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载人登月与近地轨道载人飞行相比,将会遇到许多新的医学、心理学、工效学、登月服技术等医学工程问题。研究和解决这些问题是航天医学工程发展的重要任务。结合美、俄载人登月和月球居留的研究情况,重点分析载人登月与月面舱外活动中人的工作能力、压力制度选择、乘组组成、航天员选拔训练、航天员医监医保、心理健康维护、营养食品保障、环境医学和工效学、登月服技术等医学工程问题及解决思路,提出下一步研究的方向和重点。  相似文献   

航天人因工程是人因工程学在载人航天领域中的应用,秉承"为航天员使用而设计"的理念,系统研究解决航天员、航天器、航天环境之间的关系问题,确保航天员在轨安全、舒适、高效工作。从航天人因工程概念和作用出发,通过系统梳理国际国内航天人因工程研究的发展现状,重点分析了其研究特点及未来发展趋势。结合我国载人航天后续发展对航天人因工程的迫切实际需求,系统梳理了航天人因工程研究技术体系,并从管理与技术研究两个方面,系统论述了我国航天人因工程的研究应迫切开展的工作及后续发展的思路。  相似文献   

对长期飞行任务中航天员医学防护问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国外航天医学发展的分析,结合我国载人航天发展实际,综述长期飞行任务中失重、辐射等因素对人体的影响,从医学监测和失重生理效应防护技术角度对行星际航天飞行任务中保障航天员的健康安全提出建议,为我国航天事业未来发展提供参考.  相似文献   

航天员选拔训练是载人航天工程中至关重要的环节,选拔训练合格的飞行乘组将直接影响到工程计划的顺利实施和飞行任务的成败。简要分析和阐述神舟七号载人航天飞行出舱活动任务对飞行乘组及航天员选拔训练的要求与挑战、选拔的策略和原则,概述选拔训练的项目、内容、方法、实施安排与结果,以及出舱活动训练简况。  相似文献   

航空航天制造工程的技术状况,是衡量一个国家科技发展综合水平的重要标志。文章介绍了航空航天制造技术在国民经济中的特殊地位和作用,航空航天制造技术的特点及要求。航空航天制造业的关键技术、新技术及其发展趋势。[编者按]  相似文献   

航空航天产业是关系我国国防安全和大国地位的高技术战略产业。为适应国家中长期战略发展规划,做大做强我校航空航天特色主干学科和专业,2011年我校将原航空宇航工程学院、动力与能源工程学院、自动化学院及材料科学与工程学院的相关专业进行整合,成立了航空航天工程学部(院)。  相似文献   

大气压力制度是载人探月工程的顶层指标之一,需要从系统工程的角度出发,深入分析和研究,既要保证航天员安全、全力提高航天员月面出舱活动效能,还要具有工程实施的可行性和经济性。运用航天医学工程理论,从人体生理学、工程学角度,分析压力制度影响因素,提出发射和返回、地-月飞行、月面驻留和出舱活动等阶段的压力制度设计方案:航天器发射段和返回段采用(90~101.3)k Pa氧、氮混合气,地月空间转移段总压逐步降低到(58±4)k Pa,月球着陆停留阶段总压保持(58±4)k Pa,月地飞行期间总压过渡到接近101.3 k Pa,全程氧分压保持(21±2)k Pa;登月服优先选用40 k Pa纯氧压力,可向下兼容30 k Pa纯氧。这种压力制度的既能满足人体生理学要求,也能满足工程可行性和经济性要求,还可避免月面出舱活动中的减压病风险。  相似文献   

正受中国航空学会动力分会燃烧与传热传质专业委员会委托,将由北京航空航天大学承办2017年第十九届燃烧与传热传质学术交流会,现将有关征文通知如下:一、征文内容1. 航空、航天发动机燃烧新理论、新概念、新技术;2. 航空发动机主燃烧室与加力燃烧室的试验、设计与调试;3. 航空、航天发动机中传热传质的新理论、新概念、新技术;4. 数值计算在航空航天发动机燃烧、传热传质中的应用;5. 燃烧、传热传质中的新型测试技术与方法;6. 各种新型燃烧器和燃烧系统的研究。  相似文献   

AProspectofAviationMedicineinthe21stCentury随着科学技术的飞速发展,航空航天工业和生物医学的不断进步,将对航空航天医学提出新的挑战。本文就跨世纪我国民用航空医学领域的新进展及未来发展趋势作简要介绍。一、民用航空医学进展1.临床航空医学航空医学经历了半个多世纪的发展,已从单纯的“体检─选拔”模式,转为“体检─筛选─控制”的实践模式,并结合医学模式的转变,适时应用“生物─心理─社会─医学─信息工程”的综合技术成就,最大限度地使飞行员的健康状况和澡纵技能达到最佳效果。2.研究与实践随着现代大型客机的问…  相似文献   

时光飞逝,恰如白驹过隙。25年弹指一挥间,《江苏航空》期刊出版发行迈进了第100期。25年来,《江苏航空》致力于传播、普及航空、民航、航天科学技术知识,提高读者的科学文化素质,培养青少年对航空航天科学的兴趣和爱好,进行科学思想与文化交流,加强航空、民航、航天科技界间的联系交往,宣传与介绍我国航空、民航、航天科技的成就,反映国内外的发展动态,为推动我国航空、民航、航天技术的发展做出了积极的努力,也取得了可喜的成绩,在广大读者中产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

The effects of human error on aviation and space flight are discussed and the role of human factor engineering in aviation and aerospace safety is examined. Specific areas discussed are docking and extravehicular activity; quantification of human capacity for space station design; and measurement of habitability, workload, and task analysis.  相似文献   

Parks College of Engineering and Aviation of Saint Louis University [1i] has a tradition of offering an outstanding aerospace engineering education to prepare students at the undergraduate and graduate level for careers in commercial aviation, defense systems, and space systems fields. Courses are offered across the engineering spectrum (aerospace, electrical and computer engineering, and physics departments) ranging from an introduction to aerospace engineering to spacecraft design, spacecraft communications, and space physics. Students participate in courses that include orbital mechanics, space dynamics, spacecraft engineering, and space systems. Senior capstone project work is also included. A separate Astronautics Engineering track as well as a Minor in Space Systems Engineering for non-aerospace engineering students is currently being developed. A, number of student-driven space systems projects are in process that involve design, development, and test of small satellites similar to those recently highlighted in the March 2009 Systems article entitled The First one Hundred University-Class Spacecraft 1981 - 2008. Reference [4] identifies student spacecraft launched over the past 27 years.  相似文献   

GE90-115B发动机结构设计特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
GE90-115B发动机是目前世界上推力最大的发动机,由GE90-94B发动机衍生发展而来.与传统的衍生发展不同,GE90-115B发动机的高压压气机减少1级,风扇转子支承作了重大改变,将1号滚珠轴承改为直径特大的滚棒轴承,滚珠轴承则置于风扇轴后端处.对风扇转子支承方式的变化作了深入分析,同时对风扇、高压压气机、低压涡轮、轴承等的结构设计改进进行了分析,可供航空发动机结构设计人员参考.  相似文献   

为应对空间特殊服役环境,航天材料研制、保证和使用单位已在材料设计、材料加工、材料评价和材料使用方面开展了大量工作。在此基础上,本文首先对我国航天材料的选型要求进行了分析,接着对航天材料、航天材料飞行试验、空间材料科学、航天材料空间环境适应性等概念进行了辨析,并提出了航天材料工程学的概念,进而对航天材料工程的各个组成部分的关联性进行了阐述。最后,为满足未来空间技术发展需求,在总结和借鉴国内外航天材料工程发展经验的基础上,从规划、研发、试(实)验、评价、选用、数据服务等角度,设计构建了具有航天领域特色的航天材料工程体系。  相似文献   

采用高电压太阳电池阵供电系统的低轨道(LEO)大型航天器会收集周围空间环境电子电流,使其被充电到较高的负电位,从而对航天器交会对接和航天员出舱产生严重的危害,因此对这种航天器表面电位进行主动控制可有效降低航天器运行风险和保障航天员安全。采用地面模拟试验的方法,利用空心阴极等离子体接触器发射电子的手段,模拟太空环境下对带负电航天器表面电位进行有效控制。研究结果表明,最小工质流率大于4.0 sccm时空心阴极发射的电子电流可以抵消航天器吸收的电子电流,实现航天器电位的自适应控制,将航天器表面电位钳制在20 V之内;且随着氙气流率的增加,钳位电压会更小。这一方法将有效避免航天员出舱活动和航天器交会对接时的放电危险,对中国航天器带电效应防护具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

以空间作战为目标的航天测控发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
未来空间作战对航天测控提出了更高的要求。介绍了航天测控与空间作战的关系,分析了未来空间作战对航天测控的需求,并通过对我国航天测控网现状和不足的分析,提出了相应的航天测控发展对策,以使航天测控的发展能够适应未来空间作战的要求。  相似文献   

Involvement in concept engineering forces the individual as well as corporations to consider aspects and disciplines concerned with public utility, taste, and convenience. The marketplaces are varied and in a state of flux. Nevertheless, personal entrepreneurship as exemplified by high technology efforts in the aerospace, computer, and electronics industries is essential and identified as a basic American characteristic. Individuals and corporations are challenged to channel their efforts and organization to attack broad social objectives, currently recogned but awaiting clarification and polarization of the environment, to allow technology, via effective concept engineering, to participate in the achievement of successes equal to those attained in consumer products, defense engineering, and space exploration.  相似文献   

We consider reliability engineering in modern civil aviation industry, and the related engineering activities and methods. We consider reliability in a broad sense, referring to other system characteristics that are related to it, like availability, maintainability, safety and durability. We covered the entire lifecycle of the equipment, including reliability requirement identification, reliability analysis and design, verification and validation of reliability requirements (typically involved in the equipment design and development phase), quality assurance (which typically enters in the manufacturing phase), and fault diagnosis and prognosis and maintenance (which are connected to the operation phase). Lessons learnt from reliability engineering practices in civil aviation industry are given, which might serve as reference for reliability managers and engineers, also from other industries with high reliability requirements.  相似文献   

There exists an increasing need for precision measurement & pointing control and extreme motion stability for current and future space systems, e.g., Ultra-Performance Spacecraft (UPS). Some notable technologies of realizing Ultra-Pointing (UP) ability have been developed particularly for Ultra-accuracy Ultra-stability Ultra-agility (3U) spacecraft over recent decades. Usually, Multilevel Compound Pointing Control Techniques (MCPCTs) are deployed in aerospace engineering, especially in astronomical observation satellites and Earth observation satellites. Modern controllers and/or algorithms, which are a key factor of MCPCTs for 3U spacecraft, especially the jitter phenomena that commonly exist in a UPS Pointing Control System (PCS), have also been effectively used in some UP spacecraft for a number of years. Micro-vibration suppression approaches, however, are often proposed to deal with low-level mechanical vibration or disturbance in the microgravity environment that is common for UPS. This latter approach potentially is one of the most practical UP techniques for 3U tasks. Some emerging advanced Disturbance-Free Payload (DFP) satellites that exploit the benefits of non-contact actuators have also been reported in the literature. This represents an interesting and highly promising approach for solving some challenging problems in the area. This paper serves as a state-of-the-art review of UP technologies and/or methods which have been developed, mainly over the last decade, specifically for or potentially could be used for 3U spacecraft pointing control. The problems discussed in this paper are of reference significance to UPS and millisecond optical sensors, which are involved in Gaofeng Project, deep space exploration, manned space flight, and gravitational wave detection.  相似文献   

This article is an interview with U.S. astronaut Norman Thagard. He was on the Russian Mir 18 mission. Launched to the space station from Baikonur on March 14, 1995, he returned to Earth on the Shuttle 115 days later. With the completion of that mission, Thagard holds the U.S. record for the most time spent in space. Topics of discussion during the interview include: the cultural isolation faced by an American astronaut on a Russian space facility; the physiological and psychological effects of long-duration space flight; the problems of loss of bone and the radiation environment; readaptation to gravity on Earth; and, recommendations to the designers of the Alpha station.  相似文献   

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