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The results of measurements of absolute flux values and long term temporal evolution of the spatial distribution of trapped He ions in the energy range 1.2 – 9.2 MeV/nucleon below L = 4 are reported. The observations were made with ion counter on board the Japanese OHZORA satellite during the period of January 1984 through March 1987.  相似文献   

We compared the IRI values of Te, Ne, Ti, O+, H+, He+, O2+, and NO+ with AE-C values, obtained from the Goddard Comprehensive Ionosphere Database (GCID), composed of data from the satellites, AE-B, OGO-6, ISIS-2, AE-C, AE-D, and AE-E. O+ - H+ transition levels were derived from the IRI and AE-C altitude profiles. Some discrepancies were found between IRI and the AE-C data. The IRI electron density was found to be about a factor of 2 higher than the data. The H+ composition agreed best among the IRI ions, with an average AE-C/IRI ratio of 1.05. The temperatures of both electrons and ions agreed quite well: the average ratios of AE-C/IRI was found to be .99 for electrons and 1.17 for ions.  相似文献   

The evolution of a barium ion cloud formed in the MR-20 rocket experiment in the low-latitude ionosphere is considered using data of Doppler multifrequency sounding.  相似文献   

It is well known that the solar wind can significantly affect high-latitude ionospheric dynamics. However, the effects of the solar wind on the middle- and low-latitude ionosphere are much less studied. In this paper, we report observations that large perturbations in the middle- and low-latitude ionosphere are well correlated with solar wind variations. In one event, a significant (20–30%) decrease of the midlatitude ionospheric electron density over a large latitudinal range was related to a sudden drop in the solar wind pressure and a northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field, and the density decrease became larger at lower latitudes. In another event, periodic perturbations in the dayside equatorial ionospheric E × B drift and electrojet were closely associated with variations in the interplanetary electric field. Since the solar wind is always changing with time, it can be a very important and common source of ionospheric perturbations at middle- and low-latitudes. The relationship between solar wind variations and significant ionospheric perturbations has important applications in space weather.  相似文献   

We have studied the topside nighttime ionosphere of the low latitude region using data obtained from DMSP F15, ROCSAT-1, KOMPSAT-1, and GUVI on the TIMED satellite for the period of 2000–2004, during which solar activity decreased from its maximum. As these satellites operated at different altitudes, we were able to discriminate altitude dependence of several key ionospheric parameters on the level of solar activity. For example, with intensifying solar activity, electron density was seen to increase more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes, implying that the corresponding scale height also increased. The density increased without saturation at all observed altitudes when plotted against solar EUV flux instead of F10.7. The results of the present study, as compared with those of previous studies for lower altitudes, indicate that topside vertical scale height increases with altitude and that, when solar activity increases, topside vertical scale height increases more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes. Temperature also increased more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes as solar activity increased. In addition, the height of the F2 peak was seen to increase with increasing solar activity, along with the oxygen ion fraction measured above the F2 peak. These results confirm that the topside ionosphere rises and expands with increasing solar activity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses photometric measurements made of the ionospheric excitation of the line λ = 5577A? at the time of electron beam injection from a rocket into the Earth's ionosphere. The gradual increase of the glow intensity per impulse occurs due to accumulation of the energy of excited states of N2(A3Σ+u) and O(′S) during their lifetimes. The large disturbed zone in the near-rocket environment (size >500 m) is connected via the interaction of ions accelerated in the rocket potential field with ionospheric components. The glow intensity modulation is observed at a height of ~98 km during the electron beam injection simultaneously with the ignition of the beam-plasma discharge (BPD). The intensity minima are explained by a decrease of the energy of accelerated ions due to effective neutralization of the rocket body by the BPD plasma. The height profile of the glow intensity revealed two maxima at heights of ~103 km and ~115 km. The second maximum (at ~115 km) indicates that, at these heights, both collision and collision-free mechanisms of accelerated ion energy transport to ionospheric components exist.  相似文献   

Data from ARCS rocket ion beam injection experiments will be primarily discussed in this paper. There are three results from this series of active experiments that are of particular interest in space plasma physics. These are the transverse acceleration of ambient ions in the large beam volume, the scattering of beam ions near the release payload, and the possible acceleration of electrons very close to the plasma generator which produce intense high frequency waves. The ability of 100 ma ion beam injections into the upper E and F regions of the ionosphere to produce these phenomena appear to be related solely to the process by which the plasma release payload and the ion beam are neutralized. Since the electrons in the plasma release do not convect with the plasma ions, the neutralization of both the payload and beam must be accomplished by large field-aligned currents (milliamperes/square meter) which are very unstable to wave growth of various modes. Future work will concentrate on the wave production and wave-particle interactions that produce the plasma/energetic particle effects discussed in this paper and which have direct application to natural phenomena in the upper ionosphere and magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The Bennett rf ion mass spectrometer (OIMS) on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter was particularly designed to provide variable temporal resolution for measurements of thermal ion composition and density. An Explore-Adapt mode is used to obtain priority for measurement of most prominent ion species, and in a 2/16 configuration, the two dominant ions within the available range of 16 species are selectively sampled at the highest rate of 0.2 sec/sample. The high resolution measurements are combined with independent observations from the magnetic field (OMAG), neutral mass spectrometer (ONMS), and electron temperature (OETP) experiments to investigate sharply structured troughs in the low altitude nightside ion concentrations. The results indicate a close correlation between the structure in the ion distributions and the structured configuration of the magnetic field which is draped about the planet. In the regions of the ion depletions, sharp fluctuations in electron temperature and anomalous increases in the density of neutral gases indicate that the ion depletion may be associated either with dynamic perturbation in the ion and neutral flows, and/or local joule heating. The configuration of the ion flow/magnetic field draping and consequent electric fields for these events must be analyzed in detail to understand the relationships.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the magnetosheath ion flux   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetosheath plays a crucial role in solar wind-magnetosphere interaction because it is the magnetosheath magnetic field and plasma that interact with the magnetopause and magnetosphere, not the unshocked solar wind. We are presenting ion flux measurement statistics at both the dawn and dusk flanks of the magnetosheath and their comparison with a gasdynamic magnetosheath model. The study is based on three years of INTERBALL-1 measurements supported by simultaneous WIND solar wind and magnetic field observations. Statistical processing has shown (1) the limitations of the gasdynamic model, (2) the conditions favorable for the creation of a plasma depletion layer adjacent to the flank magnetopause, (3) strong dawn-dusk asymmetry of the ion fluxes, and (4) an evidence for the presence of a slow mode front adjacent to the magnetopause.  相似文献   

We investigated the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of ion density Ni over the Indian low and equatorial topside ionosphere within 17.5°S to 17.5°N magnetic latitudes by combining the data from SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 for the 9 year period from 1995 to 2003 during solar cycle 23. The diurnal maximum density is found in the local noon or in the afternoon hours and the minimum occurs in the pre sunrise hours. The density is higher during the equinoxes as compared to that in the June and December solstice. The local time spread of the daytime maximum ion density increases with increase in solar activity. A north south asymmetry with higher ion density over northern hemisphere in the June solstice and over southern hemisphere in December solstice has been observed in moderate and high solar activity years. The crest to crest distance increases with increase in solar flux. Ion density bears a nonlinear relationship with F10.7 cm solar flux and EUV flux in general. The density increases linearly with solar flux up to ∼150 sfu (1 sfu = 10−22Wm−2Hz−1) and EUV flux up to ∼50 units (109 photons cm−2 s−1). But beyond this the density saturates. Inverse saturation and linear relationship have been observed in some season or latitude also. Inter-comparison of the three solar activity indices F10.7 cm flux, EUV flux and F10.7P (= (F10.7 + F10.7A)/2, where F10.7A is the 81 day running average value of F10.7) shows that the ion density correlates better with F10.7P and F10.7 cm fluxes. The annual average daytime total ion density from 1995 to 2003 follows a hysteresis loop as the solar cycle reverses. The ion density at 500 km over the Indian longitude sector as obtained by the international reference ionosphere is in general lower than the measured densities during moderate and high solar activity years. In low solar activity years the model densities are equal or higher than measured densities. The IRI EIA peaks are symmetric (±10°) in equinox while densities are higher at 10°N in June solstice and at 10°S in the December solstice. The model density follows F10.7 linearly up to about F10.7 > ∼150 sfu and then saturates.  相似文献   

As one payload of a Chinese seismic satellite program, an ion drift meter (IDM) will measure drift velocity of thermal ions at an altitude of 500 km. Previous works have shown that such instruments use biased grids to create nonuniform potential in the grid planes, which brings systematic errors to the inferred parameters. A commercial finite element analysis software is used to simulate this instrument in the exact size. The error sources from thermal velocity, nonuniform transparency of real grids and potential depression in the grid planes are explained. The simulation results show that the arrival angle and drift velocity will be underestimated in all the conditions and the maximal error will be about −0.87° and −121 m/s, respectively. Furthermore, the relative error of the inferred arrival angle and the drift velocity will be inversely correlated with the arrival angle because of the lensing effect of the potential depression. This simulation provides a quantificational method of evaluating and correcting the data during in situ operation.  相似文献   

The subsolar ionopause of Venus is expected to be stable to both the Kelvin-Helmholtz and flute instabilities. However, magnetic profiles obtained in the subsolar region indicate that the surface of the ionopause contains large amplitude corrugations, perhaps incipient flux ropes. A possible mechanism for destabilizing the boundary is suggested by the observation that the ion density does not drop abruptly at the ionopause but continues to decrease smoothly into the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

Longitudinal distributions of post-midnight equatorial ionospheric irregularity occurrences observed by ROCSAT-1 (1st satellite of the Republic of China) during moderate to high solar activity years in two solstices are studied with respect to the vertical drift velocity and density variations. The post-midnight irregularity distributions are found to be similar to the well-documented pre-midnight ones, but are different from some published distributions taken during solar minimum years. Even though the post-midnight ionosphere is sinking in general, longitudes of frequent positive vertical drift and high density seems to coincide with the longitudes of high irregularity occurrences. Large scatters found in the vertical drift velocity and density around the dip equator in different ROCSAT-1 orbits indicate the existence of large and frequent variations in the vertical drift velocity and density that seem to be able to provide sufficient perturbations for the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability to cause the irregularity occurrences. The need of seeding agents such as gravity waves from atmospheric convective clouds to initiate the Rayleigh-Taylor instability may not be necessary.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations can be helpful tools in modelling ionospheric parameters in regions and for times where not enough experimental data are available. Our study asks whether results of heat balance calculations should be introduced to supplement the data base for the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). We discuss the present status of our theoretical understanding and examine the influence of the following unresolved or neglected terms: (1) electron heating rate, (2) electron cooling by fine structure excitation of atomic oxygen, and (3) height-dependent Coulomb Logarithm. The ambiguity introduced by (1)–(3) leads up to 30% uncertainty in the electron temperature of the lower thermosphere. The electron temperature in the upper ionosphere is largely determined by heat conduction from above and depends critically on the conditions assumed at the boundary between ionosphere and plasmasphere.  相似文献   

The ion density measured by the Ionospheric Plasma and Electrodynamics Instrument (IPEI) on board the ROCSAT -1 over the 75°E and 95°E meridian at 600km altitude has been utilized to examine the latitudinal and longitudinal distribution within the Indian sector, in particular, the north-south and east-west asymmetries of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). A longitudinal gradient in ion density at 600?km higher towards 95°E develops during the noontime and afternoon hours when the EIA is at its peak. The density gradient persists till evening hours when pre-reversal enhancements occur. The vertical E?×?B plasma drift velocity measured simultaneously by ROCSAT -1 for the same space-time configuration has also been studied. In addition to diurnal, seasonal and solar activity variations in E?×?B drift velocity, the longitudinal gradient is also observed. The EIA at the altitude of 600?km peaks at different latitudes and are mostly asymmetric about the magnetic equator. From midnight till 0800 LT, the ion density across the equator is nearly uniform in the equinoxes. But in the solstices, the density exhibits a north-south gradient. In the June solstice, density is higher in the northern hemisphere and decreases gradually towards south. The gradient in density reverses in December solstice. Normally, the EIA peaks within 1200 LT and 1600 LT while around 2000 LT, pre-reversal enhancement of ionization occurs affecting the EIA evening structure. The strength of the EIA also exhibits seasonal, year-to-year and hemispheric variations. The longitudinal asymmetry of drift velocity along 75°E and 95°E longitude sectors is the contributing factor behind the observed longitudinal asymmetry in ion density. Significant positive correlation between the strength of the EIA and E?×?B drift is observed in both longitudes.  相似文献   

The artificial low frequency (LF) signals recorded at topside ionosphere from DEMETER satellite were analyzed in this paper, and the typical diurnal and seasonal variations were illustrated around 162?kHz in electric field spectra. The larger power spectrum density (PSD) values in electric field at local nighttime and in winter season all demonstrate the correlation feature of lower plasma content to higher penetration of LF waves into ionosphere. Around Wenchuan earthquake, the comparison of signal-noise-ratio (SNR) values in electric field with each half month during January to May in 2008 and the same half month in May from 2005 to 2007 revealed their lowest values and small covering area around the preparation region of Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Combined with other researches in VLF radio waves and geochemical observations from satellite, the interaction of ion accumulation and upward movement from gas-water release at surface might be a key factor to disturb the ionospheric plasma density, and then possibly leading to the decrease of low energy penetration of LF radio waves from the artificial transmitted source at ground.  相似文献   

The PORCUPINE sounding rocket project provided the opportunity to study the dynamics of an artificially injected plasma beam in the near-Earth space. The structure of the plasma beam, its propagation across the magnetic field as well as the resulting wave phenomena will be discussed.  相似文献   

Ionospheric inhomogeneous plasma produced by single point chemical release has simple space-time structure, and cannot impact radio wave frequencies higher than Very High Frequency (VHF) band. In order to produce more complicated ionospheric plasma perturbation structure and trigger instabilities phenomena, multiple-point chemical release scheme is presented in this paper. The effects of chemical release on low latitude ionospheric plasma are estimated by linear instability growth rate theory that high growth rate represents high irregularities, ionospheric scintillation occurrence probability and high scintillation intension in scintillation duration. The amplitude scintillations and the phase scintillations of 150?MHz, 400?MHz, and 1000?MHz are calculated based on the theory of multiple phase screen (MPS), when they propagate through the disturbed area.  相似文献   

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