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采用Monte Carlo方法,通过模拟研究了不同强度雷暴电场对LHAASO探测面宇宙线次级电子能量的影响.在电场作用下,电子的能量分布发生了变化.在低能段总电子数目增加明显,而在高能段电场的影响不明显.当电场强度为1700V·cm-1(大于逃逸电场)时,能量<120MeV的电子被加速,能量<60MeV的总电子数目呈指数增长(增幅高达约2252%),雷暴电场对次级粒子的加速机制与相对论电子逃逸雪崩机制(RREA)相符.当电场强度为1000V·cm-1(小于逃逸电场)时,能量<70MeV的电子被加速,其数目明显增加,但是增幅(约86%)远小于逃逸电场时的幅度.对电场强度小于逃逸电场时的雷暴电场加速宇宙线次级粒子的物理机制进行了讨论.研究结果可为理解LHAASO实验数据特点以及研究雷暴期间宇宙线强度的变化等提供参考.   相似文献   

雷暴期间大气电场强度变化及其伴随的宇宙线粒子增长的研究, 对于理解大气电场对宇宙线次级粒子的加速机制具有极其重要的意义. 2006年4月至 8月期间, 西藏羊八井宇宙线观测站记录到了20多次雷暴事件. 分析了雷暴期间, ARGO实验scaler模式下次级宇宙线计数与大气电场之间的相关性. 结果显示, 雷暴期间大气电场剧烈变化时, 多重数n=1, 2的次级宇宙线计数率有明显增长, 增幅在1%~9%之间, 然而n=3, n≥ 4的次级宇宙线计数率增长不明显, 甚至没有增长. 该结果为进一步研究雷暴期间大气电场对次级宇宙线的加速机制打下了基础.   相似文献   

红精灵是发生在雷暴层云顶的一类大气瞬态发光现象, 是能量由对流层耦合到中高层大气的直接证据. 其发光光谱研究是了解整个事件对中高层大气能量注入的重要手段, 有助于认识事件发生区域的大气电离度及事件过程的能量电子分布, 进一步为研究红精灵的产生机制提供重要信息, 同时为大气辐射背景资料研究提供重要依据. 本文利用Boltzmann方程求解了电场作用下弱电离气体中电子能量分布的时变函数, 以此为基础, 模拟计算了红精灵各典型发射带的光谱强度. 模拟计算结果表明, 约化电场E/N越强, 电子获得的能量就越多, 高能电子也就越多, 致使撞击中性大气产生的辐射光强就越强; 模拟显示红精灵光辐射谱分布从远紫外直至近红外.   相似文献   

为了考察环电流区离子的分布情况,采用环电流粒子理论模式,对环电流中10-100 keV的离子进行了模拟研究.这个模式能够根据近地注入区外边界处离子的分布函数得出磁暴主相期间环电流中的主要成分H+,O+,He+3种离子的通量分布.计算结果分析表明,在其他条件相同的情况下,不同种类离子的通量分布的形态结构十分相似.电场强度对环电流离子通量的空间分布具有决定性的作用;晨昏电场强度越强,离子的通量越高;晨昏电场越强,环电流离子的内边界越接近地球.10keV的离子在电场相当弱的时候还是存在着连续的通量分布,但他们的形态和结构随着电场的变化有明显的变化.电场很弱时,离子分布主要集中于内外两个环带,离子通量在晨侧的更多一些,离子通量的最大值基本上是在比较靠近地球的环带上;随着电场的增强,离子分布的内外两个环带逐步合并,离子的分布逐渐靠近地球,通量分布的最大值也移动到了昏侧.环电流离子投掷角分布具有各向异性,投掷角在90°左右的时候,离子通量能达到最大值.   相似文献   

雷暴期间宇宙线次级粒子强度变化与大气电场的关联研究,对分析大气电场加速宇宙线次级带电粒子的机制具有重要意义.采用Monte Carlo方法,模拟研究了雷暴电场对宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的影响.结果显示,在强度为1000V·cm~(-1)的雷暴电场中,高海拔处电子数目呈指数增长,在大气深度约300g·cm~(-2)处达到极大值,与以往研究提出的相对论电子逃逸雪崩机制相符.模拟结果表明,在地面宇宙线观测实验中,要想得到明显的观测效应,雷暴电场距离探测面的高度应600 m,电场厚度应达到约2000 m.模拟结果为分析雷暴电场与地面宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的关联性提供了重要参考,为进一步模拟研究雷暴期间高山地面宇宙线强度的变化提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

大气电场强度是大气电学的重要参数.大气电场的准确测量对雷暴和地震的监测、预警等具有重要的意义.利用2015年8月27日气球搭载大气电场仪测量近地面大气电场实验得到的电场数据,分析在特殊地形表面近地面500m高度内大气电场强度随高度的变化特征.结果表明:晴天条件下,火山喷发形成的熔岩平台山顶上空近地面大气电场强度随高度增加呈指数递减,大气电场的数值和变化范围均较大,尤其是近地面100m高度内,大气电场值达到1kV·m-1以上.此外,还通过经验公式得出了近火山灰石地表的大气电导率.受空气中重离子的影响,其电导率远小于全球大气电导率的平均值.实验结果丰富了在特殊地形下大气电场的测量结果,揭示了中国内蒙古锡林浩特地区火山山顶近地面大气电场强度随高度的变化特征.   相似文献   

大气电场与雷暴活动、气候变化、大气污染、太阳活动密切相关,在特殊地形上探测大气电场的高度分布对于大气电学的相关研究具有重要意义。2020年9月12日,中国科学院鸿鹄专项团队将大气电场仪搭载在探空气球上,在青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州大柴旦地区进行了大气电场高度分布的探测实验。本文分析讨论了此次实验中用到的电场仪、实验过程及实验结果。大气电场曲线中间凸起的部分对应电场仪穿过带电云层,因此将其分为三段并分别进行拟合。探测实验及分析结果表明:在不同高度处大气电场的主要影响因素不同,其分布规律会存在差异。此外,带电云会使大气电场强度整体增大,但云层中大气电场的高度分布仍能较好地符合指数变化规律。   相似文献   

空间电子辐射环境下,航天器介质的充放电效应是威胁航天器安全的重要因素.介质放电现象除与材料参数及构型相关外,还与空间电子环境密切相关.本文通过电子枪和Sr90放射源在地面实验装置上模拟空间电子辐照环境,测试了环氧树脂、聚四氟乙烯、聚酰亚胺等常见空间材料在不同温度、不同电子能量和电子束流强度影响下的放电脉冲,并对放电电流脉冲和电场脉冲进行频谱分析.实验分析结果表明,介质材料的放电电流脉冲频谱具有明显的单峰结构,该峰值与材料厚度和入射电子能量相关,但受材料温度和辐照束流强度影响不大.   相似文献   

大气电场强度是大气电学的重要参数.大气电场的准确测量及其时空特性对研究空间天气活动、气象活动以及大型地质活动具有重要意义.2019年8月26日和28日,中国科学院鸿鹄专项团队在青海省海西蒙古自治州大柴旦镇地区放飞搭载模式电场仪的探空气球,测量了不同高度的大气电场强度.利用互相关函数法和主成分分析法研究了此次气球实验得到的电场数据.结果表明,尽管通常情况下决定大气垂直电场大小的主要因素是高度,但是该地区风场对大气电场强度的影响也比较显著.晴天大气条件下,有无薄云的存在对大气电场测量存在一定影响,有云条件下,风速会通过影响云的形成间接影响到大气电场.此外,柴达木盆地存在一个易受下垫面影响的大气电场边界层,分析表明这个边界层厚度在3km以上.对边界层大气电场变化以及晴天无云时3600m以上的大气电场分布进行了分析和拟合.   相似文献   

基于Geant 4软件建立一种用于计算航天器内部充电所产生电场的方法.分析载有IDM仪器的CRRES卫星当时所处的空间电子环境,使用该方法进行内部充电模拟,并将模拟结果与IDM仪器所测得的放电脉冲数据进行对比,不仅验证了该方法的有效性,更重要的是深入认识了引起航天器内部充电的空间环境特征以及材料特性对充放电效应的影响.介质内最大电场的模拟计算结果与CRRES卫星实际观测到的放电现象吻合;在材料的各项参数中,与辐射感应电导率有关的kp系数对稳态电场有很大影响,为了定量研究内部充电效应,需要在实验室精确地测定kp系数;材料的暗电导率、密度以及材料的分子构成等也与内部充电效应有关,对这些参数细致地研究有助于对内部充电效应的认识.   相似文献   

电子回旋共振推力器放电室内磁场与微波电磁场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子回旋共振推力器具有寿命长、比冲高、结构简单等特点,适宜用作深空探测器主推进装置。放电室是电子回旋共振推力器的关键部件,其作用是产生电子回旋共振等离子体。放电室内的磁场和微波电磁场分布对于推力器的可靠启动、稳定工作有着重要的影响。为此针对10cm推力器,采用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了三种磁路模型,计算了放电室内的磁场分布,得出三种方案中电子回旋共振面的位置,分析放电室材料不同时磁场分布的变化;最后采用ANSYS有限元分析软件计算了放电室内的电磁场分布。结果表明,在电子回旋共振面上微波能量满足放电所需能量。计算结果可以为电子回旋共振推力器放电室的设计提供帮助。  相似文献   

We investigate electron acceleration due to shear Alfvén waves in a collissionless plasma for plasma parameters typical of 4–5RE radial distance from the Earth along auroral field lines. Recent observational work has motivated this study, which explores the plasma regime where the thermal velocity of the electrons is similar to the Alfvén speed of the plasma, encouraging Landau resonance for electrons in the wave fields. We use a self-consistent kinetic simulation model to follow the evolution of the electrons as they interact with a short-duration wave pulse, which allows us to determine the parallel electric field of the shear Alfvén wave due to both electron inertia and electron pressure effects. The simulation demonstrates that electrons can be accelerated to keV energies in a modest amplitude sub-second period wave. We compare the parallel electric field obtained from the simulation with those provided by fluid approximations.  相似文献   

Lightning discharges by thunderstorms cause generation of electromagnetic pulses and of quasi-electrostatic fields (QESF) in the atmosphere above, which occur in different time-scales. QESF penetrate into the mesosphere and the lower ionosphere where they are big enough to generate considerable electric charge transfer there and, in some cases, to cause red sprites. These processes may have an important contribution to the global atmospheric electric circuit. Significant transient variations of the ionospheric potential above the thunderstorm take place as well. QESF depend on the atmospheric conductivity and in the ionosphere they are affected also by its anisotropy determined by geomagnetic field orientation. QESF after a lightning discharge are investigated theoretically in this work in the case of equatorial latitudes (by horizontal geomagnetic field), where thunderstorms are important contributors to the global circuit. Results for DC electric fields in the lower equatorial ionosphere above a thundercloud obtained by earlier models demonstrate some specific features of the spatial distribution of these fields, which appear due to geomagnetic field orientation. Thus, the electric fields can be shifted by tens or more kilometers to east of the cloud charge region; also their horizontal scale is much bigger than in the case of middle latitudes. Here, a presence of similar specific features of quasi-electrostatic field distributions and ionospheric potential variations caused by a lightning stroke is studied. A situation when no secondary ionization is generated is considered. A model based on the Maxwell equations for potential electric fields is proposed. Computations of QESF in the middle atmosphere and of the ionospheric potential variations are provided as dependent on conductivity and its anisotropy in D-region. The obtained results for the ionosphere show that the electric fields in the equatorial lower ionosphere are comparable to these formed in the case of middle latitudes. However, their horizontal scales are much bigger and depend on conductivity profiles. Similar features are valid also for the ionospheric potential variations and for their horizontal scales.  相似文献   

空间目标在天基光学探测中的特性分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了空间目标的分布及几何特性,研究了空间目标光学特性与天基探测系统、太阳以及目标自身参数的关系,提出了空间目标光学特性仿真的思路,建立的天基空间目标光学特性分析系统可以计算并绘制相对距离、太阳相位角及目标星等变化曲线.由于很难获取准确的空间目标实际光度数据,文中提出了对仿真结果的验证方法.通过对仿真结果的分析,得出了天基空间目标光学探测的特点,为天基光学探测和识别的研究提供了参考.   相似文献   

利用网格粒子云(PIC)模型。在一定条件下,对电离层加热实验中静电波的激发和参量不稳定性的产生,作一维静电粒子模拟,模拟结果表明,SEE的特征与加热泵波频率ω0和电子回旋频率nωce之间的比值有关。入射泵波的电场与地磁场之间的夹角也是影响SEE的一个因素。  相似文献   

Using our new 3-D relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) code parallelized with MPI, we investigated long-term particle acceleration associated with a relativistic electron–positron jet propagating in an unmagnetized ambient electron–positron plasma. The simulations were performed using a much longer simulation system than our previous simulations in order to investigate the full nonlinear stage of the Weibel instability and its particle acceleration mechanism. Cold jet electrons are thermalized and ambient electrons are accelerated in the resulting shocks. Acceleration of ambient electrons leads to a maximum ambient electron density three times larger than the original value as predicted by hydrodynamic shock compression. In the jet (reverse) shock behind the bow (forward) shock the strongest electromagnetic fields are generated. These fields may lead to time dependent afterglow emission. In order to calculate radiation from first principles that goes beyond the standard synchrotron model used in astrophysical objects we have used PIC simulations. Initially we calculated radiation from electrons propagating in a uniform parallel magnetic field to verify the technique. We then used the technique to calculate emission from electrons in a small simulation system. From these simulations we obtained spectra which are consistent with those generated from electrons propagating in turbulent magnetic fields with red noise. This turbulent magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field generated at an early nonlinear stage of the Weibel instability. A fully developed shock within a larger simulation system may generate a jitter/synchrotron spectrum.  相似文献   

Problems connected with mechanisms for comet brightness outbursts as well as for gamma-ray bursts remain open. Meantime, calculations show that irradiation of a certain class of comet nuclei, having high specific electric resistance, by intense fluxes of energetic protons and positively charged ions with kinetic energies more than 1 MeV/nucleon, ejected from the Sun during strong solar flares, can produce a macroscopic high-voltage electric double layer with positive charge in the subsurface zone of the nucleus, during irradiation times of the order of 10–100 h at heliocentric distances around 1–10 AU. The maximum electric energy accumulated in such layer will be restricted by the electric discharge potential of the layer material. For comet nuclei with typical radii of the order of 1–10 km the accumulated energy of such natural electric capacitor is comparable to the energy of large comet outbursts that are estimated on the basis of ground based optical observations. The impulse gamma and X-ray radiation together with optical burst from the comet nucleus during solar flares, anticipated due to high-voltage electric discharge, may serve as an indicator of realization of the processes above considered. Multi-wavelength observations of comets and pseudo-asteroids of cometary origin, having brightness correlation with solar activity, using ground based optical telescopes as well as space gamma and X-ray observatories, during strong solar flares, are very interesting for the physics of comets as well as for high energy astrophysics.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the possibilities of using machine learning algorithms for analysis of optical spectra of electric discharge spark in atmosphere. Breakdown in air can be initiated by intense laser pulse, making plasma which has a significant electrical conductivity. The formed plasma can be further maintained by electric current obtained from capacitor discharge. In such a case the capacitor voltage can be much lower than the striking voltage (the voltage needed to initiate the electric breakdown in air). Present setup has timing precision and low jitter of fast laser and arbitrary high energies corresponding to capacitance and voltage to which the capacitor is charged. We have used a streak camera equipped with a spectrograph to analyze optical emission of plasma obtained in this way. Q-switched Nd:Yag laser was used to achieve the initial breakdown in air. Machine learning methods were used in order to classify optical spectra of plasmas with different electron temperatures obtained with different excitation energies. We have shown that, instead of using the usual way of identifying the spectral peaks and calculating their intensity ratio, it is possible to train the computer software to recognize the spectra corresponding to different electron temperatures. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the dimensionality of problem. We present possibilities of plasma electron temperature estimation based on several clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

针对复杂电磁环境中目标散射体和干扰辐射源同时存在,影响目标回波散射场的问题,提出了一种基于辐射源方向图和极化散射矩阵数据的耦合场快速预估方法。利用可提前独立获取和加载的辐射源方向图及目标各个方向的散射数据,实现了辐射-散射耦合场景下空间总电磁场的近实时快速预估。仿真计算了辐射源与散射体不同距离和相对强度下场景的总电场变化情况,验证了辐射-散射耦合效应对目标回波场存在显著影响。无需使用电磁计算方法对场景进行重新计算,满足复杂电磁环境内场仿真试验对实时提供数据的需求,具有工程应用价值。   相似文献   

基于光纤延迟的光脉冲有源复制器   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据高速光脉冲测量系统应用的需求,提出了使用循环式光纤光脉冲有源复制器实现模拟短脉冲信号的低噪音、低失真复制的一种方法.针对有源复制器中半导体光放大器(SOA)带来的放大自发辐射(ASE)光噪声与非线性失真,建立了SOA的计算模型,并对光脉冲在复制器中的循环传输性能进行了仿真和分析.仿真结果证明了使用外加直流光注入方法抑制波形失真的有源复制器方案是可行的,同时为合理选择注入直流光功率及环内损耗等参数,实现复制器的优化设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

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