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Many organisms from a wide variety of taxa have the ability to survive extreme dehydration, a phenomenon called "anhydrobiosis." Concomitantly with resistance to the adverse effects of drying, these organisms are also resistant to the effects of freezing to very low temperatures, elevated temperature for brief periods, and the effects of ionizing radiation. One result of their resistance to environmental extremes is a greatly prolonged life span. The anhydrobiotes that have been investigated share a common metabolic adaptation, the production of certain disaccharides as a large proportion of their dry weight. Using these disaccharides, we have investigated the sources of damage attendant upon drying and the mechanisms by which anhydrobiotes and model systems of isolated membranes and proteins avoid damage. This report summarizes aspects of this work.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical characteristics of biomembranes and cell gravisensitivity.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The resistance of living systems to the action of environmental factors is known to be largely determined by molecular organization of biomembranes constituting the basis of the cell per se and of all intracellular organelles. Gravity as one of the environmental factors, plays a definite role in the vital activity of organisms. Therefore, the problem of altered gravity impact on biological objects should be considered in close relation to the functional state of membranes and contractible elements of cytoskeleton. Moreover, the involvement of membrane structures and cytoskeleton in the processes of reception and realization of gravitational stimulus allows us to evaluate the extent of the direct or indirect influence of gravity on cell functioning in the gravitational field. The results of experimental studies having been conducted up to this time on a variety of cells and cell organelles under altered gravity conditions demonstrated noticeable alterations in the molecular organization of the membranes.  相似文献   

A wide variety of organisms (the so-called "anhydrobiotes') is able to survive long periods of time in a state of utmost dehydration and can thus survive in extremely dry environments including artificially imposed or space vacuum. Known strategies of survival include the accumulation of certain polyols, especially disaccharides, which help prevent damage to membranes and proteins. Here we report that DNA in vacuum-dried spores is damaged to a very substantial degree by processes leading to DNA strand breaks. Most of these lesions are obviously repaired during germination, but extensive damage to DNA and enzymes after long exposure times (months to years) finally diminish the chances of survival.  相似文献   

A wide variety of terrestrial organisms, the so-called "anhydrobiotes," has learned to survive in a state of extreme dehydration in dry environments. Strategies for survival include the accumulation of certain polyols and nonreducing saccharides, which help to prevent damage to membranes and proteins, but at low water partial pressure DNA is also progressively damaged by various lesions, including strand breaks and cross-linking to proteins. These lesions, if they are not too numerous, can be repaired before the first replication step after rehydration, but long-term exposure to dry conditions finally diminishes the chances of survival as these lesions accumulate. If an organism has no chance to repair the accumulated DNA damage during intermittent periods of active life, survival will not exceed a few decades. The restriction of survival by dryness-induced DNA lesions is corroborated by new data on conidia of Aspergillus and the free plasmid pBR 322. Our results will be discussed with respect to the chance of finding dormant life or biochemical fossils on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

The lifetime of almost all the asteroids against catastrophic impact events is less than the age of the solar system, implying that the asteroids can be considered as outcomes of catastrophic collisions. Therefore to understand their physical properties (structure, shape, rotation, regolith development) and their family memberships (since families are generated by the escape of breakup fragments), a systematic knowledge of the outcomes of catastrophic impacts under a variety of conditions seems needed. In particular, interesting fields to be explored by laboratory experiments are: the dependence of the critical energy densities associated with various degrees of fragmentation on the target's size and composition; the velocity distribution of the fragments and the inelasticity of the process in different cases; the shape of the fragments and its possible correlation with other quantities; the way a dust- or regolith-covered target affects the collisional outcomes; the angular momentum partitioning and the rotation of the fragments. On this latter problem very few experimental results are presently available; on the other hand, the rotation of small asteroids presents several intriguing “anomalies”.

A significant progress of our understanding of asteroid collisional evolution and related phenomena can be provided by new laboratory experiments of collisional breakup. The targets should have spherical and/or irregular shape (up to axial ratios of the order of 2), and should be made of (possibly different) geological materials. The interesting projectile velocities are of the order of the relative velocities commonly found among asteroids, i.e., in the range 1 to 10 Kms−1. In order to get catastrophic collisions, the ratio of the projectile kinetic energy to the target mass (≡E/M) has to be chosen within a “critical” range (for basalt targets, from 106 to 108 erg/g). In some particular cases, this kind of experiments has been already performed in past (Gault and Wedekind [10]; Fujiwara et al. [7]; Fujiwara and Tsukamoto [9]); however the generalization of the results to a wide range of experimental conditions is lacking, and many problems of outstanding importance to model asteroid evolution are still completely open.  相似文献   

Radiative cooling of IR space telescopes is an alternative to embedding within massive cryostats and should offer advantages for future missions, including longer life, larger aperture for a fixed spacecraft size, lower cost due to less complex engineering, and easier ground handling. Relatively simple analyses of conventional designs show that it is possible to achieve telescope temperatures in the range of 25 to 40 K at distances from the sun of about 1 AU. Lower temperatures may be possible with “open” designs or distant orbits. At 25 K, an observatory will be limited by the celestial thermal background in the near- and mid-IR and by the confusion limit in the far-IR. We outline here our concept for a moderate aperture ( 1.75 m; Ariane 4 or Atlas launch) international space observatory for the next decade.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is an essential element for life. Specifically, “fixed nitrogen” (i.e., NH3, NH4+, NOx, or N that is chemically bound to either inorganic or organic molecules and is releasable by hydrolysis to NH3 or NH4+) is the form of nitrogen useful to living organisms. To date no direct analysis of Martian soil nitrogen content, or content of fixed nitrogen compounds has been done. Consequently, the planet's total inventory of nitrogen is unknown. What is known is that the N2 content of the present-day Martian atmosphere is 0.2 mbar. It has been hypothesized that early in Mars' history (3 to 4 billion years ago) the Martian atmosphere contained much more N2 than it does today. The values of N2 proposed for this early Martian atmosphere, however, are not well constrained and range from 3 to 300 mbar of N2. If the early atmosphere of Mars did contain much more N2 than it does today the question to be answered is, Where did it go? The two main processes that could have removed it rapidly from the atmosphere include: 1) nonthermal escape of N-atoms to space; and 2) burial within the regolith as nitrates and nitrites. Nitrate will be stable in the highly oxidized surface soil of Mars, and will tend to accumulate in the soil. Such accumulations are observed in certain desert environments on Earth. Some NH4+---N may also be fixed and stabilized in the soil by inclusion as a structural cation in the crystal lattices of certain phyllosilicates replacing K. Analysis of the Martian soil for traces of NO3 and NH4+ during future missions will supply important information regarding the nitrogen abundance on Mars, its past climate as well as its potential for the evolution of life.  相似文献   

The main molecular processes to produce the hydrogen comae of comets are now well known: Water, the main constituent of cometary atmospheres, is photodissociated by the solar ultraviolet radiation to form the high (20 km s−1) and low (8 km s−1) velocity components of the atomic hydrogen. The hydrogen clouds of various fresh comets have been observed in 1216Å by a number of spacecrafts. Ultraviolet observations of short period comets are, however, rather rare. Consequently Comet P/Halley in this apparition is a good object to obtain new physics of the hydrogen coma. Strong breathing of the hydrogen coma of this comet found by “Suisei” provides just such an example. The rotational period of Comet Halley's nucleus, its activity in the form of outbursts alone, and the position of jet sources etc. are determined from the breathing phenomena. Atomic hydrogen from organic compounds with a velocity of 11 km s−1 play an important role in that analysis. The time variations of the water production rate of Comet Halley during this apparition observed by various spacecrafts appear to be in agreement with each other and are about 1.5–2 times larger than the standard model. The difficulty of the calibration problem was emphasized.  相似文献   

The origin and subsequent evolution of life on Earth has taken place within an environment of which a 1g gravitational force is a part. Thus, all living organisms accommodate this variable in their structure and function. Evolution has also selected mechanisms to sense gravity which, in consequence, give particular orientations to living process. It is anticipated that the higher the evolutionary status of an organism, the greater the chance that it will possess multiple mechanisms of gravisensing because evolution discards nothing that assists fitness, but only adds to existing processes. A multiplicity of mechanisms permits gravity to participate in a wide range of developmental programmes, such as taxes, morphisms and tropisms, through the action of different sensors and distinct transduction/response pathways.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago V.P. Shabansky suggested that the magnetic system installed aboard the satellite, could be used as a physical instrument for studying the processes which occur in the near Earth space. The corresponding space scales of an artificial “magnetosphere”—“magnisphere”—are 10 m in the experiment with relatively small magnets in the ionosphere and 100 m in the solar wind. The corresponding similarity criteria are estimated. The possible scheme of the experiment with a superconducting magnet (magnetic moment 105 A · m2) installed aboard the satellite is considered. The experimental complex includes a number of systems for measuring the fluxes of charged particles in a wide energy range, DC electric and magnetic fields, the electromagnetic fields in different frequency bands (from X-rays to radio). The scientific objectives are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The primitive characteristics of the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis suggest that it represents a very ancient type of the group. Its morphology is simple but shows a wide range of variability, and it resembles certain Proterozoic microfossils. Chroococcidiopsis is probably the most desiccation-resistant cyanobacterium, the sole photosynthetic organism in extreme arid habitats. It is also present in a wide range of other extreme environments, from Antarctic rocks to thermal springs and hypersaline habitats, but it is unable to compete with more specialized organisms. Genetic evidence suggests that all forms belong to a single species. Its remarkable tolerance of environmental extremes makes Chroococcidiopsis a prime candidate for use as a pioneer photosynthetic microorganism for terraforming of Mars. The hypolithic microbial growth form (which lives under stones of a desert pavement) could be used as a model for development of technologies for large-scale Martian farming.  相似文献   

One of the most characteristic features of the summer mesopause at high latitudes is the very low temperature. Earlier measurements have shown temperatures in the range down to 135 K around 86 km altitude, whereas the most recent in situ measurements have revealed temperatures still much lower than that in a rather wide altitude region. The reasons for these low temperatures are to be found in the dynamics of the strato- and mesospheres. Upwinds and gravity wave activity over the summer hemisphere cause efficient cooling of the atmosphere.Also other effects are caused by the updrafts. The vertical transport velocity for important minor constituents is increased, which for instance causes the concentration of water vapor around the mesopause to be enhanced by large factors. This situation is of major importance for the possibility of forming noctilucent clouds (NLC).NLC are believed to be composed of small water ice particles, which because of the low temperatures can be formed on existing condensation nuclei. Two of the main questions regarding the formation of NLC concern the water vapor budget of the upper mesosphere and the origin of the condensation nuclei.This paper gives a general introduction to mesospheric physics and composition. Some results from recent satellite and rocket experiments are reviewed and the campaign layout and the performed experiments within the MAP project CAMP are described. The results from the different experiments are presented in four accompanying papers on CAMP results.  相似文献   

The IONOSAT project (from IONOspheric SATellites) is proposed by National Space Agency of Ukraine for First European Space Program as a part of Space Weather (SW) Program. As it is commonly accepted, Space Weather means the changes of the conditions on the Sun, in solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere which may affect the operation and reliability of on-board and ground technological systems and threaten human health. In this chain ionosphere is specific and integral part of SW formation. Moreover, namely in the ionosphere main part of the energy absorption of Sun-activated sporadic corpuscular and radiation fluxes takes places. The excitation of ionosphere by falling fluxes produces its “luminescence” in wide frequency band – from ULF waves till ultraviolet – and by this ionosphere works as an efficient “screen” or SW indicator.A goal of the proposed project is long-term spatial–temporal monitoring of main field and plasma parameters of ionosphere with aim to further develop fundamental conceptions of solar-terrestrial connections physics, nowcasting and forecast of SW, and diagnostics of natural and technogenic hazards with the help of scientific payload installed on-board a cluster of 3 low-Earth orbit (LEO) microsatellites (tentative launch date – 2012 year).The state of the project proposal and realization plans are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of iron in the free-radical oligomerization of hydrogen cyanide and acetic acid, and found that iron(II) and iron(III) readily reduces or oxidizes free radicals, respectively. The transient species produced by these reactions do not induce a chain oligomerization process and, therefore, they protect the solute molecules from degradation. Analysis of the available kinetic data for the reactions of a variety of transition metal ions with free radicals indicate that transition metal ions behave similarly to iron. Since Fe, Zn and Mo are essential to all living organisms, and there seems to be no apparent difference in chemical reactivity among transition metal ions towards free radicals, we suggest that these metal ions probably protected the biomolecules from degradation induced by free-radical reactions in the later stages of chemical evolution.  相似文献   

Denitrification, the dissimilatory reduction of NO3- to N2O and N2, is found in a wide variety of organisms. In closed artificial systems, especially closed plant growth chambers, a significant loss of fixed-N occurs through denitrification, thereby decreasing the efficiency of the system and fouling the atmosphere with N2O. Denitrification is a form of anaerobic respiration. Whenever available, however, denitrifiers preferentially use O2 as their terminal electron acceptor. As a result, rates of denitrification and growth are a function of O2. Typically, in closed systems O2 consumption is greater than the diffusion of O2 through the medium to the cell, decreasing the O2 level near the cell and denitrification occurs. Using Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC # 17400) as a model organism grown in a two L bioreactor under varying levels of O2 we studied its effects on population growth and its ability to mitigate denitrification in closed systems. The results indicate that denitrification occurs in a closed system even when it is considered aerobic, that is well mixed and sparged with either air, or sufficient pure O2 to cause a complete turnover in the gaseous atmosphere in the bioreactor vessel every five minutes.  相似文献   

Magnetic levitation-based Martian and Lunar gravity simulator.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Missions to Mars will subject living specimens to a range of low gravity environments. Deleterious biological effects of prolonged exposure to Martian gravity (0.38 g), Lunar gravity (0.17 g), and microgravity are expected, but the mechanisms involved and potential for remedies are unknown. We are proposing the development of a facility that provides a simulated Martian and Lunar gravity environment for experiments on biological systems in a well controlled laboratory setting. The magnetic adjustable gravity simulator will employ intense, inhomogeneous magnetic fields to exert magnetic body forces on a specimen that oppose the body force of gravity. By adjusting the magnetic field, it is possible to continuously adjust the total body force acting on a specimen. The simulator system considered consists of a superconducting solenoid with a room temperature bore sufficiently large to accommodate small whole organisms, cell cultures, and gravity sensitive bio-molecular solutions. It will have good optical access so that the organisms can be viewed in situ. This facility will be valuable for experimental observations and public demonstrations of systems in simulated reduced gravity.  相似文献   

The ionospheres of the major planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are reviewed in light of Pioneer and Voyager observations. Some refinements to pre-Voyager theoretical models are required to explain the results, most notably the addition of significant particle ionization from ‛electroglow” and auroral processes and the need for additional chemical loss of protons via charge exchange reactions with water. Water from the Saturn rings has been identified as a major modifier of the Saturn ionosphere and water influx from satellites and/or meteorites may also be important at Jupiter and Uranus as well, as evidenced by the observed ionospheric structure and the identification of cold stratospheric carbon monoxide at Jupiter.  相似文献   

Living organisms on the Earth which are divided into three major domains--Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya, probably came from a common ancestral cell. Because there are many thermophilic microorganisms near the root of the universal phylogenetic tree, the common ancestral cell should be considered to be a thermophilic microorganism. The existence of a cell is necessary for the living organisms; the cell membrane is the essential structural component of a cell, so its amphiphilic property is vital for the molecule of lipids for cell membranes. Tetraether type glycerophospholipids with C40 isoprenoid chains are major membrane lipids widely distributed in archaeal cells. Cyclization number of C40 isoprenoid chains in thermophilic archaea influences the fluidity of lipids whereas the number of carbons and degree of unsaturation in fatty acids do so in bacteria and eucarya. In addition to the cyclization of the tetraether lipids, covalent bonding of two C40 isoprenoid chains was found in hyperthermophiles. These characteristic structures of the lipids seem to contribute to their fundamental physiological roles in hyperthermophiles. Stereochemical differences between G-1-P archaeal lipids and G-3-P bacterial and eucaryal lipids might have occurred by the function of some proteins long after the first cell was developed by the reactions of small organic molecules. We propose that the structure of lipids of the common ancestral cell may have been similar to those of hyperthermophilic archaea.  相似文献   

Influence of different natural physical fields on biological processes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In space flight conditions gravity, magnetic, and electrical fields as well as ionizing radiation change both in size, and in direction. This causes disruptions in the conduct of some physical processes, chemical reactions, and metabolism in living organisms. In these conditions organisms of different phylogenetic level change their metabolic reactions undergo changes such as disturbances in ionic exchange both in lower and in higher plants, changes in cell morphology for example, gyrosity in Proteus (Proteus vulgaris), spatial disorientation in coleoptiles of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Pea (Pisum sativum) seedlings, mutational changes in Crepis (Crepis capillaris) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedling. It has been found that even in the absence of gravity, gravireceptors determining spatial orientation in higher plants under terrestrial conditions are formed in the course of ontogenesis. Under weightlessness this system does not function and spatial orientation is determined by the light flux gradient or by the action of some other factors. Peculiarities of the formation of the gravireceptor apparatus in higher plants, amphibians, fish, and birds under space flight conditions have been observed. It has been found that the system in which responses were accompanied by phase transition have proven to be gravity-sensitive under microgravity conditions. Such reactions include also the process of photosynthesis which is the main energy production process in plants. In view of the established effects of microgravity and different natural physical fields on biological processes, it has been shown that these processes change due to the absence of initially rigid determination. The established biological effect of physical fields influence on biological processes in organisms is the starting point for elucidating the role of gravity and evolutionary development of various organisms on Earth.  相似文献   

Long-term preservation of microbial ecosystems in permafrost.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
It has been established that significant numbers (up to 10 million cells per gram of sample) of living microorganisms of various ecological and morphological groups have been preserved under permafrost conditions, at temperatures ranging from -9 to -13 degrees C and depths of up to 100 m, for thousands and sometimes millions of years. Preserved since the formation of permafrost in sand-clay sediments of the Pliocene-Quaternary period and in paleosols and peats buried among them, these cells art the only living organisms that have survived for a geologically significant period of time. The complexity of the microbial community preserved varies with the age of the permafrost. Eukaryotes are found only in Holocene sediments; while prokaryotes are found to greater ages, i.e., Pliocene and Pleistocene. The diversity of microorganisms decreases with increasing age of sediments, and as a result cocci and corynebacteria are predominant. Enzyme activity (catalase and hydrolytic enzymes) and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll and pheophytin have also been detected in permafrost sediments. These results permit us to outline some approaches to the search for traces of life in the permafrost of Martian sediments by borehole core sampling. It is in the deep horizons (and not on the planet surface), isolated by permafrost from the external conditions, that results similar to those obtained on Earth can be expected.  相似文献   

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