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FY-2C卫星太阳X射线探测器性能定标   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过具体的实验对FY-2C太阳X射线探测器进行了详细的定标.太阳X射线探测器的传感器采用充Ar气的正比计数器.主要探测能量大于4 KeV的太阳X射线流量.在坪特性、效率、正比性、能道划分、能量分辨率和时间分辨率等6个方面详细介绍了定标的方法及结果.定标结果表明,FY-2C卫星的太阳X射线探测器在各个方面都具有很好的性能.最后对FY-2C的在轨探测数据与GOES卫星进行了比较.GOES卫星的太阳X射线传感器采用电离室.FY-2C的探测结果与GOES的探测结果非常吻合.结果表明,FY-2C太阳X射线探测器可以很好地监测太阳X射线的流量变化,为空间环境监测提供有效的服务.  相似文献   

本文分析了1981年4月27日的一个特大高能爆发。它在硬X射线(HXR)、γ射线和微波(MW)记录上显示一一对应的多脉冲结构。文中讨论了这些脉冲的寿命、时延与HXR的能量、MW的波长之间的关系,发现时延量与湍动加速所预期的值相符合。提出了各脉冲期间的谱呈软→硬→软的演化,可能是由高能电子受到加速的看法。还对产生HXR的高能电子的谱指数、电子总数和MW源区的磁场也作了估计。  相似文献   

X射线脉冲星自主导航系统可以为深空探测器提供位置、速度、时间和姿态等丰富且自主的导航信息,以X射线脉冲星测得的信息作为量测量,结合轨道动力学方程,对航天器的轨道进行自主估计确定。论文阐述了该方案的导航原理,在借鉴现有航天器导航系统的基础上,提出了基于X射线脉冲星导航的方案,介绍了方案的硬件组成、系统结构,并针对方案中导航敏感器多冗余的特征,给出了基于多传感器组合导航技术的结构,最后用仿真资料对方案做了性能概算和精度估计。  相似文献   

本文利用GOES-7卫星的1分钟记录资料研究了1991年3月和6月期间6个大X耀斑伴随的软X射线爆发特性和源强度的关系。结果指出:对X射线耀斑,其射线辐射流量上升快的在日冕中激起的激波速度也较快.数值模拟研究指出,这可能反映爆发能量释放速率是源强度的主要指标.  相似文献   

针对APS星敏感器在轨过程中太阳照射问题进行了研究,分析了太阳照射对星敏感器功能和性能的影响,设计了太阳照射相关的试验及验证方案,最后给出了相关试验过程和试验验证结果,明确了分析及试验结论.通过分析和试验结果表明:紫外辐照试验对光学系统透过率无明显影响,且影响在APS星敏感器灵敏度余量范围内;在轨太阳照射对APS星敏感器探测器及整机的功能和性能无影响.相关分析和试验数据可作为星敏感器后续改进设计的依据和参考.  相似文献   

对第21~24太阳周不同等级的太阳X射线耀斑事件、太阳质子事件、地磁暴事件及高能电子增强事件的爆发频次特征进行统计,结果表明:太阳周耀斑爆发的总数量与该太阳周的黑子数峰值呈正比,耀斑总数、X级耀斑事件数与峰值的相关系数分别为0.974,0.997;太阳质子事件主要发生在峰年前后1~2年,约占总发生次数的80%,峰值通量大于10pfu (1 pfu=1 cm-2·sr-1·s-1)的质子事件中,84%伴有耀斑爆发,并且主要伴随M或X级耀斑,少量伴随C级耀斑,峰值通量大于1000pfu的质子事件中,98%伴随M或X级耀斑,并且以X级耀斑为主;第21,22,23和24太阳周发生地磁暴最频繁的时间分别在1982,1991,2003年和2015年,分别滞后黑子数峰值时间3年、2年、2年和1年;72%的高能电子增强事件发生在太阳周下降期,24%的高能电子增强事件发生在太阳周上升期.  相似文献   

行星岩石成分原位测量是行星探测的基本需求,X射线荧光分析是开展元素成分测量的重要技术手段。针对深空探测X射线荧光分析仪的需要,设计并研制了一款微型微焦斑X射线闭管,尺寸为Φ15 mm×22 mm,焦斑尺寸230μm,工作时阳极接地,阴极接浮地负高压,最大电压为–50 kV。在微型X射线闭管研制过程中,开展了螺旋型钨丝、直线型钨丝、直线型铼钨丝等常用热阴极的电子发射差异性研究,测量了各型热阴极的电子发射效率。结果显示,在200 V阳极电压下,低铼含量直线型铼钨丝电子发射效率最大为27.87μA·W–1,是螺旋型钨丝的4倍,直线型钨丝的9倍;掺铼钨丝电子发射效率远高于纯钨型阴极丝。此外,铼钨丝还具有电子发射快、预热要求低、对真空度要求不高等特点,是深空探测X射线闭管阴极丝较理想的选择。  相似文献   

应用MonteCarlo方法对太阳X射线暴(1-8Å及0.5-4Å)与地球大气相互作用过程进行跟踪模拟,得到了X射线暴在电离层D层产生的电子产生率,并计算了由此产生的宇宙噪声吸收值。结果与作者在南极观测得到的X射线暴期间宇宙噪声吸收值符合较好.  相似文献   

本文根据1986年1月-1992年12月期间,130个1-8Å的X级别的X射线事件与相应背景发射水平所作的分析,发现90%以上的X级X射线事件,都发生在X射线背景发射≥C1(10-6W/m2)水平上,这一统计规律,可从耀斑加速的非热电子对色球等离于体的加热得到合理的解释.  相似文献   

过渡金属与硅的接触系统一直被人们所关注,是因为它们在界面处具有肖特基势垒的形成、过渡金属硅化物的外延生长、制作器件的稳定和耐高温等重要性.因此在硅基底上形成金属硅化物薄膜也被广泛应用于半导体工业.对硅衬底上蒸发的Cr、Fe、Mn薄膜进行热处理,通过固相反应法(SPR)制备过渡金属硅化物薄膜,即经过对过渡金属硅化物(薄膜)/Si系统进行各种温度、不同时间的热处理,制备出各种过渡金属硅化物薄膜.对于制成的各种硅化物薄膜,用X射线衍射法(XRD)和软X射线发射分光光谱法(SXES)对它们的组成成分进行了分析和确认.并且,由这两种分析方法表明:各种过渡金属硅化物薄膜在硅衬底上各形成了单一相的均匀层硅化物薄膜.  相似文献   

A new water-Cherenkov radiation detector, located at the Argentine Marambio Antarctic Base (64.24S-56.62 W), has been monitoring the variability of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux since 2019. One of the main aims is to provide experimental data necessary to study interplanetary transport of GCRs during transient events at different space/time scales. In this paper we present the detector and analyze observations made during one full year. After the analysis and correction of the GCR flux variability due to the atmospheric conditions (pressure and temperature), a study of the periodicities is performed in order to analyze modulations due to heliospheric phenomena. We can observe two periods: (a) 1 day, associated with the Earth’s rotation combined with the spatial anisotropy of the GCR flux; and (b) 30 days due to solar impact of stable solar structures combined with the rotation of the Sun. From a superposed epoch analysis, and considering the geomagnetic effects, the mean diurnal amplitude is 0.08% and the maximum flux is observed in 15 h local time (LT) direction in the interplanetary space. In such a way, we determine the capability of Neurus to observe anisotropies and other interplanetary modulations on the GCR flux arriving at the Earth.  相似文献   

Ionospheric disturbances associated with solar activity may occur via two basic mechanisms. The first is related to the direct impact on the ionosphere of EUV photons from a flare, and the second by prompt electric field penetration into the magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms. In this paper we examine the possibility that these two mechanisms may have an impact at mid latitudes by calculating the total electron content (TEC) from GPS stations in Mexico during several large X-ray flares. We have found that indeed large, complex flares, which are well located, may affect the mid latitude ionosphere. In fact, in the solar events of July 14, 2000 and April 2001 storms, ionospheric disturbances were observed to increase up to 138 and 150 TECu, respectively, due to the influence of EUV photons. Also, during the solar events of July 2000, April 2001, Halloween 2003, January 2005 and December 2006, there are large ionospheric disturbances (up to 393 TECu in the Halloween Storms), due to prompt penetration electric field, associated with CME producing geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

GPS observations from EUREF permanent GPS network were used to observe the response of TEC (Total Electron Content) to the total solar eclipse on October 3, 2005, under quiet geomagnetic conditions of the daytime ionosphere. The effect of the eclipse was detected in diurnal variations and more distinctly in the variations of TEC along individual satellite passes. The trough-like variations with a gradual decrease and followed by an increase of TEC at the time of the eclipse were observed over a large region. The depression of TEC amounted to 3–4 TECU. The maximum depression was observed over all stations located at the maximum path of the solar eclipse. The delay of a minimum level of TEC with respect to the maximum phase of the eclipse was about 20–30 min.  相似文献   

Post-sunset and pre-sunrise vertical plasma drifts at the equatorial F-region have been investigated using the HF Doppler radar and ionosonde observations. Observed vertical plasma drift features during the sunrise are found to complement that observed during the evening. The post-sunset vertical plasma drift is characterized by an upward enhancement, a pre-reversal enhancement and a reversal in the drift direction. Similarly, the pre-sunrise plasma drift is characterized by a sudden downward excursion followed by an upward turning. The wavelet analysis of the plasma drift shows the presence of fluctuations in the period range 4–32 min and the short period fluctuations are attributed to the atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

导弹自动驾驶仪在振动测试过程中存在信号基线漂移且污染严重的问题,而传统的时频处理方法难以达到去噪要求,因此基于形态学基本原理提出了一种用于解决振动信号基线漂移的滤波方法。该滤波方法由3级结构组成,前2级结构均是基于形态学基本原理,第3级进行相消与平滑处理,通过相互级联,可以有效抑制基线漂移。此外,通过引入粒子群优化(PSO)算法使得该滤波方法更具适应性。对比实验利用该滤波方法和对比方法对自动驾驶仪实测振动信号与标准ECG信号进行了处理,结果表明:该滤波方法在抑制基线漂移方面要优于小波阈值去噪和传统的形态学去噪。  相似文献   

陀螺仪是惯性导航系统的重要组成部分,其精度依赖于惯性导航系统的精度.为了提高陀螺仪的精度,针对陀螺随机漂移非线性、弱平稳性引起的随机误差,以激光陀螺仪随机漂移时间序列数据为研究对象,首先通过对陀螺仪建模的分析和对激光陀螺仪实时数据的分析和预处理,得到了陀螺漂移误差的离散时间序列;然后对其基于遗传规划(GP)建模,得出了当前时刻陀螺漂移数据和前几时刻的陀螺漂移数据之间的非线性数学模型;最后利用遗传算法(GA)对该模型有数学关系的参数进行优化,得到更高精度的模型.仿真结果表明:与经典自回归(AR)建模优化方法相比,GP+GA建模能够更加有效地反映陀螺仪的随机漂移特性,陀螺仪的方差降低了73.72%,与经典自回归(AR)建模方法相比效果提高了4.72%.该建模方法有效补偿了陀螺仪的随机漂移误差,提高了系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

传统的X射线脉冲星导航系统需要同时观测3~4颗脉冲星,有效载荷的质量和功耗极大。针对航天器环地飞行中受地球遮挡、探测器可探测范围等因素影响,导致脉冲星并非所有时刻均可见的现象,提出了单探测器分时段实时观测脉冲星的导航方法。根据航天器的实际飞行情况,系统分析探测器在不同探测范围下对脉冲星实时的可见性状况,从每时段的可见星中选取单星进行导航。仿真表明,该方法可大大提高单探测器的导航性能,导航位置误差达到337m,同时有效地减小了导航系统的重量,为X射线脉冲星导航的工程实现提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The first results of the comparison of subauroral luminosity dynamics in 557,7 and 630,0 nm emission with simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric drift in the F2 region with a digisonde DPS-4 at the Yakutsk meridian (CGMC: 55–60N, 200°E) at Kp = 2–6 are presented. It is shown from the analysis of individual events that during the magnetospheric convection intensification after the turn of the IMF Bz – component to the south the equatorward extension of diffuse aurora takes place. At the same time the westward ionospheric drift velocity increases both in the diffuse aurora region and much equatorward of it due to the occurrence of the northward polarization electric field. We suppose that the generation of polarization field can be associated with the development of the region 2 FAC during the intensification of magnetospheric convection. The comparison of ground-based observations with measurements of the plasma drift aboard the DMSP-F15 satellite has been carried out.  相似文献   

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