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根据当今火灾探测的现状和实现火灾早期报警的需求,将多传感器数据融合技术应用在火灾报警系统中。在分析了信息融合系统的三级结构及火灾报警信息非结构特性的基础上,以感温、感烟和气体的火灾报警模拟量为输入,利用粗糙集和神经网络对多传感器信号进行融合,设计出一种快速、准确和有效的火灾探测系统,达到了提早报警和降低误报警频次的目的。  相似文献   

一、概述 周界报警系统是飞行区安全防范的第一道屏障,是通过设置在物理围界上的报警传感器收集报警信息,通过联动广播系统、监控系统、灯光系统实施分区自动广播、报警现场录像、启动灯光等动作的一套飞行区安全防范系统。  相似文献   

设计了一种数字化的战场气象环境自动采集处理系统。采用多信息融合技术,将工控机和多种传感器有效结合,迅速、准确的获得温度、湿度、风向、风速等战场气象环境数据,实现了战场气象环境信息的自动采集和处理,为指挥自动化系统提供实时、精确的信息源。该系统已和部队装备的快速反应系统进行了自动连接试验,提高了军队指挥自动化系统的响应速...  相似文献   

城市定点火灾自动报警监控管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种以公共电话网作为信息传输媒介,由微机监控系统和火灾自动报警终端组成的智能型火灾报警监控管理系统。其中,微机监控系统以Windows作为底层操作系统.安装友好的人机交互界面控制软件;自动报警终端以单片机AT89C52和双音多频解发码集成电路MT8888为核心,采用电话通讯方式的报警器。该系统具有测试点多、造价低、安装维修方便、便于扩展、可靠性高、抗干扰能力强等优点。  相似文献   

针对航天测控站管理域内测控、通信、气象、勤务等专业设备需要垂直管理,但节点分散、设备运行状况无法实时获取的现状,设计开发了测站运管系统。该系统涵盖测站管理域内测控设备协议转换、气象设备运行管理、勤务设备运行管理、测控信息检查与测试、综合信息管理以及综合态势展示等功能,实现了各专业设备运行状态采集、信息传输、专业管理、数据处理、信息展现及故障报警的层次化管理模型,建立了标准化的测站管理体系,规范了测站跟踪流程,实现了从准备开始、设备标校、捕获跟踪到数据质量分析的全过程管理,提高了测站管理域的管理质量和自动化运行效率。  相似文献   

从测控任务实际出发,对测控站测控信息异常情况进行总结和分类,提出了科学、合理的数据异常判决方法。开发了测控信息自动监视报警系统,对测站测控信息进行实时监视、显示和异常情况报警,并将语音报警提示接入测站调度系统,实现了对测站测控数据的全程自动监控。  相似文献   

分析了传统的有线报警联网系统的使用缺陷,结合目前的无线通讯技术,提出了有线/无线和双无线两种改进方案。对有线/无线和双无线系统的组成结构、使用功能、适用范围、优缺点和经济性进行了论证,尤其对联网报警这一核心功能做了全面的分析,并给出了系统参考配置,对企业报警系统改造和工程设计施工具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

2010年4月28日,由河北省科技厅组织的“地震感知报警系统”科技成果鉴定会在秦皇岛市经济技术开发区举行。来自地震、建筑、电力电子与工程控制领域的专家一致认为,“地震感知报警系统”可以提前10秒感知地震信息,为震前逃生和自救赢得宝贵时间。  相似文献   

基于通信DDN网络的气象信息服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏楠 《民航科技》2004,(1):26-28
华东空管局气象中心研制开发的“综合气象信息网络服务系统”,自2000年投入运行以来,在上海地区有较广泛的应用,取得了很好的效果。为了提供更为广泛的气象信息服务,也为了避免华东地区各航站气象台的二次开发,我们经过充分的调研,在通信DDN网络的基础上组建了以上海为中心的气象DDN网络,以充分利用通信DDN网络资源,将综合气象信息网络服务系统延伸到华东地区其他航站的用户。本文以上海气象中心到厦门航站气象台的网络连接为实例,介绍了气象DDN网的组建过程、所提供的气象服务内容,以及其它实际工作中的一些成功的经验。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,民航空管系统信息化工作取得了长足的进步。总局空管局组织了民航ATM数据通信网和《空管生产运行管理信息系统》的建设,各地区空管局实旌了本地局域网和OA应用平台,各空管中心(站)投产了一批与生产办公密切相关的信息系统,这些项目大量采用了现代先进信息技术,通过充分利用空管信息资源,培育空管信息化专业人才,使得空管生产、经营、管理、决策的效率不断提高,有力地促进了空管的整体服务质量和安全保障水平的提升。目前,空管系统数据信息综合平台整合了全国空管气象、航班、航行情报等信息,初步实现了整个民航空管内部信息的互联互通,为空管的各级管理和运行人员提供了较为丰富的空管信息;建成了人事教育、计划基建、安全监察、文档管理、综合查询等管理子系统,应用了航班动态信息查询系统和气象、情报查询系统以及航班流量统计系统,初步实现了空管各专业系统信息之间的共享和交换,提高了空管信息的利用价值和使用效率;  相似文献   

Intruder alarm systems, IAS, are seen by many as an essential part of the United Kingdom's defence against the crime of burglary. IAS are intended either to deter the potential intruder or detect and give warning of an intruder directly or indirectly to the police. Unfortunately the false alarm rate, at over 90%, is so high that it leads to ineffectual use of police resources and calls into question the ability of IAS to perform effectively either as a deterrent or detector. To try and improve the situation the Police Forces in the UK have in conjunction with the alarm industry, over the past few years, implemented special measures in an attempt to reduce the number of false alarms and improve the effectiveness of the systems. However, from a study of available data on the deterrent effect of alarm systems, the national statistics for all alarm call types, the numbers of arrests arising from the calls, etc., this paper concludes that IAS on their own are not an effective police crime prevention measure. Thus a radical rethink of their use is required. The paper also suggests an alternative strategy which may improve the situation  相似文献   

Self- organized TDMA ( S- TDMA ) protocolproposed by Johnsson[1] in aeronautical VHF-band is the representation of the new generationVHF aeronautic data communication system.   A mobile station or a ground station can oc-cupy one time slot. A group of slots that span aperiod of one minute constitute one superframe.Each station broadcasts current and future slotreservation information periodically.A stationwill build up and maintain a reservation tablethrough receiving the periodic bro…  相似文献   

CFAR behavior of adaptive detectors: an experimental analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We conduct an experimental analysis for assessing the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) behavior of four coherent adaptive radar detectors in the presence of experimentally measured clutter data. To this end we exploit several data files containing both land, lake, and mixed land and sea clutter, collected by two radar systems (the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Phase-One radar and the McMaster IPIX radar) at different polarizations, range resolutions, and frequency bands. The results show that all the receivers, in the presence of real data, don't respect their nominal probability of false alarm (P/sub fa/), namely they exhibit a false alarm rate higher than the value preassigned at the design stage. Nevertheless one of them, the recursive persymmetric adaptive normalized matched filter (RP-ANMF) is very robust, in the sense that it presents an acceptable displacement from the nominal P/sub fa/, in correspondence of all the analyzed scenarios.  相似文献   

This work presents the development, analysis and validation of a new target discrimination module for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery based on an extension of gamma functions to 2-D. Using the two parameter constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) stencil as a prototype, a new stencil based on 2-D gamma functions is used to estimate the intensity of the pixel under test and its surroundings. A quadratic discriminant function is created from these estimates, which is optimally adapted with least squares in a training set of representative clutter and target chips. This discriminator is called the quadratic gamma discriminator (QGD). The combination of the CFAR and the QGD was tested in realistic SAR environments and the results show a large improvement of the false alarm rate with respect to the two-parameter CFAR, both with high resolution (1 ft) fully polarimetric SAR and with one polarization, 1 m SAR data  相似文献   

The signal format and spectral properties of the 406-MHz emergency locator transmitter (ELT) used in the search and rescue satellite aided tracking (SARSAT) system are examined. The ELT improves location estimate accuracies and can relay information about the particular aircraft and its problem, by means of the digitally modulated message fields. It is shown that due to the RF signal frequency characteristics and the Doppler shift, processing must be performed over a frequency band of approximately 25 kHz. Through the use of the fast Fourier transformation (FFT), the frequency spectrum of the ELT is analyzed, taking account of effects due to noise, multiple simultaneously received signals, and Doppler shift. It is demonstrated that the FFT provides an effective means for detecting and recognizing the presence of one or more ELT signals over this 25-kHz frequency band. Some recommendations are made to improve the spectral characteristics and the performance of the ELT  相似文献   

Navigation message designing with high accuracy guarantee is the key to efficient navigation message distribution in the global navigation satellite system(GNSS). Developing high accuracy-aware navigation message designing algorithms is an important topic. This paper investigates the high-accuracy navigation message designing problem with the message structure unchanged.The contributions made in this paper include a heuristic that employs the concept of the estimated range deviation(ERD) to improve the existing well-known navigation message on L1 frequency(NAV) of global positioning system(GPS) for good accuracy service; a numerical analysis approximation method(NAAM) to evaluate the range error due to truncation(RET) of different navigation messages; and a basic positioning parameters designing algorithm in the limited space allocation. Based on the predicted ultra-rapid data from the ultra-rapid data from the international GPS service for geodynamic(IGU), ERDs are generated in real time for error correction.Simulations show that the algorithms developed in this paper are general and flexible, and thus are applicable to NAV improvement and other navigation message designs.  相似文献   

We present theory of long period (pc 3 to pc 5) magnetic pulsations. It consists of two parts; one (we call type A) deals with a resonant Alfvén wave excitation at a local field line by a monochromatic wave generated at the magnetopause, and the other (we call type B) deals with an excitation of a surface eigenmode by an externally applied impulse at a location with a rapid spatial change of plasma parameter(s).For the type A pulsations, the theory gives the frequency, the sense and the ellipticity of the polarization and the orientation angle of the major axis as a function of the magnetospheric parameters. In particular, it is shown that the orientation angle of the major axis of the polarization ellipse is a sensitive function of the direction of the wave propagation in longitude and the change of the number density and the magnetic flux density in the radial direction, hence it can be used as an important diagnostic parameter.In the type B pulsations, the theory gives the excitation frequency and the damping rate of the pulsations using the derived surface eigenmode. Example of an application to the observed magnetic field oscillations at the plasmapause is presented in which the observed frequency and the damping rate are used to estimate the plasmapause density and its radial density gradient.  相似文献   

卫星信号的多普勒频移会引起导航数据跳变点在1ms中频采样数据中的相对位置发生滑动,当跳变点处于采样数据段的中间位置时,相关器输出接近于零,造成环路失锁。本文在详细分析这一问题的基础上,针对“北斗II”信号提出了一种改进的环路跟踪方法。新方法通过在连续的两段1ms数据中找出不包含数据位跳变点的数据段,将该段数据的鉴相结果用于2ms环路更新。仿真和GNSS模拟器的实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

在某个嵌入式研究项目中提出了研制一个语音告警模块的要求,该语音告警模块具有警铃和语音两种告警音,能够在出现故障或紧急情况时以不同频率的警铃声警告故障或紧急情况的严重程度,同时用语音指明具体的原因,使得操作人员能够及时地做出正确操作.本文对该语音告警模块的设计思想和实现方法作个简述.  相似文献   

研究了基于通用软件无线电外设(USRP)的北斗信号仿真系统。给出了北斗卫星电文的生成方式,使用Matlab读取星历信息并定义编码产生北斗卫星信号,并利用USRP实现北斗卫星电文的调制发射,利用接收机对该信号进行捕获接收,并对信号附加的多普勒频移进行仿真。最后通过接收机对仿真系统产生的信号进行接收验证。通过此仿真系统可更直观地研究北斗卫星信号,对研究北斗卫星导航系统具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

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