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Orbit maintenance is a major cost factor for Earth satellites in specialized orbits, such as a repeating ground track, or in formations. While autonomous attitude control is well established, the spacecraft's orbit is usually uncontrolled or maintained by ground station commands. For small, lower cost satellites, operations costs can be a dominant element of both cost and risk. This implies a need for low-cost autonomous orbit maintenance in order to allow such systems to be economically viable, particularly in today's constrained budget environment.

In addition, if the position of the spacecraft is controlled, it is therefore known in advance. Thus, mission planning can be done as far in advance as desired, without the need for replanning and frequent updating due to unpredictable orbit decay. An interesting characteristic of autonomous orbit maintenance is that it typically requires less software, and less complex software, than does orbit control from the ground. In many cases, an onboard orbit propagator is not needed.  相似文献   

Rosetta was selected in November 1993 for the ESA Cornerstone 3 mission, to be launched in 2003, dedicated to the exploration of the small bodies of the solar system (asteroids and comets). Following this selection, the Rosetta mission and its spacecraft have been completely reviewed: this paper presents the studies performed the proposed mission and the resulting spacecraft design.

Three mission opportunities have been identified in 2003–2004, allowing rendezvous with a comet. From a single Ariane 5 launch, the transfer to the comet orbit will be supported by planetary gravity assists (two from Earth, one from Venus or Mars); during the transfer sequence, two asteroid fly-bys will occur, allowing first mission science phases. The comet rendezvous will occur 8–9 years after launch; Rosetta will orbit around the comet and the main science mission phase will take place up to the comet perihelion (1–2 years duration).

The spacecraft design is driven (i) by the communication scenario with the Earth and its equipment, (ii) by the autonomy requirements for the long cruise phases which are not supported by the ground stations, (iii) by the solar cells solar array for the electrical power supply and (iv) by the navigation scenario and sensors for cruise, target approach and rendezvous phases. These requirements will be developed and the satellite design will be presented.  相似文献   

Logistical constraints during long-duration space expeditions will limit the ability of Earth-based mission control personnel to manage their astronaut crews and will thus increase the prevalence of autonomous operations. Despite this inevitability, little research exists regarding crew performance and psychosocial adaptation under such autonomous conditions. To this end, a newly-initiated study on crew management systems was conducted to assess crew performance effectiveness under rigid schedule-based management of crew activities by Mission Control versus more flexible, autonomous management of activities by the crews themselves. Nine volunteers formed three long-term crews and were extensively trained in a simulated planetary geological exploration task over the course of several months. Each crew then embarked on two separate 3–4 h missions in a counterbalanced sequence: Scheduled, in which the crews were directed by Mission Control according to a strict topographic and temporal region-searching sequence, and Autonomous, in which the well-trained crews received equivalent baseline support from Mission Control but were free to explore the planetary surface as they saw fit. Under the autonomous missions, performance in all three crews improved (more high-valued geologic samples were retrieved), subjective self-reports of negative emotional states decreased, unstructured debriefing logs contained fewer references to negative emotions and greater use of socially-referent language, and salivary cortisol output across the missions was attenuated. The present study provides evidence that crew autonomy may improve performance and help sustain if not enhance psychosocial adaptation and biobehavioral health. These controlled experimental data contribute to an emerging empirical database on crew autonomy which the international astronautics community may build upon for future research and ultimately draw upon when designing and managing missions.  相似文献   

Aerobraking has previously been used to reduce the propellant required to deliver an orbiter to its desired final orbit. In principle, aerobraking should be possible around any target planet or moon having sufficient atmosphere to permit atmospheric drag to provide a portion of the mission ΔV, in lieu of supplying all of the required ΔV propulsively. The spacecraft is flown through the upper atmosphere of the target using multiple passes, ensuring that the dynamic pressure and thermal loads remain within the spacecraft's design parameters. NASA has successfully conducted aerobraking operations four times, once at Venus and three times at Mars. While aerobraking reduces the fuel required, it does so at the expense of time (typically 3–6 months), continuous Deep Space Network (DSN) coverage, and a large ground staff. These factors can result in aerobraking being a very expensive operational phase of the mission. However, aerobraking has matured to the point that much of the daily operation could potentially be performed autonomously onboard the spacecraft, thereby reducing the required ground support and attendant aerobraking related costs. To facilitate a lower-risk transition from ground processing to an autonomous capability, the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) has assembled a team of experts in aerobraking and interplanetary guidance and control to develop a high-fidelity, flight-like simulation. This simulation will be used to demonstrate the overall feasibility while exploring the potential for staff and DSN coverage reductions that autonomous aerobraking might provide. This paper reviews the various elements of autonomous aerobraking and presents an overview of the various models and algorithms that must be transformed from the current ground processing methodology to a flight-like environment. Additionally the high-fidelity flight software test bed, being developed from models used in a recent interplanetary mission, will be summarized.  相似文献   

Recent planning for science and exploration missions has emphasized the high interest in the close investigation of small bodies in the Solar System. In particular in-situ observations of asteroids and comets play an important role in this field and will contribute substantially to our understanding of the formation and history of the Solar System.The first dedicated comet Lander is Philae, an element of ESA's Rosetta mission to comet 67/P Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta was launched in 2004. After more than 7 years of cruise (including three Earth and one Mars swing-by as well as two asteroid flybys) the spacecraft has gone into a deep space hibernation in June 2011. When approaching the target comet in early 2014, Rosetta will be re-activated. The cometary nucleus will be characterized remotely to prepare for Lander delivery, currently foreseen for November 2014.The Rosetta Lander was developed and manufactured, similar to a scientific instrument, by a consortium consisting of international partners. Project management is located at DLR in Cologne/Germany, with co-project managers at CNES (France) and ASI (Italy). The scientific lead is at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Science (Lindau, Germany) and the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Paris).Mainly scientific institutes provided the subsystems, instruments and the complete, qualified lander system. Operations are performed in two dedicated centers, the Lander Control Center (LCC) at DLR-MUSC and the Science Operations and Navigation Center (SONC) at CNES. This concept was adopted to reduce overall cost of the project and is foreseen also to be applied for development and operations of future small bodies landers.A mission profiting from experience gained during Philae development and operations is MASCOT, a surface package for the Japanese Hayabusa 2 mission. MASCOT is a small (∼10 kg) mobile device, delivered to the surface of asteroid 1999JU3. There it will operate for about 16 h. During this time a camera, a magnetometer, a thermal monitor and an IR analytical instrument will provide ground truth and thus will even be able to support the selection of possible sampling sites for the main spacecraft.MASCOT is a flexible design that can be adapted to a wide range of missions and possible target bodies. Also the payload is flexible to some extent (with an overall mass in the 3 kg range). For example, the surface package is part of the optional strawman payload for MarcoPolo-R, a European asteroid sample return mission, proposed for ESA Cosmic Vision M-class.  相似文献   

The technique and algorithms for optimization of planning the program of experiments carried out onboard an orbiting spacecraft are described taking into account the execution of service operations. A general approach to optimization of planning the experiments is used, developed for investigations onboard the Salyut and Mir space stations, and on the International Space Station (ISS). The approach is based on formalization of the problem in the form of an integer linear programming problem. In this approach, the spacecraft orbit is considered to be known, and the optimization of the planning of experiments is reduced to composing the optimum sequence of zones for the performance of experiments. The list of experiments, service operations, and tasks to be solved during the planning interval are assumed to be specified.  相似文献   

The Voyager Interstellar Mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Voyager Interstellar Mission began on January 1, 1990, with the primary objective being to characterize the interplanetary medium beyond Neptune and to search for the transition region between the interplanetary medium and the interstellar medium. At the start of this mission, the two Voyager spacecraft had already been in flight for over twelve years, having successfully returned a wealth of scientific information about the planetary systems of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and the interplanetary medium between Earth and Neptune. The two spacecraft have the potential to continue returning science data until around the year 2020. With this extended operating lifetime, there is a high likelihood of one of the two spacecraft penetrating the termination shock and possibly the heliopause boundary, and entering interstellar space before that time. This paper describes the Voyager Interstellar Mission--the mission objectives, the spacecraft and science payload, the mission operations system used to support operations, and the mission operations strategy being used to maximize science data return even in the event of certain potential spacecraft subsystem failures. The implementation of automated analysis tools to offset and enable reduced flight team staffing levels is also discussed.  相似文献   

The International Rosetta Mission, cornerstone of the European Space Agency Scientific Programme, was launched on 2nd March 2004 to its 10 years journey to comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta will reach the comet in summer 2014, orbit it for about 1.5 years down to distances of a few Kilometres and deliver the Lander Philae onto its surface. After its successful asteroid fly-by in September 2008, Rosetta came back to Earth, for the final gravity acceleration towards its longest heliocentric orbit, up to a distance of 5.3 AU. It is during this phase that Rosetta crossed for the second time the main asteroids belt and performed a close encounter with asteroid (21)Lutetia on the 10th of July 2010 at a distance of ca. 3160 km and a relative velocity of 15 km/s. The payload complement of the spacecraft was activated to perform highly valuable scientific observations. The approach phase to the celestial body required a careful and accurate optical navigation campaign that will prove to be useful also for the comet approach phase. The experience gained with first asteroid flyby in 2008 was fed back into the operations definition and preparation for this highly critical phase; this concerns in particular the operations of the navigation camera for the close-loop autonomous asteroid tracking and of the main scientific camera for high resolution imaging. It was shortly after the flyby that Rosetta became the solar-powered spacecraft to have flown furthest from the Sun (>2.72 AU). This paper presents the activities carried out and planned for the definition, preparation and implementation of the asteroid flyby mission operations, including the test campaign conducted to improve the performance of the spacecraft and payload compared to the previous flyby. The results of the flyby itself are presented, with the operations implemented, the achieved performance and the lessons learned.  相似文献   

一种通用遥控注入数据格式的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对航天器遥控体制的发展作了简要回顾和分析,重点研究了欧洲航天局定义的包应用标准。文章借鉴包应用标准的设计理念,与我国实际遥控需求相结合,设计了一套通用遥控注入数据格式,并开发了相应的地面软件和星载遥控处理软件。  相似文献   

The sleep monitoring experiment permitted an objective evaluation of sleep characteristics during the first two manned Skylab flights. Hardware located onboard the spacecraft accomplished data acquisition, analysis, and preservation, thereby permitting near-real-time evaluation of sleep during the flights and more detailed postmission analysis. The crewman studied during the 28-Day Mission showed some decrease in total sleep time an increase in the percentage of Stage 4 sleep, while the subject in the 59-Day Mission exhibited little change in total sleep time and a small decrease in Stage 4 and REM sleep. Some disruption of sleep characteristics was seen in the final days of both missions, and both subjects exhibited decreases in REM-onset latency in the immediate postflight period. The relatively minor changes seen were not of the type nor magnitude which might be expected to be associated with significant degradation of performance capability.  相似文献   

The Desert Research and Technology Studies (D-RATS) 2011 field test involved the planning and execution of a series of exploration scenarios under operational conditions similar to those expected during a human exploration mission to a near-Earth asteroid (NEA). The focus was on understanding the operations tempo during simulated NEA exploration and the implications of communications latency and limited data bandwidth. Anchoring technologies and sampling techniques were not evaluated due to the immaturity of those technologies and the inability to meaningfully test them at D-RATS. Reduced gravity analogs and simulations are being used to fully evaluate Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV) and extravehicular (EVA) operations and interactions in near-weightlessness at a NEA as part of NASA's integrated analogs program. Hypotheses were tested by planning and performing a series of 1-day simulated exploration excursions comparing test conditions all of which involved a single Deep Space Habitat (DSH) and either 0, 1, or 2 SEVs; 3 or 4 crewmembers; 1 of 2 different communications bandwidths; and a 50-second each-way communications latency between the field site and Houston. Excursions were executed at the Black Point Lava Flow test site with a remote Mission Control Center and Science Support Room at Johnson Space Center (JSC) being operated with 50-second each-way communication latency to the field. Crews were composed of astronauts and professional field geologists. Teams of Mission Operations and Science experts also supported the mission simulations each day. Data were collected separately from the Crew, Mission Operations, and Science teams to assess the test conditions from multiple perspectives. For the operations tested, data indicates practically significant benefits may be realized by including at least one SEV and by including 4 versus 3 crewmembers in the NEA exploration architecture as measured by increased scientific data quality, EVA exploration time, capability assessment ratings, and consensus acceptability ratings provided by Crew, Mission Operations, and Science teams. A combination of text and voice was used to effectively communicate over the communications latency, and increased communication bandwidth yielded a small but practically significant improvement in overall acceptability as rated by the Science team, although the impact of bandwidth on scientific strategic planning and public outreach was not assessed. No effect of increased bandwidth was observed with respect to Crew or Mission Operations team ratings of overall acceptability.  相似文献   

航天器自主运行技术的进展   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
阐述了航天器自主运行的概念、目标和任务。对自主运行和传统测控方式进行了比较。最后重点介绍了航天器自主运行技术的进展情况。文章分4个部分介绍自主运行技术。首先介绍了2种自主运行体系结构,它们是自主运行各种功能集成的基础。第2部分介绍了2种智能规划与调度技术。第3部分介绍了基于模型的故障诊断与系统重构技术。第4部分介绍了有效载荷数据自主处理的进展情况。最后进行了总结并介绍了与自主运行相关的其他技术。  相似文献   

The Venus Express mission is the European Space Agency's (ESA) first spacecraft at Venus. It was launched in November 2005 by a Soyuz–Fregat launcher and arrived at Venus in April 2006. The mission covers a broad range of scientific goals including physics, chemistry, dynamics and structure of the atmosphere as well as atmospheric interaction with the surface and several aspects of the surface itself. Furthermore, it investigates the plasma environment and interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere and escape processes.One month after the arrival at Venus the Venus Express spacecraft started routine science operations. Since then Venus Express has been observing Venus every day for more than one year continuously making new discoveries.In order to ensure that all the science objectives are fulfilled the Venus Express Science Operations Centre (VSOC) has the task of coordinating and implementing the science operations for the mission. During the first year of Venus observations the VSOC and the experiment teams gained a lot of experience in how to make best use of the observation conditions and payload capabilities. While operating the spacecraft in orbit we also acquired more knowledge on the technical constraints and more insight in the science observations and their results.As the nominal mission is coming to an end, the extended mission will start from October 2007. The Extended Science Mission Plan was developed taking into account the lessons learned. At the same time new observations were added along with specific fine-tuned observations in order to complete the science objectives of the mission.This paper will describe how the previous observations influence the current requirements for the observations around Venus today and how they influence the observations in the mission extension. Also it will give an overview of the Extended Science Mission Plan and its challenges for the future observations.  相似文献   

谢平  杜永浩  姚锋  谭跃进 《宇航学报》2019,40(2):127-138
针对现代卫星载荷能力与机动能力不断提升以及卫星任务需求多样化与复杂化程度持续增加的现状,阐述了敏捷成像卫星调度问题的基本特征,给出了敏捷成像卫星调度问题的一般化描述方法。在此基础上,分别从自主感知、自主决策和自主协同三个方面梳理了国内外敏捷卫星自主调度关键技术的研究进展。最后,面向未来卫星技术发展需求,指出了敏捷成像卫星自主调度技术进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

基于地月信息提出了一种奔月转移轨道的自主光学导航算法。该算法首先利用导航相机得到的地球和月球边缘图像与地、月几何形状模型,运用扩展源的空间获取算法导出地心和月心对应的像素,然后利用地心和月心像素、探测器的惯性姿态和该观测历元的地、月星历信息,通过基于UD分解的递推加权最小二乘算法确定了探测器轨道。还引入导航系统的可观度定义来分析了导航系统的可观性,数学仿真结果表明导航的位置误差小于30km,速度误差小于0.3m/s,证明该自主光学导航算法是有效的。  相似文献   

利用三轴气浮台模拟航天器空间力学环境,进行了单框架控制力矩陀螺(SGCMG)姿态控制/动量管理系统全实物仿真研究。推导了大型航天器姿态控制/动量管理系统数学模型。设计调试了实物仿真系统。研究了单框架控制力矩陀螺奇异回避问题、失效操纵问题和动量管理优化问题。证明了系统构形分析、奇异性分析和操纵律设计的正确性和有效性。通过大型航天器姿态控制/动量管理系统实物仿真,检验了设计方案的可行性和系统硬、软件的可靠性。  相似文献   

The results of refining the parameters of the Spektr-R spacecraft (RadioAstron project) motion after it was launched into the orbit of the Earth’s artificial satellite in July 2011 showed that, at the beginning of 2013, the condition of staying in the Earth’s shadow was violated. The duration of shading of the spacecraft exceeds the acceptable value (about 2 h). At the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014, the ballistic lifetime of the spacecraft completed. Therefore, the question arose of how to correct the trajectory of the motion of the Spektr-R satellite using its onboard propulsion system. In this paper, the ballistic parameters that define the operation of onboard propulsion system when implementing the correction, and the ballistic characteristics of the orbital spacecraft motion before and after correction are presented.  相似文献   

The analysis of optical navigation in an Earth–Moon libration point orbit is examined. Missions to libration points have been winning momentum during the last decades. Its unique characteristics make it suitable for a number of operational and scientific goals. Literature aimed to study dynamics, guidance and control of unstable orbits around collinear libration points is vast. In particular, several papers deal with the optimisation of the Δv budget associated to the station-keeping of these orbits. One of the results obtained in literature establishes the critical character of the Moon–Earth system in this aspect. The reason for this behaviour is twofold: high Δv cost and short optimal manoeuvre spacing. Optical autonomous navigation can address the issue of allowing a more flexible manoeuvre design. This technology has been selected to overcome similar difficulties in other critical scenarios. This paper analyses in detail this solution. A whole GNC system is defined to meet the requirements imposed by the unstable dynamic environment. Finally, a real simulation of a spacecraft following a halo orbit of the L2 Moon–Earth system is carried out to assess the actual capabilities of the optical navigation in this scenario.  相似文献   

The first Korean multi-mission geostationary Earth orbit satellite, Communications, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) was launched by an Ariane 5 launch vehicle in June 26, 2010. The COMS satellite has three payloads including Ka-band communications, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, and Meteorological Imager. Although the COMS spacecraft bus is based on the Astrium Eurostar 3000 series, it has only one solar array to the south panel because all of the imaging sensors are located on the north panel. In order to maintain the spacecraft attitude with 5 wheels and 7 thrusters, COMS should perform twice a day wheel off-loading thruster firing operations, which affect on the satellite orbit. COMS flight dynamics system provides the general on-station functions such as orbit determination, orbit prediction, event prediction, station-keeping maneuver planning, station-relocation maneuver planning, and fuel accounting. All orbit related functions in flight dynamics system consider the orbital perturbations due to wheel off-loading operations. There are some specific flight dynamics functions to operate the spacecraft bus such as wheel off-loading management, oscillator updating management, and on-station attitude reacquisition management. In this paper, the design and implementation of the COMS flight dynamics system is presented. An object oriented analysis and design methodology is applied to the flight dynamics system design. Programming language C# within Microsoft .NET framework is used for the implementation of COMS flight dynamics system on Windows based personal computer.  相似文献   

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