during the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS, 1976–79).  相似文献   

Energetic particle instrumentation on the Polar satellite has discovered that significant fluxes of energetic particles are continuously present in the region of the dayside magnetosphere where they cannot be stably trapped. This region is associated with either open magnetic field lines or a magnetic topology associated with pseudo-trapping. Two distinct features [Time-Energy Dispersion (TED) signatures and Cusp Energetic Particle (CEP) events] are observed in these energetic particle fluxes that strongly suggest a local acceleration of mostly shocked solar wind particles. As the solar wind particles ram themselves into the cusp geometry, they form diamagnetic cavities with strong turbulence that are capable of accelerating particles to energies of 100s and 1000s of kiloelectronvolts. This process forms a layer of energetic particles on the magnetopause as well as permits such particles to enter via drift the equatorial nightside magnetosphere to distances as close as six Earth radii under the influence of gradient and curvature effects in the local magnetic field. The fluxes of these particles have all of the properties associated with the ring current and can supply the magnitude of the cross tail current required. ISEE-1 energetic particle data and their pitch angle distributions [PAD] are examined at the magnetic equatorial plane on the night side to investigate and possibly validate the insights gains from the Polar data and energetic particle trajectory tracing in a realistic magnetic field. The existence and properties of butterfly-type PADs strongly supports the concept of a dayside high latitude source of energetic particle fluxes. Because the CEP process is impulsive and time variable the charge separation produced by the drifting electrons (eastward) and ions (westward) on the magnetospheric nightside may be responsible for the cross tail electric field that has been ascribed to the reconnection/convection process.  相似文献   

The auroral zone ionosphere is coupled to the outer magnetosphere by means of field-aligned currents. Parallel electric fields associated with these currents are now widely accepted to be responsible for the acceleration of auroral particles. This paper will review the theoretical concepts and models describing this coupling. The dynamics of auroral zone particles will be described, beginning with the adiabatic motions of particles in the converging geomagnetic field in the presence of parallel potential drops and then considering the modifications to these adiabatic trajectories due to wave-particle interactions. The formation of parallel electric fields can be viewed both from microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints. The presence of a current carrying plasma can give rise to plasma instabilities which in a weakly turbulent situation can affect the particle motions, giving rise to an effective resistivity in the plasma. Recent satellite observations, however, indicate that the parallel electric field is organized into discrete potential jumps, known as double layers. From a macroscopic viewpoint, the response of the particles to a parallel potential drop leads to an approximately linear relationship between the current density and the potential drop.The currents flowing in the auroral circuit must close in the ionosphere. To a first approximation, the ionospheric conductivity can be considered to be constant, and in this case combining the ionospheric Ohm's Law with the linear current-voltage relation for parallel currents leads to an outer scale length, above which electric fields can map down to the ionosphere and below which parallel electric fields become important. The effects of particle precipitation make the picture more complex, leading to enhanced ionization in upward current regions and to the possibility of feedback interactions with the magnetosphere.Determining adiabatic particle orbits in steady-state electric and magnetic fields can be used to determine the self-consistent particle and field distributions on auroral field lines. However, it is difficult to pursue this approach when the fields are varying with time. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models deal with these time-dependent situations by treating the particles as a fluid. This class of model, however, cannot treat kinetic effects in detail. Such effects can in some cases be modeled by effective transport coefficients inserted into the MHD equations. Intrinsically time-dependent processes such as the development of magnetic micropulsations and the response of the magnetosphere to ionospheric fluctuations can be readily treated in this framework.The response of the lower altitude auroral zone depends in part on how the system is driven. Currents are generated in the outer parts of the magnetosphere as a result of the plasma convection. The dynamics of this region is in turn affected by the coupling to the ionosphere. Since dissipation rates are very low in the outer magnetosphere, the convection may become turbulent, implying that nonlinear effects such as spectral transfer of energy to different scales become important. MHD turbulence theory, modified by the ionospheric coupling, can describe the dynamics of the boundary-layer region. Turbulent MHD fluids can give rise to the generation of field-aligned currents through the so-called -effect, which is utilized in the theory of the generation of the Earth's magnetic field. It is suggested that similar processes acting in the boundary-layer plasma may be ultimately responsible for the generation of auroral currents.  相似文献   

I outline, from a theoretical and somewhat personal perspective, significant features of Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) as Cosmic Accelerators. I pay special attention to the recently discovered gamma ray “flares” in the Crab Nebula’s emission, focusing on the possibility, raised by the observations, that the accelerating electric field exceeds the magnetic field, suggesting that reconnection in the persistent current layer (a “current sheet”) plays a significant role in the behavior of this well studied Pevatron. I address the present status of the termination shock model for the particle accelerator that converts the wind flow energy to the observed non-thermal particle spectra, concluding that it has a number of major difficulties related to the transverse magnetic geometry of the shock wave. I discuss recent work on the inferred pair outflow rates, which are in excess of those predicted by existing theories of pair creation, and use those results to point out that the consequent mass loading of the wind reduces the wind’s bulk flow 4-velocity to the point that dissipation of the magnetic field in a pulsar’s wind upstream of the termination shock is restored to life as a viable model for the solution of the “σ” problem. I discuss some suggestions that current starvation in the current flow supporting the structured (“striped”) upstream magnetic field perhaps induces a transition to superluminal wave propagation. I?show that current starvation probably does not occur, because those currents are carried in the current sheet separating the stripes rather than in the stripes themselves.  相似文献   

Small fluctuations in magnetospheric electric and magnetic fields lead to random changes in the radial positions of trapped particles. The characteristics of this radial diffusion are described theoretically in terms of the statistical properties of the field fluctuations, in particular the power spectra of the various spatial components. A large body of trapped particle data demonstrates that diffusion with the predicted properties actually takes place. These data include the average radial and energy distributions and the time variations in particle fluxes. This radial diffusion has a major influence on the structure of the radiation belts; and since the net flow of particles is inward at most positions of the magnetosphere, the process acts as a strong source of trapped particles. Further experiments are needed to establish the importance of this mechanism relative to magnetic storm effects and to collective instabilities.  相似文献   

This chapter reviews the current understanding of ring current dynamics. The terrestrial ring current is an electric current flowing toroidally around the Earth, centered at the equatorial plane and at altitudes of ∼10,000 to 60,000 km. Enhancements in this current are responsible for global decreases in the Earth’s surface magnetic field, which have been used to define geomagnetic storms. Intense geospace magnetic storms have severe effects on technological systems, such as disturbances or even permanent damage of telecommunication and navigation satellites, telecommunication cables, and power grids. The main carriers of the ring current are positive ions, with energies from ∼1 keV to a few hundred keV, which are trapped by the geomagnetic field and undergo an azimuthal drift. The ring current is formed by the injection of ions originating in the solar wind and the terrestrial ionosphere into the inner magnetosphere. The injection process involves electric fields, associated with enhanced magnetospheric convection and/or magnetospheric substorms. The quiescent ring current is carried mainly by protons of predominantly solar wind origin, while active processes in geospace tend to increase the abundance (both absolute and relative) of O+ ions, which are of ionospheric origin. During intense geospace magnetic storms, the O+ abundance increases dramatically. This increase has been observed to occur concurrently with the rapid intensification of the ring current in the storm main phase and to result in O+ dominance around storm maximum. This compositional change can affect several dynamic processes, such as species-and energy-dependent charge-exchange and wave-particle scattering loss.  相似文献   

We review the current knowledge and understanding of dust in the inner solar system. The major sources of the dust population in the inner solar system are comets and asteroids, but the relative contributions of these sources are not quantified. The production processes inward from 1 AU are: Poynting-Robertson deceleration of particles outside of 1 AU, fragmentation into dust due to particle-particle collisions, and direct dust production from comets. The loss processes are: dust collisional fragmentation, sublimation, radiation pressure acceleration, sputtering, and rotational bursting. These loss processes as well as dust surface processes release dust compounds in the ambient interplanetary medium. Between 1 and 0.1 AU the dust number densities and fluxes can be described by inward extrapolation of 1 AU measurements, assuming radial dependences that describe particles in close to circular orbits. Observations have confirmed the general accuracy of these assumptions for regions within 30° latitude of the ecliptic plane. The dust densities are considerably lower above the solar poles but Lorentz forces can lift particles of sizes < 5 μm to high latitudes and produce a random distribution of small grains that varies with the solar magnetic field. Also long-period comets are a source of out-of-ecliptic particles. Under present conditions no prominent dust ring exists near the Sun. We discuss the recent observations of sungrazing comets. Future in-situ experiments should measure the complex dynamics of small dust particles, identify the contribution of cometary dust to the inner-solar-system dust cloud, and determine dust interactions in the ambient interplanetary medium. The combination of in-situ dust measurements with particle and field measurements is recommended.  相似文献   

Conclusion The difference of the geomagnetic field from the field of the idealized dipole not only creates certain difficulties for studying the geomagnetically trapped radiation but also presents new possibilities for studying the processes which control the particle movement in the magnetosphere. It will be remembered that the fact that the geomagnetic field is not a dipole played a decisive role in the very beginning of the formation of our ideas about the nature of the intense fluxes of the penetrating radiation detected during the satellite flights.In fact, the longitude dependence of the lower boundary of the penetrating radiation in the region of low latitudes according to the properties of the geomagnetic field made it possible to conclude immediately that the detected radiation was caused by the geomagnetically trapped particles.As to the difficulties in the trapped radiation study caused by the existence of the anomalies, they, first of all, result in the original and, at the first glance, incomprehensible form of the particle intensity contours drawn in geographical coordinates for low altitudes. However, when turning to the McIlwain coordinate system, which is naturally connected with the real magnetic field, the seeming chaos in the radiation distribution disappears being unexpectedly replaced by harmony and order. But even in this coordinate system some ambiguities are observed connected with the distortion of the adiabatic invariants during the time comparable with the period of the particle drift around the earth.The thorough analysis of these effects in combination with the observations of the radiation at high altitudes may answer such a principle question as the question about the velocity of the movements of the mirror points.It should be noted that some information has been obtained to date on the movement of the electron-mirror points only and similar information about protons is absent.It is possible that new aspects of the use of the magnetic anomalies for studying the geomagnetosphere will appear in due time.  相似文献   

The recent development of several new observational techniques as well as of advanced computer simulation codes has contributed significantly to our understanding of dynamics of the three-dimensional current system during magnetospheric substorms. This paper attempts to review the main results of the last decade of research in such diverse fields as electric fields and currents in the high-latitude ionosphere and field-aligned currents and their relationship to the large-scale distribution of auroras and auroral precipitation. It also contains discussions on some efforts in synthesizing the vast amount of the observations to construct an empirical model which connects the ionospheric currents with field-aligned currents. While our understanding has been greatly improved during the last decade, there is much that is as yet unsettled. For example, we have reached only a first approximation model of the three-dimensional current system which is not inconsistent with integrated, ground-based and space observations of electric and magnetic fields. We have just begun to unfold the cause of the field-aligned currents both in the magnetosphere and ionosphere. Dynamical behaviour of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling relating to substorm variability can be an important topic during the coming years.On leave of absence from Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto 603, Japan.  相似文献   

The interaction of planets with the solar wind produces a diversity of current systems, yet these can be classified into only a few different types, which include ionospheric currents, currents carried by magnetospheric boundaries like the magnetopause or ionopause, magnetotail currents, and currents flowing inside the magnetospheres, like ring currents, plasma sheet currents and currents aligned to the magnetic field lines (or field-aligned currents).  相似文献   

We review generation mechanisms of Birkeland currents (field-aligned currents) in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. Comparing Birkeland currents predicted theoretically with those studied observationally by spacecraft experiments, we present a model for driving mechanism, which is unified by the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction that allows the coexistence of steady viscous interaction and unsteady magnetic reconnection. The model predicts the following: (1) the Region 1 Birkeland currents (which are located at poleward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and constitute quasi-permanently and stably a primary part of the overall system of Birkeland currents) would be fed by vorticity-induced space charges at the core of two-cell magnetospheric convection arisen as a result of viscous interaction between the solar wind and the magnetospheric plasma, (2) the Region 2 Birkeland currents (which are located at equatorward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and exhibit more variable and localized behavior) would orginate from regions of plasma pressure inhomogeneities in the magnetosphere caused by the coupling between two-cell magnetospheric convection and the hot ring current, where the gradient-B current and/or the curvature current (presumably the hot plasma sheet-ring current) are forced to divert to the ionosphere, (3) the Cusp Birkeland currents (which are located poleward of and adjacent to the Region 1 currents and are strongly controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)) might be a diversion of the inertia current which is newly and locally produced in the velocity-decelerated region of earthward solar wind where the magnetosphere is eroded by dayside magnetic reconnection, (4) the nightside Birkeland currents which are connected to a part of the westward auroral electrojet in the Harang discontinuity sector might be a diversion of the dusk-to-dawn tail current resulting from localized magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail plasma sheet where plasma density and pressure are reduced.  相似文献   

Magnetic field data from a meridian chain of observatories and the recently developed computer codes constitute a powerful tool in studying substorm current systems in the polar region. In this paper, we summarize some of the results obtained from the IMS Alaska meridian chain of observatories. The basic data are the average daily magnetic field variations for 50 successive days (March 9–April 27, 28) which represent a moderately disturbed period. With the aid of the two computer codes, we obtained the distribution of the following quantities in the polar ionosphere in invariant-MLT coordinates: (1) the total ionospheric current; (2) the Pedersen current; (3) the Hall current; (4) the field-aligned currents; (5) the Pedersen-associated field-aligned currents; (6) the Hall-associated field-aligned currents; (7) the electric potential; (8) the Joule heat production rate; (9) the auroral particle energy injection rate; (10) the total energy dissipation rate. All these quantities are related to each other self-consistently at every point under the initial assumptions used in the computation. By using a model of the magnetosphere, the following quantities in the polar ionosphere are projected onto the equatorial plane and the Y — Z plane at X = -20 R E: (11) the Pedersen current counterpart; (12) the Hall current counterpart; (13) the electric potential; (14) the Pedersen-associated field-aligned currents; (15) the Hall-associated field-aligned currents. These distribution patterns serve as an important basis for studying the generation mechanisms of substorm current systems and the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling process.  相似文献   

Alexeev  Igor I. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):141-148
Three ways of the energy transfer in the Earth's magnetosphere are studied. The solar wind MHD generator is an unique energy source for all magnetospheric processes. Field-aligned currents directly transport the energy and momentum of the solar wind plasma to the Earth's ionosphere. The magnetospheric lobe and plasma sheet convection generated by the solar wind is another magnetospheric energy source. Plasma sheet particles and cold ionospheric polar wind ions are accelerated by convection electric field. After energetic particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere the solar wind energy is transferred into the ionosphere and atmosphere. This way of the energy transfer can include the tail lobe magnetic field energy storage connected with the increase of the tail current during the southward IMF. After that the magnetospheric substorm occurs. The model calculations of the magnetospheric energy give possibility to determine the ground state of the magnetosphere, and to calculate relative contributions of the tail current, ring current and field-aligned currents to the magnetospheric energy. The magnetospheric substorms and storms manifest that the permanent solar wind energy transfer ways are not enough for the covering of the solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere. Nonlinear explosive processes are necessary for the energy transmission into the ionosphere and atmosphere. For understanding a relation between substorm and storm it is necessary to take into account that they are the concurrent energy transferring ways. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aurora is caused by the precipitation of energetic particles into a planetary atmosphere, the light intensity being roughly proportional to the precipitating particle energy flux. From auroral research in the terrestrial magnetosphere it is known that bright auroral displays, discrete aurora, result from an enhanced energy deposition caused by downward accelerated electrons. The process is commonly referred to as the auroral acceleration process. Discrete aurora is the visual manifestation of the structuring inherent in a highly magnetized plasma. A strong magnetic field limits the transverse (to the magnetic field) mobility of charged particles, effectively guiding the particle energy flux along magnetic field lines. The typical, slanted arc structure of the Earth’s discrete aurora not only visualizes the inclination of the Earth’s magnetic field, but also illustrates the confinement of the auroral acceleration process. The terrestrial magnetic field guides and confines the acceleration processes such that the preferred acceleration of particles is frequently along the magnetic field lines. Field-aligned plasma acceleration is therefore also the signature of strongly magnetized plasma. This paper discusses plasma acceleration characteristics in the night-side cavity of Mars. The acceleration is typical for strongly magnetized plasmas – field-aligned acceleration of ions and electrons. The observations map to regions at Mars of what appears to be sufficient magnetization to support magnetic field-aligned plasma acceleration – the localized crustal magnetizations at Mars (Acuña et al., 1999). Our findings are based on data from the ASPERA-3 experiment on ESA’s Mars Express, covering 57 orbits traversing the night-side/eclipse of Mars. There are indeed strong similarities between Mars and the Earth regarding the accelerated electron and ion distributions. Specifically acceleration above Mars near local midnight and acceleration above discrete aurora at the Earth – characterized by nearly monoenergetic downgoing electrons in conjunction with nearly monoenergetic upgoing ions. We describe a number of characteristic features in the accelerated plasma: The “inverted V” energy-time distribution, beam vs temperature distribution, altitude distribution, local time distribution and connection with magnetic anomalies. We also compute the electron energy flux and find that the energy flux is sufficient to cause weak to medium strong (up to several tens of kR 557.7 nm emissions) aurora at Mars. Monoenergetic counterstreaming accelerated ions and electrons is the signature of field-aligned electric currents and electric field acceleration. The topic is reasonably well understood in terrestrial magnetospheric physics, although some controversy still remains on details and the cause-effect relationships. We present a potential cause-effect relationship leading to auroral plasma acceleration in the nightside cavity of Mars – the downward acceleration of electrons supposedly manifesting itself as discrete aurora above Mars.  相似文献   

We give a short account of the most prominent structures of the intermediate corona. Then we propose an axially symmetrical model for coronal streamers, according to which charged particles move along magnetic surfaces whose sources are electrical currents situated in the vicinity of the photosphere. The simplest current configuration is a pair of coaxial, coplanar, circular, and oppositely directed currents parallel to the photosphere. Magnetic surfaces for this current distribution exhibit a helmet-shaped separatrix and a saddle point. The temperature profile along the streamer can be predicted qualitatively if one takes into account the conservation of an adiabatic invariant in the drift theory of the charged particle motion.  相似文献   

In this paper the drift-wave instabilities likely to occur at and near the plasmapause during the period of magnetospheric disturbances are described. The analysis predicts that the proton cyclotron drift loss-cone wave (non-flute electrostatic mode) grows at and near the plasmapause through the drift cyclotron resonant interactions of the ring current protons. The wave is particularly effective for the turbulent loss of the ring current protons just beyond the plasmapause. In a region just inside the plasmapause, the wave is likely to be stabilized by the Landau interaction of the plasmaspheric particles. The unstable wave propagates in opposite directions inside and outside the plasmapause. Accordingly, the proton precipitation pattern would be different in respective regions. The unified loss mechanism of the ring current protons is presented.It is suggested that an ordinary mode instability occurs through the drift resonant interactions with the ring current electrons far beyond the plasmapause. This wave is excited only in a high- plasma with the conditions that the electron temperature perpendicular to the magnetic field is greater than the parallel temperature and that the temperature gradient has an opposite sign to that of the number density and magnetic field. The frequency and wavelength of the fastest growing wave depend sharply on the temperature anisotropy as well as the strength of the inhomogeneities (in temperature, magnetic field and number density). The fastest growing wave has a period of 36.9 s under certain conditions. This wave is likely to be an origin of the pitch-angle diffusion of the ring current electrons.  相似文献   

The large-scale electrical coupling between the ionosphere and magnetosphere is reviewed, particularly with respect to behavior on time scales of hours or more. The following circuit elements are included: (1) the magnetopause boundary layer, which serves as the generator for the magnetospheric-convection circuit; (2) magnetic field lines, usually good conductors but sometimes subject to anomalous resistivity; (3) the ionosphere, which can conduct current across magnetic field lines; (4) the magnetospheric particle distributions, including tail current and partial-ring currents. Magnetic merging and a viscous interaction are considered as possible generating mechanisms, but merging seems the most likely alternative. Several mechanisms have been proposed for causing large potential drops along magnetic field lines in the upper ionosphere, and many isolated measurements of parallel electric fields have been reported, but the global pattern and significance of these electric fields are unknown. Ionospheric conductivities are now thoroughly measured, but are highly variable. Simple self-consistent theoretical models of the magnetospheric-convection system imply that the magnetospheric particles should shield the inner magnetosphere and low-latitude ionosphere from most of the time-average convection electric field.  相似文献   

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