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Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) high signal to noise spectrograms were obtained for 15 OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds***, three of which are of spectral type O3. The data cover the spectral region from 1150 A – 2300 A with a resolution of /1 A. One O8.5 supergiant, OB78#231, in M31is also included in this work. These data are a substantial improvement on previous high resolution IUE observations in the Magellanic Clouds (Walborn et al. 1985 and references therein) because of the smaller aperture and the much better signal to noise ratio, while no high resolution UV spectra of O stars in M31 have been obtained before. In this paper we discuss various morphological aspects of the spectra, concerning metallicity and the stellar winds, compared to galactic analogues.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction (typically 10%) of Galactic B stars consists of Be stars. While Galactic Be stars have been fairly well investigated, very little is known about the Be star content of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). We present a refined method of Be star identification by CCD photometry and apply it to four young clusters and associations in the MCs. We find NGC 330 in the SMC to be exceptionally rich in Be stars, while the fraction is clearly lower in the similarly aged LMC clusters NGC 2004 and NGC 1818. NGC 2044, a very young region in the LMC, contains almost no Be stars. Among very early-type B stars in the investigated MC clusters we find the largest number of Be stars, while in the Milky Way this is shifted to somewhat later types. In the LMC, there may be a second frequency peak around B6.Based on observations obtained at the 2.2m MPIA telescope at ESO, La Silla, Chile, partly on time granted by the MPIA, Heidelberg.  相似文献   

The numbers and distribution of Population I O-type stars and Wolf-Rayet stars are reviewed. The numbers of known WR stars in the Galaxy, the LMC and the SMC are 185, 114, and 9, respectively. Distances and galactic distributions determined by various authors are compared. The single star and binary distributions are discussed in the light of evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Prantzos  N. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):225-236
A brief review is presented of our current understanding of the evolution of the Milky Way disk and of its relevance to "cosmic chemical evolution" studies. The implications of this understanding for the evolution of deuterium are emphasized.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first UV high resolution spectra of hot luminous stars in M31 with the FOS onHubble Space Telescope. The spectra, combined with optical spectroscopic and photometric observations, enable us to study their stellar winds and photospheric parameters. We derive mass-loss rates and velocity laws from the wind line profiles, with the SEI method, as well as information on abundances. The wind lines and photospheric spectra are compared with galactic stars of the same spectral type.The spectra analyzed so far indicate that the stars have mass-loss rates comparable or slightly lower than galactic stars of the same spectral type, but possibly different velocity laws in their winds. The spectra of two stars are discussed here.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation is generated throughout the Milky Way. It fills the sky, and carries with it the imprint of the magnetic field at the point of origin and along the propagation path. Observations of the diffuse polarized radio emission should be able to provide information on Galactic magnetic fields with detail matching the angular resolution of the telescope. I review what has been learned from existing data, but the full potential cannot be realized from current observations because they do not adequately sample the frequency structure of the polarized emission, or they lack information on large-scale structure. I discuss three surveys, each overcoming one of these limitations, and show how use of complementary data on other ISM tracers can help elucidate the role of magnetic fields in interstellar processes. The focus of this review is on the small-scale field, on sizes comparable with the various forms of interaction of stars with their surroundings. The future is bright for this field of research as new telescopes are being built, designed for the survey mode of observation, equipped for wideband, multichannel polarization observations.  相似文献   

This review summarises recent studies of O-stars, Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, emphasising observations and analyses of their atmospheres and stellar winds yielding determinations of their physical and chemical properties. Studies of these stellar groups provide important tests of both stellar wind theory and stellar evolution models incorporating mass-loss effects. Quantitative analyses of O-star spectra reveal enhanced helium abundances in Of and many luminous O-supergiants, together with CNO anomalies in OBN and Ofpe/WN9 stars, indicative of evolved objects. Enhanced helium, and CNO-cycle products are observed in several LBVs, implying a highly evolved status, whilst for the WR stars there is strong evidence for the exposition of CNO-cycle products in WN stars, and helium-burning products in WC and WO stars. The observed wind properties and mass-loss rates derived for O-stars show, in general terms, good agreement with predictions from the latest radiation-driven wind models, although some discrepancies are apparent. Several LBVs show similar mass-loss rates at maximum and minimum states, contrary to previous expectations, with the mechanism responsible for the variability and outbursts remaining unclear. WR stars exhibit the most extreme levels of mass-loss and stellar wind momenta. Whilst alternative mass-loss mechanisms have been proposed, recent calculations indicate that radiation pressure alone may be sufficient, given the strong ionization stratification present in their winds.  相似文献   

Faraday rotation towards polarised pulsars and extragalactic sources is the best observable for determining the configuration of the magnetic field of the Galaxy in its plane and also at high latitudes. The Galactic magnetic field plays an important role in numerous astrophysical processes, including star formation and propagation of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays; it is also an important component in measurements of the cosmological microwave background. This review article provides a brief overview of the latest advancements in the field, from an observer’s point of view. The most recent results based on pulsar rotation measures are discussed, which show that we have begun to confidently resolve the main features of the Galactic magnetic field on kiloparsec scales, both in the Solar neighbourhood and at larger distances. As we are currently in great anticipation of polarisation observations with new, state-of-the-art telescopes and hardware, a brief overview of how much this field of research will benefit from the upcoming pulsar surveys is also given.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet emission line profiles have been measured on 15-29 September 1997 for H I 1216 Å, O VI 1032, 1037 Å and Mg X 625 Å in a polar coronal hole, at heliographic heights ? (in solar radii) between 1.34 and 2.0. Observations of H I 1216 Å and the O VI doublet from January 1997 for ? = 1.5 to 3.0 are provided for comparison. Mg X 625 Å is observed to have a narrow component at ? = 1.34 which accounts for only a small fraction of the observed spectral radiance, and a broad component that exists at all observed heights. The widths of O VI broad components are only slightly larger than those for H I at ? = 1.34, but are significantly larger at ? = 1.5 and much larger for ? > 1.75. In contrast, the Mg X values are less than those of H I up to 1.75 and then increase rapidly up to at least ? = 2.0, but never reach the values of O VI.  相似文献   

We constrain coronal outflow velocity solutions, resolved along the line-of-sight, by using Doppler dimming models of H I Lyman alpha and O VI 1032/1037 Å emissivities obtained with data from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on SOHO. The local emissivities, from heliocentric heights of 1.5 to 3.0 solar radii, were determined from 3-D reconstructions of line-of-sight intensities obtained during the first Whole Sun Month Campaign (10 August to 8 September 1996). The models use electron densities derived from polarized brightness measurements made with the visible light coronagraphs on UVCS and LASCO, supplemented with data from Mark III at NCAR/MLSO. Electron temperature profiles are derived from 'freezing-in' temperatures obtained from an analysis of charge state data from SWICS/Ulysses. The work concentrates on neutral hydrogen outflow velocities which depend on modeling the absolute coronal H I Lyα emissivities. We use an iterative method to determine the neutral hydrogen outflow velocity with consistent values for the electron temperatures derived from a freezing-in model.  相似文献   

Exposure to the solar wind can have significant long term consequences for planetary atmospheres, especially for planets such as Mars that are not protected by global magnetospheres. Estimating the effects of solar wind exposure requires knowledge of the history of the solar wind. Much of what we know about the Sun’s past behavior is based on inferences from observations of young solar-like stars. Stellar analogs of the weak solar wind cannot be detected directly, but the interaction regions between these winds and the interstellar medium have been detected and used to estimate wind properties. I here review these observations, with emphasis on what they suggest about the history of the solar wind.  相似文献   

With the possible exception of the lowest one or two scale heights, the dominant mode of circulation of Venus' atmosphere is a rapid, zonal, retrograde motion. Global albedo variations in the ultraviolet may reflect planetary scale waves propagating relative to the zonal winds. Other special phenomena such as cellular convection in the subsolar region and internal gravity waves generated in the interaction of the zonal circulation with the subsolar disturbance may also be revealed in ultraviolet imagery of the atmosphere. We discuss the contributions of experiments on the Orbiter and Entry Probes of Pioneer Venus toward unravelling the mystery of the planet's global circulation and the role played by waves, instabilities and convection therein.  相似文献   

介绍根据星敏感器同时观测几颗恒星的方向信息,用最小二乘法确定飞行器姿态的经典Wehba问题.针对用四元数描述飞行器姿态的情况,推导了的一种解析算法.观测5颗恒星实例的仿真结果表明,该算法能保证飞行器体轴系相对惯性系姿态的高精度.  相似文献   

简要介绍了图像传感器的类型和基本原理, 分析比较了几种星敏感器中比 较常用的CCD 和CMOS APS 图像传感器的特点。重点针对这两类图像传感器的温度特性 进行了详细的分析讨论。同时,针对星敏感器方案设计中的约束条件,详细介绍了图像 传感器的选型分析计算过程。最后综合考虑多种约束条件,简要地提出了几种可以提高 星探测灵敏度的方法。  相似文献   

We analysed new UBVRI CCD photometry of the massive, blue SMC cluster NGC 330 and its surrounding field. The age structure and a new reddening value for the stellar population in this region of the SMC are derived and the implications for star formation in this part of the SMC and for stellar evolution are discussed.Based on observations obtained at ESO, La Silla  相似文献   

In seeking to understand the formation of the giant planets and the origin of their atmospheres, the heavy element abundance in well-mixed atmosphere is key. However, clouds come in the way. Thus, composition and condensation are intimately intertwined with the mystery of planetary formation and atmospheric origin. Clouds also provide important clues to dynamical processes in the atmosphere. In this chapter we discuss the thermochemical processes that determine the composition, structure, and characteristics of the Jovian clouds. We also discuss the significance of clouds in the big picture of the formation of giant planets and their atmospheres. We recommend multiprobes at all four giant planets in order to break new ground.  相似文献   

杭州市高星级酒店节能降耗调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随绿色环保、节能降耗的经济发展背景,酒店业采取了相应的节能降耗措施。通过对杭州市高星级酒店进行问卷调查和访谈调研,了解高星级酒店的能源消耗和资源浪费程度,以及酒店节能降耗措施的实施情况,提出可操作性强且值得推广的一些改进建议。  相似文献   

通过应用回归分析方法,对西安市某水厂的出水、管网中间水和管网末梢水的TOC、UV254和浊度的监测数据进行了相关性分析。结果表明:随着供水管网的延长,浊度和UV254的线性相关系数明显增加;随着供水管网的延长,浊度和TOC的线性相关系数明显降低。  相似文献   

This paper contains a summary of the topics treated in the working group on abundance variations in the solar atmosphere and in the solar wind. The FIP bias (overabundance of particles with low First Ionization Potentials over photospheric abundances) in coronal holes and coronal hole associated solar wind amounts to values between 1 and 2. The FIP bias in the slow solar wind is typically a factor 4, consistent with optical observations in streamers. In order to distinguish between different theoretical models which make an attempt to explain the FIP bias, some observable parameters must be provided. Unfortunately, many models are deficient in this respect. In addition to FIP fractionation, gravitational settling of heavy elements has been found in the core of long lived streamers. The so-called electron 'freeze in' temperatures derived from in situ observed ionization states of minor ions in the fast wind are significantly higher than the electron temperatures derived from diagnostic line ratios observed in polar coronal holes. The distinction between conditions in plumes and interplume lanes needs to be further investigated. The 'freeze in' temperatures for the slow solar wind are consistent with the electron temperatures derived for streamers. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用星敏感器进行白天大气层内观星,首先要解决的问题是强天空背景的干扰。通过对白天天空背景和不同光谱恒星的特点进行分析,提出了光谱滤波和偏振成像加形态学滤波和多帧图像累加的技术路线,综合利用光学方法和图像处理方法提高观测对比度和信噪比。给出了白天观星的信噪比模型,并在不同天空背景偏振度条件下,得出了G、K、M光谱恒星的0至5等星的单帧图像信噪比和对应的使CCD(Charge Coupled Device,电荷耦合器件)接近饱和的极限曝光时间。结果表明:星等值越低,天空背景偏振度越大,则信噪比越高;同等条件下,信噪比由小到大依次为G、K、M光谱恒星;而对于低信噪比的图像,通过多帧累加后可满足观测的要求。  相似文献   

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