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D.K. Lynch 《Acta Astronautica》1996,38(12):947-953
Aerosols are common atmospheric constituents that occur both naturally (clouds, sea spray, dust, smoke, and volcanic emissions) and artificially (smog, smoke, certain hazes, detonation products, and industrial emissions). Some, like the great dust bowl storms in the U.S. in the 1930s, are a combination of natural and manmade agents. Most aerosols are difficult to model because they are composed of small, non-spherical particles whose optical constants and particle sizes are poorly known. Spectroscopic observations of aerosols in the thermal infrared atmospheric window between 8 and 13.5 μm offer the opportunity to detect aerosols both day and night down to very low column densities. Such observations can also identify the gross chemical composition of the particles and, in some cases, the actual sizes and shapes. In this paper, we discuss thermal i.r. observations of three types of aerosols: satellite measurements of volcanic dust, ground-based observations of airborne desert soil and both ground- and space-based measurements of cirrus clouds.  相似文献   

FORMOSAT-2 is Taiwan's first remote sensing satellite (RSS). It was launched on 20 May 2004 with five-year mission life and a very unique mission orbit at 891 km altitude. This orbit gives FORMOSAT-2 the daily revisit feature and the capability of imaging the Arctic and Antarctic regions due to the high enough altitude. For more than three years, FORMOSAT-2 has performed outstanding jobs and its global effectiveness is evidenced in many fields such as public education in Taiwan, Earth science and ecological niche research, preservation of the world heritages, contribution to the International Charter: space and major disasters, observation of suspected North Korea and Iranian nuclear facilities, and scientific observation of the atmospheric transient luminous events (TLEs). In order to continue the provision of earth observation images from space, the National Space Organization (NSPO) of Taiwan started to work on the second RSS from 2005. This second RSS will also be Taiwan's first indigenous satellite. Both the bus platform and remote sensing instrument (RSI) shall be designed and manufactured by NSPO and the Instrument Technology Research Center (ITRC) under the supervision of the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL). Its onboard computer (OBC) shall use Taiwan's indigenous LEON-3 central processing unit (CPU). In order to achieve cost effective design, the commercial off the shelf (COTS) components shall be widely used. NSPO shall impose the up-screening/qualification and validation/verification processes to ensure their normal functions for proper operations in the severe space environments.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1305-1311
FORMOSAT-2 is Taiwan's first remote sensing satellite (RSS). It was launched on 20 May 2004 with five-year mission life and a very unique mission orbit at 891 km altitude. This orbit gives FORMOSAT-2 the daily revisit feature and the capability of imaging the Arctic and Antarctic regions due to the high enough altitude. For more than three years, FORMOSAT-2 has performed outstanding jobs and its global effectiveness is evidenced in many fields such as public education in Taiwan, Earth science and ecological niche research, preservation of the world heritages, contribution to the International Charter: space and major disasters, observation of suspected North Korea and Iranian nuclear facilities, and scientific observation of the atmospheric transient luminous events (TLEs). In order to continue the provision of earth observation images from space, the National Space Organization (NSPO) of Taiwan started to work on the second RSS from 2005. This second RSS will also be Taiwan's first indigenous satellite. Both the bus platform and remote sensing instrument (RSI) shall be designed and manufactured by NSPO and the Instrument Technology Research Center (ITRC) under the supervision of the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL). Its onboard computer (OBC) shall use Taiwan's indigenous LEON-3 central processing unit (CPU). In order to achieve cost effective design, the commercial off the shelf (COTS) components shall be widely used. NSPO shall impose the up-screening/qualification and validation/verification processes to ensure their normal functions for proper operations in the severe space environments.  相似文献   

Current and planned developments in the field of civilian and commercial satellite imagery promise a major expansion in international accessibility to remote sensing data and technologies. This paper addresses the implications of the expanding global access to land remote sensing data and their derived products. While atmospheric, meteorological, and oceanographic data is also widely available at cost or free of charge, it is land remote sensing - specifically the unique systems with high-resolution and frequent revisit times - that are of primary concern for international and regional security issues. Military and intelligence satellites are not addressed in this discussion of expansion due to their inherently controlled access, unless such systems also provide commercially available imagery or products (as is the case with some Russian systems).  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1993,9(4):342-344
The following is a brief to the US Congress of a report prepared by the Office of Technology Assessment, The Future of Remote Sensing from Space: Civilian Satellite Systems and Applications. The report argues that a flexible, long-term interagency plan is needed to maximize the return on US investment in remote sensing. This in turn will require funding to ensure continuity of data collection and use, and suggests the need to form a broad-based international cooperative programme to avoid redundancy and promote more effective application of data.  相似文献   

ISRO has developed the PSLV rocket (Polar Spacecraft Launch Vehicle) for polar orbiting satellites up to 1000 kg and is conducting a series of test missions. One of this is the IRS-P3, an remote sensing satellite with German participation. The payload consists of 3 scientific instruments: The wide field sensor WiFS for vegetation monitoring (ISRO), the imaging spectrometer MOS (DLR/Germany) for coastal zone and ocean studies an the X-ray astronomy payload (ISRO). The paper gives technical details and parameters on the launch vehicle, the satellite, the instruments and scientific goals and data utilization.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(2):121-130
This article examines the commitments of a number of space-faring nations to the development and application of remote-sensing activities, including the development of human resources. It also reflects on the ‘application syndrome’ in developing countries, resulting in an over-concentration on practical, short-term projects to the detriment of more long-term research capabilities. There is a growing awareness that this trend should not continue indefinitely, and that the developing countries should be concerned not only with what a given technology can do, but also with how and why it works the way it does. Through such a process, the developing countries can contribute to its growth and development, and make effective use of their research efforts in solving their own problems. The article concludes with a discussion of the efforts of the United Nations, particularly its Space Applications Programme, to foster the development of indigenous capability in remote-sensing technology.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of agricultural land permits crop classification and mensuration which can lead to improved forecasts of production. This technique is particularly important for nations which do not already have an accurate agricultural reporting system. Better forecasts have important economic effects. International grain traders can make better decisions about when to store, buy and sell. Farmers can make better planting decisions by taking advantage of production estimates for areas out of phase with their own agricultural calendar. World economic benefits will accrue to both buyers and sellers because of increased food supply and price stabilization.

This paper reviews the econometric models used to establish this scenario and estimates the dollar value of benefits for world wheat as 200 million dollars annually for the United States and 300–400 million dollars anually for the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Access to space-based remote sensing data is critical for Earth science and the study of global change. This article summarizes a variety of US government Earth science data policies and problems. The authors examine current efforts to develop data policies for the next generation of US remote sensing programmes, noting likely problems based on past experiences. They argue that the goal of US Earth science data policy should be to provide the widest possible dissemination of data. Setting such a goal permits the development of a simple, coherent data policy that serves scientific, commercial and US government interests.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint argues that the 1986 UN Principles on Remote Sensing have failed to anticipate the growth and broadening of the Earth observation field and are now less relevant. It traces the development of remote sensing: from a narrow government-controlled base, three distinct sectors of military, civil (i.e. public) and commercial Earth observation can now be distinguished and the latter is making images ever more widely and easily available. There has been no international effort to adjust the international legal regime to this changing environment and even the USA's remote sensing policy has basically been reactive. It is impossible now to conceive an overarching remote sensing policy and the challenge will be to shape each sectoral regime appropriately.  相似文献   

遥感卫星自截断SPIHT压缩译码技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
链表式SPIHT算法是目前公认最好的压缩方案,但是由于其传输中具有极差的抗误码特性,在遥感图像数据压缩中的应用具有一定局限性。本文提出的自截断式SPIHT压缩算法使得译码器在出现“致使性”误码的情况下能够自动中止该帧数据流译码,使得误码不至于扩散到整幅图像之中。为SPIHT算法在遥感图像数据压缩中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Avery Sen   《Space Policy》2004,20(1):274
A strong remote sensing regime is a necessary component of any contemporary national or international energy policy. Energy is essential to the functioning of modern industrial society, and as such it is the responsibility of governments to produce sound national energy policies in order to ensure stable economic growth, ecologically responsible use of energy resources and the health and safety of citizens. Comprehensive, accurate and timely remote sensing data can aid decision making on energy matters in several areas. This paper looks at the benefits that can be realized in resource exploration, weather forecasting and environmental monitoring. Improvements in the technology of remote sensing platforms would be of great value to buyers of energy, sellers of energy and the environment. Furthermore, the utility of such information could be enhanced by efforts of government agencies to communicate it more effectively to the end-user. National energy policies should thus include investments not only in satellite system hardware to collect data, but also in the services required to interpret and distribute the data.  相似文献   

利用雷达高度计、微波散射计、海洋波谱仪和合成孔径雷达SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)观测海面风、浪等海洋动力环境要素的技术已经日趋成熟,针对现有单星多传感器体制存在的重量大、稳定性差、功耗高、整星系统复杂等缺点,首先对以上四种海洋微波遥感器的发展和应用情况进行了梳理,随后根据目前的发展趋势,提出了一种新的多模式一体化设计方法并进行详细描述,最后,对未来星载海洋微波遥感器的多模式一体化技术进行了展望,为今后海洋微波遥感器的多模式一体化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This article examines the effect that private-sector remote sensing activities might have on the international community and on the future of international cooperation in space. It describes in detail The Land Remote Sensing Commercialization Act of 1984, recently passed by the US Congress and signed by President Reagan. The article concludes that it is possible to develop domestic regulations that balance the economic interests of the private sector with the legal and political concerns of the international community.  相似文献   

There have been growing national capabilities in the observation of Earth from space and a corresponding increase in the global awareness of environmental problems. In response, within the past decade consensus has been reached with respect to the recommendations of Unispace-82, the Principles of Remote Sensing and Agenda 21 of the June 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED); the latter was convened ‘to lay the foundation for a global partnership between developing and more industrialized countries, based on mutual needs and common interests, to ensure the future of the planet’. Similarly, the framework for international cooperation in such programmes as the US-led Earth Observing system (EOS) and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) have been established. An international remote sensing system that is user-driven may be the next logical step.  相似文献   

遥感卫星在轨故障统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对遥感卫星1988年—2014年的在轨故障数据进行分类研究发现:控制、载荷、测控和数传是遥感卫星在轨故障发生比例最高的4个分系统;故障主要发生于在轨第1年;环境、设计和器件类故障为主要的在轨故障类型;大多数故障可以通过在轨自主诊断、地面操作等方式及时予以解决, 对遥感卫星完成任务的固有能力影响较小;各分系统的在轨故障特点各不相同。文章最后针对故障原因, 提出了增加遥感卫星的地面试验与测试、加强抗辐射加固设计和开展基于在轨故障规律的分系统技术状态控制等对策, 以降低卫星的在轨故障率, 保证卫星在轨可靠、安全运行。  相似文献   

Remote-sensing technology developments will influence the flow and requirements of remote-sensing data until the end of this century. Sensing-upon-request modes of operation are becoming regular practice and, in combination with commercial sales, are leading to contracts in which copyright clauses and other conditions influence the distribution of remote-sensing data. Moreover, the introduction of programmable and directable sensor systems is making it easier to gather more data over certain areas at the cost of less or none over others, leading to potential indirect censorship. The development of a media market for remote-sensing products also brings a threat of actual censorship on the release and use of imagery. The effects of the technology developments and commercialization policies require a careful consideration of whether or not the present international remote-sensing regime, as governed by the UN principles relating to remote sensing of the Earth from space, can continue unmodified in future.  相似文献   

This is an edited version of the Executive Summary of Euroconsult's latest report, covering the development, current status and potential of Europe's Earth observation data processing and interpretation services. The bulk of the report is based on a survey-carried out in conjuction with DG XII of the European Commission - of 28 companies and organizations, about one-third of the total involved in Earth observations in Europe. Full copies of the Executive Summary are available from EC DGXII-H-5, 75 rue Montoyer, Brussels, Belgium.  相似文献   

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