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行政事业单位行使着政府授予的行政管理权力,掌握着财政资金的收入分配。如何适应新形势,强化行政事业审计,有效促进行政事业单位的财政、财务收支行为规范化,是值得深思的问题。  相似文献   

文章从行政事业单位财务管理的重要性入手,深入分析了行政事业单位在财务管理制度以及人力资源两方面的不足,从财务管理的职能和人才队伍方面提出了切实有效的改进建议.  相似文献   

浅议行政事业单位财务管理的现状与改进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章从行政事业单位财务管理的重要性人手,深入分析了行政事业单位在财务管理制度以及人力资源’两方面的不足,从财务管理的职能和人才队伍方面提出了切实有效的改进建议。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,国家对教育事业投入的大力增加,各高校的经济活动变得日益繁多复杂.为加强行政事业单位内部控制体系完善和制度建设,财政部出台了《行政事业单位内部控制规范》,但是近年来我国高校经济活动舞弊事件仍然层出不穷.本文通过对国内外文献进行研究,汲取学者们在内部控制方面的见解,结合自己在日常工作中的经验总结,后...  相似文献   

中国资源卫星应用中心(以下简称"中心")于1991年10月5日成立,是国家发改委和国防科工局负责业务领导、航天科技集团公司负责行政管理的科研事业单位。多年来,中心积极贯彻落实国家关于陆  相似文献   

关于加强事业单位内部控制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部控制是现代管理理论的重要组成部分,是在实践中逐步产生、发展起来的。目前事业单位的建设特别在内部控制方面尚存在着一些问题。文章着重分析了当前事业单位内部控制存在的问题,并针对存在的问题提出了加强事业单位内部控制的办法。  相似文献   

事业单位固定资产核算存在的问题及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国经济体制不断改革和市场经济的深入发展,我国事业单位会计制度中关于固定资产核算的规定已越来越不适应新形势的发展需要,影响了现实中事业单位固定资产的准确核算.本文从事业单位固定资产的标准、折旧以及清查和处置等方面,分析了我国事业单位在固定资产核算上存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,我国的社会保障制度改革也不断深化、不断完善。面对"双轨制"、"待遇差"等的种种社会质疑,机关、事业单位养老保险制度改革越来越时不待我。廊坊市作为全省第一批机关事业单位全员参保的试点市,经过了不断的发展、调整、完善的历程,机关事业单位养老保险制度已全面展开。如何确保机关事业单位养老保险制度与企业养老保险制度合理的对接、协调发展成为当前我市及我国的养老保险制度运行的一大难点。  相似文献   

正在我国,军工科研院所是承担国防武器装备研制的主体,掌握着核心的军工技术,聚集着高科技人才和专家资源,是我国国防工业的核心力量。我国原有的国防工业体制是在计划经济体制下,采用"厂所分离"事业单位的管理模式,科研院所多在国家计划安排下单纯从事装备的研究开发活动,不直接参与实际生产和应用。改革开放以来,事业单位管理体制下的科研院所的多种历史局限性逐渐凸显,其封闭的组织结构、独立的运作机制、相对滞后的管理模式、单一的  相似文献   

中国资源卫星应用中心(以下简称"中心")于1991年10月5日成立,是国家发改委和国防科工局负责业务领导、航天科技集团公司负责行政管理的科研事业单位。多年来,中心积极贯彻落实国家关于陆地观测卫星发展的战略部署,建设民用遥感卫星大型地面系统设施,向广大用户提供数据产品服务,积极扩大民用遥感卫星数据产品应用,不断扩大国际合作,肩负着建设我国陆地观测卫星数据集中处理中心、统  相似文献   

Italy initiated space activities in the late 1950s; however, it was only in the 1980s that these activities grew to the point where Italy became a major spacefaring nation. In 1988, the Italian Space Agency was created with the goal of coordinating all Italian space activities, but severe administrative and organizational difficulties hampered its operation. This viewpoint proposes a new space policy-making process, in view of the increased effectiveness that space activities can bring to various departments of the Italian government and to allow it to better exploit investments in space activities.  相似文献   

Kazuto Suzuki   《Space Policy》2005,21(1):1334
The Japanese administrative reform which took place in recent years integrated NASDA and ISAS to create a larger space agency. Why was such an agency called for? What was the purpose behind the administrative reform? This article examines the motivations, objectives and responses to the reform process by using policy logic and institutional analysis to examine the evolution of the Japanese space programme. It argues that the reform aimed to rationalize the national administrative system and salvage the government from financial crisis. Thus, the reform was not designed to strengthen space activities in Japan, and as a result, Japanese space policy making is confused.  相似文献   

In 1995 the Swedish Government produced a report evaluating the benefits of space over the past 20 years and recommending areas on which the state should focus in the future. While the follow-on detail promised by the report is still awaited, this article reviews its main findings and recommendations and sets these against the historical development of Swedish space activities which, because of the country's geographical location, have concentrated on atmospheric studies. The author argues that the report does not fully get to grips with the differing administrative efforts required by the various types of space activity and that a response to the need for low-cost access to space - the element on which all else depends - is also ducked.  相似文献   

In Japan, there are several government ministries and agencies with important roles in the development and use of space. In 2012, Japan restructured its administrative organs related to the development and use of space through legal amendments to the original acts that established these organs. Although this was an important administrative reform that took four years of planning and discussion to accomplish, this restructuring has not been communicated well outside of Japan. This study provides the first comprehensive overview of the recent legal changes in Japanese space policy. In contrast to some reports, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) still has primary responsibility for the finances and personnel of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). This continues to be true even after the Cabinet Office begins its new role as the focal point for formulating Japanese space policy. It remains to be seen how the policy direction of the Cabinet Office will interact with the operational, financial, and personnel responsibilities of MEXT. I argue that knowledge of the roles of MEXT and the Cabinet Office in space policy, and the tension between the two organizations, is key to understanding Japan's future space policy decision-making process. By tracing the history of Japanese space policy since 2001, I also suggest that if bureaucrats had thought more deeply before making major reforms to space policy and its administration, there would have been less confusion over the development of national space policy this past decade. This paper concludes by identifying some key elements to monitor in the coming years of Japan's space policy.  相似文献   

Nick Spall   《Space Policy》2007,23(3):150-154
Since the beginning of international manned activity in the early 1960s, UK governments have consistently avoided participation in human spaceflight, with its high cost and doubts over the resulting scientific gains generally cited as the reasons for opting out. This has resulted in the UK scientific community having no direct access to microgravity science experiments, while the education establishment has missed out on the gains to be had from scientific and technology inspiration for young people. It also makes realistic involvement in the future international manned exploration of the Moon and the solar system unlikely. A viable, low-cost programme could be implemented in the near future to allow for a modest UK manned access to the International Space Station. This need only cost around £50 million over five years, representing about a 5% increase in the current annual UK civil space budget, with funding sought from government departments, research councils and private industry. Making use of Soyuz commercial flights, the project would allow for two separate 10-day science missions. The small corps of three UK astronauts established for the project would form a modest ‘seed-corn’ for future international orbital, lunar and solar system manned exploration involvement for the UK. The benefits of this project would cover science research, education outreach, industrial employment and involvement in international cooperation in manned exploration of the cosmos, as well as in the microgravity research being undertaken by NASA and others.  相似文献   

CBERS-1卫星CCD相机零级图像处理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
CCD相机是CBERS - 1卫星上的主要有效载荷之一。利用其接收的可见光和近红外谱段的图像 ,可以在国民经济的各个生产部门 ,诸如国土资源调查、农业、林业、地矿、水利、环境、生态等方面得到广泛应用。但是由于探元和光学系统成像的物理机制和各种干扰等因素影响 ,地面接收到的数据必须经过处理才能应用。文章介绍的内容就是将这种图像数据经图像预处理 ,得到零级图像 ;经过相应的辐射校正 ,得到一级图像 ;经过几何校正 ,得到二级图像产品 ,提供给其它部门加以应用  相似文献   

加强实践环节教学的目的是为了培养应用型人才,而应用型人才的特点是有一定的专业基本理论和基本知识,并且基本技能强,可以熟练应用所掌握的基本理论。国家教育部门也提出要培养更多高素质的劳动者。本文在结合了学院实践教学环节的情况下,做了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

CBERS-1红外遥感器图像处理系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红外多光谱扫描仪(IRMSS)是中巴地球资源卫星(CBERS)上的重要有效载荷之一。其获取的红外图像可以在国民经济的各个领域得到广泛应用。但是由数传系统传回的图像数据不能直接用,必须经过相应的处理。文章介绍的内容就是如何设计一个处理系统,将这种不可直接用数据经过解码和图像格式的处理,得到可视图像;经过图像预处理,得到零级图像;经过相应的辐射校正处理,得到一级图像:经过几何校正处理,得到二级图像产品,提供给其它经济各部门加以应用。  相似文献   

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