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Graybiel A 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(11):1481-1487
Free fall per se whether in parabolic or orbital flight may be regarded as a "partial" motion environment with respect to eliciting motion sickness, requiring an additional component to render this environment "complete" or stressful. Parabolic flight in toto falls in the category of a "complete" motion environment in that some persons became motion sick with head fixed and eyes closed. In the present experiment we selected subjects who were symptom free or nearly symptom free in the KC-135 with head fixed. All tests were conducted with the subject rotating at 30 rpm in a rotating litter chair, and comparisons were made between head-fixed and head-moving conditions (right-left) in the free-fall phase of parabolic flight and under simulated free-fall phases in the laboratory. With head fixed most subjects were insusceptible; with head moving left-right susceptibility was slightly higher in the laboratory than aloft. An additional comparison was made correlating susceptibility in the free-fall phases of parabolic flight with susceptibility to experimental motion sickness in Skylab. In both situations cross-coupled angular accelerations were generated by executing head and body movements out of the plane of rotation. In parabolic flight 9 of 15 subjects reached an endpoint just short of frank motion sickness. In the Skylab workshop all eight of the astronauts tested were symptom free at the end of the test. The explanation for the difference in susceptibility rests in two factors: (1) Basic susceptibility in free fall is lower than on the ground, and (2) in Skylab the astronauts who needed to adapt had achieved this goal prior to the first test on Mission-Day 8.  相似文献   

Dynamic ocular torsion was investigated in a group of healthy subjects during the course of parabolic flight by means of our video-based eye movement recording method-video-oculography. This technique enables a non-invasive dynamic measurement of all three dimensions of eye movement in a harsh experimental environment such as parabolic flight. The test subjects were positioned so that the changing resultant gravito-inertial field in the aircraft was aligned with their interaural (y) axis, primarily stimulating the utricular organs. The analysis of the torsional component of eye movement during the change of gravity between 1.8-0 and 0-1.8 g demonstrated a static component--well known as the ocular counter roll--and a dynamic component, which leads to a slight overshoot in the torsional response. These static and dynamic component of ocular torsion correlate with previous neurophysiological findings.  相似文献   

In cardio-vascular hemodynamic, the arterial pulsatility, represented by the arterial pulse pressure (PP= systolic blood pressure-diastolic blood pressure), is different from one site to another, in opposite with the mean blood pressure almost identical in the whole body in supine position (or in microgravity). This is due to the arterial tree geometry and regional differences in the distensibility properties of the arterial wall. As the level of blood pressure opposed to the cardiac left ventricle work is the central pressure, on one hand and as the arterial pulsatility at the site of arterial baro-receptors (located on aortic arch and carotid arteries' bifurcation) regulates the sympathetic and vagal control of heart and peripheral resistances on the other hand, to determine the evolution of this central pulse pressure is of major importance in the knowledge of cardio-vascular hemodynamic during hyper or hypogravity as observed during parabolic flights. The aim of this study was to evaluate noninvasively the carotid artery pulsatility and mechanic properties during parabolic flights.  相似文献   

Tafforin C 《Acta Astronautica》1996,38(12):963-971
The first ethological studies of astronauts' adaptation to microgravity dealt with the behavioral strategies observed during short-term space missions. No attempts had however been made to consider the initial moments of adaptation dynamics, when the subject is first submitted to conditions allowing body orientations in the full three dimensions of space. The present experimental approach was both longitudinal and transversal. It consisted of analysing, during a goal-directed orientation task in parabolic flight, the orientation behavior of 12 subjects with a past experience of 0, 30 or more than 300 parabolas. During each microgravity phase, the subjects were asked to orientate their bodies and touch, with the dominant hand, four coloured targets arranged inside the aircraft.

Results showed that for inexperienced subjects, the time between two target contacts was longer than experienced subjects. They often failed to reach all targets in the series during the first parabolas. They showed right-left confusion and a preference for the “up-down” vertical body orientation. Their performance, described by the efficiency of orientation in all three dimensions, improved over time and according to the level of experience. The results are discussed for the spontaneous, preliminary and integrative stages of adaptation, emphasizing new relationships between the body references and those of the surroundings. Such experiences lead the subject to develop a new mental representation of space.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of prolonged space flight on the electrophysiological properties of the heart, vectorcardiograms (VCG) were obtained on the Skylab crews at regular intervals during flight and the pre- and postflight periods. The VCG signals were telemetered from Skylab and analyzed by digital computer. Conventional 12-lead electrocardiograms were derived from the VCG signals by a lead transformation program. Standardized exercise loads were incorporated into the experiment protocol to increase the sensitivity of the VCG for effects of deconditioning and to detect susceptibility for arrhythmias. In Skylab II, 24 preflight, 21 inflight, and 19 postflight experiments were analyzed. Statistically significant inflight changes observed in two or more crew members included: decreased resting heart rate, increased QRS duration, anterior shift QRS vector, increased QRS vector magnitude, anterior shift T vector, and increased T vector magnitude. One astronaut had occasional premature ventricular contractions (PVC) during the pre- and postflight phases. He had a single episode of multiple PVC's during heavy-load exercise testing in flight. A second astronaut had no arrhythmia during pre- or inflight testing. On postflight day 21 he had multiple PVC's and salvos of ectopic ventricular beats. He has had no recurrence of the arrhythmia. With the exception of the cardiac arrhythmias, no deleterious electrophysiological changes were observed during Skylab II.  相似文献   

Purpose of the work is to analyze and to summarize the data of investigations into human hemodynamics performed over 20 years aboard orbital stations Salyut-7 and Mir with participation of 26 cosmonauts on space flights (SF) from 8 to 438 days in duration. The ultrasonic techniques and occlusive plethysmography demonstrated dynamics of changes in the cardiovascular system during SF of various durations. The parameters of general hemodynamics, the pumping function of the heart and arterial circulation in the brain remained stable in all the space flights; however, there were alterations in peripheral circulation associated with blood redistribution and hypovolemie in microgravity. The anti-gravity distribution of the vascular tone decayed gradually as unneeded. The most considerable changes were observed in leg vessels, equally in arteries (decrease in resistance) and veins (increase in maximum capacity). The lower body negative pressure test (LBNP) revealed deterioration of the gravity-dependent reactions that changed for the worse as SF duration extended. The cardiovascular deconditioning showed itself as loss of descent acceleration tolerance and orthostatic instability in the postflight period.  相似文献   

The space flight of physician cosmonaut V.V. Polyakov, the longest to date (438 days), has yielded new data about human adaptation to long-term weightlessness. Autonomic regulation of circulation and cardiac contractility were evaluated in three experiments entitled Pulstrans, Night, and Holter. In the Pulstrans experiment electrocardiographic (ECG), ballistocardiographic (BCG), seismocardiographic (SCG), and some other parameters were recorded. In the Night experiment, only the ballistocardiogram was recorded, but a special feature of this experiment is that the BCG records were obtained with a contactless method. This method has several advantages, the most important of which are the possibility of studying slow-wave variations in physiologic parameters (ultradian rhythms) on the basis of recordings made under standard conditions over a prolonged period. The Holter experiment (24-hour electrocardiographic monitoring) used a portable cardiorecorder (Spacelab, USA). The obtained electrocardiographic data were used to analyze heart rate variability. In the first 6 months of the 14-month flight, the dynamics of cardiovascular parameters in V.V. Polyakov was virtually the same as in the other cosmonauts. The data obtained after the first 6 months of Polyakov's sojourn in space are unique and mention should be made of at least three important aspects: (1) activation of a new, additional adaptive mechanism in the 8th-9th months of flight, as is evidenced by alterations in the periodicity and power of superslow wave oscillations (ultradian rhythms) reflecting the activity of the subcortical cardiovascular centers and of the higher levels of autonomic regulation; (2) growth of cardiac contractility accompanied by a decrease in heart rate during the last few months of flight; (3) a considerable increase in the daily average values of absolute power of heart rate's variability MF component, which reflects the activity of the vasomotor center. Specific mechanisms of adaptation to weightless conditions appear to be associated with activation of higher autonomic centers. The hypothesis that central levels of circulation regulation are activated in a long-term space flight was investigated by analyzing of ultradian rhythms in nighttime. The data, received during the flight of V. V. Polyakov, show, that the process of human adaptation to long influence of weightlessness consists of a number of consecutive stages, during which the activation of more and more high levels of control system of physiological functions occurs.  相似文献   

Long duration space flight has shown us that humans have significant bone loss and mineral changes because they are living in microgravity. Skylab and the longer Salyut and Mir missions, are providing us useful data and allowing us to explore the mechanism involved in skeletal turnover. Bone redistribution occurs throughout space flight with bone loss predominately in the weight bearing bones of posture and locomotion. The primary health hazards which may occur during space flight induced by skeletal changes include signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia, and the risk of kidney stones and metastatic calcification. After flight lengthy recovery of bone mass and the possible increase in the risk of bone fracture should be considered. Continued research studies are being directed toward determining the mechanisms by which bone is lost in space and developing more effective countermeasures by both the US (Schneider and McDonald, 1984 and Schneider, LeBlanc & Huntoon, 1993) and Russian (Grigoriev et. al., 1989) space programs.  相似文献   

An analysis of observations and investigations carried out in space flight has shown that some cosmonauts and astronauts have experienced vestibular disorders during the transition to weightlessness. Vestibular-sensory disorders include: Spatial illusions (the feelings of falling down, being in an upside-down position, the sensations of rotation of the craft or the body) and vertigo occurring during the onset of the orbital flight and head movements; Feelings, similar to those experienced in response to Coriolis accelerations on the Earth, which occasionally develop in weightlessness during the spacecraft rotation upon abrupt head and body movements and restrained feet; Feelings "of the load on the vestibular analyser which is unlike any Earth-bound effects" upon abrupt head movements during the first hours of an orbital flight and "a prolonged movement" during the switch-off of thrusters in weightlessness. Vestibular-vegetative disorders comprise a complex of symptoms similar to those of motion sickness: loss of appetite, stomach awareness (12%), hypersalination, nausea (9.6%) and vomiting (4.8%). Soviet studies suggest that the vestibular tolerance to the flight effects depends on the natural stability and training to the cumulative effect of adequate vestibular stimuli. This has been used in the development of the system of vestibular selection. Changes in the vestibular function seem to play the major role in the development of motion sickness in weightlessness, extra-labyrinthine factors being contributory. The current hypotheses have not yet been adequately confirmed in experiments. A detailed physiological analysis allows the conclusion that the decisive factor in the development of motion sickness may be the disturbance of the function of analysers responsible for spatial orientation which take the form of sensory conflicts as well as an altered reactivity of the organism due to the hemodynamic rearrangement.  相似文献   

We measured the urine amino acid distribution patterns before, during and after space flight on the Space Shuttle. The urine samples were collected on two separate flights of the space shuttle. The first flight lasted 9.5 days and the second flight 15 days. Urine was collected continuously on 8 subjects for the period beginning 10 d before launch to 6 d after landing. Results: In contrast to the earlier Skylab missions where a pronounced amino aciduria was found, on shuttle the urinary amino acids showed little change with spaceflight except for a marked decrease in all of the amino acids on FD (flight day) 1 (p<0.05) and a reduction in isoleucine and valine on FD3 and FD4 (p<0.05). Conclusions: (i) Amino aciduria is not an inevitable consequence of space flight. (ii) The occurrence of amino aciduria, like muscle protein breakdown is a mission specific effect rather than part of the general human response to microgravity.  相似文献   

A Cogoli 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):995-1002
This paper gives a summary of the principal hematological and immunological changes observed in crews after space flight. Reduction of red blood cell mass (2-21%) and of hemoglobin mass (12-33%) is generally observed after the US and Soviet space missions. The changes are accompanied with a loss of plasma volume (4-16%). Erythrocyte and hemoglobin concentrations in the blood remain constant, suggesting that the changes are driven by a feed-back mechanism. Immunological changes consist mainly of reduced T-lymphocyte reactivity. The results of the 96-day and 140-day Salyut-6 missions suggest that the adaptation of the immune system to spaceflight occurs in two stages: the first takes place during the first 2-3 months in space, the second follows and consists of further weakening of the immune response. Our experiments with human lymphocytes in vitro indicate that high-g enhance, whereas low-g depress lymphocyte activity. Finally, our investigations to be performed on Spacelab are described.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of young Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) was studied during a Nike-Orion sounding rocket flight, which included a short-duration microgravity exposure. An infrared monitoring system was used to determine the activity level, instantaneous velocity, and continuous velocity of 240 (120 male, 120 female) fruit flies. Individual flies were placed in chambers that limit their motion to walking. Chambers were oriented both vertically and horizontally with respect to the rocket's longitudinal axis. Significant changes in Drosophila locomotion patterns were observed throughout the sounding rocket flight, including launch, microgravity exposure, payload re-entry, and after ocean impact. During the microgravity portion of the flight (3.8 min), large increases in all locomotion measurements for both sexes were observed, with some measurements doubling compared to pad (1 G) data. Initial effects of microgravity were probably delayed due to large accelerations from the payload despining immediately before entering microgravity. The results indicate that short-duration microgravity exposure has a large effect on locomotor activity for both males and females, at least for a short period of time. The locomotion increases may explain the increased male aging observed during long-duration exposure to microgravity. Studies focusing on long-duration microgravity exposure are needed to confirm these findings, and the relationship of increased aging and locomotion.  相似文献   

This remote assistance trial, performed within the framework of the manned space flight Altaïr, was carried out by CADMOS (CNES), with the cooperation of the Sub-directorate of CNES Operational Systems, Medes, LBM of Tours and Christol Consultants. It consisted of supplying the cosmonaut performing the Orthostatism experiment (echograph acquisition) on board the Mir station with realtime assistance by an expert (LBM of Tours) working from the ground on the CADMOS premises. The various steps of the approach followed during the preparation phase are described, as well as the technical means of communication used between the Mir station and CADMOS.  相似文献   

张展  郭九源 《遥测遥控》2022,43(6):64-69
由于GPS在国际上的技术和标准优势,目前在民用航空领域使用的星基导航大多为GPS。随着我国民航领域的蓬勃发展和北斗卫星导航系统宣告全球组网成功,亟需开展北斗地基增强系统在民航领域的应用性能评估,以验证其是否可满足民航飞机对卫星导航系统的要求。针对民航飞机的Ⅰ类精密进近过程,梳理了该航段中国际民航组织对卫星导航系统的性能需求,推导了北斗地基增强系统垂直保护级计算数学模型,制定了搭载试飞试验的加改装方案和飞行科目,在国产某型号民机上开展了北斗地基增强系统搭载试飞试验,并对定位精度和垂直保护级进行了分析评估。结果表明:在搭载试飞试验中,北斗地基增强系统可满足Ⅰ类精密进近对卫星导航系统垂直精度的需求,同时系统不存在告警和误警。  相似文献   

飞行器大姿态飞行时姿态偏差的相互转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合弹道式地地导弹和运载器稳定平台提供的测量角度,研究了姿控系统的姿态角、框架角和旋转角之间,尤其是各偏差之间的关系,为正确实现姿态信号反馈,特别是大姿态控制提供了依据。  相似文献   

Current projects of manned missions to Mars are aimed to their realization in the second-third decades of this century. The purpose of this paper is to determine and review the main biomedical problems, that require a first and foremost decision for safety support of extravehicular activity (EVA) carried out by crewmembers of the Mars expedition. To a number of such problems the authors of the paper attribute a creation of adequate EVA equipment intended, first, for assembly of interplanetary spacecraft on the Earth orbit, performance of maintenance operations and scientific researches on the external surface of spacecraft during interplanetary flight and, secondly, for work on the Mars surface. New generation of space suits with low weight, high mobility and acceptable risk of decompression sickness must be as a central component of EVA equipment. The program for preparation to a Mars expedition also has to include special investigations in order to design the means and methods for a reliable protection of crew against space radiation, to elaborate the approach to medical monitoring and primary medical care during autonomous space mission, to maintain good health condition of crewmembers during EVA under the Mars gravity (0.38 g) after super long-term flight in weightlessness.  相似文献   

In order to measure the perceived direction of "up", subjects judged the three-dimensional shape of disks shaded to be compatible with illumination from particular directions. By finding which shaded disk appeared most convex, we were able to infer the perceived direction of illumination. This provides an indirect measure of the subject's perception of the direction of "up". The different cues contributing to this percept were separated by varying the orientation of the subject and the orientation of the visual background relative to gravity. We also measured the effect of decreasing or increasing gravity by making these shape judgements throughout all the phases of parabolic flight (0 g, 2 g and 1 g during level flight). The perceived up direction was modeled by a simple vector sum of "up" defined by vision, the body and gravity. In this model, the weighting of the visual cue became negligible under microgravity and hypergravity conditions.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):460-471
This study identifies genes that determine survival during a space flight, using the model eukaryotic organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Select strains of a haploid yeast deletion series grew during storage in distilled water in space, but not in ground based static or clinorotation controls. The survival advantages in space in distilled water include a 133-fold advantage for the deletion of PEX19, a chaperone and import receptor for newly- synthesized class I peroxisomal membrane proteins, to 77–40 fold for deletion strains lacking elements of aerobic respiration, isocitrate metabolism, and mitochondrial electron transport. Following automated addition of rich growth media, the space flight was associated with a marked survival advantage of strains with deletions in catalytically active genes including hydrolases, oxidoreductases and transferases. When compared to static controls, space flight was associated with a marked survival disadvantage of deletion strains lacking transporter, antioxidant and catalytic activity. This study identifies yeast deletion strains with a survival advantage during storage in distilled water and space flight, and amplifies our understanding of the genes critical for survival in space.  相似文献   

To investigate changes in spatial orientation ability and walking performance following space flight, 7 astronaut subjects were asked pre- and post-flight to perform a goal directed locomotion paradigm which consisted of walking a triangular path with and without vision. This new paradigm, involving inputs from different sensory systems, allows quantification of several critical parameters, like orientation performance, walking velocities and postural stability, in a natural walking task. The paper presented here mainly focusses on spatial orientation performance quantified by the errors in walking the previously seen path without vision. Errors in length and reaching the corners did not change significantly from pre- to post-flight, while absolute angular errors slightly increased post-flight. The significant decrease in walking velocity and a change in head-trunk coordination while walking around the corners of the path observed post-flight may suggest that during re-adaptation to gravity the mechanisms which are necessary to perform the task have to be re-accomplished.  相似文献   

The precise neuromuscular control needed for optimal locomotion, particularly around heel strike and toe off, is known to he compromised after short duration (8- to 15-day) space flight. We hypothesized here that longer exposure to weightlessness would result in maladaptive neuromuscular activation during postflight treadmill walking. We also hypothesized that space flight would affect the ability of the sensory-motor control system to generate adaptive neuromuscular activation patterns in response to changes in visual target distance during postflight treadmill walking. Seven crewmembers, who completed 3- to 6-month missions, walked on a motorized treadmill while visually fixating on a target placed 30 cm (NEAR) or 2 m (FAR) from the subject's eyes. Electronic foot switch data and surface electromyography were collected from selected muscles of the right lower limb. Results indicate that the phasic features of neuromuscular activation were moderately affected and the relative amplitude of activity in the tibialis anterior and rectus femoris around toe off changed after space flight. Changes also were evident after space flight in how these muscles adapted to the shift in visual target distance.  相似文献   

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